Holes & Strings

Chapter 8: Fragera

The smell of nature filled the air. Xylo took his first steps into the forest. The others followed behind. The dirt ground was solid with a few patches of grass and bushes here and there.

Birds flew above while a few butterflies fluttered by them. They could hear the beautiful sound of birds singing, chirping away.

“Where do we go from here?” Brandon asked.

Xylo took out the map to the forest. “Let’s see,” he said. The map rolled open. “We walk straight. After we keep that up for awhile, we should come across a current of water.” He paused to study the map. “Then we follow that current.”

“Sounds straightforward to me,” Idalene said. “Let’s get moving.”

Xylo led them further into the forest.

The sun began setting.

Brandon and Idalene were eyeing one another, nervous about the setting sun. They were surrounded by trees with no end in sight.

“Well, don’t keep looking at me,” Idalene said. “You ask him.”

“I don’t think I want to know,” Brandon replied. “Why don’t you ask him?”

“I think I’ll pass,” Idalene responded.

Xylo looked back at them. Brandon and Idalene remained silent. Xylo turned back to them while still walking.

“Will we get there before sunset?” Brandon and Idalene asked in unison.

“I think so,” Xylo answered.

“You think so?” Brandon asked.

“What do you mean you think?” Idalene added.

“According to the map,” Xylo said, “we’re near the temple.”

Brandon and Idalene let out a breath of relief.

“See,” Idalene said. “It wasn’t that bad, Brandon.”

“You’re one to talk,” Brandon replied.

Xylo saw some leaves fall from a tree from the corner of his eyes. He looked to see what caused the leaves to fall. It was a person.

Xylo continued walking. In the tree was Zygous, sitting in the tree with a smirk on his face.

The others noticed Zygous, in the tree.

“I never would have guessed you all would be traveling so far,” Zygous said. “When I looked in your bags, it appeared that you might be taking a short trip. But I suppose you guys didn’t intend to go this far.”

Xylo continued walking.

“This isn’t the safest place to hang out, you know,” Zygous said.

Xylo and the others stopped.

Xylo grinned and asked, “What are you doing here?”

Zygous stood up and walked behind some tree branches. He suddenly appeared on ground level from behind the tree.

Everyone but Xylo gasped silently.

“To be honest,” Zygous said, “I’m just here watching you guys.”

“How are you doing that?” Xylo asked.

Zygous rested his arms behind his head and leaned on the tree. “It’s a melody,” he said. “It allows me to instantly travel here or there. It called teleporting. Some melodies are unique in how they work and activate. This melody, for example, only works when human eyes aren’t looking at me.”

“I didn’t hear you play anything,” Brandon pointed out.

Zygous held up his fist into the air. “In my hand is a small one-handed instrument.”

“I figured,” Xylo said under his breath.

“This small instrument plays at a frequency people can’t hear,” Zygous continued. “Thanks to that, I don’t have to worry about a skilled musición learning the melody after listening a few times.

“Let’s see,” Brandon began. “There’s melody of mineral, vibration, and—um. It does seem like it fits those melody groups. What kind of melody is it?”

“It’s a melody of rift,” Zygous answered.

“Why do we interest you so much?” Xylo asked.

“Your arm,” Zygous replied. “Your arm interests me, Xylo. Or at least, it is what ignited my interest.”

“You’ve been following us this whole time?” Idalene asked.

“No way,” Zygous said. “It’s an off and on thing.”

The wind blew and the trees shivered. There was a brief silence between them all.

“That being said, I shall be taking my leave,” Zygous stated.

They watched Zygous as he walked behind a tree with his persistent smirk.

“He’s gone,” Xylo said. “Come on. Let’s keep moving.”

The sun was on its last bit of light for the day. Xylo slowly stopped as he observed what was ahead.

In front of them was a giant wall of dirt and rocks covered by vines.

“This is looking like a problem,” Xylo said. He looked right and left. The wall stretched far and wide. He then looked at the surrounding trees. “These trees are too wide to climb. And their branches are too small for use in getting over the strange wall. We’re going to have to go around.”

“What does that mean?” Brandon asked.

“It means we won’t be making it to the temple anytime soon,” Xylo answered.

