His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 7

I’m still in the bathroom, stalling, when I hear Miceli moving around in the other room. Needing my duffel bag, I open the door and step into the bedroom. My attention instantly moves to Miceli who has removed his suit jacket, tie and is currently unbuttoning his black dress shirt. He looks ridiculously good in all black and I swallow hard as he slips the dress shirt off and turns, sensing my presence.

Holy Mary, Mother of God. My gaze dips, soaking up his firm, muscled chest and then drops to his insanely flat, ridged abs. No one should have such a perfect and enticing body. He looks like a freaking sculpture carved from marble. His hands reach for his belt, those long fingers slowly loosening it, and I watch, absolutely mesmerized. It takes quite a bit of effort to pry my eyes from that dark strip of hair disappearing down into his pants and when I realize where I’m staring, my cheeks burn hotly and I glance back up to see his lips twitching.

Oh, my God, he thinks this is funny. I probably have the most dumbfounded, slightly idiotic look on my face, so I can hardly blame him for wanting to laugh. I’ve never seen such an amazing display of potent masculinity in person and my hands itch to run over each groove and muscle.

Clearing my throat, I grab my bag and disappear back inside the bathroom fast. Before he removes those perfectly-pressed slacks and really gives me something impressive to look at. Gah. Shaking my head, I dig my pajamas out and hurriedly change. Meanwhile, I start popping my watermelon hard candy because I’m so damn nervous, I can’t see straight.

Glancing into the huge, spotless mirror, I realize my shirt is a little too thin and my bottoms are a little too short. It’s not exactly skimpy, but there’s something a little teasing about my sleepwear. Until now, I’ve never thought too much about it because I’ve never had anyone to tease.

A nervous flutter fills my stomach when I open the door and step back into the room. I know the instant Miceli’s gaze lands on me because my entire body begins to heat up. I’ve never been so aware of another human being in my entire life. Daring to glance over, I see him standing near the bed, wearing a pair a black, long silky pajama bottoms and, of course, he’s shirtless. Something I could get used to really fast.

I can feel his eyes moving up and down my body, and it’s impossible to ignore. A part of me even enjoys the attention. Setting my bag in the corner, I finally turn to face him and he’s moving across the room, closing in on me like some kind of stealthy, very hungry panther.

“Let me take that,” he says, reaching for my bag. “In the morning, we’ll hang your clothes up in the closet with mine.”

Taken aback, I watch him deposit my bag in the huge walk-in closet with his clothes. Why would we be hanging up my clothes? I don’t plan on staying here long enough for that. “That’s really not necessary,” I start to say.

“I want you to be comfortable,” he insists.

“Miceli, I don’t think you understand. I’m leaving tomorrow and⁠—”

“No,” he interrupts, “you’re not.”

“You can’t just kidnap me!” I huff out a breath and cross my arms which in turn lift my breasts higher. His black eyes immediately dip, filling with heat, and I glance down to see my pebbled nipples on display. Dammit. I immediately uncross my arms and make a frustrated sound.

Meanwhile, Miceli stalks closer, until he’s standing directly in front of me, and he places a finger beneath my chin, tilting it up. Forcing me to look up into his midnight eyes.

“Call it whatever you want,” he murmurs, gaze locking with mine. “But here’s the situation—I don’t think that man was trying to kill me. I think he was after you.”

I gasp and shake my head. “Why would anyone be after me?”

“You’re a mafia princess and belong to one of the most powerful families in the city. There are a million reasons.”

I’m stunned and suddenly my legs feel a little wobbly. Reaching up, I slide a hand around Miceli’s thick wrist, holding onto it for support or I’m scared I might fall down. His words leave me unsteady and full of questions..

“I won’t let anything happen to you,” he promises, his voice low and making my body react in strange ways. Releasing my chin, he takes both my hands in his, holding them firmly, and the gesture makes me feel instantly secure. “You’re cold…and shaking. C’mere, princess.”

The moment he pulls me into his arms, wrapping me up in the heat of his huge body, I melt against him. Maybe I should push him away and demand that he release me, but I like knowing I’m safe here. Especially if someone is after me.

Burying my face against his hard, warm chest, I wrap my arms around his back and hold on for dear life. Suddenly, I’m scared. What if someone is trying to kill me? How am I going to live my life without constantly looking around every corner and being scared all the time? I suppose I could have a bodyguard, but that’s a last resort. I like my privacy and can’t imagine being followed around all day.

After what feels like forever, but is probably only a couple of minutes, Miceli pulls back. His dark eyes drop to my mouth and my heart slams against my chest as his head begins to lower. Oh, my God, he’s going to kiss me. I can see his intention clear as day. And I want it. I want his lips on mine so badly that I’m burning up for it. The moment his lips touch mine, it’s like a flare goes off inside my body. Everything lights up and becomes alive in the most amazing, inexplicable way. Sighing softly, my lips part slightly and he deepens the kiss, tongue sliding inside and meeting mine.

