His Wife’s Rich Milk (Complete)

His Wife’s Rich Milk: Part 4 – Chapter 16

Evan was bored. He wasn’t especially excited to people watch while his wife was in the jewelry store picking out a wedding band for Rebecca. Still…sitting on a bench in a relatively quiet mall wasn’t the worst thing in the world. It could be worse.

It got worse when Katie sat down next to him. He noticed her right away. She hadn’t spoken two words to him the entire time after meeting him just an hour ago. The quartet had left the Jacobs’ house to go shopping. Evan knew he wasn’t in for a good time. Still, he had to be friendly to the future wife of his wife’s lover. “Hello,” he said keeping his voice neutral but pleasant.

“This is uncomfortable,” Katie said looking straight forward and observing the people passing by. They were on the corner of a side entrance to the mall. People were hurrying in and out. Evan felt like he was in a spy movie meeting a stranger on a bench in a public place and not looking at the stranger while they talked.

“It sure is.” Evan had left the jewelry store shortly after the four had walked in. It was too small and the clerk didn’t seem to know what to make of three women and one man looking for an engagement ring and wedding band.

They watched the people pass by a minute then Evan spoke again. “Shouldn’t you be in there picking out your rings?”

He sensed more than saw Katie shake her head. “No. I’ll be happy with whatever Rebecca picks out. I’m not a jewelry person.”

A quick glance at her hands and face confirmed this. Katie didn’t wear any rings, bracelets, earrings, or necklaces. “Huh. I hadn’t noticed.”

“You barely looked at me when we met,” she replied.

“Umm…that’s true.”


“Why what?”

“Why didn’t you look at me?” she asked.

Evan swallowed. “I was nervous. I wasn’t sure how you’d react to knowing I had sex with Rebecca.” He stared straight ahead at the wall.

Katie’s gaze was focused on the same spot in the middle of nowhere. “I’ve never met one of her male lovers before. I was curious,” she said.

“You knew she had sex with men? Other men?”

“Fuck. Don’t be stupid. I know she’s bi. When we moved in together we agreed she could have sex with men as long as I didn’t know about it. I just don’t like men.” She paused and corrected herself. “I just don’t like sex with men. Men in general I’m okay with.”

“Are you okay with me?” Evan asked.

Before Katie could answer an incredibly tall woman with flowing blonde hair wearing a skirt that was too short and heels that were too tall for practical shopping filled their field of vision. They both stared at her as she walked by and disappeared into the crowed. It was Katie who noticed that Evan was staring. She spoke first. “She was beautiful. Wow.”

“Yeah,” Evan agreed.

“But that outfit…is she a prostitute or does she just like to flaunt it?”

Evan glanced at Katie dressed incredibly casually in loose yoga pants and a sweatshirt. He was wearing jeans and a button down shirt and felt positively elegant next to her. “I think she just likes to flaunt it.”

“I wouldn’t mind her walking by again so I could see her flaunt it some more.”

Evan laughed at Katie’s statement.

She grinned at him but didn’t catch his eye. “Did you forget I’m a lesbian?”

He shook his head. “No. I didn’t. I just wasn’t expecting a comment like that from any woman.”

Katie scanned the slow moving crowd and spotted a redhead girl who couldn’t have been more than nineteen. She sported big tits and an oversized varsity letter jacket. “What about the redhead?” Katie asked. “I love her tits.”

Evan snorted. “She’s a little young for me. And for you for that matter.”

“The younger the better,” Katie said.

A young mother pushing a stroller accompanied by a little girl no older than four walked by.

“MILF,” Evan said under his breath.

“I’d do her too.” Katie added.

They both looked at each other at the same time. Seeing each other’s eyes they couldn’t help but laugh. No more words were exchanged. They scanned the crowd looking for another likely candidate. It took a minute but Evan finally spotted an older woman—a much older woman who was easily a grandmother. She had silver hair but walked with a youthful energy. “I bet she was a tiger in bed back in the day,” he said.

“Former hippy,” Katie said watching the woman walk. “I can tell. Probably munched a few carpets in her time.”

“I hope so,” Evan added.

They continued to pass the time commenting on the fuckability along with speculating on the sexual history and peccadilloes of the most attractive female passerbys.

“Are you okay with Rebecca getting pregnant?” Evan asked her directly.

Katie sighed. “Sort of. I’m getting used to the idea. I guess I’ve always wanted to get married and have a family. I just wasn’t expecting it to happen so quickly. What I’m not getting used to is the changes in her body.”


