His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XVII ●

Ty and I sat outside in the afternoon. I finished all of my homework at school today so I didn’t have much to do. I even caught up on all my missed work, too. We were sitting on the porch steps, and I played with the melting snow as he watched the pale pink wolf roll around.

The grass is poking out.

The wolf seemed to like that.

“What’s happening with Conrod?” I asked Ty.

Apparently, I need to be babysat. No one trusts me to stay in one place. Brendan was here as extra protection.

“Just some intimidation, some destruction. Channing is setting them back a bit.” Ty said plainly.

“Not scared of getting shot?” I asked, since those silver bullets are a serious thing.

“We’re figuring it out.”

“And you aren’t going to help?” I asked, more concerned that I have to be babysat.

“I’m fine with you.” he said.

I stopped playing with the snow and looked at him. I wanted to say something but I didn’t know how to phrase it. Well, I did but I don’t really want to get him mad.

We haven’t talked about the other day and we need to. I’m not happy that he thinks he has to move me somewhere to keep me safe. He can’t just take me when he thinks something is wrong.

“We need to talk.” I said, and he sighed, already knowing this conversation was coming. He even rolled his eyes and he doesn’t do that often. That’s not fair. “You can’t do that all the time, Ty. Every time something happens, you can’t just have me guarded.”

“You don’t get it.” He was stressed. “I can’t help it. If I don’t know what’s going on with you, I freak out-”

“You’ve got to be kidding me.” I got up. “You can’t use that as an excuse to do whatever you want.”

"You got shot."

Well he doesn’t need to remind me. Is he saying it’s his fault that happened? Cause it’s not.

I sat back down and I didn’t say anything.

“I’m sorry, but it’s kind of hard to fight it.”

“I know.” I said quietly.

“I didn’t mean to...I know I shouldn’t do that, and I’ll try not to.” He looked down.

I know it’s going to take some time for him to control. I won’t force him. I just don’t need him doing what he did the other day. I get that it was a minor situation but still. It’s hard for him, I get it. I know what he’s going through.

“You sure your brothers don’t need help?” I asked him.

“Brendan can go if they need help.” He said.

Ty’s not going anywhere. And it’s not like I want him to go anywhere, but he doesn’t need to baby sit me. He can’t do this all the time. His brothers will hate me more.

“You know Jackie tried to kill me because of you.” I said to him seriously.

“He’s not sleeping.”

“He tried to kill me.” I reiterated what I had just said to him to let that sink in. “If Channing hadn’t somehow known Jackie wanted me dead, I would be!”

“It’s just Jackie.” Ty didn’t think it was a big deal but I did. I sighed and put my hand to my face. “Jackie won’t touch you...” He said and mumbled something else under his breath.

The pink wolf rolled in the snow, coming towards us.

“He’s always messing around.” I said as I rubbed his fur, laughing to myself because Ty almost moved my hands away. Brendan’s such a goofball when he's in this form. I can't believe he acts like this.

Its hard to see him goofing off in his human form.

“He’s the only one that does that. He really doesn’t care much about anything.” Ty said as Brendan pressed his paws in the snow.

“He told me he hates this.”

“He does.” Ty said. “We aren’t normal, Gabriel. There are things we can’t even do anymore because of this. Brendan can barely get out of bed because of the motion sickness.”

“I know it’s bad but I think you can get used to it.” I feel like Ty is still upset with what he’s dealing with, too.

“I went missing for two months.” He really didn’t like that.

That must’ve not been fun for him. He was the only one that went missing. I can’t imagine how scared he must’ve been when it happened. And to not be home must’ve been worse.

“I’m sorry.” I didn’t know what to tell him. I felt bad but I can’t do anything.

I’ve been making things worse for him and his family and I don’t mean to do that to them. Jackie hates me, Channing is watching me, and Cina is trying to scare me off.

“I can’t change anything.” he sounded defeated, but honestly I would be, too. All of this just happened out of nowhere.

“Are you sure you don’t want to help?” I asked him again, trying to get him interested in the situation at hand. He should help them. Maybe it might help him connect with his brothers cause clearly they aren’t getting along. “Conrod is evil.”

“I should stay with you.” he said again. I’d prefer if he wouldn’t choose me over his family. “And Conrod isn’t...going to really...” He stopped because he knew the truth. “Yeah, someone should go over there and tip over a bulldozer or something.” He sighed.

“I’ll be right here when you get back.” I held his hand.

Ty doesn’t want to but his family comes first and they need him. I told him to fight for where he lives and to fight for the people that live here. We need him, too.

“Brendan will be here in case something happens.” He said like that was going to reassure me. I didn’t really care about Brendan being here. He’s just going to roll around.

“Come over tonight.”

He didn’t answer but I can expect to see him in my room tonight. After everything settles down, he won’t be so tense.

