His Soft Fur

Chapter ●XXVII●

I heard my name mentioned in Mom and Dad’s conversation. I decided to get up from the couch and go see what they were talking about.

Of course when the kid’s in the room, they go quiet.

“So, there was some big protest with wolves and things.” Dad was about to go somewhere with this that I hoped he wouldn’t. I gave it two days, and I was right. Whose parent talked first? “Some stoner kids said you were there.” he said.

“I don’t know any stoners.” I lied.

“Well, they know you.” Dad said.

“What he’s trying to get at is if you were really there or not.” Mom said for him since Dad wasn’t going to ask yet. “Which I don’t believe you were.” Mom added as she looked at Dad, convinced that I was being a good son when I said I was going out for flower picking.

I think my dad secretly hopes that I was out protesting instead of picking flowers.

“Well?” Dad asked, waiting on my answer.

I didn’t want to lie again. “So Conrod-”

“Don’t avoid the question-”

“Fine, I was there.”

“Gabriel!” Mom was shocked.

“I was interested, okay. Nothing happened to me this time, though.” I made it seem like a big deal and it was. I didn’t get hurt this time. That's a good thing.

“And what if something had?” Dad asked.

“Why does the past matter?” I asked, making a point.

“Cause it determines the present and future.” Well I mean, he isn’t wrong but that’s not the point. “You went to a protest with stoner kids?”

“Well not everyone there was high. There were some parents and younger kids there that didn’t smoke.” I had to put that out there before my dad thinks I’m one of those stoner kids that he complains about.

“Gabriel, I thought he told you not to go.” Mom said.

“I know but I was just interested in it and wanted to see how Conrod would eat all this up since they would never show his reaction on TV.” I said.

“You could have gotten hurt.” Dad said.

“But its okay because I didn’t.” I said innocently. He was going to make me feel bad. It was going to work, too.

“Why don’t you listen to us?” Mom asked. She wasn’t mad but she was going to be upset if the next phrase out of my mouth was me asking to go somewhere.

“Mom, I’m done, okay. I’m never going outside the house again.” I assured her. She seemed to like that. She pulled me into a loving hug, one that gives comfort.

I was looking at my dad, though. He wasn’t buying it.

“Anne, we have one more year before we sell the house and move down south. You need to raise your kid.” He warned her.

“My boy turned out just fine.” She kissed my forehead. I turned out great. I can be a little chatty, but I’m great. “He’s just like his mother.” she hugged me again.

“Yeah, I know.” Dad said, not surprised.

“But you look like your dad.” She told me. “He used to have long hair just like you. Then he joined the corporate world.” she almost sounded disappointed. When she looked at Dad, she laughed.

I’ve seen the old pictures. They were weird back in the day. My mom was the flower child. My dad was that awkward nerd.

The couples that get together in this town are weird.

“I honestly just want one night of sleep.” Dad complained. “I’m tired of worrying if he’s going to fall over or something.”

“Dad, I’m fine.” I wanted to make him feel better. I know I caused them stress these past couple months but I won’t get hurt again. “If I was going to fall over, I’d give you a warning.”

“You raised him.” He looked at Mom.

She kept her arms around me as she smiled. “I think we did a good job.” She was proud. I know she’ll say the things my dad usually keeps to himself.

I really shouldn’t worry my parents so much. So I promised them I won’t sneak out anymore.

Ty was waiting outside my front door. He thought I would be able to go out with him this afternoon but I can’t. I’m still grounded and my dad found out that I was at the protest the other day. I’d have to beg and plead to go anywhere. I’m just unfortunate.

I sat outside on the front steps with him.

It was bright and sunny outside despite the layer of snow on the ground.

The pale pink wolf was rolling around in the snow. We’re lucky it’s not thick today, but there’s supposed to be a storm tomorrow night. At least by then we’ll be on break.

The trees weren’t covered in snow, but I bet in two days they will be. It’s rare to see green in the winter. Fall lasted for about a day or so, but the big trees hadn’t shed as much as the smaller ones. One side of the forest was still thick with life. Another part had been torn down like multiple areas in the town.

It feels more...open.

I don’t know what’s going to happen now. I don’t expect Conrod to back down, but it seems like there were other things to worry about today. We can take care of the money hungry billionaire another time.

“You’re a little warm today.” I pressed my hand to his forehead. “You should’ve stayed inside.” I said, though I know how much he likes it in the cold. He feels better outside.

“Someone had to watch him.” he gestured to the wolf that was playing by himself in the snow.

“I wish I could hang out with you today.” I felt bad that I couldn’t leave.

“This is hanging out.” He seemed content with this. “I don’t mind if...”

“If what?” I nudged him because I wanted him to continue.

“If...you’re around.” he admitted shyly as he looked away. I could see the faint blush on his skin.

He’s so cute.

