His Only Rose Novel by Demiah13

Chapter 1

Rose’s pov

The noise from the television blasted through the quiet area. I leaned back on the sofa, kicking my feet up on the table before me. My gaze focuses on the film that was playing on the screen.

“Oh gosh!” Lily shrieks when a man with special effects and a mask shows up on the TV screen. His grin sinister as he stares into the souls of the viewers. I rolled my eyes and let out a yawn. This shit isn’t scary.

We had planned to spend the day together but since Noel was on a date with Arthur, it was only us two. She usually was so caught up with Asher that she barely gets the time to come by. Not that I was complaining, it was so nice to see her finally happy.

I turned my head to stare at her, the warm fuzzy light pink blanket was sprawled on her round stomach and I watched amazed when the baby kicked so hard that it looked like she was ready to tear out of her flesh.

“Lily I don’t think the baby likes horror films, should I put on Naruto?” I asked and stretched out my hands to place my palm on her stomach. I feel a slight push on my hand and my lips split in a smile at feeling her kick at my hands.

Lily giggles causing the movement to vibrate through my hand. “You’re only saying that because you hate watching horror and you’re looking for an excuse to watch anime.” She speaks but doesn’t spare me a glance as she stays entranced by the screen before her.

I sighed, she was right. I retracted my hands and shove it into the popcorn filled bowl that was placed between us. I grab a handful of popcorn and stuffed my mouth with it. I chewed onto the salty yet sweet snack and forced my eyes to stay on the television.

She had put the movie on, but yet I still didn’t know the name of it. I was a lost cause. I looked at the so-called scary man and cringed. His acting skills were top notch, I was being sarcastic.

“Seriously Lily I don’t think it’s a good idea to watch something scary. You’re in your last trimester and only have two days until your due date. What if this makes you go into labor?” I asked, concerned. She was really jumpy and I seriously do not know how to handle a woman that’s in labor.

She lets out a snort before screaming very high pitched. I flinched away and looked at her stunned. I stumbled off the couch and stared at her in alarm. “What’s wrong, are you hurt, is the baby okay?” I asked her in a rush, coming to kneel before her. I placed my hand on either side of her thighs and looked for any signs of discomfort or pain.

She looks at me and giggles before wiping the tears that leaked out onto her cheeks. “Sorry Rose, I’m fine. Was just a little spooked by the scary man on the tv that’s all.” She breathes out, places her hands on her stomach and starts rubbing it soothingly.

My nostrils flared as I let out an irritated breath. I stood up and flopped back on the couch. My hands folded as I glared at the television. This was supposed to be fun and relaxing.

I had missed spending time with her. Not only was she always tired because of the pregnancy but I was always so busy with online classes. Today was the only day we could spend time together without caring about anything other than the two of us.

But here I was, watching a scary movie that wasn’t so scary and having to keep an eye out on her, fearful that she would go into labor. She pushes herself more into the couch and brings the blanket up to her chin.

Her eyes darted between the screen and the empty hallway that dims from the now darkening of the sky. It was getting late and I was sure that any second now Asher would come to check on her. It was beautiful to see the raw love that was shared between those two.

At the thought, Lily’s phone dings letting her know that she received a message. She flinches before retrieving the phone from under the blanket. A smile lights up on her face as she reads whatever the person had sent. Seconds later and her cheeks are stained with a shade of red.

I lean over just to take a peek at whoever that had seemed to make her blush and elated. My eyes scanned the text and I cringed when I read the very inappropriate words Asher had sent. I lean away quickly wishing that I could scrub off the words I had just read, out of my head.

“Is it Asher?” I questioned even though I already knew.

The light blush deepens on her cheeks and she nods. “Yes, he’ll be coming to pick me up in ten more minutes.” She says softly before placing her phone down beside her.

I snort, knowing fully well why he was coming to pick her up so early. “Asher can’t seem to stay away from you for long.” I pointed out, staring at the screen blankly.

She lets out a soft laugh and in my peripheral vision I could see her lift a hand to push back some of the strands that had fallen on her face. Her hair had already gotten back to her original color and had grown a good bit of inches in those past few months.

“He’s still a bit protective from what had happened, he still blames himself for not reaching in time to stop them.” Her voice is so quiet that I barely heard.

My heart ached knowing what she was talking about. I still couldn’t believe how evil hearted some humans could be, especially to their own kind, it was unbelievably disgusting.

“I wish I had tried to stop you from going, Lily. I can’t help but think that it was partly my fault. I had a gut feeling that something was wrong, yet I made you go straight to danger.” I whispered feeling my throat tighten from recalling the memory.

It had happened seven months ago yet it felt like it was just a few days ago. I remember the feeling of dread and fear when I had gotten the call from Asher notifying me that Lily was in the hospital.

I thought I had lost my best friend that day and nearly teamed up with Noel to try and break into jail to kill Margaret and Shelly. But when Asher said she was fine and just needed stitches all I could feel was relief as Noel and I rushed to the hospital they were in.

“It’s not your fault Rose, If anything it was mine, I was too naive back then. Always wanting to please everyone but now I’m only looking out for those who care about me and the life I’m now growing in my stomach.” She says and places a hand on her stomach.

I turn towards her and watch how a very pretty smile stretches on her face, the corner of her eyes crinkling because of how wide her smile was. She looked radiant and glowing, it really was a pleasant sight.

I was about to respond to her when the front door of the apartment opens then slams shut, hard. The door shudders on its hinges as Noel storms in. I tear my eyes away from Lily as I watch my twin brother seethe as he walks to the hallway. Something was wrong.

“What’s wrong Noel?” I asked, stopping him. He halts, back now tensed as he turns around slowly. He must’ve just noticed we were here and cast his gaze down. Lily straightens staring at Noel in worry.

He slowly lifts his head, his eyes now red rimmed and cheeks puffy. He lifts his hand to brush away the fallen tears on his cheek and draws in a sharp breath. “Arthur and I broke up.” He croaks.

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