His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XV ●

Ty has been gone for a week now. He would come and go, spend time with me then wander off again for a day or so. He got really sick before, so I figured it would take some time before he could get himself together.

My parents were gone, so I sat outside. Ty had his head on my lap as I rubbed his fur. The snow was melting again, but we got a weather alert for later tonight so it meant no school for tomorrow. I wanted Ty to come back to me before the storm later tonight so I can have someone to be with. Mom said she might not make it in time so she'll be spending the night, and all Dad told me was to light candles in the house so I could see and to stay warm if the power goes out. There was a wind picking up outside, the cold air coming with it. Just as I thought the snow would really melt, I know it will become a blizzard tonight.

Instead of doing homework, I decided to stay outside for a bit. I taught him a few tricks, then again, I think he's being obedient to mess with me. I told my dad I could be a great pet owner but he will never let me keep a wolf as a pet no matter how trained. Ty ran around, rolled over in the snow, and ran around some more.

I can't help but think that he enjoys himself when he's like this. It seems like he's more free, like he's not trapped. I remembered the first few times I saw him, and he looked like he didn't want to be this way, but now that he has better control it seems like he wouldn't mind being like this.

He has been gone for a week so there's that.

He finally came over to me when he was tired of playing. He rubbed against me before he nudged me.

“I want to talk to you.” I said as I buried my fingers in his fur. "I know you're care free when you're like this, but I would like for you to come back, too."

I don't want to stress him out, since I do that to him a lot already.

He got up, shaking as his fur moved out of the way I pet it. After he stopped, he looked me in the eyes, standing at full height so he towered over me. I touched his fur, letting my fingers bury deeper to feel his warmth.

“If you can, do you want to stay with me tonight?” I asked.

A small whine came from his chest as he sat down again. I don't know what he wants. He might be able to change back, he might not. Tomorrow will be eight days that he's like this. Sometimes it happens, but less and less. Then he got really sick last week so we all expected it.

"You don't want to be out in this storm." I warned him. "I would prefer if you stayed or went home. I want you to be safe."

He brushed up against me.

"That's not an answer." I told him as I lifted my hand in the air.

He reached up and pressed his nose against my palm before moving around so my hand would be in his fur.

We'll see what happens in the next ten minutes.

As I rubbed him, he stopped moving abruptly, a low growl coming from his chest. I don't know what made him so aggressive all of a sudden, but he just crouched down lower, growling towards the house.

I have no idea what he was growling at. He was just facing the basement.

"What's...?" I'm not going to know, he won't answer.

Was someone...here?

I walked towards the basement and he continued to growl. Even when I got inside, he was still defensive.

That's when I heard the door bell from upstairs. Someone was here. Ty was growling so much that maybe I shouldn't answer it. Who would he act like this around?

Mr. Conrod was standing right in front of me when I opened the door. I didn't know what to say, but now I understood why Ty was being so aggressive. He didn't show himself though, not in front of Conrod. For all we know, he might be carrying a gun. Everyone knows he's not the biggest advocate for wild life.

“My parents aren’t home.” Were the first words out of my mouth. If he wants to talk to my dad he might as well do it at work.

I think it's completely inappropriate to come here to threaten my parents.

“I didn’t come to talk with your parents.” he said. I don't like that he's here for me. “Its nice to see that you've recovered.” he didn't sound particularly mean about it, but I could tell I'm an inconvenience.

But he still paid my medical bills so I have to be nice.

“Thank you for everything you've done for my family and for footing the hospital bill, Mr. Conrod, but I'm sure you don't want to waste your time talking to me.” I said, finding that as my way out. But he didn’t. I bet my tone set him off and I know he didn’t like that.

“I have a concern actually.” he said, that fake smile fading away as his eyes darkened. “I know you have something to do with those wolves.” he said coldly.

“You're...joking, right?" I wanted to play it off like he was the one that's crazy. "You think I'm talking to animals to get them to ruin your project?"

"You know exactly what you're doing." He didn't seem convinced.

He knows something. And he really thinks I'm involved.

“I'm telling you now, if you don't want your pets killed, you will stay away from my project sites.” he said.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” I lied, not smoothly however. I was hesitating because I don’t know what to say.

