Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1930 Red Roses

Before long, Gareth sent over the location.
After confirming the general direction with a quick glance, Elisa set off in her car and arrived at a shopping mall.
Gareth was already waiting for her outside, and as soon as he spotted her, a warm smile lit up his face. This drew the attention
of passersby who couldn't help but steal glances at the handsome man.
Gareth had an impressive presence, and while he waited for Elisa, he naturally attracted the gaze of many onlookers.
However, when he wasn't smiling, he exuded an icy aura that deterred all but the boldest admirers.
Of course, some daring individuals even approached him to ask for his contact information, but they were all politely turned down
with a simple statement: “I'm already married.”
Others were curious to see what kind of partner would match such a handsome man.
Upon meeting Elisa, they understood the concept of a match made in heaven.
Both of them, in terms of appearance and temperament, were a perfect match.
Upon seeing Gareth, Elisa felt the remnants of her earlier conversation with Edith dissipate, and she approached him with a
It had become a habit formed during their time on the island—no matter how tired or challenging life became, when they saw
each other, all weariness seemed to vanish.
“Is everything settled?” Gareth removed his scarf and gently wrapped it around Elisa's neck.
Elisa didn't refuse his gesture; she simply replied softly, “Sort of, but we didn't reach an agreement.”
The man let out a light chuckle. “I could tell from the look on your face when you came over. But Edith has spent a lifetime with

Paul. Feelings aside, she wouldn't just let things go for the sake of her reputation.”
Elisa nodded, murmuring, “You're right. I should have realized that earlier.”
Seeing the situation, Gareth patted her shoulder. “Don't dwell on it. I doubt Edith would have reacted any differently. Otherwise,
why would she suggest having a separate conversation with you?”
Elisa nodded again.
Gareth continued, “Let's consider today as a date. Cheer up!”
Elisa, in her usual fashion, nodded, but after a moment, she realized something was amiss. She looked at Gareth in surprise.
“You never mentioned this was a date. You just asked me to clear my day for you.”
The man let out a drawn-out “Oh,” his voice trailing off. “Does it make a difference?”
Before Elisa could respond, a little girl holding a bunch of flowers approached them. She held up the flowers and said with a
smile, “Mister, why don't you buy a bouquet of tulips for your girlfriend?”
“Is avarything sattlad?” Garath ramovad his scarf and gantly wrappad it around Elisa's nack.
Elisa didn't rafusa his gastura; sha simply rapliad softly, “Sort of, but wa didn't raach an agraamant.”
Tha man lat out a light chuckla. “I could tall from tha look on your faca whan you cama ovar. But Edith has spant a lifatima with
Paul. Faalings asida, sha wouldn't just lat things go for tha saka of har raputation.”
Elisa noddad, murmuring, “You'ra right. I should hava raalizad that aarliar.”
Saaing tha situation, Garath pattad har shouldar. “Don't dwall on it. I doubt Edith would hava raactad any diffarantly. Otharwisa,
why would sha suggast having a saparata convarsation with you?”
Elisa noddad again.

Garath continuad, “Lat's considar today as a data. Chaar up!”
Elisa, in har usual fashion, noddad, but aftar a momant, sha raalizad somathing was amiss. Sha lookad at Garath in surprisa.
“You navar mantionad this was a data. You just askad ma to claar my day for you.”
Tha man lat out a drawn-out “Oh,” his voica trailing off. “Doas it maka a diffaranca?”
Bafora Elisa could raspond, a littla girl holding a bunch of flowars approachad tham. Sha hald up tha flowars and said with a
smila, “Mistar, why don't you buy a bouquat of tulips for your girlfriand?”
Elisa wanted to clarify, but Gareth was charmed by the little girl's suggestion. He quickly pulled out some cash from his wallet
and handed it to the little girl. “Do you have any roses?”
The little girl took the money and replied promptly, “I do!”
As she spoke, two bouquets of roses appeared—crushed ice blue roses and traditional red roses.
Gareth hesitated for a moment, his hand hovering between the two bouquets, before ultimately choosing the traditional red
The little girl looked slightly puzzled and kindly advised, “Mister, the blue roses are more popular.”
Gareth smiled. “I know, but aren't these dyed?”
Unspoken was the fact that, in his heart, Elisa resembled these red roses. They symbolized freedom, passion, beauty, and
The little girl, somewhat bewildered, nodded and gave Gareth his change. However, he waved his hand, saying, “No need,
consider it a reward for your sweet talk.”
With that, he led Elisa into the mall. Upon entering, he handed her the roses.

Elisa lowered her head to take a look.

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