His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 17

The moment I hear the elevator door ding, I know Miceli is home and my heart soars. It’s strange how easily I slipped into domestic bliss. But, here I am, bending over and pulling out a batch of freshly-made manicotti from the oven.

The low rumble of masculine voices echoes into the kitchen and Miceli and Leo must be talking. Leo was hanging out in the kitchen with me for a while and I couldn’t help but smile when he nonchalantly navigated our conversation to Gia. He seemed very interested in my sister after seeing her earlier today, but he tried to play off very casually. Typical man. I’m very observant, though, and I’m pretty sure he’s interested in getting to know her better. I’ll have to mention him to Gia next time we talk and see how she reacts.

I carry the hot tray into the dining room and set it down on an oven mitt. The rest of the table is set and just as I lift the serving spoon, Miceli and Leo appear. My mouth drops open when I see the dried blood on Miceli’s face.

“Oh, my God, what happened?” I rush over to get a closer look .”Are you okay?”

Miceli leans down and kisses me, his lips so gentle and soft. Then he pulls back and tucks a loose strand of hair behind my ear. “I’m fine. But we have some things to discuss. I invited Leo to join us, so I hope there’s enough?”

“Oh, there’s plenty.” I frown, eyeing the dried blood caked on his temple. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Miceli nods. “Let me wash up and I’ll be right back.” His attention moves over to the table and he sniffs the air. “It smells divine.”

“I made manicotti. Do you need any help?”

“No, but thank you.” He drops another kiss on my lips and then walks away. I look over at Leo and wring my hands, clearly upset. “Is he really okay?” I ask.

“He’ll be fine.”

Pulling my lower lip into my mouth, I decide we all need a glass of wine to settle our nerves. Mine especially. “Have a seat,” I tell Leo. “I’m going to get some wine.”

“Good idea.”

After I grab a bottle and some glasses, I return to the dining room and Miceli is already back. He takes the bottle from me and twists the cork out. While he pours us each a glass, I dish out the food.

“Okay, spill it,” I say after we both sit down. “What happened to your head?”

“Rocco and I got into a fight. Some punches were thrown, but I’m fine.”

I hope he’s telling me the truth and not trying to be macho and hide his pain. “Are you sure? You don’t need stitches?”

“No, but thank you for the concern.”

“He’s been hit a lot harder than by Rocco’s pissy-ass fists,” Leo interjects.

“You weren’t even there,” I say. “That cut could be from falling down and hitting his head. He could have a concussion. Are you sure you’re okay?”

Miceli reaches for my hand and squeezes. “Yes, princess. Promise.”

My nerves relax slightly and I nod. But if he thinks I’m not going to take a closer look later and make him take some aspirin then he’s got another thing coming. The mama bear in me has woken up and I will make sure my man is taken care of. “What happened?”

Miceli fills both of us in about what went down during the meeting and my stomach clenches with dread. Dropping my fork, my appetite disappears, and I reach for my wine glass. After I take a sip, I frown. This conversation is making me sick to my stomach. The idea that Rocco threatened Miceli concerns me on a very deep level. If anything happens to Miceli, there will be hell to pay. I’ll make sure of it.

“Then he just stormed out?” Leo asks, stuffing a forkful of manicotti into his mouth.

Miceli nods, biting into a hunk of buttered bread. “Of course, he went out spewing bullshit about making me pay and puffing his chest out. Typical Rocco.”

“Making you pay?” I echo.

“Don’t worry. He’s an idiot and there’s no reason to be scared of him, okay? He’s all talk. He always has been.”

Even though he’s trying to reassure me, I still feel uncertain and fearful. I don’t like the idea of someone threatening my husband. Leo just scoffs and is so busy shoving food in his face that he doesn’t seem overly concerned. Maybe if they’re both relaxed then I should be, too.

But, even though I tell myself that, I’m still anxious. A part of me also wonders if Miceli is leaving something out. I get a feeling he might be in order to protect and not worry me. Well, if that’s the case, I’ll make sure to pry it out of him later. I don’t like secrets and I want to make sure I know exactly what’s going on.

