His Redemption (Complete His Series)

His Retaliation (Complete His Series) Chapter 60


Her enthusiastic nod made me laugh, and then all of a sudden, our friends appeared. Missy was laughing and smiling in a way I hadn’t seen in a while, and that was exactly what I wanted to happen. We got our grippy socks, and off we went. We zip-lined into a foam pit; we played dodgeball, and Emmett had an awkward moment ending up on top of Sol, who in turn got so embarrassed she suggested we play something else. We jumped until we were exhausted. For a few hours, I forgot about everything that happened out with Langston. It was just Missy and me, and everything was right in our world. I didn’t care what happened after this. No one would ever be able to take today away from us. I hoped I could give her days like this, and I would as long as the Moon Goddess let me.

Missy collapsed into my arms in total elated exhaustion as we watched Emmet and Sulien use the pugil sticks to fight on the balance beam over the foam pit.

“Today has been perfect,” she panted. “I can’t believe you got everyone here.”

“Of course I did,” I told her. “We all love you, and they loved the idea of getting away with you, too.”

“When do we need to leave?” she asked, looking around for a clock.

I looked at my watch and realized it was starting to get into the late afternoon. We still had one more place to go before needing to shower, and we needed to have time to get over to where I’d planned for dinner, “We still have time to do the wipe-out game you wanted before we go.”

“Yay!” she clapped and jumped up.

I walked over and asked one of the employees to activate it, and we went over to the enclosed ring where a giant arm tried to knock everyone over as they tried to jump over or under it. Hilarity ensued as we all tried to stay on our feet, mostly exaggerating as this game was meant for humans. I briefly wondered what it would look like to go to a place like this aimed at wolves, and it was a funny thought to think of Alpha and Luna doing the same things we were.

“Alright guys, I’ve gotta kidnap her now,” I told the group to everyone’s dismay. G****s of disapproval followed, but after a round of hugs and goodbyes, we were back in our car.

“I bet I still don’t get to know the next place, do I?” Missy teased.

“Nope.” We pulled into a shopping center, and this time it was clear where we were: The Rage Room.

“What the hell is a rage room?” Missy asked incredulously.

“You’ll see,” I smiled.

I walked her in, and we were greeted by a nice man who walked us to a massive room in the back. It was lined with steel sheets on the wall and filled with a random assortment of furniture, a TV, glass vases, etc. He handed us both protective goggles and laughed at Missy’s expression as he gave her a metal bat. She looked at me in confusion as he explained the rules, which soon turned to glee as she realized we were here to literally destroy everything.

“I’m going to leave you now; just remember to have fun!” the guy told us before closing the door behind him.

“Time to get out all of our frustration from the last few months?” I asked, gesturing to the room.

“Goddess, yes!” she said excitedly.

“There are no cameras here, and they won’t come in until we’re done. So, no one will see anything they aren’t supposed to. You can fully let loose,” I told her, enjoying the widening of her eyes as she realized she didn’t have to worry about the humans.

She walked over to the TV, tapping it with the end of the bat as if to test if it were real. Satisfied, she pulled the bat over her shoulder and widened her stance as if she were staring down a pitcher at the mound, and swung hard, splitting the TV in half in one swing. Her look of absolute bliss was more than worth the price of admission.

“Your turn!” she yelled in glee, trying to hand me the bat.

“I think this is more my speed,” I told her, picking up a two-handed sledgehammer from the corner of the room.

I walked over to the oversized couch they had near the middle of the area, and I sent the hammer’s head through it. The pieces exploded around us, and it showered us with bits of stuffing as we laughed and beat it to a pulp together. About an hour passed, and we looked up to realize we’d rendered the whole room to nothing but dust. The floor was littered in a mat of destruction, and we were spent. I threw the hammer towards where it had been and took the bat from Missy’s grip. Pulling her into my arms, I lifted her and guided her legs to wrap around my waist.

“Feel better?” I asked, my forehead pressing against hers.

“So much!” she exclaimed. “You might have to let me do this more often now, though.”

“Anything for you,” I laughed and kissed her with abandon. Nothing but joy flowed through our bond, and I wanted to be close to her.

Luckily, I’d planned everything out, and even though we ran a little late, the rage room had showers. The front desk guy looked astonished when he saw the room, but he tried not to let it show as he directed us to the locker rooms to get changed. I showered and changed quickly, putting on a light pink button-up shirt and dark-washed jeans. I pulled on a watch and ran a comb through my hair before teasing it with my fingers to get it just right. My heart was pounding, and I didn’t know why. I realized this was basically our first real date. I stuffed my dirty clothes in my bag and walked to the lobby to wait for Missy. It wasn’t long until she walked out of her locker room, and her scent washed over me before I saw her. She’d put on a dress that fell to just above her knees, and it hugged her chest before flowing down her body. I gulped hard as I tried to find the words to compliment her.