“She’s got a little tummy now. I know it’s only going to get bigger and that’s freaking me out. I like her thin and fit.”

“Pregnancy does that to a woman.”

“Yeah. I know. I’m dealing with it. The upsetting part is she’s already taken out her nipple rings.”

“No!” His protest came out much louder than Evan intended. A few people turned to stare but moved on when they realized it was just a stray outburst.

He cleared his throat. “I mean. Wow. That’s a little premature.”

Once again Katie sighed. “She says were breasts are sore and the rings were making it worse. It’s upsetting. I loved her rings.”

“So did I,” Evan commiserated.

Katie glanced at him. “I’m not sure how I feel about you talking about your past history of sex with Reb.”

“Sorry. I won’t mention it again.”

There was a pause and then Katie said, “She can put them back after the baby comes.”

To that Evan said, “Maybe not right away if she’s going to breastfeed.”

Katie smacked herself in the forehead. “Shit. I forgot about that. Fuck. And your wife is still breastfeeding.” She paused. “But that’s only you.”

“You like her rings that much?”

“I’m the one who insisted she get them and keep them.”

“So that’s how it’s like in your relationship,” said Evan thoughtfully.

“Don’t even try to figure out the mind of a lesbian,” Katie warned him.

“I won’t.” He paused and then said. “Did you like Sondra’s milk?”

There was another pause before Katie answered. “Yeah.”

“Well…shortly you’ll have your own steady supply.”

When he said that, Katie laughed hard to the point of bringing tears to her eyes. “I think I could actually like you, Evan,” Katie said after a while.

“Oh really?”

“Yeah…as long as I don’t have to watch you have sex with my fiancée.”

A moment later Rebecca and Sondra rounded the corner. Rebecca rushed up to her girlfriend and displayed the engagement ring and wedding band she had chosen. Katie kissed her wife-to-be and glanced sidelong, almost shyly, at Evan.

Later that afternoon the four were back at Rebecca and Katie’s house, returning them after the shopping expedition. They were in bed together. Katie gave Evan the same sidelong glance but this time she was busy nursing on Sondra’s breast, drinking the older woman’s milk as Sondra moaned in appreciation. Sondra hadn’t taken off her panties yet. That didn’t matter because Katie’s hand was down in them, playing with her pussy, pinching her clit.

Rebecca and Evan missed Katie’s jealous glance because Katie’s face was buried in a pillow as Evan fucked her from behind. There was definitely a noticeably bulge to Rebecca’s tummy but that was okay with Evan. As they fucked Katie realized it wasn’t so bad watching her girlfriend being fucked by a man. It was something she couldn’t exactly offer Rebecca and it wasn’t like Rebecca was going to leave her for something as ordinary as a cock.

Katie reached over and grasped one of Rebecca’s hanging tits. Katie looked over at her to say, “I love you.”

After carefully evaluating Rebecca’s tits, Katie wasn’t sure if they were swelling yet or not.

“No, not that way,” Rebecca complained. They were in Evan’s bed and he was getting on top of her with his cock in hand, about to enter her pussy. She was wet and ready to be fucked, and had been eager for Evan to fuck her a minute earlier when his face was buried between her thighs, but now his body was pressing onto hers making her stomach hurt terribly.

“Not what way?” He wanted to hurry—he was home from the office for lunch and she shortly had to go to her job at the gym.

“I can’t have you on top of me any more.” She pushed at him and he rolled off her body.

“Why not–?” he started to ask and then he remembered and looked at the small swell of her belly. “Oh, that’s right. You’re pregnant.”

“Ha ha, thank you for remembering.” She was barely four months into her pregnancy—having made it past the first tough trimester and had now settled into the pleasant second trimester. Rebecca was in tune with her body and could feel the various hormones coursing through her system now. As a secondary effect of not just making her baby grow the hormones were making her horny as well. She liked that. At the moment she would have been happy to be fucked twenty four hours a day. It was why she made love with Katie every morning, slipped away in the middle of the day to bed either Evan or Sondra, and then demanded more sex from Katie at night. Sometimes they invited over one of the Jacobs for some extra fun. Katie was exhausted from the routine—Rebecca was not.

The downside to the hormone rush was that she could definitely feel and see the effect of the pregnancy on her body. Her tummy was starting to distend and her once tiny tits were swelling. They were almost too big for the few traditional bras she owned and they were so sensitive to everything they touched. That part she liked. Her small breasts spilling out of her lingerie were not so much of an upside.

