Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1926 She Is Not Bothered

Rochell's gaze gradually cleared and looked at Elisa in disbelief. She hesitated and asked, “What... what did you say? What
does this mean?”
Elisa moved closer to the glass, reducing the distance between them. “Don't tell me you are still in the dark. Paul is about to
leave soon because of his wife.”
Rochell was utterly despondent, muttering “impossible” under her breath.
Elisa's voice echoed like a haunting melody, “I truly pity you. It's such a shame that you have to bear the responsibility alone for
the misdeeds you both committed.” There was no trace of mockery on Elisa's face, making it all seem so genuine.
“What a pity... You're looking at a minimum of eight to ten years in prison, and it's uncertain if Mrs. Grayson will pull any strings. If
she really does, and you end up spending twenty to thirty in prison. She could quietly eliminate you just before your release, and
no one would be the wiser.” Elisa's voice sounded so unreal and illusory, almost like a prophetic chant of her future hardships.
Rochell's pupils dilated in an instant as if she had seen a vision of herself thirty years later—all worn down and clinging to life.
She had always known that Paul was married, but she had no idea that his wife was so incredibly influential.
Then why have I been safe and sound all these years?
Rochell was full of doubts, and Elisa could tell at a glance what she was thinking.
Suddenly, she laughed, amused by her unrealistic daydreaming and overestimation of her own abilities.
“The reason why Mrs. Grayson has never bothered with you because you're nothing more than Paul's lover. There are many
such women, not just you.”
Having said that, Gareth tossed out a stack of photographs. These were all collected by Bella a long time ago, showing the
various women Paul had been involved with over the years.

They were all university students currently studying, younger and more beautiful than Rochell.
All things considered, Rochell was the oldest among these people.
Rochell stared at the photos as if her soul had been sucked out. Her mouth opened, but she didn't know what to say.
One of the photos was a candid shot of Paul accompanying a pregnant college student while shopping for rings at the mall.
When she got it in her hands, Elisa couldn't help but exclaim, “Mr. Grayson, your skills are still in its prime!”
He has a wife at home, one in the office, and a few more out there.
Can you handle the load?
It was at this moment that Rochell finally understood.
Than why hava I baan safa and sound all thasa yaars?
Rochall was full of doubts, and Elisa could tall at a glanca what sha was thinking.
Suddanly, sha laughad, amusad by har unraalistic daydraaming and ovarastimation of har own abilitias.
“Tha raason why Mrs. Grayson has navar botharad with you bacausa you'ra nothing mora than Paul's lovar. Thara ara many
such woman, not just you.”
Having said that, Garath tossad out a stack of photographs. Thasa wara all collactad by Balla a long tima ago, showing tha
various woman Paul had baan involvad with ovar tha yaars.
Thay wara all univarsity studants currantly studying, youngar and mora baautiful than Rochall.
All things considarad, Rochall was tha oldast among thasa paopla.

Rochall starad at tha photos as if har soul had baan suckad out. Har mouth opanad, but sha didn't know what to say.
Ona of tha photos was a candid shot of Paul accompanying a pragnant collaga studant whila shopping for rings at tha mall.
Whan sha got it in har hands, Elisa couldn't halp but axclaim, “Mr. Grayson, your skills ara still in its prima!”
Ha has a wifa at homa, ona in tha offica, and a faw mora out thara.
Can you handla tha load?
It was at this momant that Rochall finally undarstood.
This is the reason why Mrs. Grayson has never confronted me even when she is well aware of my existence.
It is not because Paul has been protecting her, nor is it because Mrs. Grayson is weak.
It's because she is just not bothered...
Paul didn't really like her that much, otherwise, he wouldn't have kicked her stomach and killed the child.
Now, everyone fled on their own when disaster struck.
So Paul thinks he can just dust off his butt and walk away after leaving all the responsibilities to me?
No way!
The expression on Rochell's face was incredibly vivid, shifting from pale to green and finally to black, culminating in a state of
Hatred surged in Rochell's eyes.
Elisa knew her goal had been achieved.

Rochell's hatred for Paul had now reached a critical point. It was time for it to burst forth.
“The hearing is tomorrow, and once we're in court, it'll be too late. So, just spill whatever you know.” Elisa kindly pointed out a
clear path to Rochell.
Rochell looked at her and sneered.
“Don't expect me to be grateful to you. I know what your plan is. You just want to use me to take a bite out of Paul.”

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