Home Game (A Vancouver Wolves Hockey Romance Book 2)

Home Game: Chapter 22

I OPENED my eyes to the smell of burning food. Today was my birthday. I should pack up and leave, but I had already promised Ryan I’d help him out tomorrow night when Mica came over. I promised myself I would leave on Sunday. I was living on borrowed time before Terrance reappeared.

I pulled on a hoodie and moved towards the kitchen.

A steaming frying pan sizzled in the kitchen sink and Ryan was bent over, wiping something off the floor, giving me a money shot of his taut, muscular ass in his stretchy gray shorts. I had the urge to run my palms over his ass, to see if it was as hard as it looked.

I cleared my throat, “What are you doing?”

“Oh shit,” he straightened up, wearing a guilty look on his face.

I eyeballed the kitchen. Pancake batter dripped down the edge of a bowl on the counter. A carton of eggs, with broken egg shells beside it, littered the counter. Burnt bacon stacked on a napkin. “Are you trying to make breakfast?”

He put his hands on his hips. “Yeah. I’m trying to make your birthday breakfast, but I might have been too ambitious with the pancakes.”

Unexpected emotion washed over my heart, making my bottom lip tremble against my will. I covered it up with a smile. “You did all this for me?”

“You want some burnt bacon?”

Laughter squeezed out of my tight chest. “Want me to do pancakes with that bacon?”

“You’re not supposed to cook on your own birthday.”

“You want to eat or not?”

“I’ll make the coffee.”

Within minutes, we sat side by side at the island, eating my pancakes and his burnt bacon. I felt so much joy, it made the meal taste like a five-star. I wondered if this was the happiest moment of my life? In case it was, I tried to savor every single second. I wanted to remember how Ryan ate three times as many pancakes as me. The way his eyes sparkled when he looked down at me. The easy conversation between us. I worked to imprint every single moment into my memory.

He glanced down at me, “What time is the IKEA building team getting here?”

“Ten AM. They are bringing all the furniture and building it.”

He smiled. “And tonight?”

“Krista is picking me up for dinner and we’ll come to your game.”

“So do you want your birthday gift now or later?”


“Hang on.”

He disappeared for a moment into his bedroom and then returned carrying that familiar, eggshell turquoise blue bag. When he placed it in front of me, I thought my heart would hammer out of my chest.

“What is that?”

“Open it and find out.”

My trembling fingers unwrapped a small box.

“The starfish earrings,” I breathed, staring in awe at the sparkling silver earrings I knew set Ryan back $475.

“You said you liked them in the store.”

I reached out to touch one with the tip of my finger. “No, I said I loved them.”

“Try them on.”

I moved to the mirror in the hallway. They sparkled and danced in the light. They were so beautiful.

“You have cute ears,” Ryan studied me.

“This is too much,” I tried, without success, to keep the emotion out of my voice.

Our eyes met, and for one crazy moment, I thought about kissing him. What would it feel like to be Ryan’s girlfriend, where I could step up to him and ask for a kiss merely by lifting my face?

A look passed between us, one I didn’t understand. I watched as his eyes darkened. “I should get to practice. I’ll see you tonight, okay?”


FOUR EXTREMELY COMPETENT INDIVIDUALS, who didn’t even use the instructions, constructed the IKEA furniture. While they worked, I unwrapped all the accessories to decorate.

“Is this all IKEA?” Bianca asked from the kitchen, watching the team.


She rolled her eyes. “Figures.”

“Ryan loves IKEA.”

She snorted delicately. “I hardly think so. Ryan is far too sophisticated to love something that college students and poor people like.”

I froze. Did Ryan not like how I decorated?

“That’s not true. He specifically asked me to shop at IKEA.”

“Did he really? Or does he merely indulge you?”

Bianca was asking questions that made me feel uncomfortable. I didn’t understand either why Ryan was being so kind to me. Didn’t he like IKEA? The first time we went shopping, he had asked me where I would shop. Would he really let me decorate the place if he didn’t like IKEA furniture? Hadn’t he asked me to do the bathrooms and the living room after I showed him what I could do in the guest room?

I had no answers. Ryan was someone I didn’t understand. Not his kindness nor his generosity.

I felt subdued as the team left and I finished decorating the living room. I had bought a coffee table, a matching bookshelf, and a sitting chair. I accessorized with lamps, pillows, a few wall hangings, and some potted plants. In the dining room, we had bought a farm-style table, six matching chairs, a matching hutch, and another painting.

I stood back admiring my work. Combined they made up the most beautiful great room I had ever seen.

“Where did you get those earrings?” Bianca stood beside me. She was staring at my ears. Self-consciously, I touched one starfish earring.


She stepped closer. “Are those from Tiffany?”

I moved away from her to plump the pillows. “None of your business.”

“You really have him wrapped around your finger, don’t you?”

I ignored her.

“You live here, you don’t have a job. You mooch off Ryan, spend his money, and now you have him buying you expensive gifts?”

“I don’t ask him to buy me anything.”