“I would kiss you but I have a feeling my dad is going to come outside to see why I’m out here.” We can’t exactly be affectionate at the moment, but it’s okay.

Ty leaned on me though, and I felt his lips press to my cheek. I wouldn’t have been surprised if he hadn’t kept kissing me. He’s not usually like this. My heart was racing in my chest, and it got worse when he kissed my neck.

“Ty-” I was so flustered.

He kissed my lips and I couldn’t pull away. I almost wanted to put my arms around him, but I know once that happens we can’t be separated.

When he’s like this, which is rare, I get so happy. I couldn’t help but laugh.

“Ty, we’re going to get in trouble.” I couldn’t be serious with him, especially as he continued to kiss me.

If only we were alone.

He moved his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. I was warm enough already but I was okay with him being this close to me. It’s nice to know that he’s not stressed out.

His older brothers came home today, so that’s just three more boys in the house. I haven’t asked to meet them yet but I would like to. I wonder what they’re like.

We were staring at the pale pink wolf that was sitting obediently. He was quiet and kept his eyes on us.

A few more wolves came from the forest, one of them running straight over to us. The grey wolves were a little smaller, one of them had a lighter coat of fur. He ran full speed to tackle the pale pink wolf into the snow.

After that, the fun continued.

“All of you are so care free.” I said to him. I feel like as wolves, they aren’t themselves. They’re more...open. Ty can’t say he isn’t care free when he’s more excited to see me while he’s a wolf.

“It’s easier when Channing isn’t breathing down our necks.” He said, slightly upset.

“Is he wrong to try and keep you in line?” I asked. “You aren’t very obedient.”

“I don’t think I need someone to tell me what to do.” Ty said as he played with a bit of snow. “I can handle myself.”

I already know that Ty has tried to break away before and he hasn’t been successful. Without fail, Channing has been able to keep Ty where he’s supposed to be. It’s just that I feel like Ty has been trying more frequently to make his statement. At some point, Channing’s going to have enough of it but I don't know what will happen then.

I don’t know if it’s his instincts or if Ty actually wants to leave.

I told him he shouldn’t leave his brothers for me, and I would hope he would listen. But I can’t force him to do it.

I’ll still be here no matter what happens.

Brendan was up on all fours again, wagging his tail and breathing heavily with his tongue out of his mouth. He was excited. In that second, I knew why.

My dad came outside to see what was going on.

Both of us looked at him.

The pale pink wolf stalked closer.

“Seriously?” He looked at me. “Is this what it’s going to be like from now on?” He didn’t like the idea.

I mean, if I can’t leave then what else am I supposed to do?

“We’re not a pet sanctuary.” He complained.

“How can you look at them and not want to take care of them?” I wanted to keep them. They’re more pleasant as wolves. They play around more.

Dad stared at them for a moment.

The pale pink wolf fell over again and rolled around in the snow. He does that a lot, but it happens so spontaneously, we never know when it will happen. When I looked back at my dad, he pointed to that wolf.

“That one must be brain dead.” He said.

Well, I mean....he might not be wrong.

“Can I keep them?-”

“Do you want to come inside or...?” Dad put the question out there though he saw that I had company.

“Actually, can I hang out with Ty?-”

“And do what?”

I looked at Ty quickly. He wasn’t paying attention to the conversation so I had to nudge him. “Oh.” He looked up. “He wants my help studying for the S.A.T.s.” Ty said to him.

“You know what.” My dad thought to himself. “That’s fine. You and your brothers are pretty smart.” He was going to let me go.

“Dad, seriously?”

“Yeah.” He answered, and he made it seem like he was justified. “You still haven’t registered for that test, Gabriel. You’re going to college.”

“I know, I know.” I muttered as I turned around again, picking at my shoe because I didn’t want to have this conversation.

“Be back before midnight.” He said, before going inside the house.

That was actually pretty generous of him if I’m being honest. Ty and I have the whole afternoon to do whatever, though I did promise my dad I would study. Maybe I should.

“Can we go to your house?” I asked Ty.

“My brothers are home.” He wasn’t going to let me.

“I want to meet them-”


“Did your mom already tell them you found a m-”

“Please stop,” he got flustered.

I like to tease him about it. Sometimes he blushes and I think it’s cute. I know how he feels about me, we’ve already discussed it. It’s nice to know I matter so much to him. I know a chunk of it is part of his other half, but it still makes me happy.

“We can’t stay here, though. My dad is actually buying the whole ‘studying for the S.A.T.s’ thing.” I said as I got up.

“You’re going to study, right?”

“We can do that later.” I said.

I pulled on his arm so he would get up. I’ve been begging to leave the house, and I know we’re just going to be at his house for the rest of the day, but I want to spend time with him and I got the okay from my dad to leave.

Ty needs to take this more seriously.

All I can say is that Ty didn’t take this time seriously.

