His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 23

The entire ride home, I cling to Miceli, terrified that he’ll disappear and I’m only dreaming. That I’ll wake up and find myself still tied to that awful bed in that horrible place. But, Miceli doesn’t go anywhere and his strong arms hold me close as he whispers reassuring words in my ear.

I’m beyond grateful to him and his brothers; I owe them my life and that of my unborn child.

By the time we reach the skyscraper on Billionaire’s Row, I’m feeling much better. More secure and like my old self again. Sitting on Miceli’s lap, all curled up against his warm body, calms me like nothing else. The steady rise and fall of his firm chest lulls me into a light sleep.

The SUV stops and my eyes pop open. For a few minutes, I listen as the brothers talk.

“Maybe we shouldn’t have torched the house,” Vin says.

“No, it’s best to get rid of it,” Enzo states. “I wasn’t about to bury all those bodies.”

“They don’t deserve a burial,” Miceli says, the deep sound of his voice making his chest rumble against my cheek.

“So, now what?” Angelo asks.

“Now I’m going to have to face the Five Families. But ask me if I give a fuck.”

“Do you give a fuck?”

I hear the car door open and Miceli begins to slide out, his arms tightening around me. He pauses, saying, “No. But, I will cover for all of you. As far as anyone is concerned, I went in there and rescued my wife alone. I won’t drag any of you into what is going to most likely turn into the shit show of the century.”

“Appreciate it, bro, but I’ll go down swinging right beside you.”

“Yeah, me, too.”

“Same. You shouldn’t have to face them alone.”

My respect for Miceli’s brothers couldn’t get any higher. I lift my head and give them a small smile. “Thank you,” I whisper.

“Any time,” Angelo says with a wink.

“Go take care of your wife,” Vin says. “I’ll find out what’s going on with Leo and send you an update.”

“Appreciate it.”

“Yeah, we’ll talk later,” Enzo adds.

“Thank you,” Miceli says and they all nod, and we watch as the SUV drives away.

“Leo is okay?”

Miceli nods. “The doctor said he pulled through the surgery with flying colors and he’s expecting a full recovery. He’s just going to need a quiet place to recuperate, a lot of rest and probably some therapy.”

“Hmm…” An interesting plan begins to swirl through my head. Even though she didn’t finish, Gia went to school to be a physical therapist. Chewing on my lower lip, I wonder if I can set something up that will be…oh, I don’t know, be mutually beneficial for my sister and Leo Amato.

“What’re you thinking?” Miceli asks, eyeing me curiously. “I see the wheels turning.”

“Oh, nothing. Let me think it through a little more and I’ll tell you later,” I say mysteriously, and he cocks a brow.

“Don’t make me tickle it out of you,” he warns.

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Try me.”

I laugh softly. “I really like your brothers,” I tell him, changing the subject. “You guys are an amazing team.”

“Yeah, they don’t get much better than that.”

He’s still holding me so tightly, and I lay a hand against his beloved face.

“You can put me down now,” I whisper, but he shakes his head and presses a kiss to my head.

“Not on your life.”

“Okay, I’m not going to argue with you about it. Because there’s nowhere else on Earth I’d rather be.” Burrowing deeper into his arms, I sigh in absolute contentment. The elevator zips us up to the apartment and when Miceli steps out, Piero races over.

“Is everything okay?” he asks, sounding more worried than I’ve ever heard. “How are you and Mrs. Rossi and Mr. Amato?”

“We’re fine, Piero. And Leo is doing well now. Thank you.”

“What can I do?”

“Go home,” Miceli says. “Take a few days off.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m sure.”

“If you need me⁠—”

“We’re good. But, thank you.”

I give Piero a small wave and smile, and then Miceli carries me down to our bedroom. He kicks the door shut, walks over to the bed and sits. I’m expecting him to let me go but, I swear, he hugs me tighter.

