His to Own (Mafia Kingpins Book 1)

Chapter 10

I’m powering into Alessia, my hips pistoning like fucking machinery, and I know I’m being to rough. But, I can’t slow down and I can’t pull back. Not when I feel like every atom in my body is about to explode into a million and one little pieces. I’m luck a man possessed. So, I do the only thing I can—I fuck my new wife into oblivion.

A body-spasming, mind-shattering release hits me with the strength of a rocket blasting into outer space. With a loud groan, I erupt, my hot seed shooting into Alessia’s pulsing core. A dark, twisted part of me hopes she gets pregnant. Anything to keep her tied to me.

Dropping down, I kiss her passionately then pull out of her body and roll to the side. My hand drops on my chest and I’m breathing so damn hard. I savor the sting of Alessia’s scratches on my back. There’s so much I’m going to do to her; a thousand things I’m going to teach her.

Turning my head, I glance over to see her breathing has calmed down, but she still looks a little dazed. “Are you okay?” I ask.

“I think so,” she murmurs softly.

Sitting up, I look over and see my seed leaking out of her sweet pussy. “I’ll be right back,” I tell her and slide off the bed. My feet pad across the room and I step into the bathroom where I wipe myself off. Then I grab a washcloth and run it under warm water. I’ve never cleaned a woman after sex. I guess I’ve rarely had intercourse without a condom either.

Hell, today has been a day of fucking firsts all around, I think, and head back over to my bed.

“Spread your legs, sweetness,” I say and lower myself onto the bed.


Instead of answering, I move the warm washcloth between her legs and gently wipe. “Are you sore?” I ask. Again, that twisted part of my brain hopes she is and that she can still feel my big cock deep inside her.

“Yes. A little.”

Her voice is low, so quiet, and I have to strain to hear her. I finish cleaning her up and toss the washcloth. “Don’t get all shy on me,” I say, sliding closer, running my hand up her smooth side. With a squeal, she pulls sideways and I smirk. “Are you ticklish, princess?”


I run my fingers along her side again and she bursts into a fit of giggles. “Lying to me will only get you punished,” I tell her then pull her closer and tickle the shit out of her. She cries out and squirms, kicking her legs, trying to escape. After a moment, I stop and she grabs the covers, pulling them up. I arch a brow. “You think that will stop me?”

“No, but…” Her voice trails off and her cheeks turn pink.

“But what?”

“I’m not used to sitting around naked in the middle of the day. And I usually wear pajamas to bed.”

Crawling over, I try to pull the sheet away, but she holds tightly. For a moment, we have a little tug of war, but she’s not going to win. I yank, exposing her nakedness, and she gasps.

“From now on, you sleep naked,” I tell her. “Naked and ready for your husband.” Then I lean down and capture her mouth in a deep kiss that makes it clear I won’t tolerate anything else. I’m considering fucking her again even though I know I shouldn’t so soon. She’s probably more sore than she’s admitting and I should give her time. I know I’m a large man. But the temptation is nearly overpowering.

“Miceli?” she whispers, looking up at me with big eyes the color of sea glass.

“What?” I murmur, brushing a lock of dark hair behind her ear.

“I need to call home. My mom and dad are probably going crazy with worry.”

Even though I don’t want to deal with her parents, I understand and know it’s a necessary evil. Besides, that twisted part of me can’t wait to see the look of defeat in Aldo’s eyes after he discovers we’re married. I’ve won. Alessia is mine and I’ve already filled her with my seed. With any luck, her belly will be round with my baby soon.

And there’s not a damn thing Aldo DeLuca can do about it.

“Alright,” I murmur, albeit reluctantly. “Get dressed and I’ll take you there so we can talk to your parents. Then you can pack whatever you’d like to bring back here.”

“Thank you.”

However, I need to make one thing clear first. “Alessia, this is your home now. I know it’s still new, but I want you to be comfortable. I’ll keep you safe, protected and give you anything you need. All you have to do is ask. Okay?”

“Okay,” she whispers.

“Good.” After pressing a quick kiss to her lips, I roll off her before I change my mind and keep her in bed all day. But there’s time for that tonight. After we visit her parents, explain the situation and gather her belongings, I’m whisking her straight back here and into my arms. And I don’t plan on letting her leave this bedroom until tomorrow. Hell, maybe not. Maybe I’ll keep her naked and writhing for another few days.

Alessia and I freshen up and get dressed, and then I have Leo drive us over to her parents’ house. After what happened last night, I’m not stupid enough to go out alone. Besides, Leo is a good friend and having him by my side is always reassuring. Plus, his aim is outstanding and he can shoot a long-range bullseye with his eyes closed.

The closer we get to the DeLuca’s brownstone, the more excited I become because I beat the old man at his own game. Barely twenty-four hours after smugly informing me that he wouldn’t be calling me his son in law and having the audacity to wish me a nice life, I’m back, towing my prize beside me. His daughter is now my wife and has had my dick. Her virginity is non-existent and his plan to marry her off to Rocco Bianche is dead in the water. I thoroughly enjoy having the upperhand over people, especially ones who dare to fuck with me.

Once Leo pulls up outside the family home, Alessia tenses. Well, there’s no way around the fact that this is going to be uncomfortable. “Let’s go,” I say and open my door. As I walk around the SUV to meet Alessia and take her hand, the front door of the brownstone flies open and I see Guilia.

