His Soft Fur

Chapter ● IV ●

I've had an issue accepting the fact that there may or may not be a werewolf among us. I know what I saw, and I saw Ty as the white wolf. I did my best to ignore it. I mean, it's none of my business and nothing good is going to come out of focusing on what may or may not be true. I even tried to keep my mind on something else. While at school, I tried to focus on assignments and exams. But I was so paranoid that I couldn’t focus on anything else. I’m a curious person, no one can just lie to me and think that’s the end of that. I have to know things, and if there was one thing I was going to hate about myself, it’s going to be that.

After school, I went home. My parents were back early. Maybe I should tell them.

I had to talk to someone, I had to tell someone what I know. I can’t keep this to myself, but telling my parents isn’t the exact kind of solution that would be first.

“Gabriel, did you hear?" Mom asked as I walked in the kitchen. "That missing boy was found.” she said.

“I saw him today in class, Mom,” I said as I put my bag down and went over to her. She hugged me tight and rubbed my hair.

Dad was already starting to cook dinner. He didn't look too happy, and I think I came home to them arguing, well my dad likes to rant so he was probably doing that.

“You know what else is happening? Conrod being a pain again with construction.” Dad said angrily. I didn’t know what it was today, but I was definitely about to find out. “I saw bulldozers and men on the other side of the neighborhood. If they tell me I’ll have to take another way to get to work, I will sue.” he meant it. He has been aching for the lawsuit that will take us to paradise.

“What’s going to happen to the animals?” I asked.

“They're going to be killed.” Dad said plainly.

Mom doesn’t like this whole thing and it showed on her face. She liked animals like I did. We were both concerned about how Conrod was going to clear the area, but Dad thought they were just going to hunt everything.

What will happen to the family of wolves? They just got one back, and...

Then I thought, they were all werewolves.

If Ty is one, his brothers must be one. There’s no other explanation. They’re a family of werewolves. I stared into space as I came to my mental crisis. I know a werewolf. I’ve seen Ty as a wolf. They are all wolves.


I snapped out of it.

“Come on, Anne, you know Conrod is not going to waste money to actually move animals. Whatever’s alive will be dead. And the ones that are hibernating will be dead, too. Don’t sugar coat it.” he said.

“Is there nothing we can do?” I asked.

My dad looked up slowly towards me and stopped doing what he was doing. "Do not get involved." He warned me. I opened my mouth to say something but he stopped me. "All those stoner kids are out here protesting and I don't need you near them-"

"It's not just stoner kids." I wanted to let him know not every person here smokes and does drugs but that didn't sit well with him.

"Gabriel." He warned me.

I looked at Mom for help but she looked away smoothly, staring down at her mail instead of trying to fight for me.

No one is happy with the planned construction because Conrod is changing the values of this place or whatever people want to call it. I can say my generation is full of nature freaks. My mom always tells me how her friends used to be hippies -she thinks I believe she wasn't one, too- and that this place is important to them. Soon there will be a Walmart down the street, and I know that no one is excited about that. The town is older, everything is in walking distance. I could walk out of my neighborhood, take a few steps, and be at a super market. That’s the kind of place we live in.

I liked it.

My family liked it. Others liked it if they lived here.

It’s quiet.

But things are beginning to change.

I liked how old this place was, how it’s more nature than infrastructure. The town is more of a legend place, and the point that not a lot of things are here is because no one wanted to build on top of it. There’s all these stories about all kinds of things here and....


There’s stories, and I bet there’s one about wolves, too.

“If I were to say I saw something strange, would you guys believe me?” I asked my parents. They stared at me, Dad was suspicious, Mom was concerned.

“What does it have to do with?” Dad asked.

“Um...” How should I put it so they don’t think I’m crazy? “It’s real but no one would believe me if I said it.” I didn't know how to word it.

“You aren’t going to be on the news if you tell people, are you?” Dad asked.

“I might be.” I said.

People don’t just turn into wolves. People don’t turn into animals. I shouldn’t believe in the whole full moon, shape shift, mystical type stories, but I witnessed a shape shifter. So there’s that.

“Lets keep it a secret for a while, okay? I don’t need to pay mental hospital bills.” Dad came to his conclusion and I guess I was fine with it.

Mom wasn't. “Richard!”

“What?” he didn’t like how Mom was about to yell at him. “I don’t need Gabriel in a mental hospital, I’m just saying it like it is.” he shrugged.

He’s right though.

No one will take me seriously, and I’ll be put in a mental hospital, so I shouldn’t say anything out loud.

Its none of my business.

“I think I’m going to go study or something.” I said quietly and turned away.

I wasn’t really going to study. I was a little tired so I was just going to sit down for a little while and think.

As I walked by one of the windows, I saw something outside. A white ball was moving around in the snow in the back yard by the trees.

I peered closer to see the animal.

I went outside, feeling a cold breeze pass me. I moved my arms over my chest and balled up my fingers under my arms, trying to keep warm. The white wolf was trotting around like it was lost. I stared at it as it kept walking around in the snow, sniffing the ground. I walked down the porch steps and paused in the snow.

