His Spirit Wolf

Chapter 5~Funky Chicken

Anna’s POV~

Well! That was fun! Falcon wasn’t messing around! Banished a dozen men..ten without their mates..making them rogue! Old Bertram started a domino effect..causing a mass exodus! How’s that for a productive day!

I’m watching training. They’re good! I’m better. A woman, I recognize as one of the stepfords, walks up to me. I smile at her and ask how she’s coping. She says “I will be fine. It hurt a little..my wolf howled. But..overall, I’m happy. Will you teach me to fight?” I thought it over…and asked “Are there others who want this?” She nods and I grin…sooo big! And say “ wait here!” And took off to find Falcon! I burst through his office door..smacking Axel in the nose because he was walking out “Oops’ Falcon..you got a minute?” He nods and I just erupt with my word vomit “I was wondering..one of the stepford wives came to me and pretty sure they all want to..and she asked if I would train them and I said sure…but then I told her to wait right there so I ran here to see if you’d be okay with it because I don’t want to step on your toes..so can l?” And they all bust out laughing like I had just said something funny and I was getting offended. “I was just asking! If you want to laugh at me…I’m going to do it anyway!” And they laughed harder. The fuck??

Falcon says “You definitely can and know I appreciate it. And you could have just asked in the link… however, I enjoyed your option much more!” I am confused still…but nod anyway. Thanking him, I run back to the training ground. And there’s like 20 women standing there, waiting for me!

I looked at them..and then noticed my aunt! I asked her if she was sure..and she nodded and said “No man will ever beat my ass again “ and I yelled “YES!! Let’s get started!” They were motivated and determined and eager to learn! Every day..every single day, without fail..we spent 6 hours..running..sparring..and weapons training. After 3 weeks they were so impressive, I arranged a little competition for them against seasoned warriors..and had Falcon and the boys be the judges.

Axel walks over and says “$50 bucks say your ladies go home, tucking tails” I laughed! I tell him “Counting chickens already, Malone? Tell you what..Your best against my best..$100..and bragging rights” Falcon laughed and said “Axel…best think it through!” But Axel has a big head and declares he is His Best..and I grin and say “Deal! Since I am my best, too! Get your ass in the ring Gamma…you’ll be dragging it out later!” Falcon hugs me to him and whispers “Show him how it’s done’” I grin and fist bump him..running and jumping the ropes into the ring.

He moves first..I duck under his arm and kidney punch him..landing a foot into his solar plexus..dropping him to his knees. I back away..allowing him time to recover… He finds his feet and lunges for me and I spin out, drop down and sweep his legs..he lands on his back with an “oof” and I land on him pinning his arms..bringing his hand up and smacking him in the face with it…singing “stop hitting yourself…stop hitting yourself “ and he roars with laughter..saying “Okay! Enough!” And I jump up with my arms up..hands in the air..”The Champion reigns supreme!” And bounce out. Everyone is laughing and I look at Axel saying “small bills only…five 20s or ten 10s…are acceptable!” He laughs and says “fuck off” and I laugh harder. Then the tournaments begin!

It was such a great day! My ladies won four tournaments and I couldn’t be prouder! Falcon declared cookout and bonfire tonight! And we all scattered to prepare for tonight! Falcon asked if I would meet him in the office..I said sure!! And ran to grab a shower.

I knock on the office door and am bade entry..asking “what’s up boss?” And he rolls his eyes. He says “Your birthday is in two weeks. Belinda came to me asking to give you a party..what I would like to propose is..we combine your birthday with a sort of “mating ball” We have so many single ladies again since the purge” and I crack up..saying I love that we call it that..and he continues “‘So..what do you think!? Can we accomplish this in two weeks?” I sigh…” You really expect a lot you know! Plan a ball..order decorations..flowers..set up a menu..send invitations..when will I find a gown..to make all this look good?” He laughed and said “You could wear a gunny sack and look gorgeous..and we both know it!” And Goddess! His words make my heart feel funny and I find myself wanting to look good for him! But I just laugh instead.

I jumped up and tell him “Come onn! Cookout and you’re manning the grill!” He follows me laughing…”Bossy woman!” I stick my tongue out at him. I find myself watching him..more and more these days. Of course, Bethany doesn’t help… she just pants..runs around, wagging her tail and drooling. I tell her stop! She’s leaving dog snarf all over my brain and she snaps back wolf snarf and it’s not all over…sort of all puddled up in your frontal lobe. And I laugh with her! She’s so quirky! And my very best friend!

Brady walks up to me and says “Falcon told me you agreed to a mating ball for your birthday. How great would it be if all of us find our mates that night?” I feel my heart flutter. I’m not sure.. I mean, I would love to find my One… but I have so much baggage…what if he demands I let my need to avenge my family and pack go? Not sure I can! And I definitely don’t want to! A thought for another day, I reckon! Brady grabs my hand and spins me out on makeshift dance floor and has me laughing so hard I’m crying! I finally tell him “Never do that again…unless you learn ANY other dance besides the funky chicken! What are you…10???” He laughs and tells me he can’t dance! No shit!

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