Home for the Holidays

Chapter 6


Still feeling the heat in my cheeks, I sigh as I lead Dom toward my parent’s room. I can’t believe I reached into his lap like that. God knows I felt something I shouldn’t have. I still can’t believe Sophie did that. Not for a minute do I believe it was an accident. My aunt has an evil streak and likes to test people. I have a feeling I failed that test spectacularly.

On the other hand, Dominick passed. He didn’t flip out the way Ian would have in a similar situation. He calmly took the napkin from me and finished cleaning up Sophie’s mess. Well, the best you can when you have a lap full of cranberries.

I lead him into the room and leave him by the bed as I cross the room and enter Mom's closet. Opening the drawers to her dresser, I keep going until I find the one with her gym clothes. My eyes flit over the options. Mom is almost as bad as Aunt Sophie with her color choices. I spot the single black pair and ignore them. Maybe testing Dom isn’t a bad idea. Feeling my own evil streak rising, I pick out two and close the drawer. Coming out of the closet, I face Dominick. His eyebrows go up as he looks at the pants in my hands, “You’re kidding me, right?”

I am fighting not to smile as I glance down at the yoga pants, “Dom, my father is as wide as he is tall, his pants won’t fit you. That leaves my mother’s workout clothes. At least they will stay up on your waist.”

“Pink or leopard print?”

“Fuchsia.” At the look of revulsion on his face, I add, “I suppose I could offer you the lime green or bright orange ones.”

“How about we just leave early, and I change when I get home?”

“You want to ride public transportation with your pants stained red?”

Dom opens his mouth and I continue, “Besides, you will hurt my mother’s feelings. She is waiting for those so she can wash them for you. You only have to wear these for an hour or two.”

He shuts his mouth and gives me a dirty look. Yanking the leopard print out of my hands, he retorts, “You fight dirty.”

“Never claimed otherwise.”

He continues to stare at me. Finally, he turns his finger in the air.

I arch an eyebrow at him, “Shy?”

“Not in the least.”

“Don’t believe in underwear?”

“You are enjoying this entirely too much.”


A smile finally breaks out over his face, “Turn around already.”

I toss the unwanted pair onto the bed and give him my back. Crossing my arms, I look across the room and into the full-length mirror. Dom drops his pants and I feel my mouth go dry. Boxer briefs that mold perfectly to his very firm, very ample body. Hot damn, one of Sophie’s projections was right. I force my gaze away as he pulls up the leopard print yoga pants.


When I turn to face him, I find a smile still on his face, “Enjoy yourself?”

Damn it. He caught me looking in the mirror. I go for nonchalant, “A little.”

“Fair is fair. What are you wearing for underwear? Or don’t you believe in them?”

Oh, time for some fun. I approach and lean into him. I stare up into his eyes and whisper, “Maybe someday you will find out.”

At the heated expression in his eyes, I grab his pants out of his hands and head for the door. “Come on, Dom. The day is far from over. We still have to get through dessert and family games.”

“What kind of games?”

I look back to smile at him, “Nothing too strenuous, just Yahtzee or something else the kids can also play.”

“As long as it isn’t charades.”

“No, you’re safe there. My father hates that game, too.”

“Fine, only if you make me a promise.”

I turn back to face him, “Yes?”

“Keep Sophie away from me. I’m afraid what else might land in my lap.”

Breaking out laughing, I lead the way out of the room and back down the stairs. Dominick does his best to ignore the snickers as we enter the room. Poor man. Still smiling, I leave him behind as I approach my mother with the soiled pants and she arches an eyebrow at me, “You could have given him the black ones.”

“Not on your life.”

Her lips twitch with a smile, “I thought you liked this guy.”

“I do. Doesn’t mean I won’t have some fun with him. Besides, it’s a good test of his character.”

“You get your evil side from your father's side,” she remarks before turning and walking away.

I smile to myself as I turn back and join Dominick on the couch. His arm wraps behind me and settles on my shoulder. A quick glance around the room finds some smiling faces as they point at Dom. Leaning into him, I whisper, “If you think they’re laughing now, imagine if I would have given you the lime green.”

“Don’t even go there.”

I shake with laughter and feel him pinching my shoulder in retribution. My mother re-enters the room carrying two pies, followed by my sister and sister-in-law, each carrying two more. They finish arranging everything on the side-table and my mother turns to the group, “Dessert is ready!”

Beside me, Dominick releases a small groan and leans into me to whisper, “Please tell me the pieces are small.”

“With my mother cutting them?” I look up at him and whisper back, “Feel free to take an hour eating a single slice. If you finish too quickly, she will insist on getting you a second piece. Besides, there is the late dinner to get through before we’re allowed to escape.”

“Oh God,” he mumbles as he rises. He holds a hand out to me. I take it and rise from the couch. I lead him over to the line in front of the side-table and eye the contents. Every pie imaginable as my mother comes out and places two more pies on what little space remains.

Beside me, Dom moans, “Only one piece?”

“I wouldn’t recommend more.”

“But she has pumpkin, pecan, apple, blueberry, lemon meringue, and oh, is that a chocolate pie?”

