His Promise: A Dark Mafia Romance (His Possession Trilogy Book 1)

His Promise: A Dark Mafia Romance: Chapter 13

Iwent into work with my face flaming and my heart beating a staccato rhythm in my chest, half excited and half terrified that Enzo would be there. I was embarrassed by my behavior on the phone the night before. I’d been sound asleep when Enzo had called, dreaming of something I couldn’t remember the moment I answered the phone and heard his voice. He’d sounded different somehow. Still as bossy as usual, but also like he…needed me. There’d been something raw and desperate in his voice, and I couldn’t help but respond to it.

So I did as he told me and closed my eyes, imagining it was Enzo’s hands touching me and not my own…I’d never come so fast in my life. But it wasn’t the phone sex I was embarrassed about. It was what I’d said when it was over about how I wished he’d been there. It was stupid of me to say it out loud. I shouldn’t have opened myself up that way. That being said, I thought for sure he would make an appearance tonight.

But he wasn’t at the club when I arrived. Nor was he there when I got off of break. I took a deep breath for the first time all night and felt some of the tension leave my shoulders. I was way too nervous about seeing him again. That phone call last night…it was different from the night he’d shoved his cock in my face. And I wasn’t talking about consent. Even over the phone, the intimacy was strange to me. It left me with an unfamiliar feeling of connection to another person for the first time in my life. But at the same time, I felt way too vulnerable. And saying things that, although truly felt at the time, I never should’ve voiced out loud.

‘Hey, sweetheart! Can I get another drink?’

I glanced up from the table I was clearing to see a man who was sitting with a friend, holding up an empty glass. He wasn’t in my section, but I went over to see what he needed anyway. Customers got what they wanted around here, and if he wanted me to get him another drink, that’s what I had to do until his server reappeared.

Balancing the dirty dishes and napkins on my tray, I went over to his table with a smile on my face. ‘Of course!’ I told him brightly. ‘What are you drinking?’

Eyes on my cleavage, he said, ‘Scotch. Neat. And make sure it’s top shelf. Not the cheap crap.’

My smile never wavered. ‘Absolutely.’ Turning my attention to his friend, I asked, ‘What about you? Would you like anything?’

He shook his head, his eyes never leaving one of the women sitting at the bar. ‘I’m good. Thanks.’

‘Alright, I’ll be right back with your scotch,’ I told the first man.

‘Hey, wait a minute.’

I shifted the heavy tray so most of the weight was on my other hand. My arms were beginning to ache. ‘Did you change your mind?’

He shook his head, and I felt the back of his fingers brush the bare skin on my leg right above the stocking. ‘No. But I think I’d like to add to my order.’

I shifted away from him, but kept my smile firmly in place. ‘Sure. What else would you like?’

‘You. Sitting on my cock for the rest of the night.’

I wasn’t shocked by his request. I’d known immediately by the way he was looking at me that this one would be a handful. ‘Sorry, I’m not on the menu,’ I told him. ‘I’m just a server. However, there are quite a few lovely ladies over by the bar who I’m sure would love to be your date tonight.’

His expression grew hard. ‘I don’t want them. I want you.’ Fast as a snake, his hand shot out and went up under my skirt. He wrapped it around the inside of my thigh, brushing against my panties, his fingers digging hard into my flesh.

This wasn’t the first time I’d been in this situation, but it was definitely the first time anyone had grabbed me by the leg. Smart of him, though, being that I had a heavy tray in my hands with empty glasses piled on it. ‘Sir, you need to remove your hand. I’m sorry, but I’m not for sale. My job is to serve you drinks. That’s it. However, if you’d like me to, I will happily introduce you to one of the ladies here who are not waiting on tables.’

The entire time I was talking, his hand had been caressing the inside of my thigh. And now his thumb began to wander, pressing against my perineum over my ruffled panties as he searched for an entrance to my body. I jumped and tried to pull away, but he only gripped my thigh tighter. I felt his nails digging into my skin. ‘Let me go,’ I said loudly in a firm voice. Glancing around, I looked for the new security guard, but he was nowhere to be found.

‘Tell me what time you get off, little girl, and I’ll let you get back to your tables.’

I tried to catch the attention of the other man to see if he would help me before I was forced to make a scene, but he was ignoring us completely, his eyes on a redhead in a black sequined dress.

Alright then, scene it was.

I was just lifting my full tray to send it crashing into his lap when it was grabbed out of my hands. Startled, I swung my head around to find the new security guy beside me.