“So…do you want to get on top then?” Evan asked. It wasn’t a position they had ever tried before. It wasn’t a position that Rebecca had much experience with either. She hesitated and immediately hated herself for hesitating. She was a woman of the world, dammit. A bisexual woman who happily bedded men and women and wasn’t above experimentation of any sort so why was she hesitating now?

“Yes, yes I do,” she said with a confidence she didn’t feel.

“Okay.” Evan rolled to his back and his erect cock pointed to the ceiling. He put his hand on her hip and encouraged her to get on top of his body. This she did with some trepidation, not used to climbing on a man and straddling his cock. As he pregnancy had progressed she had become much more careful with how she moved her body. She knew her baby was safe inside her, but there was that nagging feeling in the back of her mind that she now needed to be extra careful and not put any risk at all to her unborn child.

Strangely she didn’t mind having sex still. In fact, she liked having it more now that she was pregnant, but that was the hormones talking.

Rebecca carefully fitted Evan’s cock into her slit and slowly lowered her body onto his, resting her weight on his hips and thighs. “Nice,” he said as she sank all the way down on him.

“Um,” was her only thought. Her clit wasn’t being touched at all and she felt odd sitting on top of him. His cock was seated nicely in her pussy and filled her up, but the perspective was odd.

“You need to move up and down,” he told her as she waited for something to happen.

“Oh. Right. How do I do that?”

She was on her knees, half-squatting above Evan’s body. “Well, either you lift your entire body with your thighs, kind of like doing a squat-thrust in elementary gym class, or you stay on your knees like you are and bounce up and down. Either way, you’re going to be doing a lot of thigh work.”

Nodding, Rebecca leaned forward a bit, letting her torso hover over Evan’s, and started rocking back and forth, sliding his cock in and out of her cunt. It was a new sensation for her, not entirely new of course, but new enough. She delighted in what she was doing and increased her pace, letting her legs do all the work. After a minute she started to really feel it in her thighs and just as much in her tits. They were bouncing around like out of control beach balls at a SPAC concert.

“Ow. Fuck. My boobs are too sensitive for this.” That shocking realization made her wonder if a pregnant body wasn’t any good for sex at all.

“Here, let me help,” Evan said and reached up to hold her tits. That prevented them from moving much at all.

“Much better,” she said and continued her campaign of new sexual discoveries. Rebecca found that she liked being on top of a man; it gave her better control. Evan wasn’t helpless and could move his body and—more importantly—thrust up into her pussy so everyone was wining.

And then she got distracted by her tits. Evan was at first just holding them, and then he was massaging them, and then he started pinching the nipples. Every bit of his attention she liked because it was turning her on, but it was also somewhat distracting because it took her attention away from her pussy. Plus, since her nipple rings were out now—possibly forever—getting her nipples played with this way was new and distracting. She was used to cumming from stimulation on her clit and she wasn’t getting much of that in this position.

“I need you to play with my clit,” she told him as she kept her hips busily going up and down along his shaft.

“Play with it yourself,” he said with an evil grin. “I’m busy with your tits.”

It wasn’t like he was hurting her—well, maybe the pinching of her nipples was a bit much but it wasn’t exactly painful. And it was all helping her get to her orgasm. Rebecca was a bit peeved at his response, but then decided to make the most of it. Everything was new and it wasn’t like she hadn’t masturbated in front of other lovers before. Balancing herself on one hand and moving the other down to her slit, she found her clit and almost immediately her eyes rolled up into her head. She was hot and wet and it was almost impossible for her to hold onto her clit and rub it just the ways she liked. Evan’s cock was in the way. She wanted it out, but she also wanted to be filled at the same time.

The stress of the decision of what to do didn’t last long. Her nimble fingers flicked and rubbed her clit perfectly and she felt everything give way, as if her whole lower half had dropped away from the rest of her body and she was cumming and cumming and cumming. As she started descending from the ecstatic high of her orgasm, she realized she was incredibly wet, wetter than normal. For just a moment she thought that maybe Evan had cum during her climax, but that wasn’t the case. He was still rock hard and he was thrusting his hips up into her.

The realization she had just squirted for the first time in her life was revelatory—but she didn’t tell Evan what had happened. He continued to squeeze her tits and thrust up into her. His face was scrunched up, his eyes were closed, and he was close to cumming. She watched as he struggled to get over that final barrier and join her in the land of elation.