Now I was nervous.

“Remember all the things I’ve done for you, Mr. Wallace. I’m sure you don’t want me suing you for trespassing.” he said and I knew he could do it if he really needed to. If he wanted to.

He can shut me up.

I didn't say anything as he turned away to leave and go back to his car parked on the side of the street. I didn't have anything to tell him, and I feel like he knows something serious.

I was on edge. I was anxious.

I feel like he knows something.

“He’s threatening us.” Ty said behind me. I just about screamed because he came out of nowhere, and he scared me.

"Oh my-" I couldn't breathe. "Don't scare me like that." I hit his arm. Here I thought he wouldn't even show up tonight.

He can't just do that.

"Sorry." He apologized weakly as he held on to my arms since I was breathing hard. "Anyway, I think he knows something about what's going on." He said. "He wouldn't just come by for the fun of it."

"He's not particularly happy about me being on his project site." I told him. "And the amount of damage control he had to do? I know he's not happy about that."

If I do something stupid again, Conrod will have my head on a silver platter. My life will be ruined.

"What are you going to tell Channing?" I asked him. Clearly something has to happen, and Channing is good at making things happen.

"I don't know yet." Ty said. "I don't want him to get upset, and I don't want you involved."

He was protective again, but I liked that. I couldn't help but smile because he looked so serious. It was cute.

"Let's go to my room." I said.

"It's just us here." He didn't want to go anywhere. I could guess why but I continued to smile at him. He's so cute. "Gabriel-"

"Come on, just once. I will never say anything again." I just about pleaded with him.

We have the whole house to ourselves and we could do anything. This is a perfect time to help with his problem. I'd feel bad if I didn't. Clearly he feels something but can't deal with it himself.

He didn't say anything but he let me pull him upstairs with me. He's making it seem like I'm going to torture him. I'm not. I just wanted to have some fun.

"Tell me now if you don't want me." I gave him a way out since it seemed like that's what he was looking for.

"That's not-" he stopped himself quickly. "It's just easier if we don't..."

"What?" I smiled at him. "You won't be able to control yourself?" I teased him. He makes it seem like such a big deal, and I get it. It might be a big deal for him.

After knowing what I know, I wanted to help him. He's on edge because of me, and he's dealing with it by himself when he could put his energy on something else. I'm literally right here.

"I told you I'm good with my right hand." I continued to smile at him, hoping to loosen him up a bit.

"You shouldn't say things like that."

"From what I've heard you're good with yours, too-"


I just smiled because he was so flustered. He makes this too easy sometimes. He stared at me, not frightened, but not particularly happy that I was about to back him up towards my bed. To be honest, I was just teasing him, but he looks like he's about to crack.

Maybe he'll let me...

I took a step closer to him and he didn't back away. I continued to smile at him, and I wanted to tease him some more because he has this faint blush on his cheeks. When I stepped closer again, his arm moved around my waist.

And then he kissed me.

I know it's not permission to put my hand down his pants, but it was definitely a start for sure.

I wanted him to stop holding back with me. He likes me a lot, I get it. I wanted to see how much. He knows what I mean, too.

So I got him on my bed as he kissed me. Both his hands were at my waist as I moved over him. I was in the perfect position to let something happen. It only took a second for him to take a hesitant breath, holding himself back so he wouldn't do something he shouldn't. He was trying so hard, too. My hand pressed against his cheek as I looked down at him.

"Stop doing that." I whispered to him.

I wanted him to stop clutching on to that control he desperately has to hold on to. It looked like he wouldn't listen.


"You make me nervous." He blurted out. "You can't do that."

I know I make him nervous, this isn't news to me. I rolled over in bed, sighing obnoxiously like I always do, but I know that he's not ready, and today is not the day.

"Can you not...like, stress me out?" He seemed so concerned that I would give him anxiety.

And it's not the stupid stuff I do sometimes. It's me just asking him out there and personal questions that makes his heart race. I couldn't help but smile. It's not me being insensitive because I know he wants one day where he doesn't have to control me or worry about me or tell me to calm down.

"Fine." I looked over at him. "Should we watch a movie or try to do homework before the storm comes and the power goes out?" I asked.

