His Wife’s Rich Milk (Complete)

His Wife’s Rich Milk: Part 3 – Chapter 14

Rebecca was breathing heavily to the point of nearly passing out. She gripped Sondra’s hand to the point where the older woman wanted to push her away it was so painful. Katie watched them with a slightly angry, slightly disapproving look on her face.

“Go ahead and tell her,” Sondra encouraged Rebecca while trying not to fall down from the pain shooting through her hand and up to her arm.

After a shuddering breath Rebecca opened up her mouth to speak, but Katie started first. She held up a hand and said, “Is this how you’re dumping me? Leaving me? You bring your new girlfriend over to our house and just end it?”

“What? No!” Rebecca blurted. “That’s not what this is about at all.”

Katie folded her arms across her chest. Her small chest, Sondra noted. The two other women were physically similar, they were both in incredible shape, sported short hair, and had small breasts with slender hips. Upon seeing her partner, Sondra wasn’t surprised that Rebecca had been so eager to go to be with her since Sondra’s body was so much different from Katie’s. Variety was the greatest spice in any sexual adventure. “Then what is it about?” Katie asked pointedly looking at Rebecca gripping Sondra’s hand.

After picking up on that very obvious clue Rebecca immediately dropped Sondra’s hand and found her courage. She simply had to face the life she had chosen. “Sondra’s just a friend,” she said. It was half a life. She was a friend who Rebecca had been physically intimate with, but Rebecca had no intention of leaving the woman she loved. But neither did she want Katie to know what she had been doing with other people either. Not right now. Feeling like a little girl caught after being disobedient her eyes dropped to the floor and she managed to force out of her mouth, “I’m pregnant.”

The pause before Katie spoke again was an eternity that stretched into countless infinities. “What?”

“I’m pregnant,” Rebecca repeated. Once it was said the first time, the repetition was easier.

Katie flicked aside the second iteration with a flick of her hand. “I heard you the first time. How did this happen?” The question was directed at Sondra.

Sondra cleared her throat and said, “I didn’t have anything to do with that.”

That answer caused Katie to roll her eyes. “I can figure that out. You’re obviously a woman. And who are you exactly?”

“I’m a friend of Rebecca,” she said again. “We met at the gym.”

Katie’s eyes flicked back to Rebecca. “I thought we agree that you could sleep with other men only.”

Rebecca opened her mouth to protest, but Sondra stepped in. “Okay, fine, you caught us. We’ve had sex. Big deal. You’re completely missing the point. Your girlfriend just told you she’s pregnant and you had no reaction whatsoever. What’s wrong with you?!”

Katie said nothing. And then she burst into tears. Rebecca immediately went to the person she loved most in the world and held her. They both cried. Sondra stood there awkwardly waiting for the moment to pass. It took a long time. She was glad she didn’t have anywhere to go right away.

“Marry me?” Katie asked her girlfriend.

“What?” Rebecca sobbed.

“Marry me,” Katie said. “We’ve always said when we had a baby we’d get married, right? Was that the agreement?”

Rebecca nodded and sobbed happily. “Yes. I just didn’t expect it this way.” She half-laughed and half cried. “You don’t even have a ring for me. I don’t have one for you either.” The two cried a bit more and then kissed. “Yes.”

“What? Yes?” Katie was confused.

“I’m saying yes to your proposal. I want to get married.”

Katie laughed. “Right. I forgot. Oh! Wait! I forgot!” She disengaged herself from Rebecca’s embrace and ran back to their bedroom.

“What’s going on?” Sondra asked. Rebecca only shrugged.

A few seconds later Katie was back. In her hand she carried a small ring. “I’m sorry it’s probably the wrong size, but I’m the one who wound up with it because my brother only wants the newest and best for his girlfriend-now-wife.” She held the gold ring up for Rebecca to inspect.

It was very old and made of traditional white gold, slightly tarnished with age. The diamond wasn’t huge and was mounted into the metal itself, not held up with tines to show it off. Everything about it spoke of age, a style long past, and not wealth but an engagement ring purchased with whatever little money was on hand at the time.

“It was my great-grandmother’s. I barely knew her. She died when I was five and I never got all the stories about her, some are pretty wild according to family legend. Her husband died like ten years after they got married and she was…um…considered the slutty woman of the town.”

Rebecca gasped in amusement. “You’re giving me the engagement ring of a slutty woman?”

Katie grinned. “It’s kind of fitting, isn’t it?”

Sondra could barely keep up with the shifts in their relationship. The amazing part occurred when Rebecca tried to slip it on her finger. It actually went on without difficulty. “Holy shit,” Rebecca breathed. “It fits.”

A tsk-tsk came from Katie. “Such language for a refined young lady. By all accounts Grandma Janey was a force to be reckoned with. Who knew you two had the same size fingers.”