It didn’t take long. Men weren’t complicated. They just wanted some place warm and moist and tight to put their dicks. That made them happy. Rebecca liked making some men very happy—and she liked making a lot of women happy in that same way.

When his eyes finally opened back up Evan saw his lover staring down at him. “What?” he asked nervously at her strange expression.

“You look funny when you cum,” she told him.

“Thanks,” he said. “I think.”

“My thighs hurt,” she complained but didn’t move off him. “I’m not used to fucking like this.”

“Then get off of me and relax a bit,” he told her.

Since Rebecca was being so careful with how she moved her body it took them a minute to uncouple allowing Evan to roll her to her side and let his cock slip from her pussy. A little spurt of his cum shot out from between her legs, landing on her inner thigh, and she laughed. “Well, it’s not like I needed any more to get me pregnant.”

“It’s not like any of my cum was ever going to get you pregnant,” Evan said.

“I wished you’d told me that from the start. That way I wouldn’t have wasted so much time fucking you.”

“Uh-huh,” he vaguely agreed with her. Evan was in the middle of inspecting her nipples, squeezing and pinching them. She liked it and allowed it to continue. “So why are you fucking me now?”

“Just for the fun of it.”

“I see. I guess you really are bi, can’t decide between a man and a woman.”

That caused Rebecca to shake her head. “No. I’m bi, but I’ve decided. I like women better.”

“Oh?” He paused from inspecting her tits to glance up at her face to see if she was teasing him. “Should I be flattered that I still get to have sex with you?”

“Yes you should,” she told him, “but not for the reason you think. You’re a good lay, but not great enough to put me off women for the rest of my life.” She paused as he pinched her left nipple a bit harder at those words. “I still love having sex with men and women, but while my pussy loves both, my heart is definitely more aligned to women.”

“Huh,” Evan commented

“I can see that really upset and interested you,” Rebecca said as she looked at him inspecting her breasts.

“No, not that—though that’s really interesting—but the more interesting thing here are your tits.”

“Thanks. You really know how to give a woman a compliment,” she teased.

He shook his head. “I think you’re lactating.”

That truly startled Rebecca. “What?!”

“See,” Evan pointed out as he massaged her left breast a bit and rolled his fingers forward slightly, ending up with pinching her nipple. It felt good, but the end result was that a tiny, almost imperceptible bead of liquid formed on the tip of her nipple. Evan leaned over and licked the spot of moisture away from her sensitive pink flesh. The taste on his tongue was familiar if weak and slightly different from his usual source of milk. “Yeah, that’s breast milk all right.” He grinned happily at her.

“What? But it can’t be. I’m barely pregnant.”

“Pregnancy is a binary state. Either you are or you aren’t. And you are. And by my past history with this sort of thing, I can tell you that it’s just your breasts getting ready to produce milk. This is just your pre-milk. Your colostrum.”

“Oh.” She was still shocked at what he had revealed to her.

“It’s not really that surprising,” he added. “The amount of milk you’ve been drinking from Sondra, it’s probably primed the pump and your body was ready to make milk. A little extra nipple stimulation, a few more hormones, and there you are.” He smiled at her and nuzzled her breasts. “That’s what I like about women’s bodies. They’re so adaptable and so beautiful. And of course their tits make milk which is wonderful in and of itself.”

“Right,” she agreed. “So many changes,” she whispered mostly to herself. “I’m not sure I’m ready.”

“You’ll be ready when the time comes,” Evan said philosophically and kissed her breast, then brought her nipple into his mouth and sucked a little bit. There wasn’t really any flavor to the tiny bit of moisture he drew from her small breasts, but since she didn’t stop him, he nursed some more. Every bit of stimulation would bring encourage the production of more milk.

“It’s a shame you had to take out your rings, though,” he told her between sucks. “I wonder if it would happen to your milk with the rings in.”

Katie was annoyed that her fiancée was taking so much damn time to get ready for bed. They had already fooled around earlier—almost the moment that Katie had walked in the door. Rebecca was always horny nowadays. Maybe she had lost a little bit of her athletic figure with the slight bump of her stomach, but Katie wasn’t purely interested in Rebecca’s body. Besides, what was inside Reb’s body was more than worth it.