He didn't answer my question. I wasn't really paying attention until a few seconds later, when I really looked at him and saw that he was staring. It was like he usually does, having this look in his eyes like he would risk it all for me. I don't know why he was looking at me like that when he just got upset that I stress him out.

Ty isn't moody...well, angry moody, but...he's just...not in control of anything.

"Why are you..." I shouldn't ask, I already know why.

His hand moved to my face, pushing my hair back, and his palm pressed to my cheek gently. In my mind, I screamed for him to get closer, I almost moved myself, but he was the one to do it.

I didn't say anything now.

I don't know what he's feeling.

Before I said it may not have been the right time, but if I had waited two minutes it would've been. Right now, I don't know what to say, it might go either way, but I would have a chance if I mention it.

He looks at me like I mean something.

I really like that.

I didn't think it would be like that for a first relationship, and I mean...we don't know what we're doing, but we like being around each other. I like holding his hand, even in secret sometimes so other people don't find out. He still blushes and it makes me smile. I like when he kisses me, when he wants to make the first move. I like teasing him about that because he gets so flustered so fast. But when he looks at me the way he was, he doesn't get flustered that easily.

I think I know how he feels.

I moved my leg over his waist. He hadn't shifted away from me, but he doesn't when I move my leg on him. We tend to stay this close sometimes, and as flustered as it makes him, he doesn't move away. He continued to have this look in his eyes, and I found myself staring because I couldn't look away either.

"We could always just...sleep." I said since he's always tired.

"I won't be able to."

He's always able to sleep.

Do I stress him out that much? Do I rile him up, too? I wasn't going to ask that question out loud, but I can do something else...my hand moved slowly, and I gently touched the front of his pants, well his belt to be more precise. He just...closed his eyes.

"Ty..." I wanted to know how he felt about this.

He took a deep breath, to calm himself down, but it barely worked because when he opened his eyes again, they were bright blue. He was already that close.

Is it me?

"Are you okay...?" I asked him.

"It happens when I..." He was breathing harder and I had barely touched him. He tried again to calm himself down, and it worked for a second, long enough for him to gain control again.

But then I felt what he always hid from me.

As giddy as I could've been, since this is what I've been asking for, I was careful. Ty hadn't done anything yet, so I was waiting. I didn't want to scare him. It just seemed like...

"Would it bother you if I...touched you?"

I could tell he wanted to tell me yes, that if I did touch him, it would send him spiraling. But with how he was feeling now, it's not like he'd lose anything if he lets me. I want to help. It's not fair that I do this to him and he wants to handle it himself. I can help too.

"Don't think about it." I said to him.

"That's going to be a little difficult."

"Okay, then kiss me."

"That's just going to make this worse." He didn't like my idea.

"I'm trying to help here and you're just giving me excuses." I said to him as I shifted slightly, moving my hand to undo his belt, which he didn't stop me from doing which is a miracle. "We can get a little frisky-"

"I'm suddenly no longer interested."

I started to laugh, though I wasn't sure if he was joking or not. He didn't move away so I gets that's a good sign. I could ask him all these sexual questions, not to get him in the mood, but I wanted to know what he was interested in. Or what he thinks about when this happens. Or...does he really take care of it himself.

"Okay, wait." Ty said and moved my hand. "Close your eyes." He said.

I didn't want to listen, but I did close my eyes like he told me too. He shifted around in bed and I didn't know what he was doing. I didn't try to peak and see.

When he stopped, he was close to me again. I could feel his forehead press on mine before he kissed me gently. I could hear him fidgeting, until I realized what he was doing.

I didn't touch him. And I kept my eyes closed.

I hadn't realized how much he liked me until he really started kissing me. The way he was kissing me, with all this eagerness and passion, I could feel my heart beating so hard in my chest that I thought I was going to pass out. He doesn't kiss me like this.

So he must be into it, right?

He was trying to take care of it himself, yet he was still comfortable enough to do it with me here. I can only imagine how he feels when I'm not there.

He breathed hard against my mouth. My hand moved to his arm, and I felt him shaking. I almost thought about trailing my fingers down to feel him...I did when I couldn't help myself, and he didn't stop me.

