His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 38

Chapter 38 

He looked taken back. As he should. The last time he saw me I was innocent ten year old me. Don’t get me wrong, I was always a b*tch, however I only ever matched people’s energy. Now, he got a taste of his own medicine. 

You know, people always say its free to be nice, well to that I say, it is also free to be a b*tch and its way more fun. 

“I think we’re done here Mr. Kern.” Damion says while crossing his arms. His muscles bulge and heat beat quickens. He is fine as fuck. 

Mr. Kern clears his throat, “I guess we are, my apologies Miss Emerson.” He struggles to say, like someone is forcing him. 

“I don’t want an apology, I want Kristy suspended for a week, and she’s off the cheer team.” I say with straight face. 


You might be thinking that isn’t a big deal, what you don’t know is Kristy loves cheer. When we were younger, the two of us always did cheer camp during the summer. It is about the only thing we have in common, besides the fact that we were both pretty f**king good at it. When I moved and got older, I did cheer in high school, and I know for a fact she does it here because I saw them practicing. She glows on the field, and now she won’t. It really is her fault when you think about it, she fucked with me, so now I fuck with her life. 

Mr. Kern just looks at me, “Miss Emerson I don’t think I can do th-” 

I interrupt him and give him my sweetest smile, “Ohhh, Mr. Kern I think you can. Either she’s off the team or I tell everyone what you do on Wednesday’s after school. I would really hate for that to get out.” He pales and out of the corner of my eye I see Mr. Cruz smile at Damion. 

“I–How do you know about that?” Kern stampers. 

“That’s not important, shall we get back to the matter at hand? I think we should. So, Mr. Kern. What. Will. It. Be?” I ask while putting my hands on his desk and not breaking eye contact. 

A few seconds go by, he is sweating a slightly shaky. 

“Fine.” He finally says. 

I stand up and smirk, “Now, that wasn’t so hard. Have good day Mr. Kern.” 

I turn to leave and hear Mr. Cruz say goodbye to Mr. Kern. Damion opens the door fo me and steps back so that I can go first. Before I go, I look back to Mr. Kern. 

“Oh and I will be taking the rest of the day off. You know, because of what happened earlier today.” I say with a sad look, 

“Yes… Miss Emerson.” He says and I smile. 

With that I walk out the door followed by Damion and Mr. Cruz. We all walk around the corner to the parking lot in front of the school. I turn to Mr. Cruz and thank him for coming. He says he will always be there for me and then tells me he will gives us a minute. 

I turn to Damion and glare, “I didn’t need you to call your father down here to rescue me.” I say. 

“He wasn’t here to rescue you, he was here because I asked him to come sort a few things out with Mr. Kern.” He replies with a blank face. 

Angrily I say, “I had everything under control.” 

Clearly. How did you know that Mr. Kern is having an affair with Mr. Fletcher.” He asks. 

The real question is how the fuck did he know that? 

“Like I said, that’s not important. What is important is your father coming down here to get me out of trouble when I didn’t need him to.” 

“He was merely a precaution in case anything went wrong… You need him, and you need me.” He says while jaw ticks. That means he’s getting frustrated, well guess what, so am I. 

“I don’t need anyone.” I snap back. 

“I can take care of myself, helping me with my car, or getting me out of trouble, or sleepovers when I’m home alone because I don’t need you.” I angrily yell. 

“Fine. Don’t come back to me when you need help.” He yells back and walks away. 

I know what I just did, but I don’t know what I just did. That pain in my chest is back and this time it hurts really–f**king–hurts. Seeing him walk away is torture, but it shouldn’t be. I just saved myself from getting too attached, I should feel good because in the end, everyone leaves. Its better this way… right? 

I feel a tear roll down my cheek, I quickly wipe it off and walk to my car. I see Mr. Cruz look at me out of the corner of my eye and shake his head before he follows Damion. 

I unlock the car and slam the door shut. I close my eyes and try to stop the tears from falling, but I can’t. I choke out a sob and the tears all come crashing down. I lay my head on the steering wheel and for the next ten minutes I let everything out that I have been holding in. Francesca calls this my breaking point. Its where I breakdown because I have too much held in. I am mentally exhausted from everything, and I honestly wish I wasn’t here anymore. It seems so much easier to just let go. If I was gone, I would finally get to stop fighting. Maybe, people should be better off if I wasn’t here. 

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