His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XXIII ●

I went downstairs at five thirty in the morning. Both my parents were about to leave for work. I didn’t go to school yesterday and I wanted to know if I could go today.

It has been a rough weekend and yesterday was no better. I could only lay in bed and I stayed under the covers to keep warm. The headaches are bad, and it doesn't get better when I try to move around. I've been trying to take pain medication to help, but it doesn't.

I have a gash on my forehead that I covered with my hair last night so now I know how to avoid people asking me about it.

“Can I go to school today?” I asked my parents quietly. I didn't sound convincing enough to actually leave the house. “I have a test for my math class.”

They looked at each other first.

I don’t think they’ll let me go.

“It would be better if you stay home.” Mom said. “You couldn’t get out bed yesterday and you barely ate.”

I wanted to tell them I felt fine but I didn’t. The thought of food made me nauseous and the kitchen light hurt my eyes. But at least I made it out of bed today.

"Okay." I said quietly and turned to leave the kitchen without saying anything else.

I wasn't leaving the house today. I wasn't tired, I just didn't feel too well, but I don't want to fall behind in school. The break is coming up and I have a few exams back to back. Being out of school is tough, especially on days that aren't snow days. I didn't want to study, and I know I should.

I just couldn't focus either.

Everything was such a blur.

Later in the morning, Ty wanted to come over. It's been difficult to see him especially with my parents lingering around to make sure I was okay. I guess I wanted some time away as well. I know I scared Ty, but I was so out of it and exhausted that I couldn't do anything.

My parents were scared. I was scared.

Things aren't going right. My head still hurts.

Today was the first day I had seen him in a couple days.

When I opened the door, I squinted because of the sunlight. It hurt my eyes. I was almost tempted to pull him inside quickly just so I wouldn't have to see the brightness. He was waiting on me for something, I didn't know what.

He stared at me.

Was he...upset?

I know I told him he couldn't come over these past couple days, but I didn't say that because I didn't want him around.

He hesitated to come closer to me. He was going to touch me but he stopped, and he was unsure of what to say to me. I wanted to give him the chance to say something since he obviously wanted to.

If he asks to stay, I would say yes.

My parents aren't home and I was just going to sit in the house by myself. I was up today, so it didn't bother me to have company.

He didn't ask how I was or if I was okay. Those weren't the words that came out of his mouth. I stared at him plainly when he said, "I want to have sex today."

It took a second, but I got upset.

"I've been fighting with you about that for a month, and now you freely express that you want to have sex with me." I didn't believe this. We do it once, and now he's asking for it.

I almost wanted to be mean to him.

"No." I said as I turned away. "I have a concussion." I walked further in the house. I heard him come in and close the door behind him.

I wasn't going to have the conversation with him.

I went to sit on the couch and I pulled on my blanket so I could cover myself up. I was wearing two long sleeve shirts but I was still freezing cold.

Ty came and sat next to me, and he set his bag down on the coffee table. He said he would be bringing my homework for me. He skipped school for me today, and I already know he's going to get in trouble for it. He's missed a lot more than I have so it's serious when our teachers say that he has to be there.

But he wanted to stay with me and he did.

"How are you feeling?" he asked me.

"I'm really tired." I physically felt the weight on my shoulders. I didn't have anything to be worried about but I felt like I did.

"We took care of those hunters."

"Murder isn't taking care of anything." I rubbed my temples to make my headache go away.

"No one died, Gabriel."


I was upset all this happened. I was upset that nothing was going to change. I was upset that I hit my head and was unconscious for three days. I know it was my fault. I shouldn't have been out, but I went anyway. Look at what happened.

"Sorry." I mumbled to him. "I shouldn't snap at you for something that's my fault." I apologized.

"What happened wasn't your fault." he said as he lifted my hair to see my scar. It was terrible. I had the wound sutured before and when it came out, the scar was just there. "I'm glad you're okay."

I sighed quietly and leaned on to him. I felt better with him here. He knows that this situation is terrible. He has things to deal with, too, so I feel bad making him come here and baby me. I shouldn't do that to him. He moved his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"We can't have sex because your brothers will harass me." I mentioned to him since I was so quick to say no. "They can smell me. Apparently you did something to me."

"I can't help that." he said plainly.

He didn't seem bothered by it either.


We did end up having sex...

Ty was a little on edge and I guess that's how things are going to be for a few more weeks. I don't think it's a problem at all.

It's just that today was a little rough for me.

My head was still fuzzy and cloudy. I couldn't think clearly.

But this was the best I've felt in the past two days. I almost forgot that I was over Ty, that he could see all of me.