He set the tray down on the table, then very purposefully looked at the man whose hand was still up my dress and pushed his jacket back from his hip, revealing the pistol on his hip. ‘Remove your hand from the lady,’ he ordered. ‘Now.’

Although he never raised his voice, his meaning was clear. The man at the table smirked, his eyes going from the security guard to the gun. After a moment, he let go of my leg as quickly as he’d grabbed it. As soon as he released me, I took a few steps back, placing myself well out of his reach.

The man at the table put both hands in the air and smiled. ‘Hey now, no need for all this. I was just trying to ask for a date, is all.’

‘Sera is not for sale,’ the guard told him. ‘Nor is she available for a ‘date’ of any kind. I strongly suggest you look elsewhere.’ He picked up my tray and handed it to me.

‘Thank you,’ I told him.

He gave me a nod and held out his arm, indicating for me to go before him. With one last warning look for the man at the table, he escorted me over to the bar. ‘I apologize, I didn’t see what was happening sooner. I was in the restroom.’

‘Oh, that’s okay,’ I assured him. ‘You can’t watch everyone all the time.’

The guard frowned. ‘I think you misunderstand. I’m only here to watch over you, miss.’

I’d been going through my tickets, but when he said that, I froze and looked up at him. ‘What?’

‘I’m here for you,’ he repeated. ‘To protect you. Did Mr. Delligatti not tell you?’

‘No,’ I told him. ‘He didn’t.’

A smile teased the corner of his mouth, and I realized that he wasn’t a bad looking guy. He actually reminded me a little of a larger version of Jason Statham. ‘Well, now you know. And again, I apologize for not being there sooner.’

I just nodded, not sure how to feel about what he’d just told me.

The rest of the night went by quickly and without incident. I made decent tips, and the man with the hands didn’t so much as look my way the rest of the night. Jade was still out when I got home, so I grabbed my nightclothes and went into her bathroom to take a shower. My thigh hurt where that guy had grabbed me, so I put one foot up on the counter and tried to see the damage in the mirror over the sink. There was a hand-sized red print on my skin, a little darker where his fingertips dug into me with a couple of crescent-shaped cuts from his nails. I cursed him and all men as I saw the marks he’d left on me. That was probably going to leave a few bruises.

I washed my leg really well in the shower and put some antibiotic ointment on the small cuts when I got out. God knows what could’ve been under his nails.

Exhausted, I crawled into the bed I’d made on the couch, leaving the phone Enzo had given me on the coffee table. A minute later, I rolled over, picked it up, and turned it off. He could do without me for one night. Besides, last night was the first time he’d called me in the middle of the night like that. What were the chances that he’d do it again?

When I woke up, there was a message on my phone.

I want to see you touch yourself.

Followed by:


My body came instantly awake even as I frowned in confusion. Was he just letting me know, or was he requesting a video or something?

I’m here. I was sleeping.

He’d sent the message a few hours before. While I waited for him to respond, I snuck into Jade’s bathroom to pee and brush my teeth, since I’d left my toothbrush in there the night before, leaving the phone on the coffee table so it didn’t go off and wake her. She was snoring lightly, lying on her back with a black satin eye cover over her eyes and one boob precariously close to falling out of the black silk nightgown she was wearing. Closing the bedroom door behind me, I tiptoed to the kitchen to get some coffee, grabbing the phone again as I passed. I’d have to wake her up in an hour so we could get something to eat and get ready for work. It buzzed in my hand.

Did you not hear the phone?

I almost told him, no, I’d shut the damn thing off. But I didn’t think he’d appreciate that comment. However, I refused to apologize for sleeping. So I just said,

No, I didn’t. I was exhausted.

There was a long pause. Then,

I still want to see you touch yourself.

Still feeling that little kick of rebellion, I answered,

I guess you’ll just have to wait until I see you again.

Feeling quite proud of myself, I left the phone on the counter and started making some coffee. When it pinged with a new text message, I didn’t run over there right away, but waited until I had my drink in my hands.

I’ll see you tonight. Pack a change of clothes.

See me. Not call me. Not text me. My eyes went wide. Shit. That didn’t go the way I thought it would.

Tonight? I have to work.

I know.

He probably did. It wouldn’t surprise me if he received a copy of my schedule every week.

What if I have plans?

It took a minute to get his reply.

Change them. I have to go. I’ll see you tonight, Sera. Don’t forget to pack a bag.

Just like that. I took a deep breath, bracing myself for the night to come. It was time for me to hold up my end of our bargain up close and personal. My stomach tightened with nerves and, I had to admit, excitement. But surprisingly, no fear.

After tonight, I would no longer be a virgin.

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