“I’d better leave you two,” Sondra said when she realized everything was going to turn out for the best. She gathered her jacked at made to leave.

“No, wait,” Katie said. “I still haven’t found out who the father of our baby is.” She fixed Sondra with an intense stare. “Is the father your husband?”

“What?” Sondra exclaimed. “No. No. Not him. How did you know I was married?”

Katie pointed to Sondra’s left hand, third finger. “Most married women wear a wedding band and engagement ring. Just like you do. So who is the father?” The question wasn’t directed at either woman, but it was obvious that Katie expected an answer.

“Um…my husband got a vasectomy years ago,” Sondra said which didn’t really answer the question but ended the silence.

“His name is Hank,” Rebecca said. “He’s just a guy no one important.”

Katie now focused her glare on her girlfriend-now-fiancée. “Who was he? Where did you meet him? Doesn’t he want to know he’s going to be a father or are we going to hide his own child from him?”

Rebecca looked at Sondra. “The man Katie grew up with thinking was her father, wasn’t,” she explained.

“My mother was in the middle of a divorce when I was born,” Katie added. “But that sort of thing can fuck up your head when you discover it at age nine.”

After rubbing her forehead Katie relented. “I suppose we can tell him.”

Katie nodded. “Good. But who was he. Not some random guy you picked up at a bar?”

“No. He’s…”

Sondra stepped in again. “He’s my boyfriend.”

“Boyfriend?” Katie was surprised.

“Well…sort of boyfriend. Just a guy I’ve had sex with in the past. I loaned him…sort of…to Rebecca.”

Now Katie goggled at Sondra. “First I thought you were stealing my girlfriend away from me, now I find out you cheat on your husband and loan out the guy to impregnate bisexual women.”

“You make it sound tawdry. And I don’t cheat on my husband. He knows about Hank.” That was only a half-truth at best but Katie didn’t need to know that.

“I’m starting to like you more and more,” Katie said.

“I’m full of secrets.”

“I like a mysterious woman,” said Katie. “I suppose I should thank you. You’ve indirectly given me a wife-to-be and a baby on the way. Holy shit. A baby on the way. That’s a scary thought.”

“I’ve got two kids,” Sondra said. “I know how it can mess up your mind.”

“Thank you again,” Katie said and took two steps away from Rebecca to embrace Sondra. She followed the embrace with a kiss on Sondra’s lips. It only seemed natural. What wasn’t entirely natural was when Katie didn’t stop kissing her and slipped her tongue into Sondra’s mouth.

The older woman responded automatically. She knew she was a slave to her sexual drive and kissing Katie back was perfectly natural even if it was done right in front of Rebecca. Katie reveled in Sondra’s body. She was soft and ample where Rebecca was hard and angular. It was easy to see why her girlfriend was attracted to Sondra.

“Wow,” Sondra breathed when the kiss finally ended.

“You’ve been sleeping with my girlfriend, haven’t you?” Katie asked. “You don’t have to lie. I’m not upset by it. I just want to know the truth.”

“It didn’t start out as sex,” Sondra said trying to explain why she was sleeping with Katie’s girlfriend.

“I’m sure,” Katie half-agreed. “It always does.”

“No. Really! It’s a long story, but I needed a little bit of relief for my breasts. I’m lactating and my husband has to cut down on his milk intake because my milk is making him fat so I used Rebecca—I made her nurse from me—because she was sleeping with Evan.” When the words left her mouth Sondra gasped and slapped her hand over her lips but it was too late. “I didn’t mean to say that.”

Katie found herself glaring at Rebecca. “You were sleeping with her husband as well?”

Rebecca’s eyes went to the floor again. “Yes. But I wanted to stop when I found out he had a vasectomy.”

“But you didn’t stop.”

“He was a good lay.”

“And you need cock every once a in a while.”


Katie hadn’t let go of Sondra’s hands yet. “You know what I need every once in a while? Pussy. New pussy. I like women. I’ve never been with a man.” She glanced one more time at her fiancée. “Right now the new pussy I want is Sondra’s. Do you mind?” she asked Rebecca.

Rebecca only shook her head. Katie started pulling Sondra back to the bedroom. “You’re bi, aren’t you?” she asked Sondra.

“Sure,” Sondra said.

“Want to have sex?”


“Reb and I need to share everything. At least, I think we should share everything. Except men. I don’t fuck men.”

As they slowly retreated into the bedroom, Rebecca watched in amazement. Did her fiancée just seduce her girlfriend? She couldn’t believe it. After standing in the middle of the living room for a minute, it occurred to her that she hadn’t been barred from the bedroom.

