His Soft Fur

Chapter ● XIII ●

Today was my first day back at school. I was a little worried because I've been on pain pills for four days, not able to get out of bed without them. It's already enough that I walk slow, but the slightest pain I get makes me irritable. I'm going to be the worst person today.

I might skip class instead.

My doctor's note says I can stay out the entire week if I needed to.

There was someone standing beside me when I closed my locker. I don't know what I was expecting, but to see Jackie standing next to me wasn't it.

He's the second youngest, but he isn't the nicest.

At all.

Ty never spared any details about Jackie, but I knew about him for a while now. When he got to high school, everyone knew it was serious. Some people think he's a psychopath, but he's just really mean. Not asshole type mean. Mean like...he'd leave someone on the side of the road if they asked for help.

He wasn't as big as his older brothers, but he was getting there. It will be a matter of months before he's just like them. Until then, he's going to be the baby of the family, well one of the babies.

He stared at me, and I didn't know what to say to him. I didn't know what he was going to say to me, but I don't expect it to be pleasant.

"Can I...help you?" I asked him, not sure what to tell him or what conversation he wanted to have.

"I don't see why they like you." He said.

There wasn't a biting tone to his voice, no venom, no spite. But he wasn't nice about it either.

"You're not that special."

That was supposed to hurt, but he's right. I'm not that special. I'm not a shape shifter. I don't have powers. I can't do anything that he does. If anyone was going to be special, it's going to be him.

But he was saying that to upset me. "Okay." I turned away.

"Don't expect me to thank you." He just wanted me to know. "What you did was stupid."

It was stupid.

I turned back to look at him. There was this...conflicted look, an expression Ty sometimes has when he doesn't know what to say about how he feels. Jackie has pride issues. He would say he could handle himself, and I would believe him if he did say that.

I know he's grateful. He just won't say it.

I thought of my own questions to ask him. I leaned against the lockers as I held on to my bag.

"Why don't you like me?" I asked, curious.

I don't talk to him, I barely know him, I don't do anything to him. Yet it seemed like he didn't like me. His body language said that, the way he kept his distance, yet was tempted to fight me. He didn't know what to do.

"You shouldn't know what you know."

That was a valid point. "You're right. I shouldn't know." I guess that's a reason to not like me.

"And Ty's...he's...he wouldn't be the way he is if you..."

There was something he wanted to say, to upset me, to make me feel bad but he bit his tongue as he looked me in the eyes.

He couldn't manage much more.

He took a breath to collect himself.

I noticed he looked tired, just like Channing does all the time. Ever since he started shifting, he got insomnia. He would go days without sleeping. I could see the darkened circles under his eyes.

No wonder he was irritable.

"I'm not going to thank you." He said again.

I smiled at him.

I would say he's welcome but I don't want him to snap at me. He didn't like my gesture, my smile making him upset, and he turned to walk away immediately. He was in a rush to not be near me.

I get it.

The bell rang and seconds later the halls flooded with other students. I couldn't see Jackie anymore. I turned so I could walk to class. Good thing I got a head start. The pain was making me walk slower. I don't know how it would look if I started popping pills in class.

But I definitely need something to help.

I walked upstairs and was met with another one of the brothers. It didn't look like he was looking for me, but we happened to cross paths. Channing stared down at me without saying anything at first. I was about to apologize for bumping into him but he said it was okay.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked. By his face, I expected him to tell me no.

“It depends on what it is.” he said seriously.

I held on to my bag tighter and fixed my stance when the pain hurt a little worse. I was almost tempted to pull him to the side so we could talk in private, but I didn't move.

“I...two hunters were killed." I said slowly. "I just wanted to know who killed them." I was worried of what the answer might be.

“Did you try asking Ty?” he asked me.

I didn't ask Ty because I was scared. It wasn't the right time with how worried he was for me, and I wasn't sure what he would say to me. I looked away when I couldn't answer Channing.

“I didn't." I told Channing truthfully.

When I looked at him again, he was still staring. His eyes were colder than Ty's, and he probably doesn't mean it like that, but that's how it felt. When he stares at me, I know I should probably leave and mind my own business.

He crossed his arms over his chest as he took a breath. Am I going to like the answer? Was Channing going to spare me? Or was he going to tell me the truth? It didn't look like he was going to hesitate.

He said his answer so easily. "I did." No hesitation, no worry, no fear. I wanted to believe he said that for his own sake but the look in his eyes was the only answer I needed.

He...killed those two workers.

I can't imagine how easy it was for him.

Or maybe it wasn't easy. I don't know what it's like. Did he get angry? He was just protecting his brothers.

How do I answer to him now?

I wasn't sure...

I looked away, more so to collect myself because I didn't want to look shocked in front of him. Then I glanced up at him again.

“What about the bullets?"

