His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 19

Chapter 19 

Warren is helping Jared up, and he looks bad. His nose is bleeding and he has a bruise on his eye and cheek. 

“LEE IS OFF LIMITS! EVERYBODY GOT THAT?!” Damion yells while scanning the crowd and before his eyes land on Jared. 

Oh my God. Why would he even say that? This feels like kindergarten again, but worse, its high school. God, I am so embarrassed. 

I know for a fact that my face looks like a f***ing tomato. Everyone is just looking at the whole thing unfold and I literally want to die. 

“Come on, Cruz. Really?” Jared says back.” 

Damion opens his mouth to reply, but… 

“CRUZ, THOMPSON! WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?” Mr. T shouts as he comes out of his classroom, obviously hearing the fight. 

Damion glares at Jared, “Nothing, Coach. Just a little misunderstanding.” 

“Get your asses to the nurse and then the office. Someone accompany them to make sure they don’t have another… misunderstanding.” Mr. T says, clearly mad. 

Kasey says, “I will go with Jared, Lee will go with Damion.” 

“WHAT!” I shriek and look at Kasey as though she just accused me of murder. 

“Go help him.” She whispers to me. 

Is this b*tch crazy? 

I look at Damion and he’s bleeding. Dammit. I have to help him. 

“Yeah, sure.” I say walking to Damion. 

“I will go with you, Kasey.” Max all of a sudden says almost… protectively? 

Mr. T replies, “I don’t care who goes. Now the rest of you get to class.” 

Me, Damion, Kasey, Jared, and Max all just stand there while everyone else goes ways. Damion and Jared are still glaring at each other. 

their separate 

“Why don’t you take Jared to the nurse, and I will take Damion to Mr. T’s coaching office. I think there is a first aid kit in there.” I say to Kasey. She says sure and they walk away with Max behind them. Damion still hasn’t moved, he is just glaring at the back of Jared’s head. 

I reach out at put my hand on Damion’s arm. 

Woahhh, hello muscles. 

He snaps his head to me and I flinch back a little because there is sparks when I touch him… literally. I shocked him. 

“Come on.” As I turn around to walk towards Mr. T’s coaching office. I slide my hand down his arm. My hand reaches his wrist and I am about to let go when he sl*ps his hand into mine. I don’t react, scratch that. I don’t react physically, mentally I am screaming. I have no idea why he did that, but the gooseys are back. 

I continue to lead him to the office, hand in hand. When we get there, I open the door and tell him to sit down in the chair across from Mr. T’s desk. I rummage through the cabinet until I find the first 

aid kit. 

“Chapter 19 

You could cut the tensions with a knife. I am absolutely freaking the f*** out. I try and remain calm on the outside, but my heart is about to beat itself out of my chest because I am so nervous. 

I open the kit and take and alcohol pad and open it. He is still. 

“This might hurt a little bit.” I say as I go to clean the small cut on his cheek. He still doesn’t move. 

I clean the blood off his nose and then I move to his knuckles. They are filled with blood, but as I clean them and I see the three small cuts I realize it isn’t his blood. 

I can’t take this tension anymore. 

“What did you mean I am off limits?” I blurt out before I can think. 

His eyes widen and he clear his throat, “I just meant… ummmm” I wait for him to answer and I put some Neosporin on his hand and check. 

“Look, I shouldn’t have said that.” Is all he says. 

“So, you didn’t mean it? I can go out with Jared?” I didn’t need his permission to do anything. And I wasn’t really asking, but I knew he was lying and I wanted the truth. 

He stood up and started walking towards me. I gasped a little at his sudden movement and continued to walk back until I hit the wall. He put his arms on either side of my head and caged me in. I knew he was mad, his eyes were that glowing black/gray again and his whole b*dy was tense. 

“No. You are not going out with Jared, or anyone else. Nob*dy gets to have you, but me. And if they do I will drag your ass to my place and have my way with you until you can only remember my name. Is that clear?” He says getting closer to my face. When I didn’t respond he dipped his head and started k*ssing my n*eck. I whimper a little because of the feeling of his l*ps. 

Woah. That took an unexpected turn… I don’t mind it though. 

He kept k*ssing my n*eck and collar bones, then he sucked on the spot just below my ear. I had it under control until then. I moaned and put my hands on his chest, slowly dragging them down. I tilted my head to give him room. He took full advantage and sucked that spot again, but this time harder. One of his arms circles my waist and the other slides down my b*dy and lifts my leg from the back of my thigh. My arms wrap around his b*dy, pulling him closer. 

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