“Oh, Christ, sweet girl. If I had lost you⁠—”

“You didn’t,” I interrupt, pulling back and looking up into his dark, emotion-filled eyes. “I’m right here and, I promise, I am not going anywhere.”

He forces a nod, swallowing down the lump in his throat. “I can’t seem to let you go.”

“There’s something you should know…” I whisper.

Miceli reels back, face screwing up in panic. “Did he touch you?”

“No, no he didn’t.” I lay a hand along his stubbled jaw, feeling the tension drain from his body. “This is good news—I’m pregnant.”

His mouth curves up. “I know.”

“What? How do you know?” I ask, completely bewildered.

“Dr. Durant called your phone and I answered. He congratulated me.”

My mouth drops open. “Ohh.” I search his dark gaze. “Are you happy?”

He shakes his head and my heart sinks. “Not happy. I’m thrilled.”

I release a breath and hug him tightly. “I love you, Miceli,” I whisper, hugging him tighter, needing to be as close as possible to him.

He pulls back and stares at me. I could swear, there are stars in his eyes. “Say it again.”

“I love you, Miceli Rossi. With my whole heart.”

“Oh, God,” he murmurs, burying his face in my hair. “I love you, too, Alessia. So damn much.”

“Will you show me?”

I feel him nod, voice hoarse as he whispers, “Every damn day for the rest of your life.”

“Take me to bed, husband.”

Miceli pulls back and grins. “You never need to tell me twice, wife.”

After carefully setting me next to him on the bed, we strip out of our clothes. When our bodies come together, skin on skin, it’s the best feeling in the world. Absolutely glorious. Even though he’s being incredibly gentle, there’s a desperate undertone in his kisses and touches. Same with me, though. Almost losing one another puts everything into perspective fast.

Miceli drags his head down, kissing a pathway down to my breasts, circling my nipple with his tongue then sucking the hardened bud until my toes curl. Whimpering, I arch up as he releases my nipple with a pop and continues his way downard. He stops and presses a gentle kiss against my stomach.

“Our baby,” he murmurs reverently.

Then he continues a little further south and his mouth latches onto my pussy. It doesn’t take long before I’m a panting, crying mess. “Miceli, please,” I beg. “I need you inside of me.”

Crawling back up my body, Miceli settles between my legs and begins to slide his big, thick cock inside my soaked channel. I cry out, wrapping my legs around his waist, and try to pull him deeper. Desperately needing to feel every last inch of him buried inside of me to the hilt.

“Easy, sweet girl.” He adjusts my hips and sinks all the way. We both gasp and, for a long moment, neither of us moves. We just relish the feel of being one. Then Miceli lets out a groan and begins to rock his hips. And, it’s pure, undiluted heaven.

My nails graze down his smooth, flexing back and I lift my hips to meet each of his long, deep thrusts. It doesn’t take long and the pleasure hits hard and fast. My inner walls squeeze tightly, contracting around his pulsing cock, and then Miceli explodes within me. We both moan through the euphoria and when he drops down on top of me, my arms hug him hard.

I’m never letting this man go. He is my everything and I will spend the rest of my life loving him. And I can’t imagine a better future.

A little later, after we make love again, I’m snuggled in the crook of Miceli’s arm and more content than I’ve ever felt in my entire life. Although, there is a part of me that’s still worried.



I’ve never heard him sound so satisfied. “I’m worried about what’s going to happen to you when the other Families find out what happened.”

“I don’t want you to worry about that.”

“I can’t help it. This is all because of me.”

“No, it’s not.” He tilts my face up, meeting my gaze. “It’s because of Rocco.”

“Has this ever happened before?” I ask, my voice barely a whisper.

“You mean one of the five spilling another’s blood?”

I nod.

“Not since the truce.”

“What do you think they’ll do?”

He sighs, lifting a strand of my hair and rubbing it between his thumb and forefinger. “I honestly don’t know. Probably punish me somehow. Possibly even banish the Rossi family from the table.”

I gasp. “But, that isn’t fair.”

“Nothing in this world is fair, sweet girl.”

