His Redemption (Complete His Series)

Chapter 6

As I walked out of the office Liam abruptly grabbed my hand and began dragging me quickly outside. He was probably in a hurry to get rid of me. For some reason, my hand felt warm and although he was gripping it a little too tight for comfort, the warmth felt nice.

We got outside the pack house and Liam’s SUV was parked out front. He pulled me over to the passenger side, opened the door, picked me up, and placed me on the seat, shutting the door a little hard. He walked around the car and got into the driver’s seat, tossing the bag into the back. I kept my eyes on the floor, not wanting to anger him.

We drove for a while before I dared to look at him. The human territory was about 1.5 hours away from the pack house. Liam seemed to be very tense. His knuckles were white on the steering wheel. I didn’t know if I should say anything to him.

The car was beginning to make me sick to my stomach, so I turned my head to look out the window. As I watched out the window, I realized that I was about to be homeless with no job, no money, no high school diploma and not even 17 yet. Dread overtook me. I really didn’t know what I was going to do.

“Um Alpha Liam, could you … um… stop?” I tried to ask. He must not have heard me cause the car didn’t stop speeding along the highway.

“Um, excuse me, Alpha Liam?” I said a bit louder. This time he looked at me.

“You don’t look good,” he said with eyes wide all of a sudden. He slammed on the breaks pulling over to the side of the road. As soon as he stopped, I pushed the door open and barely made it out of the car before I was vomiting the small lunch I had eaten at school today.

“Are you okay?” I heard Liam ask as I felt his large hand on my back. I flinched away trying to straighten back up quickly. I nodded my head even though I was fairly sure it would happen again if I got back in his car.

“Look Azalea, this is for your own good. I just hope you aren’t mad,” he began.

Confusion struck me for a moment before I realized what he meant. “No. I was too much trouble. Alpha Robert and Luna Lyssa had every right to send me away,” I said shaking my head. Maybe he would just let me stand here for a minute before we got back in the car.

Liam gave me a look I couldn’t read. It was as if he couldn’t decide if he was angry with me or sad for me. He turned away from me. “Take your time. We’ll go when you don’t feel sick anymore. I’ll wait in the car,” he said as he went to climb back in the car.

I turned and walked a few feet away into the grass next to the road. I crouched down on the ground clutching my knees to my body. Thankfully, the nausea was passing but I couldn’t stop the tears now escaping from my eyes. I only had 2 months and 2 days that I needed to survive. And now I was going to be left with nothing.


This is absolutely killing me. To top it off I was so wrapped up in my own head I didn’t notice the drive making her motion sick. I am the f*****g worst.

She got back in the car after about 15 minutes. Her cheeks had tear stains on them. My heart clenched. I told my dad I would be dropping her at the diner in the human territory. We were only about 20 minutes away.

I reached in the back and grabbed a bottle of water. I offered it to her, but she just shook her head.

“Just drink it!” I snapped. I immediately regretted it as she flinched. “Please,” I said gently. I placed the water in the cup holder next to her.

She looked at me and nodded. She shakily grabbed the bottle, undoing the cap. She took the smallest sip and replaced the cap on the bottle.

This literal torture would be ending soon. This was just reinforcing that she needed to be far away from me. Moving her to the human town, away from most wolves, seemed to be the safest option. Of course, I didn’t tell my parents my real motivator behind getting rid of her.

I pulled into the small town that was at the edge of the human side. There was a small Inn I knew of that I planned to at least pay for a room for her for a couple weeks so she could find a job. I may be rejecting her, but I am not a monster. I pulled into the parking lot.

I got out of the car. I walked over to her door, opening it, and offering my hand to her. She grabbed it hesitantly and I helped her out of the car. I reached into the back seat grabbing the bag I packed her.

I grabbed her hand and led her inside to the counter. I talked to the Inn owner and rented her a room for 2 weeks. I slipped him a note with my phone number telling him to call me if she needed more time. I would cover the cost. He nodded and gave me the key to her room. I turned to her as she stood behind me, eyes on the floor.