I leaned my head back and moaned out, letting the pleasure flow through my body. His hips were moving with mine slowly. His hands were holding me at my waist, getting me to grind my hips on him. My body felt hot, and my face was flushed. I didn't want to over exert myself since my head was pounding.

But it didn't hurt as much.

It was that kind of heaviness that I wanted to drown in.

That's what made it so easy to ride him.

I felt good.

I know he felt good, too.

He sat up and wrapped his arms around me. He didn't go too fast, but I felt him deep inside me, deeper than just a second ago. My arms were over his shoulders, and I held on to him as he slowly thrusted into me.

I breathed harder.

My hair was beginning to mash around my face and neck. My heart was beating faster and it was getting harder to breathe. I was lightheaded.

"Close?" he asked in my ear, his cheek pressing to mine.

I nodded and rested my head on his shoulder while he moved.

I came and he stopped to give me a second. I needed time to breathe. I got a few blurry spots in my vision so I was happy that he slowed down for me. My thighs were shaking as I spilled my cum. My hands held on to him tighter until I could finally breathe normally again.

"I'm okay." I said to him.

He laid me down on my back on the bed. My hips were still up against him, and he moved into rhythm again like before, slow but deep. He wasn't close yet, and I know how much it takes to get him over the edge.

I wasn't sure if I would last that long.

I did feel good, however. If he's not careful, he might get me hard again. I could already feel the knot in my stomach like before.

His hands were at my waist again.

I felt his cock pulsing in me as he moved.

My head continued to swoon and I was lightheaded. My hair was pushed back from my face and I could see all of Ty.

He was sweating.

I knew he had a fever, but he's probably hot because of what we were doing. A few curls of his hair was pressing to his forehead. I saw the beads of sweat that formed on his skin. His shoulders and chest were glistening because of it.

He wanted to be rougher with me, I could see it in his eyes. He had that look like he would risk it all. My hand was pressing on his stomach, hoping to slow him down because I really felt the strain on my body. I was dizzy, too. As much as I wanted to slow him down, I couldn't stop staring at his face.

I couldn't stop thinking about how attracted I was to him because he looked sexy. I have no idea how quickly it took to get me riled up, but it definitely took no effort at all. Watching him moan made my heart flutter and I got butterflies in my stomach. He was looking at me while he tried to hold himself back.

"I love you." I said between my moans and gasps for air.

There was this shift in the mood immediately. Ty was breathing harder, and I saw his canine teeth growing in his mouth as his lips parted when he moaned.

He hasn't been that loud before, but he was today.

I don't know what was sexier. Him showing me that he was enjoying himself and hearing his voice above me, or seeing the way his eyes flashed a bright blue and hearing his growl as he tried to hold back.

He was being rougher with me, but I could handle it. I wanted it.

I closed my eyes when his fingers dug into my hips. My hands were over his wrists, but I didn't stop him. I had gone quiet as he moved faster inside me. I couldn't find my voice, I could barely feel my body, I felt like I was floating.

I came again and Ty hasn't once.

I could see stars even with my eyes closed. I whimpered while he moved. I could feel my cum on my stomach.

He slowed down again for me.

I opened my eyes when he pulled out of me. He took off the condom and stroked himself till he finished on me. His cum spilled over my skin, another trail of white over my stomach.

His cock was still throbbing and dripping cum.

This time, he didn't put another condom on. He moved inside me, and it felt a little different than before. He was hotter, and I could feel his cum spilling inside me. He moved over me more, his body pressing on mine, and his face buried in my neck as he began to thrust his hips in me again. My arms were around his neck, my hands in his hair.

I didn't want to let him go, especially with how much rougher he was with me. I didn't need to slow him down. I liked it better like this, especially with feeling his cock pulsing inside me the way that it was.

I listened to his voice in my ear, his moans, his whimpers. I know he could hear me too.

I just wondered if his heart was beating just as fast as mine.

I tried to walk around and get my energy up again but my head was still hurting so I sat down. We shouldn't have had sex today, I knew it was a bad idea but I instantly got in the mood when Ty did. We need to control this side of him because now I'm getting too much of what I want.

"Your brothers are concerned with how I smell." I told him again because he brushed off the concern before. "It's 'drowning' and 'intoxicating'." I quoted them.

"I can't help that." He didn't seem to want to handle the issue.

Ty has been a lot closer to me lately. I wonder if it's because of how I smell. He's the one that did this to me.

"What am I going to do with you?" I sighed.

"Just give me a couple weeks." He said like everything was going to immediately stop then.

He better hope it happens.

"You're going to have your brothers on edge."

"That's also not my fault." He said. "I said I couldn't help it. If I could control it, I would."

