His Redemption (Complete His Series)

His Retaliation (Complete His Series) Chapter 38


I looked at Robert in horror. No, he couldn’t do this; he couldn’t let himself die like this. If I left him, there was no way he would survive. If I stayed, I might be able to heal him. But I could see it in his wolf’s expression; he didn’t know if he could kill this vampire. He was giving me all the time he could.

Robert had the vampire away from the front doors. I dashed out from the desk, holding my still bleeding hand, and hurried to the front doors. There were three sets of doors; I threw my weight into the closest ones to me, trying to push them open. I was met with resistance from the locked doors.

I moved to the next set, pushing on them frantically. I heard a thud behind me and looked over my shoulder to see the vampire holding Robert’s wolf falling to his knees. If Robert couldn’t stop him, he would be after me soon.

I moved to the last set, catching a glimpse of our car pulling up to the curb outside. I pushed on the door only to realize it too was locked. Looking through the glass panes, I realized that a bar was placed through the handles on the outside. They locked us in here with the vampires. We weren’t supposed to leave here alive, at least not through the front.

I pounded on the door as Azeron stepped out of the car. His ears caught the noise, and he was over to the doors in an instant. He ripped away the bar keeping me inside, and the doors flew open. He caught me as I started to fall forward.

“Vampires!” I said quickly. Before I knew it, Azeron grabbed me up and pushed me into the backseat of the car. He slammed the door before I could tell him to help Robert.

I turned to the front as Azeron climbed into the driver’s seat. The car seemed to move before his door even closed. “You have to go help Robert!” I shouted.

“No, Luna, I need to get you away from here and safe,” he said in a calm voice.

“Azeron, he is going to die if you don’t get him!” I argued. My eyes prickled with tears. Robert and I had a strained relationship, but I never wished him dead. “I can heal him!”

“No, we need to get clear of this area now!” Azeron said more aggressively.

“What about Lyssa and Liam? I can help him; just go back,” I begged. Azeron was silent as he sped away from the bank. I sat back in the seat, trying to hold back the tears that wanted to fall. Liam. I needed to tell Liam.

I pulled my phone from my bag and dialed his number with shaky hands. “L-Liam,” I said as he answered.

“Azalea, what’s wrong?” he asked quickly.

“Your d-dad…” I said in a choked voice.

“Azalea, what happened?”

“There were two. I couldn’t do anything,” I gasped.

“Did something happen with my dad? Where are you?”

“Liam, I’m so sorry…” holding back the tears was an impossible task. Azeron reached back and took the phone from my hand. I heard him murmuring to my mate, but my mind was stuck on what had just happened in the bank lobby.


“Sir,” Azeron’s voice came over the phone. Azalea wasn’t being clear, but I was worried something had happened. Junior’s phone call came only a minute ago. My mother being in pain wasn’t a good sign.

“Azeron, what the f**k is happening?” I asked expectantly.

“Robert and Azalea were attacked within the bank,” he said in a hushed tone. “I arrived when she was trying to get out. It looked like your father was too hurt.”

“Where are you now?” I asked.

“Headed away from the city,” he said.

“No,” I told him. “Find something and stay there. Drive around just in case they are watching you. Do not lead them back to the pack.”

“Understood,” he answered.

“I am leaving now; it should only be a couple of hours until I can get there,” I told him. “I will make some calls about the bank. I have some friends in the police department, but I need the information.”

My mind was reeling. My father was dead. Azalea was alive, and my father died letting her get away. There were so many questions that needed to be answered here, but all I could think about was getting to Azalea and figuring out how to tell my mother. She may have been his chosen mate, but she still loved him.

“Sir?” Azeron said. “I am sorry.”

“Thanks,” I said. “Keep this contained until I get there. I should be the one to tell my mother.”

“Understood,” he said. The line closed, and I let out an unsteady breath. My phone chimed with a message


| D and I are on the way to your parents

| is something happening?

I couldn’t respond right now. She would get there, help my mom, and make sure the kids were okay. I needed to get to Azalea and make sure this stayed contained.

It took too long to get to Azalea. I ran as far as I could in my wolf form but had to meet Felix outside the city to shift and complete the drive. A large wolf running through a bustling city would be suspicious.

Felix took me straight to the hotel where Azeron and Azalea were waiting. I stormed my way to the room, all patience lost. The door opened as I approached, and I walked in to find Azalea sitting on the edge of the bed. Her head snapped up, and I caught her as she flung herself at me.

“Liam, I’m so sorry!” she cried into my neck. I held her tightly, relieved that she was okay.

“Shhhh,” I tried to console her. “Are you okay?” I asked

She pulled away from her, her face glistening with tears. “I’m okay, thanks to Robert. Liam, are you okay?”

I blinked for a moment. “I don’t know,” I said softly. Her hands came up to cup my face.

“I wanted to help him,” she said. “We would never have come if I had any idea we would be ambushed like that.” I just nodded at her.

“The important thing is that you are safe. I need to meet with my contact in the police department, but then we need to get back,” I told her. All I had felt since her phone call was a hole in my chest, so I was acting as I knew an Alpha should right now; I was handling the situation.

Azalea laid her head against my chest, wrapping her arms around my waist. I hugged her close and turned to look at Azeron. He was watching with a blank expression. Felix stood in front of the closed door. “Where were you?” I asked in a cold voice.

“I was on an errand, sir,” he answered in a level tone.

“Why?” I growled, my anger rising. It was filling the hole within me, and I was directing it right at Azeron.