“I think you’re looking for ‘you look beautiful,’” the guy called out from the counter.

“Yea,” I said, rubbing my neck sheepishly. “That’s what I was searching for. Sorry.”

“It’s okay,” Missy told me, smiling sweetly as she reached for my hand. “I’m following you.”

“You two have fun!”

With that, I led Missy through the front door and to the car. I opened the passenger side for her, offering her a hand to take her bag before closing the door behind her. I soon joined her, and we were off to our final destination for the evening. It wasn’t too long of a drive over to the town where Luna’s inn was located.

As the stadium loomed ahead, the sun had already dropped below the horizon. The parking lot was lit up with no other cars around. I parked and grabbed the large basket and bag I’d already packed, pulling the latter over my back and holding the basket in my hand, which left my other hand for Missy. She wrapped her arms around mine, her head dropping to my shoulder as her intoxicating scent wafted to me on the light breeze that was flowing around us as we walked up towards the special entrance.

As expected, we walked through the athlete’s entrance, and I found a candlelit path to the field that was already aflame. There were no lights on within the stadium, so they cast a warm romantic glow around us to the spot set up for us. She looked around in surprise as I led her towards the thick blankets laid on the ground in front of a large screen set right on the grass. A small projector was sitting with a laptop preset to the movie I’d chosen for tonight. Luna had done everything she’d said she would to a tee; this was perfect. I sat us down, laying the basket next to us.

“Maddox, what is this?” Missy asked, exasperated as she took in everything.

“So…” I started. “I wanted us to feel like kids again today, but I also wanted to show you how much I love you. When I think of what I want our life to be like, the life I want to give you, I think of your parents. I want to love you the way that Alpha loves Luna.”

Missy looked like she was fighting back tears, but she kept them at bay for the moment, “Why are we here, though?”

“When I told Luna about what I wanted to do, she reminisced about her first date with your dad. It was here. It was a candlelit dinner and a movie on this field, so it got me thinking. What if I gave you that night, too.”

Missy lost the battle with her tears as they began to pour down her face. I got worried that I messed up and leaned forward to wipe them away, but she pulled me in hard for a k**s. It was deep, passionate. Her tongue darted into my mouth and found mine, and her hands splayed through my hair and found a grip there.

She reluctantly pulled away, and with her lips close to mine still, she looked at me with shining eyes, “This is the sweetest thing you’ve ever done, Maddox. Thank you. I love it.”

Relief washed over me as I realized she was just happy. I smiled and gave her one more k**s before sitting back, “Are you hungry?”

She rubbed her belly, “I just realized I’m starving!”

“Good, I brought plenty of food.”

I pulled out a large container full of sandwiches I’d made, a tray of meats and cheeses, and an enormous bag of popcorn I’d brought for the movie, along with her own salt shaker since she loved her popcorn with what she called ‘a necessary amount of the stuff.’ I assumed wolf healing kept her alive through that, so whatever.

“I brought this for dessert,” I told her, holding up a glass bowl with a lid that was covered in purple hearts. She’d bought the bowl for me a while ago, and it was my favorite.

“Mmmm, can we have dessert first?” she purred, leaning over to try to peer through the bowl. All she succeeded in doing was giving me a better view of her chest as her dress spilled forward, and I stuttered as I agreed to her request.

“Uh… I… Sure,” I told her. “Close your eyes,” I instructed, opening the lid.

She closed her eyes as I grabbed a candied strawberry from the bowl. I knew strawberries weren’t her favorite, but these were a little different. She opened her mouth, licking her lips and making my pants tight at the same time. I pressed the sugary fruit to her lips and watched her bite into it. She chewed slowly, moaning slightly. She opened her eyes and looked at her half-eaten strawberry in surprise.

“Oh… my Goddess, Maddox. That was so good!” she exclaimed.

“Well, you gave me the idea,” I admitted.

“What do you mean?” she asked quizzically.

“Your scent. This is what you smell like to me, and I wanted you to experience how pleasurable it is to smell you all day,” I admitted, my heart fluttering uncontrollably as the warmth of her presence spread down my spine and butterflies danced in my belly. Being away from her just reaffirmed how much I never wanted to be away from that scent again.

Her lips once again found mine as she swiped everything between us out of the way. She pushed me to my back, climbing on top of me. Her scent overpowered my senses as the taste of strawberry melded with it, and I closed my eyes in euphoria as my arms wrapped around her. I never wanted this night to end.

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