His Wife’s Rich Milk (Complete)

His Wife’s Rich Milk: Part 1 – Chapter 5

Sondra groaned as she dragged her breasts down the length of Henry’s chest, feeling the wiry hairs rubbing against her nipples was part annoyance and part stimulant. She was riding his body, his cock firmly lodged in her pussy. They were in her bed in the middle of the day. They were both supposed to be eating lunch. The closest Sondra had come to any nutrition was when she had sucked Henry’s cock and tasted a bit of his precum. She was going to have to rush back to the office after they finished and eat something on the way. Henry at least had gotten to drink her milk. That’s why they were fucking.

She had promised herself that she would stop having sex with Henry. It wasn’t right. While she didn’t exactly feel guilt over fucking her husband’s best friend, she hadn’t come out and told Evan what she was doing with her excess milk either. He assumed she was pumping at work or alone in the morning and that was good enough for him.

And after the first inappropriate time with Henry she had told him that he could only suck her tits to release her milk. That’s all.

That promise lasted five minutes. Then her hand was reaching down his pants and his was going up her skirt. While they didn’t fuck every time he nursed from her breasts, it was rare that she didn’t get off at least once. More than once she had left him in a state of arousal where she was certain he had gone to the bathroom the moment she left and jerked off. That was fine with her…as long as she got to cum when she wanted.

Meeting in his office on a regular basis wasn’t realistic. They had agreed to meet at her house for a quick feeding to relieve the pressure on her breasts. It was never stated aloud, but it was simply assumed they would have sex. Sondra wanted to have sex with Henry, it wasn’t so much a desire for him, but a chance for variety outside her marriage and a little reward for relieving the pressure in her breasts.

She knew she should confess to Evan exactly what was going on, but not just yet. She wanted Henry to do it for her and he wasn’t quite ready for that. Yet. She needed to put him through a routine of nursing first followed by a few cycles of fucking and denial.

That’s what she told herself at least.

She dragged her tits back up his chest and reveled in the sensation. When she reached the top Henry ducked his head and caught one of her big nipples in his mouth and sucked. She was almost dry by now. He had fed for a long time before their clothes came off and they fell into bed. A little gasp escaped her lips as he sucked hard. It hurt, but it was a good pain. He was rewarded with a little squirt of milk. That’s what he was after.

It had been strange to Henry, at first, to actually suckle milk from his new lover. It was a fetish he had heard of before, of course, but had never had any real experience with it. After a few tries is became obvious to him why Evan had fallen into the practice with his wife. It was beguiling and enervating. He couldn’t admit it to Sondra, of course, but the possibility that she might stop having him nurse made him depressed and nervous.

There wasn’t much milk, but they were quickly approaching the climax of the love making. “Faster,” Sondra requested as her curvy hips moved up and down, her pussy sliding on his cock.

Unexpectedly Henry slapped her firm ass. It stung and she cried out in surprise and pain. The pain wasn’t terrible, it was more the shock that brought the cry to her lips. “Hold still then,” Henry said. The slap had made her stop moving so all he had to do was grab both her hips and thrust upward with all his might over and over again while she squatted on top of him. That was exactly what she needed. The fucking wasn’t at all romantic or gentle; it was pure and unadulterated lust.

She loved the way he was fucking her but would never confess that to Henry. When he exploded inside of her pussy she shook with the wave of pleasure it caused. She could feel each and every pulse of cum that he pumped into her. His orgasm lasted a long time and she pressed a breast to his mouth while he came. Henry bit down on the nipple. Hard. She didn’t feel any pain. It was all pleasure.

After then rested a minute Sondra rolled her body off Henry and went to the bathroom. There she sat on the toilet, let most of his cum drain out of her body, and then removed the diaphragm he had gotten for her. She had refused to let him cum inside her without some protection. Neither of them wanted to use condoms—especially because Sondra liked the feeling of hot cum in her pussy—and most other means would have aroused Evan’s suspicions. She couldn’t go on the Pill because Evan would find out and she didn’t want to mess up her cycle or her milk production just for some extra fucks. It was lucky that Henry was a doctor. Getting a diaphragm was relatively simple.

When she came out of the bathroom Henry was already dressed and in the process of adjusting his tie in the same mirror that Evan used every morning for the same purpose. Sondra couldn’t help herself. She went over to him while still naked and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “You need to tell him,” she said as she found her panties and started pulling them on.

“Shouldn’t this be your responsibility?” he asked. “Isn’t it customary for the wife to tell her husband she’s fucking his friend?”

“Ah, no, there’s no customary in that. That’s the same sexist attitude men take when they pull out the customary responsibility bullshit for women being in charge of the birth control.”

“I believe I took care of that little problem for you,” he pointed out as he turned back from the mirror to watch her getting dressed. She struggled with her big bra until he indicated for her to turn around and then fastened it for her. As he did so he looked down at her ass now covered up by a pair of green and pink striped panties. “You should wear thongs,” he said. “Show off your ass a bit.”

