His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 9

Chapter 3376
Three hours later, Hamid's scouts sent word that the government troops had begun to retreat.
Most of the infantry had left one after another in vehicles, and the original artillery and armored vehicles had also withdrawn to the capital, leaving only some
soldiers to pack up tents, portable shelters, and other supplies.
And at this time, Hamid's adjutant came to report, claiming that a helicopter was approaching the base.
Hamid knew that this must be Sayid coming to sign the armistice agreement, so he instructed his adjutant to bring it directly to his command after the other party
Soon, a few soldiers brought both Sayid and Walter to the command headquarters.
When he saw Charlie, the first thing Sayid did was to bow respectfully and said, "Master Wade, I'm really sorry for keeping you waiting!"
Charlie smiled faintly: "It's okay, how is the situation on your side?"
Saiyid said: "Most of the officers of the Cataclysmic Front have confessed, we have fixed a large amount of evidence, and are
now handing over to news agencies to edit the evidence, which will be sent out to the world later."
Saying that, he hurriedly took out a thick pile of A4 paper and handed it to Charlie, respectfully saying, "Master Wade, this is
Walter's confession."
Charlie took the thick pile of papers and did not rush to open it immediately, but asked him, "Sayid, did you bring the truce
"Yes!" Sayid hurriedly took out another document, handed one to Charlie and another to Hamid, and spoke, "This is the template
of our armistice agreement." "Commander Hamid can read it first, Master Wade does not understand Arabic, let me explain it to
you verbally."
Charlie nodded and said casually, "Okay, you can talk about it."
Sayid was busy saying, "First of all, I personally, as well as my leaders, are very grateful to Master Wade, you not only saved me,
but also our country."
Charlie waved his hand, "It's just a matter of raising your hand."

Sayid said gratefully, "Because of our gratitude to you, Master Wade, we have basically no requirements listed in this armistice
"As long as Commander Hamid also agrees to a ceasefire, both of us will immediately enter into an indefinite ceasefire, and we
will also explicitly prohibit our soldiers and weapons vehicles from entering within a 30-kilometer radius of Commander Hamid's
"And later he can continue to develop and expand, and we will not interfere."
Saying that, Sayid added: "Of course, while we respect Commander Hamid, we also hope that he will not take the initiative to
attack us again."
"And if he can manage not to make a move against us, then we will never wage war against Commander Hamid, and both sides
will develop peacefully and not violate each other!"
Charlie knew that it was impossible for these two very different forces to achieve permanent peaceful coexistence.
However, as long as he could lift the status quo of Hamid being surrounded now, it would make it much easier for him and give
him more time and energy to improve his own strength.
This way, even if he fights again in the future, he can have more initiative.
He then asked Hamid, "Commander Hamid, do you have any comments?"
Hamid naturally shook his head repeatedly and stated, "I have no opinion!"
Charlie nodded, then said, "Since both have no opinion, then it's settled, you guys just sign it."
The two people said in unison, "Okay!"
Charlie took advantage of the work of the two people ready to sign, by hand, flipped through Walter's transcript.
At first, he did not think there was anything strange, but did not expect, the contents of this, the more he read, the more alarmed!

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