His Soft Fur

Chapter ● IX ●

Ty and I were in my room. We were in my bed. We weren’t doing anything. It was cold outside and we didn’t want to stay downstairs so we came up to my room. We laid together under the blankets and talked about things. Well I mostly talked, but he watched me.

He has a fever, but laying down was helping. He said he doesn’t think he’ll pass out.

My hand was holding on to his arm because I noticed that my clothes were tight on him. It wasn’t like that before. Now it looked like his arms were getting bigger. I didn’t want to stare at his chest either but my conclusion is that he needs to bring his own clothes cause he’ll rip mine.

“If you’re going to stay over you have to bring your own things.” I told him. “I think you’re going to rip my sweater.”

“I can’t help it-”

“I get that you’re a growing boy, but you have to bring your own clothes now.”

He didn’t like that I teased him. He turned over in bed so he wouldn’t have to look at me. I lifted the sweater he was wearing to see his back. He’s definitely getting bigger.


“What? You practically let me.” I said when he got upset.

“It’s not my fault that puberty took a while.”

Oh no, that's definitely not puberty. And if it is, then Ty is definitely lucky.

“I think it’s a second smack-”


“Okay, okay. I won’t say anything.”

He got taller within the past few weeks. I have to look up at him now, and it's definitely noticeable because I remember when we were the same height. He's gained more muscle, that's why he's going to stretch my clothes. I have a feeling that they're going to rip soon.

I didn't realized he would start to get this big. He's about to turn into his older brothers. It was definitely a shock when everyone came back from summer break to see Channing and Brendan already bigger than they already were. Then add Cina and the others with that.

It shouldn't be surprising, a whole family of boys growing. But now I noticed how fast it actually happened because Ty has already changed in the past three weeks. He needs new clothes.

He won't let me touch his back again. I could settle for holding on to his arm. I was curious to know if he would get tattoos like the ones Channing had. There weren't many, but I always stare at the white wolf on his forearm.

Cina recently got one, too. I noticed it the other day. It wasn't in white ink.

My fingers traced over Ty's arm slowly. I had something on my mind that I wanted to say. I wasn't bothered really, but it's always amusing to mention how Ty's brothers won't leave me alone.

“So Cina hit on me today.” I said.

“What he say to you?”

“Something like, ‘since you’re running with the wolves, let me help you keep up’.” I rolled my eyes. “I actually paused for a second, it was clever.”

“Don’t let him sway you.”

“Tell him to stay away from me. He makes me want to fight.”

Ty turned over to look at me. “You can hit him.”

“I will. That’s not the point.” I said and Ty turned back over again so he could stare somewhere else. I sighed. “What if he likes me like me?” I asked. “Like the way you like me?”

He didn’t answer.

“Will it be a fight to the death?” I asked.

“Hardly.” Ty laughed.

My eyes widened at the comment. I hit his back so he would look at me. When he saw I was angry, he sighed.

“What do you want me to do, fight my brother for your love?”

“In theory, that would be nice.” I admitted. “But I won’t advocate for you to pick me for your family.”

“Exactly.” Ty turned over again. “And he doesn’t like you like you. He just wants to mess with me.” He said.

“Why’s he an asshole for?”

“We’re all different.”

“I heard he has anxiety.”

“Yeah, he’s been freaking out about things he doesn’t usually freak out about. It happened after he shifted.” Ty said plainly.

That’s right. I wonder what goes through Cina’s mind. He hides the anxiety well. I haven’t seen him panicking, but some people are good about keeping it to themselves. He wouldn’t just tell someone he’s been feeling anxious all the time.

Then I thought of Channing.

“How’s...Channing?” I asked.

Ty knew what I was asking. “He’s been having nightmares a lot.” He said quietly. “He says it’s about what’s happening.”

That’s why Channing looks like he hasn’t slept in days.

“We’re all going through something. And it’s terrible.”

“The twins?”