“What?!” Brandon and Idalene shouted.

“What is this wall anyway?” Brandon asked.

“It appears to have been made by an animal,” Lafiet said as he brushed his hand against the dirt.

“How do you figure that?” Idalene questioned.

“I suppose it’s a guess,” Lafiet answered. “But the dirt is soft, moist and a bit slimy. It hasn’t rained around here. The forest seems dry everywhere else.”

Xylo pulled on a vine. It snapped like a twig.

“The vines are weak, too,” Lafiet added.

“We have no time to waste,” Xylo said.

“You don’t have to tell me twice,” Idalene said as she started walking.

They traveled by the wall. By this time, it was night. The stars shined, covering the sky.

The forest was dark, almost pitch black in some parts. The moonlight shined a bluish light through the branches of the taller trees.

Xylo and the others walked on the path lit by moonlight.

“I was hoping this wouldn’t happen to us,” Idalene said.

“We’re going to have to camp here for the night,” Xylo said.

“Are you crazy?!” Brandon and Idalene gasped.

“The clouds are beginning to shroud the moon,” Xylo said. “We’re losing too much light. I don’t want to do this any more than you do.”

“Xylo is right, unfortunately,” Lafiet said. “The light is fading quickly. We’re not going to be able to see.”

Idalene brushed her hand through her hair and said, “But what about—”

“Don’t think about it,” Lafiet blurted. “That’s the best advice I have for you right now.”

A small creature in a tree began making a soothing noise. It projected a sound like a baby humming quietly, and then popping bubbles.

“I hear Elejenowl,” Lafiet said. “Those bird-like creatures flee at the first breath of danger. Rest assured, we’re fine right now.”

The light was growing dim.

Lafiet put his bag down. He pulled out a blanket and sat down.

Xylo did the same and the rest followed, except for Idalene. She remained standing.

“Will we be safe?” Idalene asked.

“Don’t sweat it, Idalene,” Lafiet said.

“That’s not what I asked you,” Idalene muttered.

“We should be fine, Idalene,” Lafiet replied. “That creature’s noise practically means no danger. I can’t assure you anymore than that.”

Malica patted the spot beside her. She looked at Idalene.

The moonlight began shining a bit more. The light formed a circle through the trees. They rested in a circle of light. The area around them was dark. Only shadow and silhouettes of bushes and trees could be seen. The wall of vines couldn’t be seen with the distance they had between it.

Idalene sat down beside Malica.

“I know something that might take your mind off things for a bit, Idalene,” Brandon said.

They all looked at Brandon.

Brandon then pointed and said, “Xylo’s arm. His left arm.”

They all looked at Xylo.

“I guess I have an audience to please, huh?” Xylo responded. “Very well, then.”

They were all sitting in a circle. Brandon and Idalene leaned in closer to Xylo, eager to hear from him.

“I’ve been living with this arm for sometime now,” Xylo started. “I’ve been searching for someone to cure it. In my arm is an ailment that would either take my life or my arm. My immune system did it’s job. So far, the ailment is only taking away my arm. But I won’t know for sure until the final stages of this problem.”

“I can see something in you I haven’t recognized before, Xylo,” Brandon said. “I know music means a great deal to you. It’s a vibe I’ve gotten from you. I see that without your left arm, you couldn’t play an instrument anymore. You’d lose the ability to do what you enjoy most in life.”

Xylo remained silent.

“That guy played a melody of death on you,” Lafiet stated. “Has the melody caused any problems for you?”

“Not at all,” Xylo said. “I feel healthy and there is no pain. That’s how it’s supposed to be.”

Xylo looked at his left arm.

“When a person is affected by a melody of death,” Xylo said, “death melodies lose their effect on them.”

“How many melody subtypes are there?” Brandon asked. “Seems like countless.”

“There is a specific number of melodies,” Xylo replied. “But there are so many, you are guaranteed to hear a new one from time to time. That is one of the simple beauties of melodies.”

More elejenowl began making noises.

Lafiet rested his arms behind his back and laid back.

The strangely soothing noise quietly carried on through the night.

The moon traveled the sky as the night went on. The clouds frequently covered the moon.

