His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 51

Chapter 51 

Lee isn’t in the bathroom anymore. I don’t know where she is. I look through the crowd, but no luck. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder, when I turn around Connor is standing there with a worried expression. He is a freshman and newby wolf. 

“Blake, said to come tell you that he took the Luna to your truck.” He says. 

“Thanks, Connor.” I say while pushing past him to find her. 

I make my way out of the house and down the block. I see my truck, finally and I walk to the bed. Lee is sitting there with a blank expression and tears running down her face as Blake rubs her back. 

Her feelings hit me like I f**king train. 

“Lee.” I say softly as I walk up to her. 

She looks up and me, “Let’s take you home.” I say. She looks back to down and nods. 

I go to pick her up, “Is it ok if I touch you?” I ask quietly. She nods again.. 

Carefully, I pick her up bridal style and put her into the passenger seat. I walk around the back and see Blake standing there with an angry expression. 

“Where is he?” He demands. 

“Max and War took him to the cells. You can all have a go, but nob*dy kills him but me. Got it?” 

He nods and turns to leave before he turns back around, “Take care of her.” 

I nod, “I will.” He takes out his keys and gets in his truck, I watch him speed down the road before I get in with Lee. I start the car and look over to her, she doesn’t look at me. 

I drive her home and help her get to her room. When I turn the lights on I/stubble back. 

There is a bruise in the shape of a hand print on her n*eck. I surge forward to look at it, that was a mistake. 

She jumps back a little and I stop in my tracks. 

“I’m sorry, I just want to look at your n*eck and make sure your not hurt. But only if your comfortable with that.” I kneel down by her bed where she is sitting and she once again nods. 

I tilt her head up with my hand and my breathing hitches. There is a purple, green, and blue bruise on her. 

“Did he hurt you anywhere else?” I ask. 

She stands up and slides her dress off so that she is standing n*ked in front of me. I was a little taken back because I didn’t expect it. I open my mouth to tell her to no, but I stop when I see hand prints on her left thigh and little bruises on her hips. 

My heart breaks a little and my eyes tear up, “I’m so sorry.” 

-She looks up at me, “Why are you sorry?” 

“Because I left. I f**king left and I shouldn’t have.” I say as tear sl*ps down my cheek. The last time I cried was when she left town. It tore me apart… this is worse. 

“It wasn’t your fault, you stopped him.” She says walking towards me. 

I slowly reach up to grab her face and she comes closer to me, “He will never hurt you again, I promise.” She nods. 

Wait, where are her…. 

“Lee, where are your underwear?” I ask. 

She looks down like she is ashamed of herself, “I’m sorry.” She mumbles. 

“No, no you don’t have anything to be sorry for.” 

I was t–trying to fight, I promise. He was s–so strong and I was d–drunk. I tried, I tried.” She cries. I pull her into a hug and let her cry, then I pick her up and set her on my lap while she cries. After awhile it stops and we sit in silence. 

“What will happen to him?” She whispers. 

“He will go away.” I say. 

She looks up at me with a confused face, “Go away?“. 

“Yes.” Is all I say. 


I can’t tell you that, but I can promise he will.” 

“Ok.” She mumbles. 

I wait a few moments, “Do you want to go to the police?” I ask. 

She shakes her head no. 

“He won’t be charged if you don’t. I’m not trying to force you, it is your decision.” 

She sighs, “Ok, but in the morning. I can’t do it now.” 

“Alright. Come on, lets run you a shower.” I say while standing and carrying her to the bathroom. 

I grab a towel and set it on the counter before I set her down, “How do you like your showers?” 

–“Hot.” She says. 

I put it to where it burns my skin, I figured that meant it would be ok for her. My dad always says women have a different definition for hot. He said my moms showers water reminded him of hell. 

“It is ready for you, take your time.” I say while walking to leave. 

“Where are you going?” She asks quietly. 

I turn around to face her with my brows furrowed, “I figured you didn’t want me in here.” 

“Stay… please.” 

“Lee, are you sure you want me here? I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.” 

She nods, I want you here.” 

“Ok, if you ever want me to leave just let me know and I’ll go.” 

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