“Oh, they’re having separation issues. Some paranoia that something will split them up forever.” He said. “They’re doing everything together now.”

“I can’t tell them apart.”

“They don't want that.” Ty said. “They don’t believe in the whole concept of standing out and being different.”

The twins are weird but their paranoia makes them weirder. They do everything together, they go everywhere together, they act the same, do the same things, wear the same styles. I don’t know who is who, and that’s bothersome.

Ty turned over and got under the blanket more. He kept his eyes closed. He didn’t notice that I was staring at his face. My hand pressed to his forehead. He still had a fever. That can’t be good for him.

“Do you want hot chocolate?”

“I hate the smell.” He said.

And this is the first time he told me. I forgot that his sense of smell is heightened. And he’s part animal...I think. They can’t have certain things.

“You should’ve told me.”

“I thought my facial expressions were enough.” He said and opened his eyes.

I like him, but I don’t know what goes on in his head.

He was staring back at me, and there was this look in his eyes that he always has. Every time he looks at me, I noticed.

“Did you know that your pupils dilate when you see someone you like?” I just wanted him to know, it seems like a relevant fact considering that I could see right into his eyes right now.

He didn’t answer and I didn’t expect him to. He just continued to look at me.

“Say something.”

He didn’t.

When he stays quiet and looks at me like that, I get so nervous. I don’t know if I like it or not. What do I tell him? To stop?

"Do you like me?" I asked, since he didn't answer my question.

He was a little flustered by the question. He was about to say something, but he hesitated, maybe because he was nervous. He looked away when he couldn't find the words.

"I..." he didn't know what to say. He paused. "Yeah." he said after a minute.

"So...are you going to like...mate with me or something?" I asked, laughing when he shifted and got up out of bed.

He doesn't like talking about it, and I figured that out because I've mentioned it once before and he walked far away from me.

I took his hand so I could pull him back on my bed. "Ty, I'm kidding." I was still laughing but I tried to stop. "I won't bring it up again."

"You will-"

"I'm just teasing you." I tugged on his hand harder and got him to sit down again.

He sighed and got back under the blanket again, laying next to me. There was something on his mind, that's why he didn't say anything else. I'm here for him if he wants to talk. I know I won't understand everything, but I can just listen if that helps. I watched his expression, his eyes far away as he settled further in his mind.

My hand moved to his forehead since he was sweating. His fever was picking up again. He closed his eyes when I moved my hand to hand cheek gently. His skin was hot and I could see the red tint to his cheeks. He was breathing harder too.

When he opened his eyes again, they were a bright blue. He barely moved, maybe he didn't realize the other half of him about to take over. He took a deep breath as if he was trying to control it, and he was putting in a lot of effort.

He lifted himself slowly, moving the blanket off him.

"I have to..." He could barely finish.

"Go ahead."

I would wait if I have to. He looked so miserable as he stumbled out of my room. He could barely stand. I got out of bed to follow. I had to make sure that he'll make it outside.

Once he was outside, he fell back in the snow and closed his eyes. He just laid there, the agony on his face, but I didn't hear tearing of his clothes or see an animal replace the human form. I stayed by the door as I watched him lay there.

"You okay?" I asked him.

"I'm so tired." He said miserably, groaning from the pain.

"Don't fight it." I called out to him. "I'll be here." I said, hoping that he wasn't worried about me disappearing because it will be unsafe.

I know what I'm dealing with.

Ty didn't say anything. I heard him gasp for air sharply from the pain that happened so suddenly. He choked back his screams, but within seconds he was completely taken over.

A large white wolf was in his place.

He shook around a bit, a large rumble coming from his chest, before he fell over in the snow, rolling around.

I smiled as I walked out.

"You're such a dog." I laughed at him.

He got up to run around me. He sounded excited, panting and huffing for air as he almost jumped on me. My hands moved in his fur around his neck, and he opened his mouth to let his tongue out.

If only he would get this excited while human.