“Liam,” Azalea said, pulling away from me.

I looked at her; “No,” I said sharply.

“I asked Luna if it was alright when we arrived at the bank. Alpha Robert-”

“Do not say his name!” I cut him off loudly.

“Liam, he did ask. I agreed, and your father had no objection that he voiced either,” Azalea tried to reason.

“You were tasked with ensuring her safety. Whether my father was present or not, that was your job!” I yelled at him.

“Liam, no-”

“Now my father is dead, there is a mess to clean up, and she got hurt!” I shouted, ignoring Azalea’s protests.

“My apologies,” Azeron said.

“Get out!” I demanded. Azeron turned and left the room as Felix stepped aside. Azalea was looking at me with a scared expression.

“Felix,” she said softly. “Will you give us a minute?” Felix nodded and left us alone. I could feel Azalea’s eyes on me; a tense silence settled between us.

Azalea didn’t say anything, though. She grabbed my hand and pulled me over to the bed, making me sit with her. Her hand came up and caressed my cheek gently. “Everyone’s gone,” she whispered. “It’s just us.”

Her eyes bore into me, seeing right through everything. “It’s okay,” she whispered. Her expression was commiserate as her thumb gently moved back and forth across my cheek.

My eyes stung, and I lost the battle. Warm wetness fell over my lashes and onto her fingers. “He’s gone,” I whispered. She nodded.

“I know,” she reassured me.

“We never resolved things….” The words fell out of my mouth, but they were true. We never actually reconciled things after the summit. We fell into this awkward pattern of toleration.

“Liam, your father knew you cared about him,” she said.

I shook my head. “He apologized but didn’t… I never… I should have….” I had no idea what I should have done. However, it didn’t matter because my father was gone, and there would be no reconciliation.

“It’s okay,” Azalea said. She pulled me close and encircled me in her arms. Her fingers ran along the back of my head as I let myself lean into her embrace.

Shortly after I got myself under control, Felix knocked on the door. “Come in,” I called. He came with his normal stoic expression on.

“Detective Miller is here to see you,” he said.

“Please, bring him in,” I said. I stood with Azalea, who draped her arm around my waist. I appreciated her presence.

“Good evening, Liam,” the detective said as he came into the room.

“Ted,” I greeted him.

“Wish this was under better circumstances,” he said. “I do have good news, though. I was able to cover this up almost entirely.”

“I appreciate that,” I told him.

“I am going to need you to make a donation to the DA’s reelection campaign,” he said with a frown.

I sighed. “Yea, whatever it takes,” I told him.

“I was also able to get your father’s body. Your uncle will be receiving it tomorrow,” he explained.

“Thank you for handling this,” I said, reaching to shake his hand.

“Of course,” he said. “I’m sorry for your loss.” The detective nodded his head and took his leave.

“Should we go home?” Azalea asked.

I watched the empty doorway, knowing Felix stood outside. I hesitated; going home meant that my mother made it all the way to retirement with my father then lost him to war.

“If you want, I can tell Lyssa,” Azalea whispered, reading my mind.

“No,” I said, steeling myself. “It should come from me.”

We stepped into my parent’s house. Lily sat on the couch next to my mom, and Damien stood in the doorway leading to the kitchen. “Liam,” My mom said, looking up.

“Hi, Mom,” I said.

“Liam, where is your father? What is going on?” she asked quickly.

Azalea looked at me with concern. “Something happened today,” I started. “Why don’t Lily, Damien, and Azalea get the kids home, and we can talk about it?” My mom’s face grew even more worried, and her l*p quivered.

“Go hold her hand,” Azalea linked me. She nodded to me before heading down the hall to the kids’ rooms. I moved over to the couch and sat down next to my mom, taking her hand in mine. It only took a couple of minutes before Azalea came down the hallway carrying Azly and holding Leo’s hand. He was rubbing his eyes sleepily. Junior followed behind them, and I could tell by the look on his face that he knew something more was happening.

Damien came over and grabbed up Leo, who hugged him around the neck and laid his head down on Damien’s shoulder. Azalea gave me a tight smile as Lily got up to follow her and Damien out. As the door closed, my mother turned her full attention to me.

“He’s gone, isn’t he?” she asked in a broken voice.

“I’m sorry, Mom,” I said. She squeezed my hand.

“That was the pain, wasn’t it?” she asked. I nodded my head. “What happened?” Tears were slowly leaking from the corners of her eyes. All of a sudden, she looked older, which only hurt me more.

“Azalea and Dad were attacked at the bank when they were leaving. Vampires cleared it out and tried to get Azalea,” I told her. “Dad defended her and kept them occupied so she could get out. It was two on one, though. Azalea said he struggled with one of them.”

“So he saved her?” she asked breathlessly.

I nodded. “Yes, he kept the vampires busy so she could get away. She wanted to heal him or try at least, but he told her to run, and she listened.”

My mom pursed her lips and nodded her head. A small sob escaped her lips. “Of all the ways that dumb wolf could show you that he really accepted your mate,” she said through a tear-filled laugh. “He had to go and get himself killed. The words were just too much.”

“Mom,” I whispered.

“I know he struggled to show it, Liam, but your father loved you. He was finally coming around to Azalea. I think he was actually starting to respect her,” she said.

“I know, Mom. I never told him, but I knew after our argument at the summit. He came to tell me. I should have told him I forgave him,” I told her.

She shook her head. “That wasn’t your job.” She pulled me into a tight hug, and I let her quietly cry into my shoulder.

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