Feeling laughter bubbling up at Dom’s awestruck tone, I shake my head at him. Getting myself under control, I remind him, “Appetizers yet and late dinner.”

“Oh, this is my idea of hell. How am I supposed to pick just one?”

“Choose carefully. Which is your favorite?”

“Pie, any pie.”

Now laughter escapes me. When I can stop, I say, “Tell you what, pick two and we can share.”

“Just two?”

I put a hand on his arm and leave him drooling over the pie choices as I approach my mother, “Can you please cut smaller pieces of each? Dom can’t choose.”

“How small are we talking?”

“Mom, please don’t kill my new neighbor with enormous pieces of pie.”

My mother arches an eyebrow at me, “Ok, fine. You can slice them how you like so he can sample.”

“Thanks, Mom.”

I return to Dom’s side and take his arm, “Let everyone else go first, and after the pack is through, I can slice off small pieces of each one for you if that’s what you really want.”

“What if one is gone?”

“Dom, this is my mother we’re talking about. Believe me, she won’t run out.”

He smiles at me and my heart races at that impish expression as he says, “I’ll hold you to that.”

My mind empties and all I can think about is kissing that smile off his face. I force myself to look away. What is wrong with me? I just broke up with my boyfriend, and all I want to do is to crawl all over Dominick.

Hmm…how long should one avoid starting a new relationship, so it doesn’t end up a rebound failure?


Am I seeing what I want, or was that a flash of heat in Ally’s eyes? Not that it would be a disappointment if she decides to forgo the friend thing. I really like this woman and her crazy family. The more time I spend with her, the more I want to spend time with her.

I stop my musing to notice Andy take his plate and head for the table, leaving the pie table free and clear. I nudge Ally, “Hey, are you sleeping on me?”

“Oh, no, sorry. Was thinking about something.”

She moves over to the pies, leaving me wondering what she was thinking about. Would I be too arrogant to hope she was thinking about me? I watch her as she takes the knife and approaches the first pie.

“How big do you want your sampling?”

Wow, question of the hour. I want more than my stomach can handle. Time for some reality. “How about a very thin slice for tasting of all of them, but a slightly bigger one of the apple?”

“I knew you had a favorite.”

A smile I don’t bother to fight spreads across my face. Yes, apple is my favorite. But I’m wasn’t lying when I said pie before. I love all pie. Any flavor.

Alison holds up the Reddi-wip. I nod and watch her spray it all over my pie plate. Even with small slices, I have way more than I should. I may die from overeating by the end of the day, but I’m going to die happy.

I take my plate and wait while she slices another one in half for herself, “Pumpkin, huh?”

I receive a smile before she replies, “I’m between the apple and the pumpkin. Mom knows my favorites. I usually find a piece of each in my to-go containers when I get home.”

“To-go containers?”

“Yes, do you think we’ll get all the food eaten today? She sends containers of food home with all of us.”


My mind blown, I follow her into the dining room. At least for dessert, no assigned seating. I sit with Ally on one side of me and Andy on the other. At least I won’t have to worry about Sophie dumping her plate on my lap. Andy arches an eyebrow at my plate and asks, “Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“Probably. But I love pie.”

“You should thank Sophie for dumping those cranberries on you earlier. At least those pants have an elastic band.”

Bastard didn’t need to rub that in.

The first bite is pure heaven. Blueberry. Once I finished the blueberry, I move onto the apple. Oh, I could stay here all night. Forget dinner, just keep feeding me pie!


Forking a bite of my thin slice of pumpkin pie, I lift it to eat it, only to pause when I hear Dom groan next to me and say, “Oh God, so good.” I turn to watch him as he continues to savor his. Each thin slice, one at a time, his eyes closing in appreciation, a sexy smile slipping across his face. If I didn’t know better, I would say his expression is almost orgasmic. That thought causes my hand to jerk and my bite of pie falls back down to my plate.

Across the table, my sister-in-law’s amused expression catches my eye. Damn, she saw me. I know what she is thinking. I don’t even want to go there. But I do. If Dom is like this with pie, what is he like in bed? I receive a wink, then she turns her attention back to her son and exclaims, “Jeremy, slow down. It’s not like you’re going to get another piece just because you finished first.”

Another satisfied sound comes out of Dom. Forcing my mind away from it, I go back to my own pie. I pick up the piece I dropped and manage to get it into my mouth this time. I close my eyes in appreciation. Maybe Dom’s reaction was totally appropriate.

“There’s more pie, everyone!”

My attention returns to Dom and the speculative look in his eyes.

“Don’t even think about it.”

His gaze turns to me, his blue eyes pleading, “But it’s so good.”

“Hors d’oeuvres and late dinner.”

“You had to remind me of that.” He smiles, “Don’t suppose your mother will let me just have pie for dinner?”

“You wish. I can ask Mom about letting you bring some home.”

“Now, I love that idea.”

Shaking my head at him, I finish my pie and hold a hand to my stomach, “I don’t know how you do it?”

“Oh, I’m totally going to die later.”

I crack up laughing just as my dad calls from the other side of the room, “Who is ready to play games?”

Amidst the kids abandoning the chance for more pie and yelling, I slap Dominick on the arm and volunteer us, “We are.”

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