Idalene opened her eyes. She realized she had fallen asleep. There was a great view of many stars above her. She watched the starry sky. The only thing she could hear was the sound of the leaves blowing in the wind.

Idalene looked to her side and saw Malica sleeping.

Idalene smiled and closed her eyes.

Something echoed into the wind. The wind ceased and Idalene’s eyes shot wide open. She froze, getting her thoughts together.

Idalene sat up straight and looked around. The forest was a bit brighter and she could see out into the distance.

A deep sound echoed once more.

Idalene gasped. She crawled to Xylo in a panic. She shook Xylo.

“Yes, Idalene,” Xylo said as he woke up.

“I hear something,” she hissed.

The deep pound of a drum sounded throughout the forest.

Xylo sat up. He looked around but saw nothing.

“We gotta move,” Xylo said. He quickly stood up. “Everyone get up now!”

Idalene grabbed on to Xylo and pulled herself up.

“Why are you yelling?” Lafiet asked.

“He’s here,” Xylo responded.

Lafiet started packing and stood up. “Why give away our position by shouting?” he asked.

“He already knows where we are,” Xylo said. “Fragera is somewhere watching, stalking us as we speak.”

Everyone was now standing up back to back.

“This way,” Xylo said and he continued walking from where they left off.

Alert, they all watched their surroundings of trees. The beating like a drum persisted. They passed by tree after tree, continually making progress.

“This would have been nearly impossible with the lack of light we had earlier,” Lafiet said he went over a bush.

A long shadow slid down from the trees above. Brandon spotted it first and pointed at it. “Look!” he shouted.

A dark green creature with a wide neck that extended in length dropped to the ground. It let out a terrifyingly eerie roar. It had sharp, bone scythes as forearms. The bottom half of its head had pincers with bone-like jaws. The top part of its head resembled a skull. Both halves of its head were divided by a flat plat. Its teeth were sharp, with the four canine teeth being exceptionally sharper and larger. Its eyes were black holes with a faint glow of purplish-red in them. The back of its head had an exoskeleton cover. The cover was two times bigger than the head.

“Fragera!” Brandon gasped.

“Run!” Xylo shouted.

Fragera charged at them.

Xylo turned around and stood firmly on the ground. He swiftly took out his flute and played a melody. A strong wind emitted from around Xylo. Fragera stumbled back.

“You guys keep running on ahead!” Xylo informed them.

Xylo played the melody, again. Fragera took a unsuccessful swipe at Xylo. The swipe was interrupted by a strong force of wind.

Fragera paused. Staring at Xylo, Fragera started slowly sliding its scythes together as it started moving towards Xylo. This made a frightening sound, similar to instrumental strings.

Xylo began playing a melody. Fragera jumped towards Xylo. Suddenly, a big tree burst from the ground. Fragera was caught in its branches and was sent up into the air as the tree grew.

Xylo began running. He went around trees and over brushes.

“Xylo!” Idalene called out. “We’re over here.”

Xylo saw the others hiding behind trees.

Fragera let out a wail that echoed through the forest.

The forest grew silent.

Xylo panted, catching his breath. “It seems Fragera’s heart beat only echoes through the forest if he knows exactly where his prey is,” he said.

“We don’t have much time to let you catch your breath, Xylo,” Lafiet said. “We have to keep moving. I’m sure you’d agree.”

Xylo sign and stood up straight. “I hear something,” he said.

“I think I’ve been hearing it, too,” Lafiet responded.

“What is it?” Brandon asked.

“It sounds like water,” Xylo replied. “We should be close to the temple.”

They rushed towards the sound of the water.

There were large bushes in their way. They squeezed by the small openings that gave them passage through the thick berry covered bushes. The sound became clearer.

Xylo patted down a flower bush to create way, revealing a large river with several small waterfalls and two rocky streams that carried water elsewhere.

The morning light shined on the scenery.

“This is beautiful,” Idalene said with awe.

“The temple should be south of this body of water,” Xylo said.

Xylo and the others hurried south and began searching for the temple. They stayed close together, keeping their eyes open for the temple. The trees stood close together, so they were able to see clearly past them.