“It’s too big,” she said. “And don’t change the subject.”

“It’s not too big and I’m giving you a compliment.” He reached down and yanked the bottom edges of her panties into her ass crack. “Oh, wait a minute. Not a good idea.”

“See, I told you so.”

“No, no,” Henry reassured her. “Your ass looks great. It’s just that…you can see my handprint where I smacked you.” He rearranged her panties back to their natural position.

“Thank you,” she sighed and found her skirt after glancing at the clock. She was going to be late and didn’t care a whit about it. An idea occurred to her. “If I wear a thong for you, will you tell Evan what we’re doing?”

“Only if you wear it to work and I get to see you in it and take it off you before I fuck you. And you have to wear it when I tell him that I’ve been fucking you for the past three months.”

“I could agree to that,” she said catching him completely by surprise. “But would you really want to wreck my marriage over a pair of panties?”

He slowly shook his head and slipped his hands around her tits. “No, but maybe over your ass and tits…”

Evan released her breast from his mouth and commented, “You don’t have as much milk tonight as you normally do.”

Sondra was lying on her side next to Evan in their bed allowing him to nurse as was their custom at the end of the night. It relaxed her. It filled his belly. And it excited them both to the point where they had to have sex. However, tonight wasn’t going like it normally did. Evan was right. Rebecca’s breasts weren’t as full as they usually were—that was because Henry had completely drained her earlier in the day. She was also nearly exhausted from him fucking her and her lust level was exceedingly low since she had been satisfied by Henry’s cock in the middle of the day.

To put it succinctly she wasn’t in the mood but she knew she had a duty to her husband. He had been so loyal to her while she was cheating on him with Henry, it wouldn’t be right to refuse him sex while he had been doing such a good job losing weight. She could see the change in his body. He was already slimmer, his belly was half gone, and his muscles felt stronger. If only nursing him had brought her the same excitement it used to.

“I’m sorry,” she said. “I guess I was a little too aggressive with the breast pump today at work,” she lied.

“How much did you get?” he asked. He was always fascinated by her breasts and the milk they produced.

“A full bottle for each,” she said, continuing with her fib. “I have a confession to make,” she said nervously.

“Oh? What?”

“I masturbated when I was done.” She was ashamed at her story telling, but once she started she couldn’t stop herself.

“In your office?”

“Yeah, in the bathroom. The door locks so it’s private. Just one person at a time.”

“That’s dirty,” he told her.

“I know,” she agreed. “But I really needed to get off when I was done pumping. I got me really hot.”

He nodded and continued to play with her breasts and nipples a minute. She didn’t mind. Anything to keep her thoughts off her indiscretion with Henry.

“Have you ever thought about getting your nipples pierced?” he abruptly asked her.


“You know, getting your nipples pierced. A little decoration.” Her grinned at her and pinched both her nipples with his fingers just hard enough for her to feel it but not hard enough to cause any real pain. She had tough nipples, she could take it.

“Um. No! What brings this up?” She was caught off guard by the strange question.

Evan shrugged. “Nothing special. I was just thinking that your milk can’t last forever and we should do something nice to them when we’re done with nursing.”

Her eyes narrowed and a small grin played at her lips. “You’ve been looking at porn, haven’t you? Have you been seeing a lot of women with rings in their nips?”

His face flushed red but Evan kept up with the conversation. “Maybe. Maybe not. Does the idea sound…I don’t know, hot to you?”

She shook her head. “No. It sounds painful and silly. And a bit slutty. I’m not the type of person who gets her nipples pierced. I’m married. I’m a mother. I’m too old for that sort of shit.”

He pinched her nipples harder and she inhaled deeply. “It can’t be any more painful than this,” he said to her. “Do you like this pain?”

It took Sondra a moment to answer. She was lost in the sensations running through her nipples. “Yeah,” she managed with a shaky voice. “I like it.”

“Maybe you’d like a bit of metal through these as well, I bet you would, wouldn’t you?” His voice was demanding, insistent.

Despite herself, Sondra found she was nodding. “Yeah. I’d like that.” Her pussy was getting wet. It was strange to realize that the idea and the pain was making her excited. She wanted to fuck her husband now, regardless of the fact she had fucked her lover earlier in the day. Evan let go of her nipples and she hissed in pain as the blood rushed back into them. “If my milk ever dries up, maybe then,” she half promised.

Evan wasn’t listening. He was already rolling on top of her pushing her panties down her legs and penetrating her cunt with his hard dick.

He’s outwardly respectable. (They say he cheats at cards.)

And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard’s.

And when the larder’s looted, or the jewel-case is rifled,

Or when the milk is missing, or another Peke’s been stifled,

Or the greenhouse glass is broken, and the trellis past repair –

Ay, there’s the wonder of the thing! Macavity’s not there!

—T.S. Elliot, Macavity, the Mystery Cat

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