He really tried to stall so I wouldn’t have to meet his brothers. Something about them being over bearing and loud, but his other brothers that are still home are like that so I didn’t see the big deal.

We walked into his not so quiet house, and I recognized voices and then there were some that were unclear to me. Channing was having an argument with Brendan and his brothers were chiming in on it. Ty was quiet as he pulled me with him to the living room where most of them were.

I saw three of them I didn’t recognize.

I couldn’t tell which was the oldest. One wore glasses and had his black hair neatly pulled back, no curls at all. He wasn’t as large as his other brothers. Another was almost identical to Channing; his dark eyes were cold, it looked like he was glaring even if he wasn’t. He held the same look as Channing too, always disapproving or tough. From what I could tell, he might just have as many tattoos as Channing does, I could see a few green and red colors around his wrist where his sleeves didn’t cover.

And the last one was huge. Even though he was sitting down, I could tell that he was bigger than Channing. He looked like he had more muscle and I assumed he worked out more than necessary. He had the whole “meat head” vibe going for him, even when he talked.

These three had escaped what the rest had to endure.

“Ty, you brought a friend home.” The biggest one said, his voice deep. I tried not to be shocked but it was hard when his voice was so deep.

“Friend?” Cina scoffed but Brendan elbowed him roughly.

“That’s Gabriel.” Leo said quickly.

“You can say that Ty sniffed him out first.” Channing said to his brother. “He was gone for two months and Gabriel was the first to find him.” there was this disdain that Channing had as he explained it. I know he’s not happy about it, but I thought we got over that part.

“Oh.” The biggest one said, still smiling. “Ty, you didn’t say that you found a-”

Ty just turned away and went somewhere else without letting him finish. I had a feeling what he was going to say. Ty doesn't like being teased about it. I wasn't surprised that he abruptly left. It's not like he stays around for conversations he doesn't want to be a part of.

Leo moved over in his chair and I sat next to him.

“Ty was never much for this.” Another brother said. “He wasn’t the 'social butterfly'. He finds comfort in the quiet things.” He said and fixed his glasses. “Oh, I didn’t introduce myself. I’m Orca.” He said and got up.

I’m just really glad that he seemed normal. I need more normal in my life. I feel like that will help me stay out of trouble. He wanted to shake my hand and he did, although he wasn’t the biggest, he had the hardest grip I’ve ever felt in my life.

“I may not look it, but I’m actually the oldest.” He said easily.

“And apparently the smartest and brightest.” The one that looked like Channing said. “I’m Cana, and that one over there,” he pointed to the biggest brother. “That’s Baron. He’ll ask if you do lifts, just say no so he doesn’t lift you like dumbbells.” He warned me.

“I’m not that big.” Baron said as Ty came back. He would’ve sat next to me but there was no room for him.

“Baron is like a bigger version of Cina, but without the whole harassment.” Leo told me quietly as the other brothers began talking loudly again. Cina heard and looked our way but he didn’t snap at him. “Cana and Channing are really close, and Orca took care of us when we were younger.” He told me.

It must be nice to have siblings. I can't imagine what their parents are going through, but at least the older siblings are taking care of the younger ones.

Leo continued to whisper to me as the others talked. “They got out of what we couldn’t so they’re lucky. Although they aren’t as cool as we are.” Leo doesn’t consider it to be a bad thing. He’s the only one that thinks its fun that he can shift into a wolf.

“We should go.” Ty tugged on my arm.

“Wait, Ty, you can’t go. We were about to go outside so I could tell some stories.” Orca said quickly.

I like stories.

“I probably heard it already.” Ty said.

"It's that time of year again, though." Orca was actually excited about it, and I think that's what got his other brothers excited.

Ty didn't want to, but I tugged on his sleeve. I wanted to go outside with them and listen. They probably have some secret family stories that were passed down for generations. That would be fun to hear.

It was getting dark outside by the time we all got settled. We were all sitting in a circle around a bonfire that Ty's older brothers put together. From what I've heard, their mom would always tell them stories and myths. Now Orca was the one who was going to tell stories.

He wasn't passive, but he didn't give off the same alpha feel that Channing does. This was different. Orca seemed almost protective, like he was a teacher more than a leader. He wasn't quiet, but he wasn't as loud. His dark eyes weren't as strong, but there was a look like he always had a passion for his family.

It was...settling. It didn't stress me out.

They were letting me join which was nice of them. Orca actually considers me one of them, but he knows what Ty's going through. He was sympathetic.

"We already know all the stories about the wolves." Orca said and looked at us.

He wasn't going to talk about what we already know.

"It's time that I tell you the stories about the wolves' enemy since the beginning." he said.

We were all silent. The fire sparked and crackled in the cold air. There was this chill that went around, and I might've been the only one to feel it.

I wanted to know what Orca was going to tell us about.

He smiled at us.


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