Holes & Strings

Chapter 4: The Queen

It was afternoon. The waves were still calm. Fluffy clouds slowly blew by. There was just the sea, the ship, and those on it.

Idalene had her arms around Malica, comforting her.

“So who are you, Malica?” Lafiet asked.

Malica remained silent. Her head was down.

“You seem like the quiet type,” Lafiet said.

“Let her be, Lafiet,” Idalene responded. “She’s been through enough for one day.”

“Fine,” Lafiet said. “Fine.”

“Since you’re asking, who are you, Lafiet?” Brandan asked.

“Me?” Lafiet responded. “I work for the queen. She is an acquaintance of mine. I transport gold to and from the kingdom. I also transport goods sent by the queen to villages in need.”

“The kingdom?” Brandon asked. “I’m from Garmid. And I’m not really a traveler.”

“I have a feeling you don’t know anything about the lands,” Lafiet said. “Okay, let me explain.”

Lafiet took out a map.

“Let’s see here,” Lafiet said. “To the bottom right, you have Lutef and Eanop. In the center, there is Malica, an excellent place indeed. North of that, miles and miles away is Keybus, more formally known as Key Bourus. All these places I’ve mentioned so far are connected to one land. Exandrial is on a huge island east of Keybus. As I hope you would know, Garmid is on the land south of Exandrial. Garmid is on the oppisite side of land where we are now.”

“I see that you have a map,” Xylo said.

“I’m a traveler,” Lafiet replied. “I’m a traveler of the sea, at that. Of course I have a map.”

“How are we getting to Exandrial?” Xylo asked. “Is there not land between Malica and Keybus?”

“There is land there,” Lafiet replied. “But there is a passageway for ships that intersects that land. Everything is under control.”

Lafiet turned his attention to Malica. “It seems you were named after the great place of Malica,” he said. “That’s quite wonderful. Hope that doesn’t get confusing.”

Lafiet stretched his arm and began walking away. “You guys are free to roam the ship wherever you’d like,” he said. “I have some planning to attend to.”

Xylo walked over to Malica. Her head was still down.

“Hey, Malica,” Xylo said. “You are safe with us.”

Malica raised her head just a bit in order to look into Xylo’s eyes.

“We are on a journey to find a man who played a melody of death on me,” Xylo continued. “I know there is nothing you can do for me about that. But I would like to request you to teach me your melodies of healing throughout our journey when it’s convenient for you. Would you do that for me?”

Malica agreed by nodding her head.

“Thank you,” Xylo said.

“Hey, Xylo!” Brandon called out from afar. “Come over here for a second.”

Xylo walked to Brandon. Brandon was looking at some lands in the distance. The land was shrouded by mist.

“What do you think that is?” Brandon asked.

“It looks like nothing more than mist,” Xylo said.

Xylo squinted his eyes. He could see a figure standing in the mist. The figure was in the shape of a person.

“You see it, huh?” Brandon responded.

“I do,” Xylo said.

“I’m guessing you don’t know what it is either,” Brandon said.

“It’s some person standing in the mist, is all,” Xylo replied.

“I can tell you don’t believe that,” Brandon said. “It looks like it’s looking right at us.”

“I recall being warned by that guy named Zygous,” Xylo said. “He said something about avoiding the mist.”

“I remember that,” Brandon said. “Maybe that’s the mist he was referring to.”

Xylo and Brandon looked back at the silhouette in the mist. It was gone.

“Just what I need,” Brandon said.

“It’s nothing for us to worry about now,” Xylo said.

“I’m going to see how Malica is doing,” Brandon said.

Brandon walked away. Xylo took in a breath of the air. He wandered away from the view of the others. He found himself surrounded by crates .

“Hey,” someone said from behind Xylo.

Xylo turned around and saw a white haired fellow.

“Zygous?” Xylo mumbled.

“Sorry to keep meeting you like this,” Zygous said.

“How did you get on the ship?” Xylo asked.

“I’m sure you could care less about that,” Zygous said.

“Who exactly are you?” Xylo asked. “What do you want?”

“I’m currently here just to warn you,” Zygous said.

“Again?” Xylo responded. “Okay, Zygous. I’m all ears.”

“Good,” Zygous replied. “That guy. You know, that guy, Lafiet. You want to get away from him as soon as possible.”

“Is he bad?” Xylo asked.

“No,” Zygous replied. “It’s just that I’ve heard him plotting to himself. If he goes through with his plans, you guys might have a serious problem on your hands.”

“To what do I owe the honor of the warnings you’ve given me?” Xylo asked.

“I’m just a curious fellow, is all,” Zygous replied. “Be on your guard.”