“No, you play the whole poor-me card and the guy folds because he feels so much pity for you. I think it’s time you take your little scam somewhere else.”

Is that what was going on? Did Ryan pity me? Is that why he helped me?

“It’s not like that.”

“I know you’re sleeping with him,” she placed one hand on a slim hip. “You were in his bedroom the other morning.”

I blinked at her, wishing she’d just leave me alone.

“You think Ryan will get serious about someone like you?”

“I don’t have to explain my friendship to you,” I tried to sound tough but my voice wavered dangerously at the end.

“He will tire of you,” she taunted, as I moved towards my bedroom. “Ryan won’t ever end up with someone like you.”

I knew that. I didn’t even let myself daydream about someone like Ryan. Perhaps it was best I left before he got sick of me.

I WAS GETTING ready for the game when I heard Bianca call my name.

“Zoey, there’s someone at the door for you.”

“Coming,” I said, pulling my jersey over my head. Krista was early, but that was okay.

I came around the corner and skidded to a halt.


Bianca stood at the door with her purse over her shoulder. She had a vicious expression on her face. “Looks like an old friend has come to visit you. I’ll leave you two to catch up.”

I wanted to beg Bianca to stay, to not leave me alone with my personal monster, but I could only stand there, numb and terrified.

The door clicked behind her.

“What did you tell Bianca?”

“Just that we were old friends.” He whistled, as he turned around in a circle. “Girl, you are living the high life.”

“And she let you in.”

“Oh, more than that. She all but told me to come on up for a visit. She even told the doorman to let me in.”

“Get out,” I instructed, hating that he was standing between me and the door.

“I’m not leaving until I get what’s coming to me.”

I hated him. Hated the question I was about to ask him. “What do you want?”

“Well,” he looked around. “For starters, I want five grand.”

“Five thousand dollars?” I sputtered. “I don’t have that kind of money.”

“No, but you can get it.”

“I’m just staying here as a guest. Ryan doesn’t give me that kind of money.”

He stepped forward, his eyes as cold and dead as a snake’s gaze. “Give me what you got.”

“Will you leave?” I was desperate to get him out of here.

“For now.”

I blindly rushed into my bedroom and pulled open my sock drawer. I grabbed the wad of money.

I walked past him, to the door and opened it. I held open my palm. My hard-earned cash was rolled up. “Here’s $800. You take it and you don’t come back.”

He eyeballed the money before approaching. I gasped when he grabbed my wrist with one hand and grabbed the cash with the other. “You don’t give me orders, you little bitch.”

I opened the door wider.

“This doesn’t end here,” he lifted a toothpick to his mouth. “See you soon.”

I slammed the door shut behind him and locked the door. Then I set the alarm.

I couldn’t believe Terrance not only found me but strolled into Ryan’s home like he owned it. Why had Bianca let him in here? How could she think that was a good idea?

I had let this situation fester too long. Now Terrance was in my life, and he would only bring pain and ugliness to Ryan. I would pack up and leave right now before Krista got here. I rushed to my bedroom and slammed to a stop. In my desperation to get rid of Terrance, I had stupidly given him all my cash. I didn’t have money for a bus ride out of town. So stupid.

The buzzer made me nearly jump out of my skin. Krista was here. I carefully wiped the tears from my eyes and then pasted a smile on my face. No matter what, no one could find out about the ugliness I had just brought into Ryan’s life. I’d act normal tonight, but I needed to figure out a way to lead Terrance away from Ryan.

KRISTA and I sat in the arena restaurant. I worked to act normal, but I guess my acting skills weren’t up to par because Krista leaned forward and said, “Spill it.”

“Spill what?”

“What’s eating you.”

I worked to keep my face clear of expression. “I’m good.”

“You can’t bullshit a bullshitter. Is it Bianca?”

Bianca who told me I had overstayed my welcome every chance she got.

Bianca, who had invited a monster into Ryan’s home.

I remained silent. If I told her what Bianca was doing, and they talked to Bianca, she might tell them that Terrance had come upstairs. “No.”

Krista’s eyes narrowed on my face. “Why don’t I believe you?”

“I’m good.”

She sighed. “You know you can trust me, right?”

“I trust you.”

“But you’re not going to tell me what’s going on?”

I swallowed hard. I knew I was hurting both Krista and Ryan by not sharing with them, but I also knew they could never deal with Terrance and this was the only way I could think of protecting them.

I needed to leave. I wouldn’t survive on the street without money, but I couldn’t risk ruining their lives. “I’m good, Krista.”

“You’re lying.”

I remained silent, but tears filled my eyes. She reached across the table. “Sweetheart, let me help you. Is it Ryan? Is he being a dick?”

I snorted a wet laugh. “No, he’s nice.”

She squeezed my hand. “Because if he is I can handle him.”

“He’s not.”

“You say the word on how I can help you, and I will move fucking mountains.”

“You’re one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. I won’t ever forget you.”

“You don’t have to. You’re not going anywhere.”

“I know,” I lied.

She gave me a worried look, but allowed us to drop the conversation.

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