My fingers were gentle to touch over the warmth of his skin. He had stopped moving his hand that was wrapped around his cock when I touched him, but he kissed me again, just as eager as before. I knew it was okay to keep touching him when he moved his hand to let me wrap my fingers around him.

His flesh pulsed against my palm as I slowly began to move my hand to stroke him.

Now he was starting to get comfortable with me. He opened up even more and it was getting me excited, too. I didn't want to scare him away, but I wanted to see his face. He made me close my eyes for a reason, but that was before he let me touch him.

I moved on him, pulling away, hoping to get a glance of his face. My hand still stroked him as I lifted his shirt up higher to his chest. It sounded like he was close.

I hadn't realized that this was the first time I heard him moan. He wouldn't be doing that if he didn't feel good. I couldn't help but smile at him when I heard his voice. It's nice to know that I can make him feel good. I kept my hand moving on him as I leaned closer again, my forehead pressing against his.

I liked hearing his voice. I kept my hand moving on him, hearing his moans, the shallow breaths that he took. I liked touching him, even if it's my first time doing it.

When he came, I felt it on my hand. His cock was still pulsing, like he could keep going. He told me that I could, that I didn't have to stop, and I didn't stop.

This is the first time we've been this close, this is the most I've felt of him. And the way he held on to me, the way he made it seem like he wanted me, I was almost mad that he has good self control.

He came a second time, but he had enough energy to go a third time. By then he had me on the bed again, his hand over mine, and was kissing me between heavy breaths. My heart was racing, not because I was nervous, but I was excited. It's not every day that he kisses me the way he was doing. I was enjoying it.

It seems like I really do get him going.

Even after the third time, I thought he could keep going. He would look at me, and there was this fire in his eyes that's not the same as usual. When he put his hands on me, I knew something might've happened. I laid in bed, almost ready for him to do something, but he wouldn't.

He controls himself so well.

He spent the night with me. I wanted to talk about what we did, but he was more concerned with his fever that seemed to worsen throughout the night. So I stayed close to him and waited for him to stop shivering under the blankets.

I don't know what happened first, him getting better or me falling asleep, but last thing I remember is waking up.

"Look at all this snow." I said as I looked outside my window. I shouldn't be surprised with how the weather got last night, but it's always nice to see the snow.

"I'm not going out in that." Ty said.

"You're always welcome to stay...before my parents get home, because you know I'm still grounded." I had to remind him that I'm not exactly in the clear considering what happened to me.

When I looked over to him since he didn't say anything, he just shrugged, so I figured he would leave when he was ready. There was a lot of snow outside. I wonder how long it would take for people to shovel it out of the roads. It's not like I could go anywhere, I haven't gotten out of the habit of worrying about the road conditions.

I don't plan to be grounded for that much longer, but my parents are full of surprises.

"We should talk about-"

"No." He said, and it would've been the end of that but I'm nosy.

"You're doing that every night?" I looked at him, and he knew what I meant. "Do I...uh..."

"Gabriel, please-"

"Oh come on, we all took sex ed." I started to laugh but he was blushing. "Listen, I just want to let you know, if you have something in mind-"

He groaned.

"I'm just saying." I wanted to clarify. "I wouldn't mind late night fun if you're feeling like it." I put it out there.

He didn't say anything.

I wasn't sure if he was done with the conversation or if he was thinking about it but he was done. I didn't add on to the conversation since he was tired of me. I cleaned my room quietly, and he stayed in my bed, under the blanket. He still has a fever but it's not as bad as last night.

Ty had to leave later in the morning before my parents got home. Everything was the way they left it. I didn't leave the house and they won't know that Ty came over.

"Can I go to the library?" I asked my dad, who was reading the paper on the couch though he never reads the paper.

The power went out again though it was a clear and sunny day. It must've been bad last night, but I didn't notice. The TV wasn't on, and my dad gets bored when my mom is on the phone with her friends. I think tonight is puzzle night, or wine night, or something night.

If I'm lucky, she might drag my dad with her, but I wanted to leave the house now.

He barely even glanced at me.

"No." He said and flipped the page.

"I'll ask mom." That sometimes works.


But not this time.