Xylo rested his hand on a tree, looking deep into the forest ahead. Malica approached Xylo. She tugged on his sleeve. Xylo gave her his full attention. She silently pointed out into the distance.

“What is it?” Idalene asked as she walked up to Xylo and Malica.

“She is letting me know the trees in that direction are farther apart than what we see here,” Xylo answered. “I’d say it’s a good space to construct a temple.”

Just then, a single pounding sound echoed in the area.

Xylo froze for a moment, holding his breath. He then exhaled and looked at Idalene. There was a sense of panic in her widely opening eyes.

Brandon and Lafiet slowly joined them.

Another single deep pound sounded.

They dispersed. Xylo hesitated, looking around him as the others scattered. They took cover under bushes and small trees.

Xylo put his back up against a tree and looked to the tall trees above. He saw nothing.

Idalene and Lafiet were taking shelter in the same bush. Idalene was taking in deep breaths. She scanned the view through the bush, moving a few sticks out of her way. Lafiet peeked through the bushes, as well, in another direction.

Idalene saw something tall standing and blending by some trees. It was a structure made of a study type of stone. There were some cracks and vines covering it. The pillar-like structure stretched as high into the sky as some of the taller trees. There was a dark opening on the side of the structure.

Idalene turned to Lafiet and tapped him on his shoulder. “I think that’s it,” she said gently.

Lafiet turned and peeked out the bush. Then, he saw it, too. It was the entrance to the Temple of Sound.

Xylo slowing progressed to another tree, keeping an eye above. The deep sound did not cease. He huddled close to a tree and circled around it.

Leaves rattled above.

Xylo looked ahead and saw Malica hiding under a small tree. Both palms on the tree bark, she was watching for any sudden movement. She did not notice Xylo.

Xylo saw movement above the tree Malica was under. He darted his eyes towards the movement.

Fragera was slowly dangling, smoothly lowering towards the tree. He began sliding his scythes together, creating that eerie stringed sound.

“Fragera’s targeting Malica!” Xylo blurted to himself.

Malica began to feel movement in the tree. She took her hands off of it and slowly backed away. Fragera was slicing at the tree from above.

Malica was overwhelmed with fear and started running.

Fragera jumped down and started pursuing her.

Malica, panting profusely, didn’t so much as look back as she ran. Fragera grew closer to Malica.

Xylo ran in-between Malica and Fragera and played a melody. A tree quickly sprouted from the ground and started carrying Fragera up into the air, but Fragera gained grip of the tree with its scythes and climbed down.

Circling down the rapidly growing tree, Fragera bolted to the ground.

Xylo took a few steps back as Fragera stood thirty feet up.

“Looks like Song of Great Growth won’t work for you anymore,” Xylo mumbled.

Xylo played his flute. A strong gust hit Fragera back.

Fragera stumbled, and then climbed up a tree.

Xylo couldn’t spot Fragera’s destination in the many branches and leaves above.

Idalene called out to Xylo from a distance. “Xylo,” she said,” we found the temple!” she exclaimed. “That’s our ticket to safety.”

“Head inside!” Xylo shouted.

Xylo turned to the direction Malica was in.

“Malica!” Xylo called out.

Malica continued running.

“Malica,” Xylo called out, “we’ve found the temple!”

Malica finally stopped. She turned around in fear of her surroundings.

Fragera’s heartbeat continued.

There was a clear opening between Xylo and Malica. Everything was still.

Malica took a step forward.

The deep heartbeat that echoed became faster.

Malica grew even more frightened. She began playing a melody that began with a “C” note.

Xylo’s eyes widened. He quickly turned around and darted for the temple. He saw Brandon, Idalene, and Lafiet standing eagerly just in the entrance of the temple.

Just as Malica brought the melody to an end, Fragera dropped down from above with a ground shaking stomp and roars.

Malica closed her eyes frantically and shouted, “Melody of Death: Song of Devastation!”

Sparks quickly lit in many surrounding areas, leading to explosions. The ground erupted in various spots, including underneath Fragera, who was caught in the middle of an explosion.

It became too bright to see, but they heard Fragera screaming in a high-pitched tone. The screaming came to a sudden stop with a squeal at the end.

The explosions and the sound that came with them engulfed the area.

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