And it’s electric.

I’ve never kissed anyone before and it becomes clear very quickly that Miceli is a master kisser. I do my best to match his moves, touching my tongue against his, and to learn from him. My body, wearing only thin pajamas, is pressed against his, practically wrapped around him, and, as we’re kissing, I feel his hard cock push against my belly. Oh, wow. He’s rather large and⁠—

Miceli tears his mouth away and curses under his breath. I’m not sure why he swore, but he releases me, takes a step back and eyes me warily. And it occurs to me that I might’ve messed up somehow.

“Did I, ah, mess up? I’m sorry. I don’t have much experience kissing men.” I frown, my attention dropping to the light smattering of dark hair on his chest. God, he’s sexy. Maybe I should be completely honest. “Actually, no experience. You’re sort of my first.”

He utters another curse and swipes a hand through his dark hair. But, it occurs to me that he doesn’t look upset. “That was your first kiss?” he asks, dark eyes glowing. He steps closer. “Me?”

Disbelief fills his voice. I am twenty-four years old and the epitome of a late-bloomer in nearly every way. Especially when it comes to men. A sudden shyness overwhelms me and I manage a nod. Miceli reaches out and cups my face with large, gentle hands.

“I can do much better than that,” he murmurs. “Let me try again?”

Better? Is he kidding? “Okay,” I whisper, beyond curious. “but that was pretty good.”

He smirks then leans in and captures my mouth again. Taking full control, he angles my head back, tasting and nibbling for a moment, then sweeping his tongue past my lips and drinking deeply.


The way he kisses me has me moaning and writhing in his arms. His kisses are steamy and all sex. Wetness pools between my thighs and everything around me turns hazy and dream-like as he continues to explore and plunder. It almost feels like he’s marking me. Claiming me on some primal level.

When Miceli finally releases my mouth, I tighten my grip on him or I might fall over. He pulls me back up straight and his mouth edges up. “Better, right?”

Try out of this world, I want to say, but I don’t want to stroke his ego. Instead, I smooth my hands down my rumpled pajamas. “Not bad,” I say, trying to pull myself together and not swoon.

“Not bad?” he echoes, his dark, thick brows pulling together in a scowl. Before I can tell him I’m teasing, he hauls me up, spins me around and pushes my back against the wall. Not expecting the sudden move, I wrap my legs around his waist and hang on. His large arms cage me in, palms flat on either side of my head, and his mouth slams against mine. The restraint he showed earlier is gone and this is a completely different kind of kiss. It’s rough, dark and exciting. And, so very demanding. I slide my fingers through his hair, tangling them in the thick, black strands, and feel his hard erection press against my core. He rotates his hips, grinding against me and I gasp into his mouth.

It all feels so new and so good. Pushing my breasts against his bare chest, I squirm against him. Needing and wanting so much more. Then, with a growl, he yanks his mouth away and stares at me, breathing hard.

“Better?” he grits out, his hips bumping against mine, making me completely aware of his very large cock thrusting against my core. Hell, there’s no way I can miss it. Just like his mouth, I have a feeling his cock is quite demanding.

“I was just teasing before,” I admit, trying to catch my breath. “All of your kisses were amazing. Mind-blowing, actually.”

“Vixen,” he hisses then slowly lowers me to the floor. His eyes slide closed and he looks like he’s in pain. “Get in bed. I’ll be right with you.”

“Where are you going?” I ask.

“To take care of my weeping cock.”

My mouth drops open at his blatant honesty and I watch as he limps toward the bathroom and closes the door. A certain amount of satisfaction washes through me as I walk over to the bed. I did that to him. I made the big, powerful mafia man weep.

Pulling the covers back, I crawl into bed and I hear a muffled groan from the bathroom. Goosebumps break out over my skin and I yank the sheet up to my chin. You can bring this man to his knees, Alessia. I’m not sure where the thought comes from or if it’s even true. But, it’s interesting to consider—a woman’s sexual power over a man. Until tonight, I’ve never experienced just how incredible it can be. I can see how it could almost be…addicting.

When the door opens again, my gaze slides down Miceli’s perfect chest and drops to the front of his silky, black pants. He took care of the issue and I find myself wondering how long it would take to get him all worked up again. What if I reach out and touch him? Stroke him through those satiny pants?

I have no idea where these wicked thoughts are coming from, but one thing is certain. Miceli Rossi is causing a sexual awakening in me that I can’t seem to control. Nor do I want to.

True to his promise, Miceli doesn’t touch me at all during the night. And, the funny thing is, I’m disappointed. I find myself craving his kisses, his warm touch, the way he made me feel so lost in a haze of desire.