"You can get told no twice." He wasn't going to pay attention to me. I waited. It was quiet between us for a moment. And then he moved his paper so he could look at me. "What?"

"Can I go to the library?" I asked again, more polite than before, hoping good manners will make everything better. He stared at me, waiting for an explanation. "I have a project."


"It's just some literature paper, and I need a book for it." I wasn't technically lying, but I wasn't going to the library for my project.

Ty's at the library, and I wanted to read with him. But I can't tell my dad that.

"How are your grades?" He brought his paper up again.

"If I do well on the project, I'll have an A in English Literature." I really stressed that I needed to do this project.

"Be home by two."

Is he serious?

"It's noon." I said.

"You need more than two hours to check out a book?" He asked me, putting his paper down again because he wanted me to know that he was catching on.

"I'll be back at two." I said, not attempting to fight the restriction. I should be lucky that I'm going anywhere so I'll take it.

I could finally leave the house and go somewhere that's not school. I was so excited to not be locked in the house. I didn't know what I was going to read or do but I can figure it out when I get there.

Ty was waiting for me, but he was on the phone with one of his brothers. Something seemed to stress him out, I thought it was Cina since he knows how to stress other people out, and Ty gets easily stressed out.

I walked around the shelves while Ty stayed by the glass windows, quietly listening to Cina panic. I figured it was Cina by the way Ty had to say calm down four times in five minutes.

I found a few books on silver bullets, one of those old stories that kids played around with to scare each other. At the time, it was just a stupid horror book about killing beasts of the forest and all that, but now I know it's real and it's not some stupid book. I wanted to read it. I also know I had to pick out some fake book for my project that I had already started for my literature class. That took a second to pick out so I didn't stress about it. Before I could even sit down at a table in the back, Ty came and grabbed me, pulling me with him quickly without an explanation.

I couldn't even check out the book. I had to leave both of them at the front table because Ty was yanking me outside. Did Cina scare him? Now I have to tell Ty to calm down.

“What’s going on?” I asked him, trying to get him to stop but he didn't.

“We have to go." Was all he said.

He wasn't even letting me go to my car. He was pulling me towards his, and I already knew this was a bad idea.

I yanked on Ty's arm so he would stop. I know he can get a little freaked out sometimes but he hasn't said anything other than that we have to leave. I made him stop walking because I wasn't going anywhere until he tells me.

"Conrod is coming for us.”

I almost didn't believe him. “Why would he want to do that?” I mean, Conrod isn't going to get anything out of us.

I didn't do anything this time. He doesn't want anything with me. And Ty doesn't piss people off so there's that.

“He saw Channing change.”


Well that makes the situation different.

"How the hell did he see that?" I didn't believe that either. Out of anyone, I would believe Channing would be the last one to blow his secret. "There's no way-"

“They got into it at one of the sites. Channing was frustrated, got mad, and now Conrod knows what we are.” he said quickly.

Channing does have a quick temper. It takes two seconds for him to get upset. No one can make him angry faster than Conrod, considering the fact that he's the reason that Channing isn't getting sleep.

Ty pulled me to his car again, but I didn't get in. If he wanted me to go home, he would tell me to go there and stay there. He was bringing me with him, he wants me in a safe place. Where does he think that is?

"Ty-" I have to go home.

"Please, Gabriel, just give me an hour." Ty was in so much distress, he was panicking. What does he think will happen to me?

Conrod isn't the type to want to take people out...right?

I mean...


"You can't just drag me wherever you want. And I know what you're going through and feeling and all that, but you can't assume that I'll just go with you everywhere." I had to make myself clear on that.

I get the whole, he has to be by my side at all times and all that, but I'm not going to drop everything and hide out when things get serious. My life doesn't work like that.

Ty didn't say anything as he opened the passenger door, waiting for me to get in his car. It's not the time to fight him on this. I don't know what scared me more, Conrod exposing the Martin's secret and tagging me to them, or Ty making me go with him so he can feel better.

I couldn't say anything. And now isn't the time to fight him. But we will have to talk about this because I won't let this happen every time he gets scared for me. I got in the car, and I was going to give him an hour to figure this out, but after that, I have to leave and go home.

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