I push back, laying a hand against his chest, and frown. “Let’s go talk to my father in the morning. I’m going to make sure you have a strong ally in him when you have to face the other Families’ judgment.”

Miceli nods. “Have I told you how very much I love you, Alessia Rossi?”

My mouth edges up. “Not in the past five minutes,” I tease.

He grabs me, rolling me over and kissing me thoroughly. When he finally lifts his head, I look up into his beautiful brown eyes and see so much love. “Then let me say it again. I love you, I love you, I love you.”

I start giggling then pull him down for another very long, very passionate kiss.

When morning arrives, we take a long shower together, get sidetracked, then finally get dressed and leave for my parents’ house. It’s Sunday morning and there isn’t much traffic, so we make good timing. I already called and spoke to my mother, telling her we were on the way. I’m going to need her support now more than ever.

My mom welcomes me with a big hug and tells us she has pastries and coffee in the dining room. We follow her in and my father is already in there, drinking his caffeine and reading the newspaper.

“Hi, Dad.” I walk over and kiss his cheek. “We need to talk to you. It’s important.”

He arches a dark brow. “What’s going on now? Did you hear about the Bianche estate burning down? They can’t find Rocco and think he died in the fire.”

I exchange a look with Miceli. “We know, Dad, because we were there when it happened.”

He sets the paper aside. “What’re you talking about?”

“Rocco sent men to shoot Leo while he was guarding Alessia and then had her kidnapped,” Miceli tells him and my mom gasps. “He was going to hurt her and kill me. But, my brothers and I stopped him. We took care of the situation and rescued Alessia.”

Miceli doesn’t elaborate, but his meaning is clear.

“It’s true,” I add softly. “I was leaving the doctor’s office and Rocco’s men grabbed me and shot poor Leo three times.”

Another gasp fills the air and we all turn to see Gia standing there, her hand over her heart.

“Leo was shot?” My sister looks stricken by the news.

I nod. “He’s going to be okay, though, Gia.” She looks more than a little shell-shocked, but then slightly relieved when she hears he’s going to pull through. I’m going to have to talk to her about my crazy plan. Because the more I think about it, the more I believe that she and Leo would make an amazing couple. They’re exactly what the other needs and I’m going to do my best to play matchmaker, I decide.

“Doctor?” my mom echoes. “Is everything okay, Alessia?”

I give a little nod, suddenly feeling shy. “Um, yes.” I look shyly from my mom to my dad. “Congratulations, you’re going to be grandparents.”

After a moment of surprise, they both smile and my mom claps her hands. Even Gia is grinning now.

“I’m going to be an aunt?” she exclaims, face lighting up.

I give her a bright smile. “Yes. But, only because Miceli and his brothers rescued me. Rocco said…” My voice trails off. “Well, he told me he was going to take care of Miceli’s baby. Then he planned on forcing me to marry him.”

“Oh, sweetheart.” My mother walks over and hugs me. “That must’ve been so awful.”

“It was but, thank God, they came. They saved me and our baby.” I send Miceli a grateful look filled with love and he wraps an arm around my waist, pulling me closer.

“So you had to eliminate Rocco to save my daughter and unborn grandchild,” my dad states. Miceli nods and then my father stands up and, for the first time, extends his hand to Miceli. “Thank you.”

His voice is full of sincerity, and Miceli reaches out and they shake fiercely for an emotional moment.

“But, now we’re worried about the other Families,” I say, wringing my hands. “Technically, Miceli broke the truce, but he doesn’t deserve to be punished.”

“No, he doesn’t,” my father states, immediately supporting us. “What else can you tell me? We’re going to build a solid case and present it to the table. I’ll make sure we paint Rocco as the villain, and you, Miceli, as the hero.”

My heart fills with relief and hope. For the first time, my family accepts my marriage with Miceli and now we’re going to do everything in our power to make sure he comes out unscathed and on top.

Exactly where my husband, my hero, deserves to be.

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