His Second Wife by Favor V April

Chapter 85

Christopher’s POV
“Um, Buddy, she’s pregnant.” I turned to look at Henry, who is not only a good friend but also a family doctor. He doesn’t know
that Camille is still my wife. He looks so concerned that she is pregnant, but what my friend doesn’t know is that the baby is
mine. I was rendered completely speechless as I stood there. I want to celebrate, but if I do, I will blow my cover.
Fuck it!
I cracked a smile. “She’s pregnant? How long?”
“She’s about to enter the second trimester now. Going to 12 weeks.” My eyes went wide. Shit! When I took her to the dungeon,
she was already several months along in her pregnancy. I was far too rough that night, and the baby could have been seriously
injured or even killed as a result. Is the baby still okay?
After making some sort of throat-clearing noise, I looked over at Henry. “Is the baby all right?”
“In good health.”
“Does it mean she knew?” I inquired my friend, but Henry gave me an odd look when I did so. I paced back and forth, rubbing my
temples. I don’t fucking know what to do.
“It’s yours, isn’t it?” I placed my hand over my mouth as I tried to think, but Henry didn’t let me. “You’re not going to fool me. This
baby is yours, isn’t it?” I agreed by nodding. “What are you going to do? You two are no longer married. You have two failed
marriages, Chris, and now this girl is pregnant out of wedlock.” He spoke out as if I didn’t have enough on my plate already. I am
confident that Henry has my back.
“Camille is still my wife. We are not divorced and never were since the day we became husband and wife.” Now it was his turn to
widen his eyes.
“What are you talking about?”
“It’s all part of a plan; someone has been...” I paused and looked at Henry, then continued, “Claudia doesn’t exist. Claudia is
Carman Cooper, Mark’s sister.”
“What!” He sat down, but the couch seemed too hot for him to sit down, so he started pacing back and forth like I was. “If his
sister slept with you and Joshua too, there is more to this.” I agreed by nodding.

“Mark sent her.” I started telling Henry everything I knew, and he was crying when I was done. My life is a complete disaster, and
the reason for this catastrophe is that I put too much faith in a friend. I should be crying, but Henry is the one crying right now. He
has always been the soft-hearted one. He turned to face me and said,
“How could you be so composed in this situation? I am not going to let you put your wife out there. She loves you, Chris. If you
continue on like this, there is a chance that she will miscarry the baby. I don’t care how you do it, but I want you to keep Camila
out of this, or maybe send her back to Mexico.”
“I can’t be without my wife any longer, Henry. I love my wife; as strange as it may sound, I’ve been fighting my feelings, but that
girl is my wife, and I’ll be damned if I endanger her life. I don’t know what Mark wants, but I have been seeing him go to her
house recently and go through her things. If he ever finds out she’s pregnant for me, I don’t know what he’s going to do to her
and my baby.”
“So Mark is obsessed with you?” He inquired.
“You got that right. He wants me, but how then can he be comfortable sending his sister to me? That is beyond my
comprehension. I haven’t told my grandfather this, but I think there is a mole in the family too, working with the coopers. I don’t
want to tell him until I’m sure of it.” He shook his head.
“I don’t care what you do; just make sure Camila is not involved in it in any way. Are you happy?” He looked at me and then
continued, “About the baby?” I cracked a smile.
“I’ve never been happier in my life.” When it came to Liam, I was only able to experience joy for a brief period of time before my
hopes and dreams were dashed when Claudia or Carmen, or whoever her name is, told me that the baby wasn’t mine. But with
Camille, I am happy and scared that I would lose her at the same time. I am also scared that she might crash my dreams too.
She’s far too young to be a mother. What if she decides she doesn’t want to keep the baby? I mean, she still has a lot of things
to accomplish with her career, and being a wife and a mother might not be one of them.”
“You underestimate her a lot. Figure out a way to communicate with her, then take charge of your business and leave her alone
to relax. He said that as he walked away.
“Dad.” I turned to face my son, who was walking in with a worried expression on his face.
“You good, buddy.”

“Yeah, is mom okay?” I smiled as I looked at him. Camila and Liam have an unbreakable bond. Their love extends beyond the
mother-son bond. It’s much bigger than that.
“Yeah, your mom is fine.” I looked at him and said, “From now on, you and your mom will be staying here. I will be driving you to
school. Mom needs to rest.”
“When do I get to meet my little sister?” I smiled at the thought of having a girl, but I don’t know that yet. But if she could give
birth to a girl, I’d be the happiest person alive.
“We don’t know if it will be a girl or a boy yet, buddy.”
“I’d like to have a little sister.”
“You and I both, buddy, but only God decided that.” He smiled and looked at me; I could tell he was happy to hear that he would
be having a sister, according to him, but we don’t know that yet. “Buddy, can you do me a favor?” He gave a nod. “I really
appreciate it if you could keep it a secret from your mom that you have a younger sister for now, okay? I want to surprise her,” I
said, and he gave a nod. I know he had a slip of the tongue earlier on, but right now she doesn’t need to know yet.

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