It's nice to know that he's not miserable right now. I know what kind of pain he goes through trying to hide this side of him. He seems happier like this, like he was free.

He certainly played around like he was free.

I wanted him to always feel like that.

But just as quickly as he got excited, he stopped immediately. He was on all fours and he was staring in a different direction abruptly. There was nothing there, but he continued to stare at whatever got his attention.

"What's wrong?" I asked him when he began to whine quietly.

There was something going on. He wouldn't be this distracted.

He just took off running.

I don't know what I was supposed to do. I intended to follow him because he didn’t just go in the woods. He ran down the street, and my biggest fear was someone calling Animal Control because a giant animal was in the neighborhood.

I had a hunch about where he might end up. I should find him fast before someone else does.

I ran inside to get my keys so I could take my car. I prayed that he wasn't going to end up somewhere ridiculous. Whatever distracted him must be serious if he just ran off like that.

I ended up right outside the neighborhood to the small construction site that was started on this past weak. I didn't pay it any mind till I saw the white wolf.

And then there were seven more.

A whole family of wolves were around the construction site, and there was a group of men and construction workers that had shot guns in their hands. The wolves would've terrorized the place, they were on the trucks and the bulldozers, but with the men holding guns, they looked cautious.

They stalked closer, and the men were shouting, threatening to shoot but they backed away as the wolves got closer.

I was tempted to stay in the car. It's none of my business, but it was. I live here, and clearly if there was going to be a problem in the neighborhood, it should be settled. So I did get out of my car, and I walked right over to those workers.

I wasn't the one that was scared of the wolves. And I was definitely the least of the workers' problems.

“What are you doin’ here, boy? Get out of the way!” One of the construction men snapped at me.

He had his gun pointed towards me, too.

That was something to be afraid of. I even put my hands up because I didn't want him to shoot me.

“You can’t shoot these animals.” I said quickly.

“Animals?” Another one snorted at the word. “These are beasts and are preventing us from doing our jobs.” he said, loading his gun and turned right towards the wolves again.

I heard their growling behind me. I tried not to move, but I know if it comes down to it I'll have to move out of the way.

“You must be some animal lover if you're still in front of us about these animals.” One of them laughed at me.

“If y'all want to get mauled, that's fine by me, but I'm just telling you that no one wants y'all here.” I took another step back, my hands still up because they had their guns in their hands.

They could kill me but it won't look good for Mr. Conrod, especially when he wants to make this place his own.

When I stepped back, I saw one of the wolves step forward, the black one, and he wasn't so kind. It seemed like it was fighting back this urge to lunge forward.

“Get out of here, or we'll shoot you, too.” he aimed at me, but I didn’t move.

The white wolf was in front of me, growling fiercely and roaring, making them step back. By his side was the black wolf, and it only took seconds for him to growl just as loudly.

“Its obvious you won’t get by the boy.” I heard that thick country accent from afar, even over the growling. Mr. Conrod has stepped off his billion dollar property to come and see how his destruction is going on.

His hair was getting whiter with age. He won't miss a chance to wear his fancy suits. He has to show everyone that he makes the most money around here.

Mr. Conrod better watch what’s coming for him.


“Just call Animal Control and be done with it.” He waved away the men as he walked slowly to me.

The wolves were beginning to back away. Ty stopped beside me and I rubbed his fur. He shouldn't stay. Animal Control will get involved. His brothers were leaving and he should, too. I whispered I was okay before he continued walking with the rest of the wolves

“Quite some animals that live here.” Mr. Conrod said as he put his hands in his pockets.

“And you’re about to kill them all.” I said bitterly.

He smiled at my words and he was finally looking at me. I mean really looking at me. Conrod always had this appearance about him where it never seemed like he looked at anyone, like he had other things to be doing and paying attention to. But right now, I was on his radar.

“You're an animal lover, too.” he said. When I didn't answer, he just nodded and laughed to himself.

