His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter His to Own: EPILOGUE

Eight Months Later…

Giving birth to our son was one of the most magical moments of my life. Right up until we welcomed our healthy, screaming eight-pound bundle of joy into the world, Miceli remained by my side. My entire pregnancy went relatively smoothly and I truly enjoyed the transformation my body, mind and heart went through. Now, however, I’m feeling the urge to get back into shape, but I think a few of the curves pregnancy added to my figure are here to stay. Miceli doesn’t seem to mind, though, and he makes sure I know it.

Gliding back and forth in the rocking chair with baby Nico asleep in my arms, I sigh happily. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this content or well-loved in my life. Being a mother agrees with me and it’s a constant learning experience. Nico is now one-week old and he keeps us on our toes.

I run a finger over his chubby cheek and wonder how I ever got so lucky. Oh, wait, I guess it was the moment I walked into the library when I was supposed to go into the sitting room. One little misstep and the course of my life changed forever and in the most remarkable of ways. Because I found love. The kind of love that can only come from a good man who looks at me like I’m the most special woman in the world.

At least, in his world.

Miceli tells me every day, multiple times, how much he loves me. He also likes to remind me that the best thing that ever happened to him was finding me and then stealing me away. He doesn’t agree that he forced me into marriage and prefers to say there may have been some coercion at first, but then I was completely onboard after that first kiss we shared in his bedroom.

He isn’t wrong. That first kiss left my heart thundering, my stomach flipping and my knees quaking. It’s funny because even now, his kisses still affect me that way. They make me just as giddy as they did that very first time.

When I see a shadow, I look up and speak of the devil. My big, handsome protector stands in the doorway, gazing softly at us.

“Hi,” I murmur, a smile lifting the corners of my mouth. “How was your meeting?”

“Considering how power hungry that group of people is…I’d say it went extremely well.” After the chaos revolving around Rocco, Miceli and his brothers decided it would be in the Five Families’ best interest to create a solid alliance. Instead of only the family heads meeting, anyone from the family is welcome to attend their clandestine meetings and vote on decisions that need to be made. It helps spread out and better balance the power. Plus, by creating this Alliance, they’re all working together to protect each other’s best interests, rather than working against each other. So far, it’s going well. But, some members of the Bianche family are still harboring a grudge and enjoy making things difficult. Miceli has to keep a close eye on them, but he assures me everything is running more smoothly than it ever has before.

Miceli strides over on silent feet, leans down and presses a kiss to my lips. And, yep, my stomach somersaults.

“Hello, princess. How’s our little prince doing tonight?”

“Wonderful. No fussing at all. He just finished eating about ten minutes ago and fell right to sleep.”

I watch as Miceli reaches for Nico’s tiny hand and holds it. It makes my heart weep tears of joy.

“I don’t think I’ll ever get used to how little he is. Sometimes, I’m scared I’m going to break him.”

“Never. You’re too gentle. Enjoy it now though, Daddy, because your son is going to grow up to be big and strong one day. Maybe even bigger than you with the way he eats.”

Miceli lets out a low chuckle, his dimple appearing. I love that dimple and the boyish look it gives his rugged face.

“He does have a healthy appetite.” He releases the baby’s tiny fist and caresses an index finger along the open edge of my robe where my absolutely huge breasts threaten to pop out. “Can’t blame him, though.”

“Naughty,” I whisper.

“When did the doctor say we’re allowed to…” His words fade away in a low grunt as he palms my breast.

“Miceli,” I chastise. “You’ve got about six more weeks before that. I swear, you’re insatiable.”

“When it comes to you, yeah, I’m a hungry man, princess…starving…”

“Kiss your wife,” I murmur, and he needs no further invitation. Miceli’s hand moves back up to cradle my neck and he leans in, his lips capturing mine. I’ll never tire of his kisses and my toes curl in my slippers. So deep, so thorough. I whimper softly in the back of my throat as his tongue slides against mine.

When we finally come up for air, his dark eyes look a little glazed over. Knowing I have the power to bring this big, powerful man to his knees is heady.

“I’ve never been so damn happy,” he says softly. “You’re my everything, my sweet girl, and I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you just how much I love you.”

“I love you, Miceli.” He reaches for my hand, lifts it to his lips and brushes a kiss along my knuckles. Then our fingers entwine as we gaze down at the little miracle in my arms. “Since it was just me and Gia, I always wanted a big family. Have I mentioned that?”

His dark brows shoot skyward then his mouth edges up. “Alessia, I promise to keep giving you babies until you say stop.”

“What if I want ten?”

“Ten?” he echoes dubiously, but I keep my face serious and nod. “Then ten it is.”

“And if I change my mind and decide I’d like fifteen?” I try not to laugh at the expression that crosses his face.

“You plan on keeping me very busy, don’t you?”

I can’t help but grin. “I’ll take whatever you give us, Miceli. It doesn’t matter if it’s one baby or twenty.”

“Twenty might be a little much, princess, but we have time.”

“I think we have our hands full with Nico. For now, anyway.” I toss him a playful wink. “But, when that six weeks is up, husband dear, you better be prepared to get busy.”

“You know,” he begins thoughtfully, “there are other things we could do until then.”


“Maybe if you put Nico in his crib, I’ll take you to bed and show you a few things.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “Insatiable.”

“Only for you, my princess.”

Miceli helps me up out of the rocking chair and we tuck Nico into his crib. Then, my husband guides me down to our bedroom and he shows me exactly how much fun we can still have despite the doctor’s orders.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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