I manage to eat some more while they discuss what should be done about Rocco. In the end, Leo suggests Miceli lay low and not antagonize him further.

“But, it’s so much fun,” Miceli draws out, then sips his wine.

“Listen to your friend,” I advise. “Now, who’s ready for dessert?”

“Me!” Leo practically shouts.

I chuckle. “I’m going to go out on a limb and say you enjoy my cooking?”

“Best I ever had.”

“You’d think you don’t have food at your own house,” Miceli says.

“I don’t. Haven’t been to the grocery store in weeks.”

“Maybe it’s about time you find a woman of your own,” Miceli murmurs.

“Not quite ready for that.”

“If you don’t go grocery shopping then what do you eat?” I ask.

“Carryout mostly. So, feel free to invite me to stay for dinner any time,” he adds with a mischievous grin.

“Duly noted,” I say with a small smile then stand up and head into the kitchen to grab the fresh cannoli I picked up from the bakery earlier. We spend the next half an hour lingering over dessert and then I can tell Miceli is ready for Leo to leave. But, instead of dropping a subtle hint, he pushes his plate away and says, “Okay, you ate. Now get out.”

Leo chuckles. “Okay, okay. I certainly don’t want to wear out my welcome. Alessia, thank you for a wonderful dinner.” His gaze turns to Miceli and grows serious. “Miceli, lay low, okay? If you need something, I can do it. Or, Piero. There’s no sense in stirring more shit up right now or making yourself a target.”

Miceli nods, but doesn’t comment further on the subject. “See you tomorrow.”

“You two have a good night.” He tosses us a mischievous wink. “Don’t stay up too late. Oh, and don’t worry, I’ll see myself out.”

“Get outta here!” Miceli throws his napkin at Leo who disappears through the doorway with a laugh.

“I swear, if he wasn’t my best friend…”

“You two are like brothers,” I say. Standing up, I start to clear the table.

“Piero can clear the table. I want to hear my wife play the piano.” Before I can respond, he grabs my hand and pulls me into the back room. A smile curves my mouth and I can’t help but do as he asks. I love seeing the look that comes over his face as I play.

After I play a few Chopin nocturnes, Miceli pulls me onto his lap and things turn steamy fast. No matter how many times we’re together, it never seems to be enough. Miceli shifts me around and when I’m straddling him, he leans into me, kissing me deeply, all tongue and heat. So much heat. My back hits the piano and several discordant notes fill the air as we continue to devour each other.

His hands are all over me and I sigh into his mouth, loving the way he kisses and touches me. When he suddenly pulls back, I frown. “What’s wrong?”

“I think Leo is right. We should both lay low for a while because Rocco and his allies can’t be trusted. I don’t want you leaving this house. Okay? Can you promise me that?”

His concern makes my heart swell, but I am just as worried about him. However, I know there’s no way he’s going to stay home like he should. He always has a meeting. “And do you promise to take Leo with you everywhere you go?”

“I promise.”

“Then I should probably tell you that I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.”

“Why? What’s wrong?” His face screws up in worry.

“Nothing. It’s just a checkup.” I’m not being completely upfront with him and the truth is I have a nagging suspicion that I might be pregnant. But, the last thing I want to do is say that. Miceli is under a lot of stress with the other families, especially after what happened today. I don’t want to add to his plate and there’s a very good possibility that I’m not pregnant. So, instead of obsessing over it like I’ve been doing, I decided to just make an appointment and find out one way or another. We’ve been having unprotected sex from the beginning and it’s been just over a month now. For all I know, it might even still be too early for the doctor to tell. I really have no idea since I’ve never been pregnant before.

“I’m going with you,” Miceli announces.

“Are you sure? I can take Leo⁠—”

“No. I’ll be right there with you,” he insists, and I smile.

God, this man is doing things to me that make my head spin and my body sing. Our mouths collide and I bump into the piano keys again sending another random few notes into the air. From there, our night gets much more steamy and Miceli sends me spiraling off into one amazing orgasm after another.

I seriously wonder how I ever got so lucky. Because I truly feel like the most blessed woman in the world.