He wasn't surprised.

“I would advise you stay out of my way but who am I to stop a kid from protesting in what they believe in?”

“Why are you doing this?” I asked.

“I’m making this a better place for people to live.”

“By destroying everything here?”

“I'm in it for the money." he said truthfully. "I don't really care about what you want."

I wasn't surprised. He wasn't either. And I had this feeling like he wasn't talking to me to get to know me. There was something he was going to get out of this.

I just don't know what.

"Mr. Wallace, you must be aware that your father does work for one of my companies."

What shocked me was that he addressed me by name. I didn't think he knew who I was.

I didn't know he knew who my dad was. He wouldn't bring it up if he wasn't going to try and manipulate me. It just might work, too. "You wouldn’t want him to lose his job, would you?” he asked.

That was the one thing I didn’t want to happen.

Now Conrod was stressing me out. I was hoping I could be this kid that would go unnoticed but that's not how it was going to work. He knew me, and he knows my dad. He was threatening his job.

I got the message loud and clear.

"It was...nice to meet you, Mr. Wallace."

I turned away to leave, not saying anything to his comment. The one thing I know that's going to happen today, dad will find out that I caused trouble. If Conrod doesn't tell him, someone else will. I went home immediately, and I stayed there.

I shouldn't even think about going anywhere near Mr. Conrod's stuff anymore.

I sat in the driveway for a minute, just waiting and thinking. My parents weren't home yet, so I would be alone again. I noticed prints in the snow, a lot of them, leading behind the house. I got out of my car slowly and followed the prints in the snow to the backyard.

A family of wolves were there.

And it did not look calm.

Two of them were growling at each other, and the other six were watching without intervening. Ty didn't look particularly happy. He was trying to be the loudest one, but not when his older brother was making sure he'd obey. The dark brown one was bigger and his eyes were colder. When Ty couldn't show dominance, I saw the way he started to lower himself in the snow, his growling becoming soft whining.

I don't want them to fight.

I went over to Ty in the midst of their glaring battle that he was clearly losing, and I put my arms around him. He shouldn't fight with his brothers, but I don't want him to feel bad. Whatever they told him, he shouldn't let it get to him. He was quiet as he rubbed up against me and I pet his fur.

"Don't fight with them." I said quietly.

He sat down obediently as I continued to rub his fur behind his ear. He closed his eyes and let his tongue hang out of his mouth when I reached his favorite spot. It seemed like he immediately forgot about how his brothers were bothering him.

When I looked over, Cina was sitting obediently, too. And he was watching. I felt like he was waiting. He doesn't talk when he's a wolf so that's what made him tolerable. I wasn't happy that he was threatening Ty, but he did put it aside, so I should reward him for that, shouldn't I?

I walked over to him and stood in front of him. I waited to see if he would do anything because he was staring. Then I moved my hand in his fur.

Just as warm as Ty.

His fur was a darker brown, but not black. There were hints of other colors around his neck, a lighter shade of brown that streaked where my hands followed.

Cina lowered himself more, bowing his head so I could rub there. I shouldn't spoil him, but I couldn't resist when there was a quiet whine that came from his chest. He was asking. So I did rub him there and he seemed to like it. That calmed him down a lot more.

I wasn't going to tell him to be nice to Ty.

I know what's making him anxious, and to tell him to get over it isn't fair. I won't do that to him.

I backed away from him, and I was going to go inside the house, but two other animals ambushed me and pushed me down in the snow. I didn't see it coming. I laid there as the other two held me down. I didn't know who it was. These two were a caramel shade, one slightly lighter than the other in the sun. They were eager, like they wanted to play around.

Apparently giving them attention is all they want.

I rubbed their fur, too, and that got them more excited. When they let me up, they started to run around me and rub up against me. To them this was fun. I couldn't hold their weight when both of them got to me again, so I fell in the snow again.

The twins were enjoying themselves.