Ty got up and I let go of his hand. He was about to take off his clothes, then he stopped abruptly, his hands barely lifting his shirt.

And he looked down at me.

“Can you look away?”



“Come on, Ty! After what you let me do the other day-”


I closed my mouth slowly. I didn’t want to embarrass him, but he can’t get mad that I’ve already seen him naked three times. I touched his dick already, too. What’s his problem?

The pale pink wolf turned over in front of me, and his eyes were on Ty. Brendan was the one that told me what was going on. If anyone is going to keep listening to the situation, it would be him. He’s just as nosy as I am, but he keeps quiet and doesn’t ask questions like I do. Ty looked down at the wolf, too, and his expression was not pleasant.

“Get over it.” I said to Ty. “Undress.”

“It’s cold.” He lowered his arms and turned away to leave.

“You’ll rip your clothes.” I called out to him as he walked further away in the snow, but he didn’t seem to care.

He just raised his arms, stretching a bit as he showed no care that he would rip his clothes. “I can buy new ones.”

I watched him take a deep breath, his shoulders rising once he put his arms down. When I thought he was taking another breath, I saw that he was actually shifting.

He’s getting better at it.

His clothes tore as his body changed. He didn’t have to scream from the pain, he says it’s just an ache now. This time, it looked like it didn’t take much effort. It was a smooth change from human to animal.

The white wolf shook his body, his fur ruffling as he stretched in the snow. Then he turned to me, trotting my way slowly, and putting his paws on the pale wolf that was laying in front of me.

“I’ll be here.” I rubbed Ty’s fur as he brushed up against me.

Nothing will happen because Brendan’s watching me. Well, I think I might be the one watching him. But he’s here.

The white wolf rose up and turned away to leave. He howled before disappearing in the trees.

Now it was just me and Brendan.

He rolled over on his back to expose his stomach to me.

“What is wrong with you?” I asked him. But he waited obediently for me to rub his stomach. I can’t believe I don’t have a dog. I gave in quickly and rubbed Brendan’s stomach.

He huffed out a breath as he let his tongue hang out.

How do I not have a dog yet?

I’d make a great pet owner.

The pink wolf was enjoying himself as I rubbed his stomach. I can never forgot how big the wolves are. I had both my hands in his fur, my arms outstretched into him. He’s more than twice my size.

He whined and closed his eyes when I scratched his favorite spot. One of his hind legs came up, too.

“Who’s a good boy?” I got excited to mess around with him.

He really did enjoy being rubbed.

I wonder what it’s like. I wanted to be in his mind, too. I wanted to know what he was thinking about, what he knows, what he feels like doing. But I also wanted to find a nice collar and put it on him. If anyone was going to make a good pet, it might be Brendan. All he does is roll around. I just hope he doesn’t shed everywhere.

He moved around a bit and had his head resting on my lap. My hands were behind his ears and he closed his eyes, a low growl coming from him when I got the right spot. “You don’t hate me, do you, Brendan?” I asked him.

I’ve been so self conscious because of Jackie being upset. I guess now it’s starting to get to me because I was worried about what Ty’s brothers think of me.

“Jackie almost killed me.” I said and he made this sound before he moved off me. I...I wasn’t sure if he thought it was funny but I sure didn’t. “I didn’t think someone could hate me as much as he does.” I barely even know Jackie. And our first encounter was normal, that encounter I can expect. But the other day? That was different.

That got me scared because somewhere in the back of my mind, I believe Jackie really wanted to strike me. If he was alone, would he do it? I think he would, but I don’t ever want to find out.

“I like Ty.” I said as I leaned my head on Brendan’s. “He’s nice and funny. And I like when he talks to me.”

Ty actually talks to me. He tells me things sometimes, things he wouldn’t tell other people about him. With everyone being so close in this town, I know people have their secrets. But Ty shares what he can with me.

“...and he actually likes me...” That was the part that got to me.

I’m not like the rest of the people at my school. I didn’t find that out the hard way, but realizing that and dealing with that was hard. I would’ve had to leave to find someone who would like me the way I wanted to be liked. It’s not a shocker.

It’s not like I want to be alone.

And then Ty came along, and he kissed me, and I felt so happy because someone looked at me like I meant something.

“The last thing I want is to mess with his family.” I said quietly, feeling like the burden of a tough decision was on me. “I don’t want him fighting with you to be with me.”

I’d feel terrible if Ty broke his relationship with his family because of me. It shouldn’t be like that. I know it’s more complicated, and things are easier said than done, but I will do my best to make sure that Ty stays with his family.

I felt Brendan’s warmth on my face and it took away the sting of the cold air. I kept my hands rubbing in his pale fur as I thought to myself about what should I do about my silly emotions. I’m just seventeen, it’s not like I know anything.

I think.

