Home for the Holidays

Chapter 8 - Friday



Finished checking my hair and makeup for what feels like the tenth time, I return to the kitchen and grab my coffee cup. The sound of the meteorologist on the TV news reaches me as I take a sip while looking at the clock. Five after ten. Dominick is running behind.

As it has since last night while I was trying to fall asleep and then again, this morning when I woke up, my thoughts turn to those kisses. The first one was a shock. I mean, I know I am attracted to Dominick. He is a handsome man. But my reaction was unexpected. I enjoyed it way too much. If we hadn’t been sitting in front of my family, I probably wouldn’t have stopped. So much for just staying friends with the man until I get over Ian.

Shaking my head, I force those thoughts away. Listening to the weather forecast with half an ear, I glance at my phone to check for messages and once again wonder what’s going on. Dom said we were leaving by ten. Maybe he died from food poisoning? I mean, not that my mother would serve rotten food, but he was so miserable last night. I better check on him. After turning off the TV, I head down the hall. Grabbing my coat and purse, I leave my apartment, pausing long enough to lock the door. I approach Dom’s door and can hear a voice inside. I knock and wait.

Dominick opens the door and waves me in as he carries on with his conversation. “Eric, we’re already a week behind schedule. I’m sorry Larry ended up in the hospital, but we can’t wait for him to return. Find another programmer, make it two. Larry was exceptional at documenting the code. Someone else should be able to pick up the threads and keep it moving.”

I walk in and close the door behind me. My gaze moves around the room to find boxes in various states of emptying. Piles of books and movies stacked on the floor by a large bookcase. He also has the news on, although muted. The weather forecaster gestures to a storm’s timeline. I feel something rubbing against my leg and hear a meow. I look down to find the world’s most beautiful cat. Big blue eyes stare up at me as Oscar sits down expectantly.

Dark brown ears and tail, the rest of his short-haired coat a mix of tan and cream. He lifts a white paw up at me. Reaching down, I tentatively rub his head. I hear purring and he once again rubs against my leg.

“I know what it’s going to cost us, Eric. We don’t have a choice. We need to complete the contract on time, or we risk losing the client. Just get on it.”

I look up as Dominick approaches while shoving his phone into his back pocket, “Sorry about that. Emergency issue at work.”

I stand upright and arch an eyebrow at him, “Larry is in the hospital?”

“Yeah, my programmer. His appendix burst yesterday.”

“Ouch. Not a great way to end the holiday.”

“Or any time.” He reaches down for his cat, “I see you met Oscar.”

In Dominick’s arms, I reach over to stroke the cat under his chin, “Yes, he is gorgeous.”

“He helps keep me sane. Nothing more relaxing than sitting and petting this guy.”

Done petting the cat, I look up at Dom, “Don’t we need to get going to your parents?”

“After yesterday, I figured I’d make life easier for us. I have a Lyft coming.” He smiles at me, “This way we don’t have to spend over an hour on the buses.”

I glance at my watch. If we were taking the buses, we would miss our connection and would have to wait for the next one, “Or be late?”

“That too. Once Eric called, I knew there was no way we would get out of here on time. If you think your mother is bad…”

I laugh as he sets Oscar down. He picks up a roller brush and works to get the cat fur off his shirt and arms as he says, “It should be here any moment.”

Noting his dress pants and shirt, I say, “Do I look all right? Should I change?”

His gaze moves over me, his eyes darkening. He clears his throat and shakes his head, “No, you look great.”

Feeling better about my choice of the tight black skirt and knee-high boots. Along with my favorite sapphire blue sweater that I accentuated with a long silver pendant necklace, I smile at him, “Thanks.”

He smiles back then turns away with, “I better find my wallet and keys.”

My gaze drifts back to the TV, “Do you think we’ll have to worry about the storm?”

“Nah,” he answers from the other room. He returns a moment later holding his wallet, “It’s supposed to stay north of us. I think we’re in the clear.”

He picks up the remote control and turns off the TV then the light beside his couch. Dom heads toward the door and opens a closet door by the entrance, he pulls out his winter coat and checks the pockets. He holds up the keys, “Ahh, that’s where I left them.”

Laughing, I shake my head at him, “Don’t you have a place you always keep them?”

“Usually on my kitchen counter but I was so befuddled with all that food yesterday, I was brain dead. I barely remember taking my coat off. I fed Oscar, then passed out into a food coma after taking Alka-Seltzer.”

“Poor Dom. Feeling better?”

He approaches me, his eyes laughing, “Much. I might even get through Mom’s dinner.”

I arch an eyebrow at him, “Did you bother with breakfast?”

“As tempted as I was to have the pie, I settled for a slice of toast. You?”

“One of those bagels you left the other day.”

He smiles at me and holds out his arm. I take it and follow him to the door. He releases me to open it and I lead the way out into the hall. After he locks up, we head down the stairs together. Off on another adventure.


“Tom, we’ve already been over this. We’ll need to eat the costs of additional programmers to make the deadline.” Dom slaps his hand to his forehead, his tone full of frustration as he says, “Yes, I’m aware of what it will cost.”

I shake my head as I continue perusing my cell phone. We barely got in the car when Dom’s phone rang, and he has been stuck on a call since then. Arguing the same point over and over for the last half hour. Makes me glad I’m not a project manager.

“Which would you rather lose? The money of the additional programmers or the customer and any future engagements?”

I smile at the comment. Seems like a simple enough thing. At least to me. But what do I know?