The next day, Miceli accompanies me to the doctor’s office, and he even has Leo drive us over. I feel like I’m part of a hot man entourage and have never felt safer in my life, dwarfed between my two very tall, very muscled guardians. No one in his right mind would try something with these two hovering around. They look like they could take on the entire world, much less easily stop one bad guy.

While Leo waits for us outside, giving us some privacy, Miceli is my shadow. I tell him he doesn’t have to go into the exam room with me, but he’s insistent. Even though he’s seen, touched and licked every crevice of my body, I’m not sure how I feel about him going in with me. Not like I can change his mind, though, because once Miceli decides he’s doing something, there’s no way to dissuade him.

While we’re sitting in the waiting room, his phone rings. Miceli excuses himself and steps into the hall. He reappears almost instantly and his normally tanned face looks white.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, standing up and moving over to meet him.

“Enzo was shot. He was just rushed to the hospital and…it’s not looking good.”

“Oh, my God.”

The nurse appears and calls my name, motioning for me to follow her. “The doctor is ready for you, Mrs. Rossi.”

Miceli looks beyond shocked and I touch his arm. “Let me reschedule my appointment. I’ll come to the hospital with you.”

“Mrs. Rossi?” the nurse calls again.

But, he shakes his head. “No. Go see the doctor. You’re already here and they’re ready for you. I’ll have Leo come in here and wait for you. After you’re finished, I want him to drive you straight home. I’ll call you with an update.”

“Okay.” Even though I’d rather go with him, I’m not going to stand here and waste time arguing. If his brother is barely hanging onto life, Miceli needs to get to the hospital as soon as possible. Before he can leave, I push up onto my toes and press a reassuring kiss to his lips. “It’ll be okay.”

“I’ll see you soon.”

I watch as Miceli walks away, my heart heavy. I hope my words are true and that everything will be alright. Worry consumes me, but I follow the nurse to the exam room and go through with the appointment by myself. Even though I didn’t originally want Miceli in the examination room with me, I find myself missing his presence and wishing he was in here after all.

And, I discover that I am right. The doctor tells me I’m almost five weeks pregnant which means I must’ve conceived on the night we were married. My nerves flutter and it’s a strange, scary kind of excitement. How is Miceli going to react? I honestly have no idea. Is this too soon? I’m thinking he must want a baby because he’s taken me bare from the very first time we had sex.

I’ll have to come up with the perfect way to tell him, especially now with Enzo being shot. God. What the hell happened? Who shot him? My mind is a flurry of questions and anxiety.

After quickly getting dressed, I hurry out to the waiting room and see Leo standing near the exit, waiting for me. He pushes off the wall, straightening up, when he sees me. “Are you ready?”

“Yes, let’s go. Have you heard anything else about Enzo?”

Leo shakes his head. “Not yet. Miceli said to take you straight home. He’s going to call with an update.”

I nod. “I can’t believe this. Poor Enzo.”

Leo leads me down the hall and carefully opens the front door. We step outside and as we walk around the corner, heading to the small lot where the car is parked, a large SUV with dark-tinted windows screeches up. The doors fly open and two men jump out, guns in hand.

Everything happens so fast. Leo yells for me to get down, shoving me behind him and blocking me with his large body as gunshots crack through the air. The ominous POP POP POP has me dropping, my knees scraping the pavement and my hands covering my head. Voices fill the air and when someone falls to the pavement, I lift my head and see Leo lying there, eyes wide and coughing up blood.

“Leo!” I screech and scramble over. Blood is everywhere, splattered across the pavement, and horror and panic for Leo propel me straight over to him. But, before I can reach him, two strong hands grab me and lift me up off the ground.

“Let me go!” I yell. “Help! Somebody help m⁠—”

A large, beefy hand slaps over my mouth, stifling my cries for help, and then I’m dragged backwards and tossed into the waiting SUV. The car takes off and I slam against the back of the seat. I can’t believe this is happening and I have no idea where we’re going. Or, what’s going to happen.

Right at that moment, Miceli’s words come back to haunt me, reverberating through my head: “I don’t think that man was trying to kill me. I think he was after you.”

I didn’t believe it at the time, but now? Now I’m not so sure.

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