And I guess I have plenty of time to figure myself out...if I get out of this town...but I don’t think I would need to if I stay with Ty. I want to stay with Ty.

But we didn’t think about things like going to college. We haven’t gotten that far yet, and I don’t know if Ty will be able to handle it, because he can’t leave. If Channing tried and failed, Ty won’t get far either.

We can figure it out.

We have another year here so we can take care of it.

“So what would happen if I were to put a collar on you?” I asked Brendan, running my hand through his fur some more.

He moved away abruptly and put distance between us. He trotted around in the snow but kept his distance. When I got up, his ears perked up because he heard me, and he backed away some more.

“I won’t collar you, I promise.” I went over to Brendan, who tried to walk away from me. I put my arms around him, and kept myself pressed in his fur.

He’s such a large dog.

I deserve a pet.

There was a piercing sound in the quiet air that made us both tense. My hairs stood on end when I heard the noise. My heart was racing too, and I got this slight pain in my side where I was shot weeks ago.

The sound was a gun shot.

And it sounded close.

Brendan pushed me on the ground when I tried to move. I don’t know what I was going to do but he immediately thought I needed to be stopped. He didn’t let me move forward. And when I tried, he growled at me. This wasn’t friendly, he was warning me to stay down.

It worked.

There was a wolf howl that pierced the air and the pink wolf immediately looked up. That made me tense. But when I moved again, Brendan had his attention on me to keep me in place. He bared his teeth this time because he thought his first warning didn’t work. Just by seeing his teeth, I kept myself back.

He won’t let me go anywhere.

So I stayed down.

“...Is he okay?” I asked quietly.

Brendan backed away from me slowly and sat down in the snow. He looked around, but he didn’t make a sound. Then he got up, and walked around in the snow.

I was left sitting there with no answer.

Brendan didn’t think I would get up again, that’s why he walked around.

Another wolf had walked into the backyard. His white fur was ruffled with small leave that he tried to shake off in the snow. He walked around Brendan before he laid in the snow.

“Ty.” I got his attention, because he apparently forgot about me. His blue eyes turned my way, but I only had his attention for a second before he looked somewhere else. “Did someone get shot?” I asked.

No answer.


They both ignored me.

Ty got up and Brendan did too. They just turned away and started walking towards the trees.

That was it.

They just left it at that.

I didn’t want to stay outside alone. I walked up the porch steps with my hands balled up in my pockets and went inside the house quietly. I could hear my parents talking as they walked inside. I quickly brushed myself off and made it seem like I wasn’t outside all this time.

My face was still red though, and my nose was numb and runny. I came to terms with being grounded. If I get in trouble, then I get in trouble.

“...were ambulances and officials and I just don’t know what happened.” Mom said quickly, almost surprised something happened.

Did she see...I don’t know what happened. Who got hurt?

“I’m not surprised.” Dad definitely didn’t sound surprised.

I walked into the kitchen quietly, and sat next to my mom who had her arms out for me. “What happened?” I asked, trying not to seem interested but I was.

“I think a few people got hurt. There were officials there and two ambulances outside the site.” he explained.

I still had this pain in my side. It’s like my body knew that sound. It hurt. I remember getting shot, well I remember blacking out from the pain immediately. It hurt like hell. Someone else got shot today.

What did the wolves do?

“Conrod isn’t learning. Things are getting weird now.” Dad was concerned. “How many times are people going to get hurt before he stops?”

“For him, the end goal must be more important.”

“Yeah, well, money is important to everyone unfortunately.”

My parents could go on about that all day. I was a little tense because I don’t know the whole story. It took me a few minutes to realize that I don’t need to know the whole thing. I shouldn’t be stressed out because I’m not in the loop. In fact, I should be stress free, but that’s not what it felt like.

I went up to my room as my parents started dinner. I laid in bed quietly, not fiddling with my phone. I was tempted to call Ty but I know he’s busy so I didn’t. I read a book instead and tried to distract myself for the evening.

I know that Ty is okay, and it seems like his brothers are okay if he just walked around like nothing was wrong. He wasn’t worried about me either so that’s a good sign.

I fell asleep after dinner.

When I woke up, it was dark outside. I took a deep breath and tried to move but stopped when I turned over. My phone was vibrating on my other pillow, but I almost didn’t pick up.

It was Ty, and I wanted to make sure he and his family was okay.

“Hey.” I said quietly.

“...hey.” he didn’t sound anymore stressed than usual.

“Are you okay?” I wasn’t sure if I should ask that.

I don’t know what happened today, and I don’t know if he wants to talk about it or not. But I wanted to make sure that he was alright.

“Can I come over?” He asked.


I had a feeling that he wasn’t coming over to talk about what happened today.

In fact, he didn’t talk at all when he got here. I was worried that something might’ve happened between him and his brothers, but I didn’t ask anything. He just stayed the night with me.

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