His Sweetheart Luna by Elmer Novel Full Episode

Chapter 12

Chapter 12 

“Ok, relax Damion. He gets it. Lee is off limits.” Max says. He then looks over to Warren. 

“Right, Warren?” We both look at Warren. He looks scared because he knows I am not kidding. I have some trouble controlling my anger and I am known to be a little possessive over her… ok really possessive over her. I always have been. But I can’t help it, I have been in love with her since I was four and she has only gotten easier to love, especially since I haven’t seen her in what feels like forever. 

“Yup, right. She is off limits. No Lee.” He says like he is trying to convince me to let him live. I let him go and nod. 

“Good. Now lets get to class.” I say and I start to walk to coaches class and open the door. 

I immediately feel calmer when I smell her, and when I see her I am a goner. Then, I see Blake next to her and I feel mad as f*** again. She hasn’t seen me yet, but when coach asks us why we are late, her head snaps up. I could get lost in her eyes. I probably sound whipped, but I couldn’t care less. I am hers all the way. Now, I just need her to be mine. 

Warren gives coach a dumb excuse, I don’t even know what it was because I am still staring at her. I see Max start to walk away, then Warren, and I follow. We all sit in the last row and I feel my temper rising as I see her hand go over Blakes. A growl sl*ps from all three of us. 

She squeezes his hand and I just about f***ing lose it. I try to get up and… rip her away from him. They must have known because Max and Warren both hold me down in my seat as everyone turns to look at me. Coach just tells me to calm down, he knows I have struggled with my anger so he lets a lot slide. After all, many anger is the reason I am good at football, so he doesn’t really mind. 

I sit down and breathe. I can still smell her and hear her breathing and her heart beating. I close my eyes and let her scent and the sound of her breath soothe me. It works. She always was my calm. 

Lee’s POV: 

Both Kasey and Blake are looking at me, waiting for me to start talking. 

“…well I guess I will start with when I left. I went to an elementary school called Larry C. Kennedy for 6th all the way till 8th grade. The school was big, so it wasn’t like here where everyone knew everyone. A girl named Laura was the one I was closest to. We were friends up until the end of th grade, because we went to different high schools. I went to Eagleside High for my freshman and sophomore year. And it was shit. I had a lot of friends because I was on the cheer team, and I had a boyfriend named J–jason.” God every saying his name is hard. 

“He played football, cliche I know. I didn’t really question anything though, even though I should have. My best friend, Kayla was a fake backstabbing b*tch and Jason was completely manipulating me and was abusive mentally, emotionally, and sometimes a little phys-” I cleared my throat. 

I can’t say it 

…never mind. I looked past that because I was in love with him though. He was absolutely perfect in my eyes.” I hate that I loved him, and I hate that I miss him. He hurt me, I should hate him. 

“As for everyone else, I just couldn’t see past the fake smiles. Basically, it was a cluster f*** and I am more than happy to be back… Oh, wait. The crash. Well, me and my mom were driving to get some ice cream and we were talking about taking a trip to Washington for a summer vacation before. school started. A car fishtailed in front of us and we rolled. And umm…. I–I blacked out and when I woke up I had a concussion, four broken ribs, a broken arm, a broken leg, and they told me my heart stopped twice. Then, Luca told me she was gone.” I rambled off my life as quickly as possible. 

They look at me with tears and pity in their eyes. My eyes are watering too. I can’t let myself be that 

Chapter 12 

vulnerable though, so I smile. 

I shrug and say, “And now I am back home. With you guys and Luca and everyone else.” 

Kasey jumps out of her seat and hugs me. Blake joins in after a few seconds. 

“God Lee Rex. First, your “friends” and ex can suck my d***. Second, I am so glad you are not dead right now.” I couldn’t help but laugh because she was right. I regret leaving Sun Valley. 

“I second that, and I hope you are ok with your ex being dead soon.” Blake says as they hug me. I laugh at the last part. I can tell he is mad, but I am hoping I can make him feel better by making it seem like it doesn’t hurt. 

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