His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 19

I have no idea what is happening and I squeeze my eyes shut, sending out a mental plea. Please, God, please let Leo be okay. The image of him lying there on the ground, bleeding profusely, is burned into my brain. Even though it didn’t look good, I hope that I’m wrong. If Leo dies, I don’t know if I’d ever be able to forgive myself. He was guarding me and took every one of those bullets to protect me. Tears burn the back of my eyes, but I will them away, knowing that I need to be strong and focused right now.

First Enzo, then Leo…who’s next?

Bouncing around on the backseat of the SUV, I don’t know where we’re going, much less who abducted me. But, I try to remain as calm as possible and not panic because that won’t help anything.

Discovering I’m pregnant with our child has put me in a completely different mindset than I was in before. Because it’s not just my life on the line right now. I also have my unborn baby to protect. And, I will fight like a tiger to make sure he or she remains safe.

Even though I have no idea who is responsible for kidnapping me, I do know that both Miceli and my father have a lot of common enemies. And now that I’m connected to two of the most powerful mafia families in the city—one by blood and one by marriage—it only makes sense that bad people might think they can use me as some kind of bargaining chip or leverage to get what they want.

But, I refuse to be someone else’s pawn in this game of mafia kingpins. Especially now that an innocent baby is involved. No matter what happens, I will defend mine and Miceli’s child until my very last breath. So, for the time being, I sit back and don’t say a word. I need these men to believe I am not a threat and will cooperate. The last thing I want to do is draw attention to myself or make them believe I’m going to be trouble. I want to lull them into a false sense of security so they will inevitably underestimate me at just the right moment. And, hopefully, that will aid in my eventual escape.

We leave the city and drive for a while. I keep my attention fixed outside the dark-tinted window, trying to figure out where we could possibly be going. After what feels like forever, I see a huge estate set back from the road. The house is far larger than anyone would ever need and it’s surrounded by tall trees. The entire estate is circled by an extremely high, wrought iron fence with sharp-looking points on top, and I watch the driver hit a remote. The front gate slowly swings inward and we pull forward, heading down the very long, gravel driveway.

Heart in my throat, my nails dig into the leather seat and I lean forward, trying to get a better look as we drive closer. The house is white with large pillars and it looks like there are four or five floors. There are so many windows, I can’t even count them all and lights burn brightly inside. Yet, nothing about it feels welcoming. In fact, I feel like we’re pulling up to the doorway to hell and every flickering light in the windows remind me of flames. Flames trying to reach out and burn me.

Shifting in my seat, I wait as the car comes to a complete stop. I could try to make a run for it, but I have a feeling that won’t end well. These men are most likely just as fast as they are strong. Plus, they have guns and know the layout of the property which puts me at an immediate disadvantage. I’m in the dark and without a weapon. The better option, at this time, is for me to figure out what’s going on and make an informed decision when the time comes. Because I will get out of here, one way or another.

The SUV’s back door opens and the huge thug who dragged me into the car earlier motions for me to get out. “Let’s go,” he grumbles impatiently.

I slide out of the vehicle and look up at the intimidating house, rubbing the chill from my arms. And that’s when I see the fancy letter written in cursive on a plaque above the front door. It’s the letter “B.”

As in “B” for Bianche.

My heart sinks with dread. Why would I be stolen away and brought out here to the Bianche estate? Would Rocco really be so bold? And why? What’s the point, I wonder? What in the world can he possibly want?

An enforcer opens the door and the thugs escort me inside and down to an office where Rocco sits at his desk.

“Finally,” he says, standing up and walking around the large desk. “That took much longer than I thought it would. I can’t imagine she gave you any trouble.”

“Not her, but that huge bodyguard with her didn’t make the situation very easy. Took three bullets to bring him down.”

“You killed Leo Amato, Miceli’s number one man?” Rocco’s voice is filled with disbelief, awe and something else…what almost sounds like hope.


“Hell yeah,” the man responds, and Rocco gives him an oily smile.

“Remind me to give you a raise,” Rocco says and I feel like I’m going to vomit. “You’re sure no one followed you here?”



Leo can’t be dead. Guilt pours over me in waves and I make the mistake of dropping my hands and covering my belly. Which, of course, Rocco notices.

“Leave,” he suddenly snaps. “Alessia and I have things to discuss in private.”

Even though I know it’s best to be accommodating and to play it safe, anger rears its ugly head and I’m so angry I could spit. How dare Rocco think he can just pluck me off the street and drag me here against my will. And, if he thinks he’s still marrying my sister then he has another thing coming.

“Since when did you start kidnapping women, Rocco?” I ask, my voice dry as a high desert wind.

“It’s hardly kidnapping when you belong to me, Alessia.”

“Belong to…” My voice trails off in astonishment. “What’re you talking about? I don’t belong to anyone, but if I did, I belong to Miceli.”

“No, you don’t!” he roars angrily, face turning a mottled shade of reddish-purple, and I take a surprised step back. “You were always supposed to be mine. Everyone knew your father promised you to me and now I’m cashing in on that. He must honor his word.”

“It’s too late,” I say, stating the obvious, searching his wild, black eyes. “I’m married to⁠—”

“Don’t say his name,” he snaps. “From this point forward, you aren’t to think about him or talk about him or ever refer to him again. As far as I’m concerned, Miceli Rossi is dead which means you are no longer his wife.”

Rocco is talking like a crazy person and I’m not exactly sure how to handle him. Pulling in a deep breath, studying his face closely, I narrow my eyes and cross my arms. Time to lay out the facts. I’m tired of this insanity.