There’s no doubt about it—I don’t like how far away he’s sleeping from me and I wonder why he’s keeping his distance. But, I find myself enjoying the soft, steady sound of his breathing and the way it lulls me to sleep. And I love how when I snuggle down into his sheets, his scent surrounds me. It smells expensive, extremely masculine and I can’t deny the way it makes my stomach flutter. Being here with Miceli, I’ve never felt so protected, so safe. In fact, this may be the best night of sleep I’ve had in a very long time.

When morning comes, my eyes flutter open and I realize I’m alone. Reaching over, my hand falls on the spot where Miceli slept. It’s still warm and I miss his presence. Considering I didn’t want to stay here in the first place, it’s an odd thought to have.

Just when I’m wondering what to do, the door opens and Miceli walks inside. He’s wearing a black silk robe and carrying a tray with coffee, tea, orange juice and several pastries. My stomach instantly growls. I didn’t eat dinner the other night because I was too nervous before running away to the train station, so now my belly is reminding me how hungry it is.

“Good morning,” he says, walking over and setting the tray on the bed then crawling in beside me. “I wasn’t sure what you like, so I brought you a few choices.”

His kindness touches me on a deep level and I smile shyly. “Thank you. This is very nice of you.” And it is. The gesture makes my chest tighten with emotion. No one has ever treated me like such a…well, a princess. Miceli is so attentive to my every need and it’s definitely something a girl could get used to very fast.

“You’re welcome.” He lifts a mug filled with steaming hot coffee and takes a drink, watching me thoughtfully over the rim.

I reach for the glass of orange juice and take a small sip, watching him right back beneath my lashes.

Miceli lets out a soft sigh. “We need to talk.”

“About what?” I ask, wishing he’d just shut up and kiss me again.

“About today…” His dark eyes search mine, “and the fact that we’re getting married.”

My jaw drops. “What?” I burst out, not quite sure that I heard him right. My fingers tighten around the glass then start shaking so hard that I have to set it back on the tray. “What’re you talking about?”

“No one will dare try to hurt you if you’re mine. My name will protect you.”

I shake my head back and forth. “That’s not a reason to get married! And what about Gia? She’s the one you’re supposed to marry.”

“I’m not marrying Gia,” he states darkly. “I’m marrying you. If you go back home now, your life will be in danger. They will hunt you down, find you and kill you to hurt your father. Is that what you want?”

“No, of course not!”

“Good, then it’s settled.”

As he takes another drink of coffee, looking slightly smug, I cross my arms. “Nothing is settled. I am not marrying you or Rocco or anyone else. Only a man that I choose.”

“Well, you better choose me fast, princess, because the priest is scheduled to arrive in…” He glances down at the large watch on his wrist, “exactly twenty minutes.”

“What?” I jump out of bed. “You are crazy!” Turning, I race for the bathroom, ready to lock myself up in there and refuse to come out when a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist and haul me back against a very muscular chest.

Miceli’s lips lightly touch the shell of my ear as he whispers, “Be a good girl, Alessia. Don’t forget, as my wife, your job is to honor and obey.”

“I am not your wife!” I slam a foot down, stepping on his insole, but he doesn’t even flinch. I’m so mad I could spit. “Let me go!” I order.

Instead of releasing me, his hand curves up over my breast, cupping it possessively. “You’re mine, Alessia, and the sooner you realize that, the better off you’ll be.”

Then, without warning, he spins me around in his arms and slams his mouth down against mine in a kiss that knocks the wind from my lungs. I struggle for about three seconds before melting against his hard body. Damn him.

And damn me.

Because, clearly, I have no restraint when it comes to Miceli Rossi and his spellbinding kisses. Kissing him back hard, I twine my fingers through his hair and yank hard enough to make him growl. Then I bite his lip, though not enough to actually hurt, and he pulls back with a chuckle.

“You’re even more feisty than I thought.” His eyes seem to darken even further, though I’m not sure how that’s possible. They already resemble a moonless night. “We’re going to get along just fine. In every way.”

My traitorous body heats up at his huskily-murmured words.

“Now be a good girl and get dressed. You have fifteen minutes and if you don’t come down, I’ll come right back up here to get you. And, believe me, when I say a locked door won’t keep me away from you, Alessia.” His voice drops. “Nothing will.”

A shiver runs through me and I know he’s right. About everything. From the moment we met, something unexplainable happened. And now it seems that our futures have been intertwined. Determined by something much stronger than us. By Fate? I wonder.

The truth is I find myself not really minding all that much. But I would never admit that to Miceli. No. If he forces me to marry him, I’m going down that aisle kicking and screaming. And if he is arrogant enough to think this is going to be easy, he’s dead wrong. With a half smile, I slowly walk away, my hips swaying a little extra, and I step into the bathroom, closing the door behind me. Then I lock it.

Bring it on, Miceli, I think and pop a hard candy into my mouth. If you want me, come get me.

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