Zygous began backing away from Xylo.

“You’re leaving?” Xylo responded. “Just like that?”

Zygous continued backing away. “Just remember what I told you,” he said as he raised his clenched hand closer to his mouth. He took a turn at a corner and disappeared.

Xylo walked over to that corner and saw that Zygous was nowhere to be found. With his eyes squinted, Xylo looked overboard and saw only blue ocean.

Minutes later, Xylo found himself walking back to where the others were. He walked into the middle of a conversation.

“Money,” Lafiet said to them. “That is one of the world’s marvels. Who can deny it? Who can accomplish much without it? It is one of the best things life has to offer.”

“It’s not everything,” Brandon said.

“You are from Garmid,” Lafiet replied. “I wouldn’t expect you to understand the joys of holding hard gold in your hand. I wouldn’t expect you to know that one-thousand pieces of gold is equal to one crystal shard.”

“Really?” Brandon responded.

“Exactly,” Lafiet said. “There is a special feeling that comes with having the capacity to buy and experience things.”

“Your thinking doesn’t sound healthy,” Brandon smiled.

“Exandrial,” Lafiet said. “It is the perfect example of wealth in action. It is a beautiful place. Wealth has kept the society healthy and growing. It is the last place in the world with a monarchy. And it’s a good one.”

“Why is that?” Idalene asked. “Why is it the last?”

“Times have changed,” Lafiet responded. A little over fifty years ago, there were many lands with kings and queens, royalty. One thing led to another and after long, royalty faded into history, practically becoming a thing of the past.”

“I’m looking forward to seeing Exandrial,” Brandon said. “How is the queen? What’s she like?”

Lafiet paused. With a faint grin and his eyebrows up, he looked at Brandon. Lafiet smiled and said, “She’s meaner than you will ever know.”

The ship began to slow down. They were finally at the kingdom, Exandrial. There was a passage for ships to sail on that led through the kingdom and directly to a castle that was at the very center. There were buildings all around made of bright orange bricks with dark green roofs. White fountains could be seen here and there, spouting remarkably clear water. Doves flitted about. The people were smiling, enjoying their day. There were multiple kiosks with buyers and seller. The market place was booming and steam with pleasant aromas were flowing from the closest restaurant.

The castle was white. It was surrounded by roses and an unusual type of flower that was bluish-violet with a bit of a glow. Flowers were also aesthetically attached high and low to the establishment. The castle had two tall towers, one smaller than the other. A third tall tower was at the center of the castle.

The ship drew closer and closer to the castle. There was a dock for ships up ahead.

“We have arrived,” Lafiet said. “Once the ship comes to a complete stop, you can walk off. Wait on ground until I get off the ship.”

The ship slowly settled beside the bricked land. Men on Lafiet’s ship let down a plank that allowed them to exit the ship. “After you,” one of the men said politely to Idalene and Malica.

Idalene and Malica walked off the ship, followed by Xylo and Brandon.

“It’s so bright here,” Brandon said, “and lively too.”

“Yes,” Xylo agreed. “It feels like a nice place to be.”

“You’ve visited here before, right, Malica?” Idalene asked.

Malica nodded her head yes.

“Welcome,” a gentle voice said.

They looked and saw a beautiful young woman with long black curly hair and cheerful brown eyes. She was wearing a bright-blue long-sleeved dress. She had a sweet smile and caramel skin complexion. On top of her head was a crystal tiara.

“I see you all hitched a ride with Lafiet,” the young woman said. “That was sweet of him. I’m sure you all are heading to the castle. Follow me.”

They followed the young woman up a path that lead to a small open garden.

“Tell me about yourselves,” the young woman said.

“We are here looking for a musición,” Xylo said. “My name is Xylo. These guys are my traveling companions, Brandon, Idalene, and Malica. The musición we are looking for is an old man who has been going around offering to heal people but has ended up playing a melody of death.”

The young woman gave a look of concern. “You know, melodies of death are illegal. What that musición is doing is unacceptable.”

“Lafiet told us that the queen would probably be able to help us find the musición,” Brandon said. “Who is the queen?”

With a smile, the young woman turned to Brandon and said, “You’re looking at her.”

The queen led them to a tall blue door. Two gentlemen in red opened the door. She turned to them all and said, “I am Queen Milayla.” Brandon and Idalene quietly gasped. “Welcome to my castle.”

The queen walked in and they followed. They were in a corridor with a high ceiling. The carpet was dark-blue and the walls were white. It was well lit from windows high in the wall where the sunlight shined through and there was a sweet scent of flowers in the air.