“Ty?” I asked. His ears perked up and he looked at me.

He sat in the snow as I came to him. He let me get close and reach my hand out to pet him.

He’s warm. And his fur is so soft.

He sat obediently in front of me and closed his eyes as I rubbed the fur around his neck. There was one spot he liked, my hands rubbing closer to his ears. His jaw opened and his tongue fell out of his mouth as he closed his eyes.

“Tell me I’m not crazy.” I said quietly. He whined as he put his head down. I scratched behind his ear and he seemed to like that, too.

I’m not crazy.

Ty’s a wolf. Here he was in my backyard, blending in with the snow.

In one abrupt movement, he got up quickly and backed away from me, looking towards the forest. I don't know what made him jerk so quickly until I heard growling. When I turned to see, there was black wolf coming out slowly from between the trees.

All I heard was growling. Even when I turned back to Ty, he was lowered and snarling at the wolf that was stalking closer.

I backed away, not wanting to be in the middle of what was happening. I wanted to be out of view but I fell back in the snow, and I didn't move further than that.

The black wolf was much bigger and it looked more vicious. It stalked closer to the white wolf, not an inch of hesitation or fear in it's eyes. I saw Ty's white fur stand up more, almost like he was getting scared but he hasn't backed down yet.

I couldn’t describe how I felt. I wasn’t scared for my life, I don’t think I was at the center of what’s happening, and I certainly didn’t think I was in danger. But there was something about seeing the two of them growling at each other that made my hairs stand on ends.

I should be terrified. I should be afraid.

“Gabriel!” Mom screamed. I looked up to find her and Dad up on the porch, watching in fear, their eyes right on me.

I scrambled on my feet and ran up the stairs to get on the porch. The wolves weren’t paying attention to me which made it easy to get away.

Mom hugged me close to her as I desperately tried to watch what was happening. The black wolf was getting so much closer to Ty, still growling. It was getting much louder, almost barking and roaring in his direction. Ty was slowly getting down on the ground as if he was losing. He had to be obedient, and it looked like it was seconds away from happening.

“I’m calling Animal Control.” Dad said quickly as he went back inside. Mom wanted me to go in, too, but I can’t leave yet.

Not till I know what happens.

The black wolf was the most dominant in this situation. Ty was basically brought down, whining as the black wolf threatened him.

And then that was it. Ty had to go along with him. By the end, he was whining and staring at the snow as the black wolf towered over him. The black wolf turned away and Ty followed obediently.

When they started to leave, Mom pulled me inside, tugging me back so I wouldn't see anything anymore. I hadn’t realized how long I was outside till I felt the warmth consume me. My fingers were hurting from being in the snow. I began shivering, hearing my teeth chatter in my mouth. Dad was talking to animal control, telling them what just happened and the wolves that were in the backyard.

I didn’t want animal control to find them.

I didn’t want anyone to hurt them.

“What were you doing outside, Gabriel?” Mom asked me loudly, frightened. Her hands were all over my face and neck, checking to see if I was okay.

I stammered for words, I wanted to say I saw something but then she would ask me what it was and I wouldn’t be able to answer.

“I- I don’t know.” I tried to answer because I couldn’t come up with something that wouldn’t make her yell at me. She looked scared and worried and angry and I didn’t know what I should say to her.

“Good Lord, those wolves were like monsters.” Dad said loudly after he finished talking to animal control.

“What did Animal Control say?” Mom asked.

“They’re coming but I don’t see what that’s going to do. Its the second time these wolves have shown up.” Dad said, a little shocked because he didn’t know about the first time.

I didn’t say anything as I left the kitchen to go upstairs. I walked in my room and closed the door behind me. Immediately, I was at my window to see if the wolves would return but there was nothing. All I could see were the footprints in the snow.

Why did I want to see them again?

I shouldn’t be so attached. Then again, I wanted to know why the white wolf comes to my house all the time.

Is Ty lost?

What does he want?

I turned away from my window and got in bed instead.

Animal Control came to look around the area. Those two guys were back again, the ones who told me about what Mr. Conrod was planning on doing to this place. Their excuse for the wolves was them just trying to figure what they were going to do since their home is about to be destroyed. Mr. Conrod's men are checking the area and land.

Dad was talking to them outside, telling them what he saw, but they haven’t seen the wolves around. So they told him they would continue to look and keep their eyes out.

I stayed locked up in my room all night. If I don’t get sleep, the pain I’ll feel tomorrow will just fuel my paranoia. And I need to get through the day and stay somewhat sane. My curiosity always takes over everything I feel. I tried to remind myself that its none of my business. It has nothing to do with me.

I shouldn’t get involved.

Its none of my business.

I woke up the next morning not feeling well. I didn’t get that much sleep, and I was a little worried of the things I know about, secrets that aren’t mine. I tried to keep myself occupied, but even getting to school took a toll on me. I was so bothered that all I wanted was to get answers, I was almost desperate for it.

I had to ask questions.