“Come on,” I said as I grabbed her hand again. I led her up to the 3rd floor. I found her room. I unlocked the door leading her inside. I set her bag down on the bed. It was now or never. I turned to face her. She stood there with her arms around her, shivering slightly.

“Look, I got you this room long enough so you can get yourself a job and make a little money. I didn’t want to just leave you here. I have this too,” I told her, pulling out a small envelope of cash from my pocket. I held it out to her.

She grabbed it hesitantly and looked inside. Her eyes grew large on her face.

“I-I can’t-” she started.

“You know Gwen took your money. Just think of this as repayment. It wasn’t okay what we did. You’ll be safe here,” I interrupted her. I sighed. Here goes nothing.

“There’s one more thing. Please don’t freak out. I promise that I am doing this for your safety.” I paused and she gave me a look of curiosity. She didn’t know yet. “I, Liam Blackfur, future Alpha of the B***d Eclipse Pack, reject you, Azalea Simmons as my mate and future Luna.”

I didn’t think it was possible, but her eyes grew even larger. She grabbed her chest and started breathing heavily. Please say it. Accept the rejection now. I don’t deserve it but make this easy for me.

She fell to her knees in front of me. I could see the tears streaming down her face. Now the pain was in my chest. I had to leave. I couldn’t wait for her to accept the rejection.

“I’m sorry Azalea,” I whispered and left the room as quickly as possible. I made my way downstairs. She’ll be okay; she has to be now.

“Pretty brave young man. But don’t be so sure you know what’s best for her. Seems you never asked her how she felt about having a mate,” said a voice behind me.

I turned to see the little old man that owns this Inn staring at me. How did I miss it; he’s a wolf.

“I’ll look after her. But don’t expect the Moon Goddess to let you off so easy. Rejecting your mate goes against her plan after all. Seems she doesn’t even know you’re her mate yet,” he continued. I nodded my head at him and left.

The entire way back to the pack house there was a terrible ache in my chest. As soon as she accepts this, this pain should go away. At least, I hope.


Since Liam left, my heart has done nothing but ache. My body seems heavy. I didn’t even know I had a mate, let alone the future Alpha. And he rejected me. No wonder he was so angry his dad made him bring me.

Everything hurt so bad last night that I didn’t bother to unpack my small bag or even shower. After managing a couple hours of restless sleep, I decided to drag myself out of the bed. I went to the bathroom attached to the room and found a bar of soap and a small bottle of shampoo on the counter. I used these to shower. I got out wrapping myself in a towel. Passing the mirror over the sink I caught a glimpse of myself. To say I was a mess would be an understatement.

My face was red and puffy from all the crying. You could see the dark circles under my large eyes that slightly sunk into my face.

I can’t believe I let him see me cry. He took everything from me. My home, my education, my dignity, and apparently my mate. I couldn’t hate him though. It just hurt too much. I opened the envelope of money he gave me. I counted it and used a pen I found on the desk to write down how much was here. I would pay him back every dime even if it took 10 years.

I opened the bag and started removing the small amount of clothes I owned. I got to the bottom of the bag and found 5 t-shirts that were definitely not mine. They were enormous. Clearly for a large male wolf. Under the shirts was a note and a sweater.

Azalea. I’m sorry I had to do this for your safety. The Moon Goddess made a mistake. You could never be Luna, but you also won’t be safe in this pack. Please stay in the human towns. You don’t have much so here are a few of my shirts and a sweatshirt. It will be getting cold soon and you don’t have a wolf to keep you warm. The room has been paid for until you can get a job and find a new home. I am also truly sorry for any times that I hurt you all these years. I will spend my life regretting my behavior towards you. Please don’t hate me. Good luck. Liam.

I looked down at the sweater in my hands. It was his favorite one. He wore it so often I would have to wait until he was out training to go into his room to grab it for the laundry. I pulled it up to my nose and could smell the forest. Oh Goddess. All this time, I was sleeping on his old pillows taking comfort in his scent. I was still a week away from my 17th birthday when I would have found him as my mate.