“Right now,” Queen Milayla said, “I’m escorting you all to my main hall. Once there, you can tell me all about your situation.”

“I thank you kindly, Queen Milayla,” Xylo said.

“It is no problem at all,” Queen Milayla replied.

They entered an inside garden. It was being tended to by workers for the queen. There were flowers of many kinds. The walk through the garden was brief but memorable.

Soon, they were at the queen’s main hall. They entered through a big blue door. The room was huge. There were white and light-blue square tiles on the floor. There was still a sweet scent in the air. Columns held the balcony. At the front center of the room was a royal chair that sparkled in the light.

Queen Milayla walked them over to her royal chair. At the main entrance to the room, they could see a guard. He stood stationary, and held a spear. Queen Milayla sat down and gave her full attention to Xylo. Her eyes were open and she had a gentle smile. “You may go on,” she said. “Tell me what happened.”

“There isn’t much to say other than there is a man going around playing a melody of death on people.”

“I do have similar information,” Queen Milayla said.

She sat up a little straighter and sighed. Brandon could tell the conversation was going to get darker because of the concern on the queen’s face.

“I’m not too fond of law breakers,” Queen Milayla continued. “There was one who posed a considerable amount of threat to this land and the people in my kingdom. He now resides in the prisons of this castle.”

“Could that be the one we are looking for?” Idalene asked.

“I do not believe so,” Queen Milayla answered. “He is about my age and in no way portrayed himself to be a healing musición. In fact, his instrument was no where to be seen, even as I watched him play. I digress. He is not who you are looking for.”

Just then, the main entrance to the room door opened.

“You don’t sound like much help, Milayla,” Lafiet said as he walked in. “Didn’t I tell you four to wait for me to get off the ship?”

“It is okay, Lafiet,” Queen Milayla said. “I personally escorted them.

“Why, don’t mind me,” Lafiet said. “Carry on.”

“There is someone else giving me a bit of concern,” Milayla continued. “A musición is going about playing all sorts of melodies, lawful and unlawful. My men bring me reports about him. I would send the hero, my finest warrior, to investigate. But he is currently out on my orders to aid a struggling poor village in need of food.”

“That musición must not be our guy either,” Brandon said.

“There is one more bit of information I have,” Queen Milayla said. “Unfortunately, it isn’t necessarily about a lawbreaker. There has recently been uproar about a visitor in a village on the main lands. The village named Rumpett is where you all might want to go. My men haven’t learned and informed me all the details yet. The people there are expecting someone. I lack certainty on why that is. Even some people in my kingdom have been talking about it.”

“Naturally, it may be because it is a healing musición,” Lafiet said.

“Thank you, Queen Milayla for your assistance,” Xylo said.

“You all are very welcome,” Queen Milayla replied cheerfully.

Xylo, Brandon, Idalene, Malica, and Lafiet began walking to the room’s exit.

“You guys are going to have a hard time traveling without a ship,” Lafiet said. “I want to see to it that all goes well for you all. Is it alright if I join you all?”

“We can use all the help we can get,” Xylo responded. “You are welcome to join us and your help is appreciated.”

The five of them exited the castle and soon found themselves on Lafiet’s ship. Lafiet was preparing for sail while the others looked at the scenery they were about to leave.

“Lafiet,” Brandon said, “where are all your men?”

“Milayla sent them with me to make the delivery trip a bit smoother,” Lafiet responded. “They work for her. I can actually manage this ship myself. It’s mine, after all.”

Lafiet pulled a rope and the sails of the ship came down. As the ship began to move, Xylo saw Lafiet look towards the shore. Following Lafiet’s gaze, Xylo saw a middle-aged man looking back at Lafiet. The man appeared sad and worried. Lafiet seemed to be holding back angry emotions as he glowered at the middle-aged man. Lafiet turned and walked away to the ships helm.

“What do you think that was about, Xylo?” Brandon asked.

“I don’t have a clue,” Xylo replied.

Xylo and Brandon walked over to were Idalene and Malica were. Idalene was sitting on a crate. Malica was sitting quietly beside her.

“Have you ever been to Rumpett before, Malica?” Idalene asked kindly.

Malica shook her head.

“You haven’t?” Idalene responded in a sweet tone. “I’ve been there plenty of times with my father.”

“What’s it like, Idalene?” Brandon asked.

“It’s been a few years since my last visit,” Idalene replied. “Last I remember is that it was loud.”

“We’re practically two steps ahead of that musición since the village is still expecting him,” Xylo said. “We may beat him there. And you know how excited villages get about healing musicións. I suppose Rumpett is going to be even louder than usual.”

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