His Spirit Wolf

Chapter 27~ You suck at it

Falcon’s POV~

I shook my head “You really are an idiot! It hasn’t registered in that little walnut sized brain.. that your father sent you here to die! He knew I was going to kill you! And.. just so we’re clear.. it won’t bother me a bit! Let me tell you what I know!”

Lindsay and Peter knocked on the door, with Charlotte in tow.. I invited them to sit down.. just as Anna pointed at the computer screen! There.. in Renaldo’s office, was Robert and Emmett Culver! I pulled the phone to me.. and dialed Renaldo’s office “Rivera! What can I do for you!? I’m feeling popular today!”

“Don’t get your panties all twisted, Renaldo! I’m actually letting you know what pieces of shit the three of you are! Where’s Cyrus? I would love to go for the trifecta! You three cowards sent two young women to their deaths! You can spin it any way you want.. but you were very aware that you were killing them! Robert… these are your only children.. your daughters… I’m curious.. why didn’t you just kill them yourself? To help assuage the guilt of whatever conscience you have left?

Charlotte? Would you like to tell your father and your uncle goodbye? They are never going to see you again, after all!” And I winked at her and she nodded “Robert.. I hate you for what you’ve done! You have your head so far up Cyrus and Emmett’s asses you have lost every ounce of your humanity! The only good thing I get from this is never having to hear your voices or see your faces again! Goodbye, Robert!”

What about you Allison? And she snarled “They will rescue me, you prick! Daddy! You owe me! I got you out of the cells! I saved you! You owe me!!” I laughed… “Seriously? You’re going with that? That they will rescue you? One… they wouldn’t get here in time to save your useless life.. Two… even if they made it here, they would die before ever reaching past my borders! A little tidbit of information… My mate has trained her whole life to be an assassin! Her father… knowing she would have to fight for survival.. every fucking day! Because of selfish, greedy mother fuckers always wanting what is not theirs! Tell them goodbye, Allison! Oh.. and boys? War has been declared! Best bring your ‘A’ game!”

Emmett screamed “She is mine! She has always been mine! And I am coming for her!” I smiled… then I laughed.. “Oh! Please do! We will be waiting! She may even let me kill you, instead of herself!” And I hung up… “Now watch and listen what happens next, Allison! You will see why you chose so poorly and realize no help is coming for you!”

We all watched, as the three men began to fight. Renaldo screamed “We are doomed! You don’t even know who you’re fucking with! He is the Senior Counsel’s right hand! He is their enforcer of all things bloody! He just declared war on us and that means we have no choice now!” Emmett snapped back “and you have no idea who I am, do you!? I wiped out four packs! Four! And it will be five! I have over 500 fighters! And they are quite capable! I assure you!”

Renaldo fires back “Sure! Against old men, women, and children! What’s the matter, Robert? Sad about what you let happen to your daughters? Feeling ashamed?” Robert jumped up and slammed his fists on the table “Fuck you! This would never had been an issue if they had just done what they were told! They should have been boys!”

I looked up at Allison’s face and she blanched when Robert said that shit! I told my mate “Come here, my baby!” And she climbed into my lap. I looked at Lindsey “While your daughter deserves to die for everything she’s done… technically, she hasn’t committed a crime against my pack.. the death penalty isn’t even on the table for attempting to commit treason.. However, she did commit treason against your pack by breaking a prisoner out of the cells! So.. .. I will leave it up to you. You can take her back to your pack.. lock her up, or try to repair whatever may be left of your relationship. Orrrr, you leave her here and she rots in my cells! She makes a piss poor criminal… an even worse spy! She should perhaps, look for a different profession!”

Lindsay said “Allison! Look at me! And you better hope everything you tell me is the truth..or so help me, Goddess… I will absolutely leave you here to rot! Why have you always been such a horrible person… to me and to your sister? And yes, I knew how you treated her! How you’d hit her.. shove her down stairs.. call her horrid names! She was so afraid of you… so scared to not do what you said! So… tell me WHY!”

Allison spat “You are weak! And She is weak! You never cared one thing about me! But, sweet little Lottie could do no wrong! You babied her! You sang to her! You tucked HER in! Where was my hug? My good night kiss? You hated me and loved her!”

Lindsay said “You never let me in.. you pushed me further and further away.. starting on your sixth birthday when I told you we were having another baby. And.. your hug? Your good night kiss? How many times did you flip your back to me when I tried to tuck you in? To hug you? I still did it though! Every night, I waited until you were asleep.. when you weren’t being hateful.. and I would hug you, and tuck the covers tight around you.. kissing your cheek or forehead.. before whispering how much I love you!”

Allison started crying “I don’t remember that. I thought you hated me. Dad said you wanted me to be a boy. I guess now, it was him who wanted me to be a boy! I want to try, Mom.. I want to be a sister to Charlotte. I don’t want to be this angry person. I want to be happy! Please… don’t leave me here! We didn’t even want to come here.. no offense, Falcon.. but you’re kind of a prick! And… if I’m honest.. your mate scares the fuck out of me!”

And I laughed.. “You’re right! I am a prick when I want to be.. and if I’m completely honest.. my mate scares me too!” Anna laughed! Then she looked at Allison and in a very serious tone she told her “You need to grow up, Allison! There is so much beauty in this world.. and you’ve been just letting it pass you by! I want to tell you something my daddy always told me.. Never steal…but if you must.. Steal a quiet moment for yourself. Steal a kiss from a loved one… Never lie…but if you must… Lie in a meadow and embrace the sunshine on your face…. Lie in the arms of the man you love.. and Never cheat… but if you must.. Cheat death so you may live to find the beauty in another day! And for the love of our Goddess… you need to give up your life of crime! You suck at it!”

Everyone laughed because she is right!

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