Cina wasn’t the person to ask. He would make it seem like I’m crazy, even though he knows I know the truth. I know what I saw. But he doesn’t care. He was going to lie to me until I give up. I wanted to ask Ty instead but he wasn’t here today. He’s probably sick. Or maybe he couldn’t turn human again, and he’s stuck as a wolf. These are the things I think to myself, and this is why I can’t sleep at night.

I couldn’t tell anyone what I saw. I had no one to talk about this with. I was distracted the entire time while I was in class. I avoided the other brothers as best as I could, but I could still feel their stares on me. I wasn’t sure if it was with disdain or caution. I obviously knew something that I shouldn’t talk about. And it’s not like I would expose them to other people, but I wanted to be told the truth.

There was no way I was going to believe that I was just “making this up” or I hit my head when I fell and passed out.

I didn’t go home after school. I went to the library instead because I wanted to see if there were any books on some of the history of this town. We’ve all heard the stories as kids. They’d say things like, there are animal spirits watching over the forest, keeping nature safe and removing those that harmed it. There were plenty about bears and horses and other animals. And I vaguely remember one about wolves. No one ever believed it. Even as kids, we would go into the forests and try to find the spirits or whatever animals that were “in charge” of protecting the area, but there was nothing like that.

They were just kid stories to scare one another. We were dumb back then, but we would try to go out on adventures and find out if it was true or not.

Now I was really curious.

Are some of the stories true?

There was a smaller section of the library that had books related to mysteries and unbelievable phenomenon, specifically just for this town. I walked by and saw some of the old kid stories we were told about.

There were plenty about people turning into animals. I looked for one with wolves and it definitely wasn’t hard to find.

I’ve never taken this seriously before, but this was a start now since I know what I saw. Maybe this book might be able to piece things together.

I checked it out and walked out of the library, heading towards my car. I saw an animal by the trees on the other side of the parking lot, a pale wolf sitting quietly at the edge of the forest. Right beside it, there was a black wolf, and it didn’t move either.

I stopped walking abruptly when I saw they were there. They hadn't moved. They just stared at me.

Which brothers are those?

I made eye contact but they didn’t come closer. I turned away to go to towards my car when I thought it was safe.

I told myself I wasn’t bothered, but I had chills going up my spine. It’s not scary, but it’s ominous. They know I know. So what are they going to do to me?

Mom and Dad weren’t home. I expected them to be home earlier considering what happened yesterday. I didn’t mean to scare them. I just went outside to play with Ty. I had no idea the black wolf would come find him. I walked in the kitchen to find a note on the fridge.

Mom must’ve came home and left again.

She left dinner for me in the fridge.

I took the note off the fridge and crushed it in my hand. I was about to check what she left for me in the fridge when I heard a knock on the door. I just turned slowly and wondered who it was, thinking that animal control might be back with some news. I could’ve pretended no one was home, but I went to get the door anyway.

I was surprised to see Ty standing in front of me. I held a plain expression as I looked at him. He had this miserable look on his face, like he was still sick. His face was flushed, his hair lost its shine, his dark eyes were glassy.

He shouldn't be here.

“Hi...” he seemed...nervous.

I didn’t really say anything as I continued to stare at him. I didn’t have much to say. Was he going to say I was crazy, too? It might be in his best interest since I know his secret.

When I hadn't responded, he looked away, mashing his lips together as he rubbed behind his neck. I shouldn't be so mean to him, he already doesn't talk so much, and it must take him a lot of strength to confront me. "Can we...talk for a minute?”

I let that sink in. Maybe he’ll tell me something I want to hear.

I let him in quietly. I still didn’t say anything. I was going to give him a minute to think about what he wanted to talk about. Obviously, he wanted to discuss the big issue. I’ve seen him shift between forms and that’s not a good thing.

He's going to say I'm crazy.

“I know this is going to sound rude, but could you not say anything about what you saw?” he asked when he turned around to face me.

“So, it did happen and I’m not crazy?” I wanted to clarify that because I actually didn’t think he would come out with it.

“You’re not crazy.” He confirmed for me.

That was direct.

I never expected that.

“My brothers would never tell you the truth even if you saw something. And I didn’t want you to be sort of...well, paranoid.” he looked away hesitantly.

“Was that...why you were missing?” I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

He nodded but his expression changed, like he was upset about it

But it was more than that. Ty didn’t look so good. That’s probably why he wasn’t in school today.

“Are you okay?” I asked because it looked like he might fall.

“I’m fine.” he was breathing heavy and sweating more than a minute ago. I almost grabbed on to him when he tried to take a step forward.

“Seriously, Ty, you look sick.” I wanted to lead him to the living room so he could at least sit down. He was trying so hard but he looked like he was in pain.

I took his arm but his skin was burning hot. I wanted to pull away because of how he felt.

He wanted to say something, almost like he was about to apologize to me but the words didn’t make it out of his mouth.

He collapsed in front of me and I wasn’t fast enough to catch him. I kneeled beside him and tried to shake him to wake him up, but that didn't work. He was out cold.

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