"I don't know if I can handle sex everyday. I know I was whiny before, but I had no idea you'd be like this."

We both didn't know.

"Sorry..." He apologized quietly.

I get excited when he kisses me or when he tells me he wants me. I like it a lot. So I guess I can't complain too much.

Ty wrinkled his nose as he looked somewhere else for a second. His expression was plain as be looked back to me.

"Conrod is here." He said.

I don't know why he would be. I just sighed as I slumped back on the couch. I didn't want to get the door. I know I'm about to get harassed because of what happened.

Conrod must be pissed off.

This is the second time that something has happened to me on or near his project site. This time I was actually sorry because I didn't intend to cause what happened.

I remembered the gunshots that night.

I remember hearing the screaming and shouting.

Something definitely happened.

"I'll be right back." I told Ty as I mustered up the courage to show my face. I got up slowly from the couch and went to get the door just as the bell rang.

I didn't say anything when I opened the door. Ty was right, he was here, but he was the only one. I was expecting police this time if I was being completely honest.

He didn't greet me and I didn't say anything to him.

He was holding something in his hand.

“I believe this is your jacket.” he said as he held up a black leather jacket.

I couldn't find it this morning. It was taken off me the other night wasn't it? That's the only reason he would have it.

I reached for the jacket and grasped it in my hand, slowly taking it from him. He knows I was there that night, that's the only reason I got hurt. Him finding my jacket confirms it.

“You and your friends are costing me a lot of money." He said calmly. "I don't want to have to sue for trespassing, or get criminal charges involved with the vandalism." He said.

He could if he wanted to so I knew it was a threat.

“I don’t-”

“Let's skip the run around, Mr. Wallace." he wasn't here for me to mess around with him.

I held on tightly to my jacket as I stared up at him. I don't know what he's expecting from me. I can't help the fact that he's the one getting himself in trouble. The only thing I felt sorry for was myself because I got hurt for a second time. It was just inconvenient to be at his place.

"I can't tell you what to do, Mr. Conrod." I told him. "Everyone is fighting you on all of your projects because we don't want them. The vandalism and protests are all about getting you to back off." I didn't think I needed to explain that to him.

But it didn't look like he was here about that either. "And you're going to tell me the wolves are protesting as well?"

I shrugged.

He's not wrong. That's essentially what's happening. He's messing with something that's not his. I'm almost completely sure that all of the Martin brothers' problems would go away if he just stops.

“We're calling your injury an accident." He informed me.

"That's all it was..."

"Right." he didn't believe me. "I won't be filing criminal charges against you."

I should be thankful. Deep down, I was. If he were to file criminal charges on me, I'd be in trouble. There are multiple witnesses putting me where he says I was. No one could lie and say I wasn't trespassing.

“I would hope you would listen to the people here." I said. "It's been months of fighting with you."

And yet, it didn't seem like he was that remorseful. I don't know why I thought he would ever leave money behind. His projects make money. It's making the town money. I don't know why I thought things would change.

I came to that realization now.

There was no point to fighting him.

"I hope I don't have to see you again, Mr. Wallace." he said and turned away to go back to his car.

I closed the door behind me and rubbed my forehead. My wound still hurts and I have a headache. Ty was waiting for me on the couch. I sat next to him and got comfortable as I breathed out heavily, wanting to relieve the stress.

“Tell Channing to set everything on fire." I said to Ty, wanting to be bitter, but I was just tired.

"We physically can't do that." Ty said.

"Well, do something." I was so tired of all this happening. I don't think I can go to the hospital again.

"Channing will take care of it. He already has a plan and everything will be fine." Ty seemed so sure that Channing has a plan to take care of everything.

That's a good thing though. At least I hope so.

"You're not going to...hurt anyone are you?" I asked him.

Ty looked at me, a plain expression on his face. Sometimes, I don't know what he's thinking.

"No." He answered.

"You took a little long to answer that question."

"Yeah, but that's because of...other reasons." He had a faint color to his cheeks as he looked away.


I smiled to myself. I was blushing, too. This was the only time I knew what he was thinking about, and I guess I was thinking about it, too. We have other things to worry about but we have a whole house to ourselves for a few more hours.

"Ty, I have a headache, okay. Please be gentle." I told him as he pulled me closer to him.

He touched my forehead, the palm of his hand right over my wound. He was doing that thing again when he gets protective. But the warmth actually felt much better, and the throbbing wasn't as bad. His other arm was wrapped around me and I leaned my head on to his shoulder to stay close to him.

He was so warm.

I didn't want to move away from him.

He didn't move away from me either. It was like he had to make sure I was okay first before he did anything else.

I liked that.

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