I guess this will be best. He rejected me so I can be free. I can be alone and not worry about a mate coming into my life. He can find happiness with a strong and beautiful she-wolf. I’m not strong or beautiful; I’m not even sure if I have a wolf.

I set the sweater down on the desk next to the bag. I got dressed in one of my nicer school outfits. It is a pair of black jeans that I managed to keep from having any rips or tears in them. I also had a scoop neck grey t-shirt with a small pocket on the chest. I went to the bathroom finding a comb in one of the drawers with a hair dryer. I dried my hair and combed it through. I left my dull copper hair down hanging limply at my shoulders.

After slipping on my shoes and grabbing some money from the envelope, I went downstairs locking my room door as I left. I needed to find a newspaper to look for jobs. Hopefully, I could find something that would not require me to have a diploma.

As I reached the downstairs landing, I noticed a nice-looking older man sitting at the counter.

“Um, excuse me,” I asked, hoping not to interrupt him.

“Speak up girl. What can I do for you?” he said in a gravelly voice.

“Um, where can I get a newspaper? I need to find a job as soon as possible,” I said a bit louder.

“Girl, speak up. I’m old and can’t hear your timid little whispers,” he said looking at me. “Can you clean?” I nodded my head yes. I’ve been doing it all my life. “What about cooking? Can you do that?” he asked. Again, I nodded.

“Good. Job found. I’ve needed a housekeeper ever since my wife passed away last year. Just can’t make it up and down these stairs like I used to. My cook is also on vacation for a couple months. Having a baby or some nonsense. So, you think you can handle it? Can you start today?”

I beamed at him nodding my head enthusiastically. I never imagined I would get this lucky. Maybe this will be better for me.

After accepting the job, Mr. Greyback, took me to his office to fill out some papers. He explained how the Inn worked and what he expected of me. I only had to help him 5 and a half days a week. I would get 1 full day and a half day each week for myself. He also agreed to pay me a salary that I was sure I could use to find a place with.

The best part was my meals would be provided from the kitchen each day. I had assured him that I really don’t need much food and he gave me a snort of disagreement. He informed me that I would need to put some meat on my bones in order to keep up around here. Being a human, he couldn’t understand that this Inn with 15 rooms, one occupied by me, was much smaller than the pack house I had already worked in my whole life.

After taking a tour and getting to know the Inn as well as getting a list of my duties, Mr. Greyback told me to go into town and get some clothes for working and a proper jacket. I thanked him and went to explore the town. I found a small thrift shop that I was able to purchase a couple sets of clothes for working around the Inn, a pair of pajamas, a jacket, a pair of decent shoes and one nice outfit for only a very small amount of Liam’s money.

After finding clothes, I passed by the library. I went in and was able to get myself a library card and a couple of study books. I would figure out how to finish school. I took the books and clothes back to the Inn.

Today was a good day, but when I closed the door to my room, I had to face my reality again. Liam rejected me. It felt like there was a hole where my heart should be. I sat on the bed with my arms wrapped around myself. I almost felt cold. Like a part of me was missing.

There was a knock on the door. I got up, opening the door to Mr. Greyback standing there with a tray in his hand.

“Here girly. Eat something. Breakfast gets served at 8am so make sure you’re ready,” he said handing me the tray. It had a peanut butter sandwich, an apple, and a glass of milk on it.

I smiled at him, ” Thank you.”

I sat down and ate the food gratefully. I changed into my new pajamas and climbed into bed. I laid there holding myself. This bed was much bigger and more comfortable than I was used to. But I still felt cold and achy. After 30 minutes of staring at the ceiling, I got up and went to the desk. I ran my hand over the sweatshirt. It was worn in but still soft.

I sighed and pulled it over my head. I immediately felt better. It was warm and soft. Liam’s scent surrounded me as I took a deep breath. The ache didn’t completely go away but it was just a little better. I laid down in the bed drifting off into a dreamless slumber. Maybe, just maybe, this won’t be as bad as I feared.

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