Upon arriving in the bedroom she found Katie already had Sondra’s shirt and bra off. Or had Sondra eagerly taken off her top because of Katie? It was impossible to say. Katie had one hand down Sondra’s pants which were unbuttoned and unzipped but still on. They were kissing and Rebecca had a sudden pang of jealousy…along with an urge to jump in bed with them.

She didn’t. She waited and watched.

Sondra wasn’t a shrinking violent. She kissed back eagerly and pulled at Katie’s clothes. The dancer helped her in undressing. In the process her hair bun came loose and her long brown hair fell around her face to her shoulders.

“Suck my tits,” Sondra told her new lover.

Katie hesitated. “Umm…are you sure?”

Sondra grinned because she liked teasing all of her lovers. “Yes. Are you worried about the milk? You’ll love it. Everyone I have sex with does. Why do you think they keep trying to get into my pussy? You’ll love it too. You’ll need to get used to it anyway?”

“Why is that?”

“Katie’s going to be lactating soon enough. Do you love her tits?” Sondra glanced over at Rebecca who was still watching silently. Katie didn’t look at her fiancée; she lowered her head and started sucking on one of Sondra’s nipples. Sondra moaned. Sondra sighed and held Katie’s head in place as the lesbian tried another woman’s breast milk for the same time.

It was a hard thing to do, but Katie had resolved never to deny herself a new experience with a lover. The milk was thin and watery, but also sweet and heavy on her tongue. It wasn’t something she had ever expected to taste, but life was often full of little unexpected surprises.

Sondra locked eyes with Rebecca. The lifeguard had unconsciously cupped a breast with one hand and was rubbing her pussy through her pants with the other. Sondra kept watching. Katie’s hand was busy between Sondra’s legs, her fingers slippery with Sondra’s juices, her clit was between two fingers, squeezing and releasing in a steady rhythm.

“Do you like men or women better?” Katie asked abruptly, letting go of her breast.

“Men,” Sondra answered honestly. “But I love being with women too.” She glanced shyly at Rebecca. “Right now I’d love to be with two women.”

Katie smiled and asked, “Do you want her to go down on you?”

“No…I want the two of you to nurse from me…then I want you to go down on me.”

Katie looked over at Rebecca and nodded. In a moment both of Sondra’s breasts were being drained of their precious milk. Sondra writhed and moaned in pleasure. It was almost too much. While Katie kept up playing with her pussy, Rebecca pushed her pants the rest of the way off. Somehow in the process Rebecca had gotten naked as well. Sondra found herself between two naked and lithe women and was in heaven.

Before she knew it Katie was down between her legs licking her pussy and flicking her clit with her tongue.

“She’s good, isn’t she?” Rebecca asked.

“Uh-huh,” Sondra answered. It was hard to talk with a tongue in her pussy and Rebecca’s fingers pinching her left nipple.

“Do you want her to fuck you?”

Sondra’s answer was little more than a moan. Katie took that as a yes. She got up from the bed and Sondra groaned in complaint, but she was distracted by Rebecca’s kiss and how she pinched both her nipples. It wasn’t painful but it should have been.

“Ready for me?” Katie asked from the side of the bed.

Opening her eyes Sondra looked at the woman who wanted to fuck her. It wasn’t a lesbian’s exaggeration. She stood at the bedside proudly, her body taut and all but perfect. Her tummy was flat, her hair was long, her breasts were high and pointed forward proudly, and—incongruously—a blue cock stuck out from between her legs.

Sondra tried to answer but no words came out of her mouth.

“Ever been fucked by a Feeldoe before?”

A shake of her head told Katie no.

“Rebecca says it’s a lot like getting fucked by a man. I wouldn’t know. Tell me what you think.” Sondra wondered if Katie was playing the role of the man as she got back on the bed and assumed the superior position on top of Sondra. She then fitted the head of the Feeldoe to the entrance of Sondra’s pussy. It took a tiny bit of maneuvering but they soon had their bodies aligned and Katie pushed the Feeldoe home.

It was much like being fucked by a man who had a fake cock, Sondra realized after a minute. She had used plenty of vibrators and dildos on herself and had Evan use them on her—it wasn’t that different. A soft, thin man with slightly wide hips and long hair. A man who knew how to make love to a woman. Then Katie reached down to the Feeldoe and depressed a hidden button. The fake cock came to life as a vibrator and Sondra’s eyes rolled up into her head.


Sondra was breathing heavily to the point of nearly passing out. She gripped Rebecca’s hand to the point where the young woman wanted to drop their grasp because it was so painful. Katie watched them with a thrilled and pleased expression on her face and continued to fuck Sondra until they both came.

Image of hellish Horror, Ignorance,

Born in the Bosom of the black Abyss,

And fed with Furies Milk for Sustenance

Of his weak Infancy, begot amiss

By yawning Sloth on his own Mother Night;

So he his Sons both Sire and Brother hight

—Edmund Spenser, The Tears of the Muses

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