“Its not exactly secret information when there's books on it." Channing said. "I just never thought they would actually think it's real." He didn't like that that's how he found out the hunters were using silver bullets.

“You aren’t going to...well, you won’t-”

He wouldn't kill someone else would he?

“I will if I have to." he meant it.

I don't know what scared me more. Knowing that he has killed two people or knowing that he would kill more if his brothers were in danger.

He's terrifying.

Absolutely terrifying.

Instead of standing there like an idiot, I turned to keep walking to class as the bell rang. I had a lot on my mind, and it's not my problem to shoulder, but if I caused an unnecessary situation, I would like to be the one to fix it.

I didn't want to think about that for the rest of day.

Ty wasn't in class today.

I was worried that he had gotten sick. It's getting colder again. I wouldn't be surprised if he had a fever, but I hope he's okay.

I had to skip another period because of the pain. I walked the halls because it helped to stay active. It just made me tired faster. I wanted to go home but I had to remind myself that I didn't drive today. I can't go anywhere unless I walk. It's a good idea but I just didn't want to.

I went to my locker to get my pills. I need to dull the pain for a while. I can't keep skipping class when I'm hurt.

"Look who made it out of the hospital."

Cina was right behind me. I shut my locker quick, almost surprised as I turned around abruptly.

"What do you want-"

"Missed you, too-" he touched my chin but I slapped his hand away from me.

That's when he had me against the lockers and I couldn't move away. He smiled at me but I could tell he was going to be unpleasant. He laughed as I glared up at him, more than just upset.

"I warned you, didn't I?" He asked me lowly, getting close. "Now you have..."

His hand touched where my bandages were. It put me on edge because I thought he was... I didn't push him away. I pressed up against the lockers more, slightly scared because I didn't know what to do.

"Told you to stay away."


"What?" He was too close to me.

I could feel him.

My heart was racing. I wasn't angry, I felt all this adrenaline because he was in my space. My hands clenched tightly to fists, but I didn't want to hit him. I wasn't frightened, but something wasn't right when he's always doing this.

"Think Ty's always going to be there to save you-"

"Stop." I had to make him leave me alone.

Cina pressed his other hand on the locker, keeping me trapped near him. He was close enough to kiss me. My hairs were standing on ends and my blood boiled under my skin. My face, my neck, the rest of my body was getting hot. The anger took long to rise but it did. The pain helped with that.

My hand grabbed his face and I kept him where he was so he wouldn't come any closer.

"I told you to leave me alone." I said to him.

I desperately wanted to dig my fingers into his skin. I wanted to make him uncomfortable. I wanted him to feel pain. But I'm not like that, and I didn't want to hurt Ty's brother even if he was unpleasant and in my space.

I let go of him.

He took a step away from me as he rubbed his face.

"Stop bothering me, Cina." I was over it now. "I get it. I'm going to get hurt. But what happened was because I was being stupid. Stop thinking that everything will be you or your brothers' fault."

I know he gets anxiety. I know he doesn't want someone to get hurt. I don't think any of them will hurt me. If something does happen, it's because of me.

They are not responsible for me.

That whole facade of his stopped. He wasn't smiling anymore, he wasn't trying to be charming, he wasn't trying to make me uncomfortable. He looked at me and for the first time, I could tell that he was anxious, that he couldn't help this paranoia because of what he did.

It's not going to be like that.

I didn't want to see him like that.

"And stop harassing me. You're so annoying." I hit his arm. He needs to find a hobby or something. Maybe a girlfriend so he can show her attention instead of me.

"I'll see you around, sweetheart-"

"It's Gabriel." I always correct him because I don't like being called nicknames.

But he just smiled again as he turned away to leave me by myself. I heard him call me sweetheart again but I didn't say anything the second time. I wasn't going to provoke it.

Today it was easy for him to not panic.

I wonder if all days are like that. If he's easily scared, is it easy to get control again?

I sighed and took a breath.

I was ready to go home. I'm already exhausted from walking around to help the pain. I took my pills and decided to go to class.

There was a blizzard warning for later in the afternoon. Dad went out of his way to pick me up and drop me home, then go back to work. Honestly, I could've driven myself but the pain while sitting was what made it difficult.

My parents didn't make it home in time. The blizzard warning wasn't some light joke. The weather became worse before six in the afternoon. By then, it was already dark, freezing cold, and windy. No one was going anywhere.

I wasn't completely alone though.

Ty stayed in bed with me. When the power went out, I had lit candles in my room so I could see when I walked around. Then I got into bed with him, and liked how the candles made things more...intimate.

I'm never expecting Ty to come out of his comfort zone to have sex with me, but I can still fantasize. I'll never tell.

He has a high fever. It usually happens when it gets cold. It's like his body really wants to keep him warm.