“C’mon, hon,” she called from the bed. She was starting to get frustrated. “I have an early morning tomorrow. I need my beauty sleep.” They would actually be sleeping tonight, Katie told herself. She was wearing her oldest, most boring sleep shirt and plain white cotton panties. She didn’t want Rebecca to get distracted and want to have sex when she got into bed.

“I’m coming, I’m coming,” Rebecca called from the bathroom.

Katie giggled to herself. “That’s what you were screaming earlier,” she said softly to no one.

Finally Rebecca sauntered into the bedroom. She was wearing only a pair of purple silk panties. Nothing else. Katie recognized the panties. They were the style that let Rebecca’s firm ass cheeks hang out the bottom just a little bit. She had given them to Reb last year for Valentine’s Day. Rebecca wore them as her subtle signal that she wanted to have sex.

Then Katie realized that her fiancée wasn’t naked except for the panties. Her nipple rings with the blue jewels were back in, adorning her pink nipples, dangling and swaying with her every movement, her every breath. She was gorgeous but the ever-practical Katie could only think of one thing.

“You shouldn’t be wearing your rings,” she pointed out. “It’s bad for the baby.”

Rebecca sighed. “Oh, Katie. The baby’s not here yet. My boobs are fine with the rings. Don’t you like them?”

Despite herself Katie’s eyes hadn’t moved from the lifeguard’s breasts. “Yes.”

“Don’t you like my panties?” she teased.

“You know I do…but we already had sex tonight.”

“I know. But I like putting these on for you.” Rebecca walked a careful line to her girlfriend’s bed, making her small breasts bounce just a little as her hips swayed back and forth.

“I’m not in the mood,” Katie said. It was a half-lie.

“I don’t want to have sex,” Rebecca said as she got in bed. “I want you to play with my tits.”


Rebecca didn’t say immediately but simply drew Katie’s head down to her breasts. “I want you to suck on my nipples.”

Katie responded, taking the pink nipple, fat with lust and impaled on a silver metal circle into her mouth and sucking. Rebecca sighed and pressed her body against the other woman. “Yes,” she moaned.

Rebecca continued to suck the nipple and pushed her hand down to Rebecca’s pussy, stroking outside the slick panties first, and then slipping her hand inside to stroke the woman’s hairless cunt. “Oh.”

It took a few minutes, but finally her tiny bit of milk let down and Rebecca relaxed. Then Katie tensed up as she tasted a sweetness that she had begun associating with Sondra’s full breasts. Katie was no fool; she pulled back and said, “You’re lactating.”

For something they both knew that was coming, though maybe not so early, Rebecca was extremely nervous about revealing this development to her girlfriend. She couldn’t even smile. “Yeah. I know. Evan figured it out yesterday.” She winced when she said those words. Katie didn’t mind that she fucked Evan on occasion, but she didn’t especially like to be reminded of it.

“Oh. I see.” Rebecca couldn’t read Katie’s emotions.

“Do you like it?” Rebecca asked.

“I like that it’s part of you.”

“Is it better with the rings in?” she asked a litter more eagerly.

Katie lowered her head and shook it slowly. “I haven’t tasted your milk without them in,” she said. “But I like your rings and I love you. I don’t see how I can even think of not loving your milk.”

Her answer made Rebecca relax a bit. “I’m not making much yet, but you can have some more.” She lifted up her small but slightly swollen breast to Katie’s mouth. Her fiancée took the hint and opened up to suck the nipple in once more. Rebecca’s milk flowed. And she leaned her head back on the pillow. It felt so good to have her breasts nursed. It was easy to see why Sondra had kept it up for so long with Evan. Would it always feel this good? Would it feel this good while her baby was nursing? Did it matter?

She ran her fingers through Katie’s long hair. “Drink up now, baby,” she whispered. “Pretty soon it’ll all be going to our baby.”

Her words made Katie laugh which quickly devolved into a coughing fit. When she managed to recover she said to Rebecca, “You know that you just called me ‘baby’ and referred to that creature in your belly as ‘baby’?”

“Oh shit, did I?” Rebecca was mortified. “I think I have to stop that.”

“Good idea. Call me ‘hon’ or ‘Katie’ from now on.”

“How about ‘mommy’?” Rebecca could never stop herself from pushing an issue.

“How about not?”

Rebecca pulled Katie’s lips back down to her breast. She needed to be nursed. It was a physical desire now. “Like it or not, we’re both going to be mommies soon enough.”

Katie managed to pull her head up from her fiancée’s breast long enough to say, “I’d rather be called wife first.”

“Just another few weeks, honey.”

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