I've never had dogs before so I was enjoying it, too.

I didn't stare at the black wolf that was just watching from afar. Next to him was a pink wolf, sitting obediently and quietly.

Channing and Brendan.

It took me a while to figure it out, but Channing is the oldest brother and he must be in control of everything. He wasn't that friendly either. He wouldn't want me to pet his fur.

What made me question if Brendan was the pale pink wolf was when he just fell over in the snow. That's all he did, just fall over. He didn't move after that. I wasn't sure if it was Brendan or not. I watched it happen but no one else seemed to pay it mind. The twins were still on me and Ty was trying to make his way in between.

"You guys can't stay here," I said, laughing as they tried to get their time with me. "My parents will be home soon."

Just as I said that, they all began to perk up and go quiet. I could hear voices coming from the front yard. My parents are already home.

The wolves had gotten up and started towards the forest from where they came. Ty had brushed up against me before he followed his brothers into the trees.

And the family of wolves were gone.

If I was lucky, I'd get to see Ty later.

I got up and brushed myself off before I walked around to the front, seeing their cars parked. They had just walked inside, and I followed them.

"It's cold outside, Gabriel." Mom said as she pulled inside before closing the door.

I could barely feel my fingers.

"Dad's on a rant again?" I asked her because Dad was talking to himself, Mom wasn't listening to him.

"Mr. Conrod seems to bother him."

“This is ridiculous. The only reason animal control is out is because of Mr. Conrod." If he finds out what I did to, he might rant about me just as hard as he does about Conrod. "I bet these guys are being paid so much just because of how many times they’re being called.” Dad complained.

“What’s wrong?” Mom asked me because I hugged her.

I got into it with Mr. Conrod and I can't really talk about it.

“The wolves came back again.” I said.

“How many were there?” Dad asked quickly since that was a priority for him considering that he's complaining about animal control.

“You’re supposed to be asking if he’s okay.” Mom panicked.

“He is standing right in front of us. Of course he’s okay." He wanted to get that part out of the way. "How many were there?” Dad asked me.

“Eight.” I answered slowly. He went into shock, his jaw dropping as he uncrossed his arms.

“Jesus." he said after I told him. "Everyone is going to get mauled because Conrod doesn't know how to keep to himself." he shook his head.

"The wolves are actually...nice..." I was cautious because I saw the way Dad looked at me.

"Gabriel-" he was about to warn me.

"I won't bring them home..." I wanted to reassure him, but I can't tell him that the wolves were hanging around the house today.

"Better not." he muttered under his breath as he went into the fridge.

"Don't bring animals home, Gabriel." Mom said kindly, to make me feel better.

"I won't." I told her.

I was going to behave and not bring animals in the house. I know better.

I left to go up to my room. I tossed my stuff on the floor as I turned on the lights.

I was stunned for just a second because Ty was in my bed.

I don't know how he got there or why he was here but it was definitely a surprise. He looked upset though, and I wanted to know why because ten minutes ago, he was having a fun time playing with me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him quietly as I got into bed next to him. "What happened?" he looked away.

"I don't know if I should be serious about drawing boundaries." He admitted, almost like he was ashamed to say it. "I don't want something to happen to you, and-"

"Did Cina say something to you?" I asked, because he had already gotten over this.

There was no way he would feel paranoid on his own.

Ty looked away, not answering me, almost like he didn't want to talk to me anymore. The fact that he said something at all was probably a lot for him.

"I can handle myself."

"I almost changed while in your room earlier-"

"You weren't exactly running to get out of the house." I reminded him. He had better control than he's giving himself credit for and he knows it. "What did Cina say to you?" I asked him again, but he didn't answer.

I'm going to ask him myself.

"If you won't tell me, I'll just find out myself." I said.

Ty wouldn't fight, and I don't want him to fight his brothers. But I would hope he would want to stand up for himself, or stand up for me if he thinks that he needs to. If not, I can do it.

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