“Good, I’m glad you understand. I need to run, talk to you on Monday,” he ends his call then slides his phone into his pocket, “Sorry about that.”

“A few hard heads?”

“More than a few,” he gives me a sideways glance, his expression full of mischief, “Accountants are a pain in the ass sometimes.”

I elbow him even as he laughs. The deep, husky sound of it causes ripples of arousal to course through me. Thank God for my padded bra. I am enjoying Dom way too much. Flustered, I put my phone in my purse and settle against the seat.

He continues, oblivious to my discomfort, “Tom is the company controller, it’s his job to watch the bottom line. But sometimes he misses the bigger picture.”

Getting my mind off things it doesn’t need to think about, I reply, “I get it. It’s his job to question expenditures and keep the company solvent.”

“Spoken like a true accountant.”

I elbow him again and am rewarded with another one of his husky laughs. Now I don’t know if the jitters I’m feeling are from his laughter or because I’m meeting his family soon. I didn’t even feel this nervous when I met Ian’s mother. Why does this matter more?

Clearing my throat, I ask, “What’s your mother like?”

“As far as?”

How do I verbalize my fears without sounding like an idiot? “Like, what are her pet peeves? Things that irritate her or something I might do that would anger her?”

“You mean like keeping your elbows off the table while eating?”

I turn to face him, “Dominick, I’m serious here. I want to make a good impression.”

His gaze searches mine for several moments before he replies in a quiet tone, “You don’t have to worry about it.”

“But I do.”

He takes my hand and squeezes it, “Be yourself. Don’t think you have to behave in a certain way to make her like you. Her opinion doesn’t matter. I like you just the way you are.”

I should smile at him but can’t. I stare into those deep blue eyes. Getting lost, I murmur, “That’s comforting.”

He squeezes my hand again and smiles at me. It pulls at all my heartstrings. Breaking the connection, his gaze shifts to the windshield and he announces, “We’re here.”

The car pulls up to the curve and stops. I open my door and slide out as Dom deals with the driver. My eyes drift over the property. Manicured bushes surround a large white house with black shutters, empty window boxes, and a wrap-around porch.

The whole thing reminds me of an old Victorian. Everything is beautiful and perfectly in place. The snowflakes gently falling from the sky adds to the beauty of it. I’m almost afraid of seeing the interior. I imagine it is much the same as the outside. Beautiful with everything in its place. Totally unlike my mother’s house, which is always in a state of chaos.

My gaze moves over the hanging swing in the porch’s corner and images of cuddling with Dom as we swing float through my mind. It’s too soon, yet everything seems so right. Feeling my nerves rising, I brush my hair back from my forehead.

“You okay?”

I didn’t even notice him approaching. I glance at Dom and gesture to the house, “It’s beautiful.”

“You should see it in the summer. Mom always has the window boxes overflowing with flowers.” He gestures to the lawn, “She has a couple of metal sculptures she puts into the bushes, and she hangs wind chimes up. I used to love just sitting in that swing and listening to them on a breezy day.”

I stare up at the house, lost in my thoughts and emotions, and murmur, “Sounds lovely.”

“Ally, you have nothing to worry about.”

I sigh while turning to face him, “I’m not sure why I’m nervous about meeting your family.”

He wraps an arm around my waist as he leads me up the sidewalk, “It’ll be fine.” A smile slips across his handsome face before he adds, “I can say with ninety-nine percent certainty you won’t end up with a lap full of cranberries. None of my crazy aunts will be here today.”

My worries forgotten, laughter bursts out of me, “I’m so sorry about Sophie.”

“Well, you warned me.”

“I did.”

As we reach the door, the nerves sneak back in and I ask, “How are you going to introduce me?”

He glances down at me, his gaze intense, “How do you want to be introduced?”

I think about our kisses yesterday, “I’m…I’m not entirely sure.”

“How about my fantastic new neighbor and hopefully something more soon?”

“Sounds safe enough.”

He leans down and places a kiss on my nose. Everything inside me melts. Such a tender gesture. I receive a warm smile, then he directs me to the door and knocks. He waits a moment, then knocks again. The door opens and a female version of Dominick smiles at him, “About time you got here. Mom was about to send Dad after you.”

“Very funny, Steph.”

Her curious gaze moves over me as she steps back and waves us in. As she closes the door behind us, Dominick introduces me, “Steph, this is my new neighbor, Alison. She goes by Ally. Ally, this is my sister, Stephanie.”

I smile at her, then remove my coat, “Nice to meet you.”

“Nice to meet you, too.” She arches an eyebrow at Dom as she accepts our coats, “Dom didn’t mention he was bringing a guest.”

Dom’s expression shows no remorse. Even more nervous now, I mumble, “I hope it isn’t an imposition.”

Steph gives me a warm smile, “Not at all. There is always plenty.” Her gaze moves back to Dom, “I’ll go let Mom know we have an additional guest. Dad and Bill are in the living room playing Candy Land with the girls.”

Once she walks away, I smack Dom in the arm, “How could you not tell them you were bringing me?”

He rubs his arm and smiles at me, “Tactical move.”


“Remember, I’m trying to avoid having the discussion with my mother about Jamie?”


“Had I called her to tell her you were coming, she would have insisted on the discussion right then.”

Exasperated, I put my hands on my hips, “You’re going to have to talk to her about it soon or later.”

“Yes, but not today.”

“Damn it, Dom. That was a dick move. If you didn’t want to talk to her, you could have at least texted you were bringing someone. What is your mom going to think now?”

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