"You can go to sleep if you want." I told him.

I wasn't too tired but I didn't want him to not get sleep if he's tired. He just took a breath as he closed his eyes. Maybe he's mentally exhausted. I know what that's like, but he has a lot to deal with.

"I'm just so stressed since..."

Since I got shot?

"I asked Channing what happened with those two workers..." I started quietly, wanting to see his reaction but he didn't have anything.

He didn't shift, he didn't look shocked or surprised. Maybe he wasn't bothered.

"Channing..." Ty took a breath. "...after you got hit, most of the hunters panicked. There were two that continued shooting, so...Channing handled it." He explained, careful with his word choice.

But we both know what happened.

"I'm not going to...I'm not going to tell you or your brothers what to do, but..."

I can't be okay with them killing people. It should be none of my business and I wasn't going to get involved because I got caught up in a terrible situation. Maybe we shouldn't talk about it. It would be easier if I kept my comment to myself.

"I heard Conrod paid your medical bills." He said.

"What better way than to keep me and my parents quiet." I sighed, almost annoyed that Conrod has us on a leash now. "No one is talking about what happened, Ty. He bought everyone's silence."

Conrod is smart, and he doesn't play by the rules. I know he gave those families whatever they wanted just to keep their grieving quiet. Nothing will change. The project doesn't stop. Conrod will make all this happen the way he wants because he'll get more money out of it. I'm not surprised how things turned out.

"I don't want to think about him." I mostly didn't want to have this conversation anymore. "I just feel so bad."

"You saved my brother." Ty said. "I wouldn't feel bad if I were you."

"I talked to Jackie today."

"I am so sorry." He apologized quickly on his behalf because Jackie will never feel sorry.

“He's not sleeping, is he?" I asked, though I could tell because Jackie looked exhausted.

"Nothing helps. He can drink a whole bottle of NyQuil and will stay up for another twenty-four hours."

I felt so bad for Jackie. He's already on edge, but not sleeping makes it worse for him. I know he's not particularly nice, but no one deserves to not sleep.

"And Channing is still having night terrors. Brendan couldn't get out of bed this morning. I don't even think Lowe and Lowell went to school." Ty kept going because he was stressed out as much as anyone else.

He had a fever today, that's why he couldn't stay long at school. He passed out twice already. The only thing safe for him to do is lay in bed.

"I feel so bad." I said quietly. "I wish this didn't happen to you." I touched his face, his skin hot.

"I can handle it." He said quietly. And I would've said he was lying since I watched him fall over today while in the kitchen.

He's used to it. That's what it is.

His arm moved around me and he came closer to me since I couldn't move that much. He was being protective again, but I liked it. I've never had someone else who wasn't my parents do that for me. I liked the attention.

I moved my arm around him, too, and got comfortable in bed. It was hot with the blankets and his body heat. I didn't mind right now.

It was late and we should be sleeping. There would be no school tomorrow so we could sleep in.

When I woke up, it was bright in my room. I could see out of the window, everything covered in bright white. I was completely under the blanket, not as warm as I was last night. I moved up slowly to find Ty sitting in bed next to me, reading.

He had one of my books in his hands.

One of them I forgot to return to the library.

"That's what you're doing this morning?" I asked him.

He didn't close the book. "I just found out that hunters with silver bullets want to kill us. I'll read anything right now." He said.

"What did you find out?"

"The full moon is a thing." He said.

"That's interesting." I ran my hand through my hair before getting out of bed. "You're going to go all berserk when the full moon is out?"

"No." He said.

I expected him to explain but he didn't. I turned back to look at him but he continued to read like I wasn't there. He does that sometimes. I sighed loudly to get his attention but I didn't.

Instead I decided to change the dressing on my bandages on my stomach.

"The colder it gets the more likely we are to turn." He said.

"You get fevers when it's going to get colder." I remembered the other blizzard where he was completely out. He was sweating while laying in bed.

He didn't look that much better today, but it wasn't like yesterday where he seemed like he would pass out every second.

"After spring, we won't change as much."

"What happens in the spring?" I asked. He didn't answer my question for a moment. At first I thought he was just reading, but it didn't take me long to realize what happens in the spring. "What's in the spring, Ty?" I asked him again.

He didn't want to answer. "Mating season." That's a touchy subject for him. "Gabriel, don't."

"I just want to let you know that I haven't done anything before, so if something does happen, we can learn through it." I didn't want him to feel scared. Honestly, I would be scared if he was.

"I already have...." He didn't continue. He stopped his sentence and closed the book, getting into bed and covering himself with the blanket.

Is he that tired?

There was something on his mind but he didn't continue.

I just put new bandages on before I began to clean my room. Today should be a quiet day. I wasn't expecting anything crazy to happen if Ty was only going to stay in bed all day.

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