“Alessia!” she cries. “Oh, thank God!”

Alessia releases my hand and runs up the steps to hug her mother. I don’t like that she left me, but I get it. Apparently, they have a close relationship which might bode well for us and the bombshell we’re about to drop on them. Well, if her mother speaks up, anyway.

As I walk up the stairs, Guilia sends me a curious look and turns to her daughter. “What’s going on? Are you alright? Where have you been?”

“I’m fine,” she assures her mother. “Can we go inside? We have some things to, ah, tell you.”

Inwardly, I chuckle. That’s a fucking understatement. I feel a little like the devil about to open a whole can of mischief. And, if I’m being honest, I’m loving every fucking second. The worst thing someone can do is tell me no because I will come back and upend his whole fucking world. And, in the end, I will have my way. So, really, there’s no point denying me. Just say yes to me right away, every time. Otherwise, I can’t be responsible for what happens. Well, I suppose I am responsible for stealing Alessia away, making her marry me and possibly impregnating her. But do I feel an ounce of guilt? Nope. I’d do the same exact same thing all over again without hesitation.

Rarely, if ever, do I feel remorse. I’m a man who makes a decision and stands by it.

“What the hell is going on?” Aldo exclaims, stalking into the foyer. “Why’re you with this man, Alessia?”

This man? Really? My eyes narrow.

“Can we sit down and talk?” Alessia asks, avoiding the question. “Please.”

I like to answer questions head-on, though, and if that means being blunt then so be it. “She’s with me because she’s now my wife,” I tell them without preamble.

Guilia gasps and shock flashes across Aldo’s face. After a brief moment, the shock morphs into a deadly look aimed straight at me. And, man, if looks could kill I’d be dead twice-over. I hold his angry gaze, refusing to break it. But, for whatever reason, I don’t smirk or try to rub it in. I merely don’t back down. Eventually, Aldo looks away and focuses on his daughter.

“Let’s sit,” he finally huffs out.

We walk into the formal living room and I follow Alessia over to the couch and drop down right next to her. It’s clear I’ve claimed my woman and there’s nothing anyone can say or do to change that. Reaching for her hand, I pull it over onto my upper thigh, threading my fingers through hers. Her parents’ eyes drop, taking in the intimate gesture, and I feel Alessia stiffen slightly.

“Do you want to explain the situation or should I?” I ask her.

Alessia releases a low breath. “Me first,” she says in a low voice then turns to face her parents. Her hand squeezes mine and I return the pressure, wanting her to know I’m here and support her. “There’s no easy way to say this, but last night I ran away.”

“You what?” her father practically roars.

“Calm down, Aldo,” Guilia murmurs. “Let’s listen to what they have to say.”

“Since you weren’t listening to me, I decided I had to leave and that it was time to live my own life and make my own decisions.” Her voice drops. “I didn’t want to be forced into a loveless marriage with a stranger.”

“And isn’t that exactly what has happened?” Aldo snaps, glaring at me. “Because I know you didn’t go running to this man.”

Annoyance prickles through me and I resist the urge to tell Aldo to go to hell. Instead, I bite my tongue and let Alessia handle it. I owe her that much. But, if she needs me to step in, I won’t hesitate.

“No, I ran to the train station with every intention of leaving. Miceli followed me and we were talking out on the sidewalk when a man with a gun charged us and started shooting. Miceli saved my life.”

Shocked silence fills the room. Finally, Aldo looks over at me. “Is this true?” he asks, face blank.

“Yes, sir,” I respond, showing him respect and hoping for a truce. Because the truth is I don’t want problems between our families. Ideally, it would be nice if we could all just get along.

“Who was this man?” Aldo asks.

“I think he was a hired thug, but I don’t believe he was after me. He was going after Alessia.”

Guilia gasps again and Aldo shakes his head, confused. “Why would anyone try to kill Alessia?” he asks, face screwing up in disbelief.

“I don’t know,” I admit. “But, I stopped him. Permanently.” I don’t normally kill men on the street in cold blood, but when you go after what’s mine, I won’t hesitate.

Aldo gives me a sharp nod. “Thank you for protecting her,” he finally chokes out, and I nod back.

“Protecting her is my main concern. I brought her home with me and kept her safe. This morning, I married her. Offering her my name is the best protection I can give her and my house is a veritable fortress. You don’t need to worry. I told you yesterday, I wanted to marry Alessia and we didn’t see eye to eye. But, the deed is done and rest assured I have her best interests at heart. I promise to take good care of her.”

“I appreciate that. And, I know you’re a man of your word.”

This meeting is going even better than I thought possible and, after pressing a kiss to Alessia’s knuckles, I release her hand, stand up and offer my hand to her father. Aldo stands up and shakes my hand, albeit a bit reluctantly.

“Welcome to the family,” he finally says.

There isn’t much warmth in his eyes, but hopefully that’ll change. One day. The good news is I have his blessing, even though it is a little on the tepid side. The even better news is Alessia will never have to deal with Rocco Bianche because she belongs to me now.

I wouldn’t have it any other way. Because I am a man who is used to getting what he wants. And since the moment I met her, I’ve wanted Alessia. Now, she’s mine.

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