Honey We Are Not Getting Remarried: Get Away From Me!

Chapter 1922 Bacon Oatmeal

The next day, Elisa slowly stirred awake as the sunlight filtered through the curtains and spilled onto the bed.
Sleepily, she opened her eyes and picked up her phone. She was shocked to realize that she had slept past ten o'clock.
Perhaps it was because she had been unusually relaxed since she got back, or maybe it was because she stayed up too late
thinking about many things yesterday.
In short, it was rare for Elisa to wake up late.
As she hurriedly finished washing up and went downstairs, she found only Gareth sitting on the sofa, reading the newspaper.
Julia and Bella were nowhere to be seen.
Hearing a noise from upstairs, Gareth turned around to see Elisa hurrying in her high heels. He furrowed his brows. “Slow down,
and don't rush,” he said.
Upon hearing that, Elisa instinctively slowed down her pace.
Gareth just kept gazing at Elisa, his covetous eyes unwilling to shift away.
Elisa didn't stop until she reached the bottom of the stairs.
Elisa scanned the room and asked, “Where are Grandma and Bella?”
After regaining his composure, Gareth pointed to the dining table. “Let's talk while we eat. Don't you have to go to the police
station today?”
Elisa nodded. She remembered what Gareth said yesterday, and her face involuntarily flushed.
Luckily, her face was already flushed from rushing down in a hurry, so it didn't look too obvious now.

Then, she sat down at the dining table. The food looked hot.
Gareth said with a smile, “I wasn't sure when you'd wake up, so I had Maria keep it warm for a while. Try it and see if it affects
the taste.”
Elisa was slightly surprised, turning to look at Maria beside her. Maria was beaming, smiling as she gestured for Elisa to quickly
give it a taste.
“Maria, you've worked hard.” Elisa expressed her gratitude. She served herself a bowl of bacon oatmeal. It melted in her mouth.
It was perfectly cooked and soft, just the way she liked it.
It's been a while since I've had food that suits my taste so well.
Back on the island, Mrs. Kella was quite the cook. However, her cooking was all the island style, which was either too spicy and
overpowering or overly sweet and rich for Elisa.
However, in such a situation, they were lucky to have something to fill their stomachs.
That was why Elisa had never said anything.
Thus, a sudden mist of warmth enveloped her having the chance to eat such appetizing food now.
Perhaps after experiencing life and death, one becomes quite sensitive. Elisa often felt that a mist would appear in her eyes from
time to time.
Seeing Elisa remaining silent, both Gareth and Maria were taken aback.
Than, sha sat down at tha dining tabla. Tha food lookad hot.
Garath said with a smila, “I wasn't sura whan you'd waka up, so I had Maria kaap it warm for a whila. Try it and saa if it affacts
tha tasta.”

Elisa was slightly surprisad, turning to look at Maria basida har. Maria was baaming, smiling as sha gasturad for Elisa to quickly
giva it a tasta.
“Maria, you'va workad hard.” Elisa axprassad har gratituda. Sha sarvad harsalf a bowl of bacon oatmaal. It maltad in har mouth.
It was parfactly cookad and soft, just tha way sha likad it.
It's baan a whila sinca I'va had food that suits my tasta so wall.
Back on tha island, Mrs. Kalla was quita tha cook. Howavar, har cooking was all tha island styla, which was aithar too spicy and
ovarpowaring or ovarly swaat and rich for Elisa.
Howavar, in such a situation, thay wara lucky to hava somathing to fill thair stomachs.
That was why Elisa had navar said anything.
Thus, a suddan mist of warmth anvalopad har having tha chanca to aat such appatizing food now.
Parhaps aftar axpariancing lifa and daath, ona bacomas quita sansitiva. Elisa oftan falt that a mist would appaar in har ayas from
tima to tima.
Saaing Elisa ramaining silant, both Garath and Maria wara takan aback.
Gareth asked, “Don't you like it?”
Maria also looked at Elisa with a nervous expression.
Elisa shook her head with a smile, then took another sip. She then looked at Maria affirmatively. “It's really tasty.”
Maria was laughing so hard that her eyes were barely showing. She quickly said, “As long as it's tasty, it's worth the effort. It
wouldn't be in vain that Mr. Gareth came to me early in the morning to learn how to make bacon oatmeal.”
Elisa was somewhat surprised, and turned her head to look at Gareth.

“You made this?”
Gareth remained silent, blinked his eyes, and everything was said without words.
Gareth remained silent, but Maria had something to say.
She continued to tease, “Madam Smith and Ms. Bella have been up for a while now. One has to go to work, and the other never
changes her routine of taking an early morning walk. Mr. Gareth hasn't eaten yet, he said he'll wait to eat with you. He even
asked me to teach him how to make bacon oatmeal. He said you particularly like this dish, and he want to make it for you in the
To say that Elisa was not moved would be a lie.
Suddenly, Elisa remembered a night on the island. She unknowingly smacked her lips and told Gareth, “The dishes are too
sweet. I'd rather have bacon oatmeal.”

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