“Whether you like it or not, Rocco, I’m a married woman.” I lift my hand and wave the diamond and ruby ring on my left finger back and forth.

“You were supposed to be mine,” he says, voice dropping, eyes narrowing in on the ring.

“But I’m not. And I never will be. Nor will Gia be yours either.”

“I don’t want Gia!” he screams and I take another startled step back, not expecting him to blow up so completely. My hands protectively drop again, lightly cradling my belly which immediately draws his attention downward. He takes a step closer, eyes turning into angry, little slits. “Are you carrying his baby?”

A strange look crosses his face and I take another step back, trying to keep as much space between us as possible.

“No,” I instantly respond.

“Really?” His voice is casual now and he arches a brow. “Because Rossi boldly stated in front of everyone that you were probably carrying his child already.”

“Well, I’m not.”

“How can you be so sure? Weren’t you at the doctor’s office?”

“Yes, but it was just a routine physical.” I do my best to sound casual, but I don’t think he’s buying it.

Rocco nods, clasps his hands behind his back and moves another step forward, effectively blocking me in the corner. “You know, Alessia, it really doesn’t make a difference to me. Because here’s what’s going to happen. You and I were supposed to be together and I wasn’t counting on Rossi to pull such a fucked-up stunt. I’m not going to pretend I’m not pissed that he had your virgin blood, but I’m going to look at the bright side. He broke you in for me and now I’m going to take full advantage. I’ll be the one to put a babe in your belly and, if you’re lying to me and there’s one already in there, don’t worry. It won’t be for long. I’ll have it taken care of and no one will ever know.”

My heart drops sickeningly. Rocco has lost his mind if he thinks I’m leaving Miceli for him. And, there’s no way he’s going to harm my child. “You’re talking crazy, Rocco. I’m married to⁠—”

“No! Consider yourself a widow, my sweet. My men are hunting Rossi down as we speak and they’ll take care of him for good. Just like they took care of Amato. Then I can finally take over running this city and strongarm the other families into listening to me.”

My back hits the wall and I shake my head. “You’re delusional.”

“No, this isn’t delusional. Delusional was when you told me you couldn’t marry me after our first meeting.”

“What’re you talking about?” I ask, confused.

“Your insult pushed me over the edge a little and I may or may not have put a hit out on you.” My jaw drops at his confession and he gives me the most dazzling, psychotic smile I’ve ever seen. “You must forgive me, my sweet. I was upset after your rejection and made a quick, reckless decision based on emotion.”

“He was after me,” I breathe. Miceli was right, but I never thought Rocco was the one who ordered the hit. A hit on me! Un-freaking-believable!

“But, he missed and everything turned out for the best, right? Now we can finally be together.”

“He didn’t miss! Miceli stepped in and protected me. If it wasn’t for him, I would be dead right now.”

Rocco shakes his head. “No, that’s not what happened,” he insists, eyes narrowing. “We were always meant to be. Rossi tried to stop that and now he’s being dealt with. Everyone wants us to be together, even your parents.” Then he lifts his arms, caging me in, and suddenly I’m trapped. He leans his head in far too close and I can smell his rancid breath. Pressing my lips together, trying to put more distance between us, I drop down and slide under his arm, but he reaches out and grabs me. His fingers dig into my flesh and I tug, trying to break free.

“Where do you think you’re going, my sweet Alessia?”

“Let me go!” I yank hard, but his steel grip won’t break. I’m starting to get scared and he’s much stronger than I anticipated. He might not be nearly as muscled or tall as Miceli, but it doesn’t seem to matter. His hold is unbreakable. And his eyes are utterly wild. “Please. You’re hurting me.”

Instead of loosening his grip, he yanks me right up against his body and plants his lips on mine. His kiss is hard and punishing, and my legs give out, knees buckling. Our mouths break apart and I gasp for air, trying to wipe his foul taste from my mind.

“Stand up,” he hisses, “and kiss your soon-to-be-husband properly.”

“No!” I cry and shove a hand against his chest. “You’re not my husband! I am Mrs. Miceli Rossi and I will never be yours. Now let me go and⁠—”

Rocco abruptly releases my arm and I stumble. Rage fills his light brown eyes and his hands clench into fists. “You are mine,” he snarls. “And the sooner you accept that fact, the better off your life is going to be.”

“Is that what you told Mercedes right before you killed her?” The moment the words leave my mouth, I know that I went too far. Rocco moves faster than a coiled snake, springing forward and backhanding me so hard, my entire face snaps sideways from the impact.

“Unless you want to end up just like her, I suggest you learn some respect. I will not tolerate a smart mouth on my wife.” He clears his throat and runs his hands over his thighs, smoothing his pants. “I’m sure we can put that mouth of yours to much better use.”

I’m still seeing stars when he reaches for my arm, guiding me out of the office. Even though his touch leaves me cold, I don’t pull away because I’m too scared he’s going to hit me again. Or worse.

“Now, let’s get you settled upstairs.”

The house is so big and I try to remember the layout as we walk through it. But, it’s a lot to map out in my head and keep straight. Even so, I start counting doors, turns and hallways, committing them all to memory.

“This is your home now,” he murmurs, “and I want you to be comfortable and feel secure. No one is going to take you away from me, my sweet. We are meant to be together. Once you accept your fate, your life will be much easier. Do you understand?”

Even though I nod my head and try to play it off like I’ve given up resisting him, that couldn’t be any further from the truth. Because I’m going to fight Rocco Bianche off until the bitter end.

Until either Miceli comes to my rescue or…until my very last breath.

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