His Mistreated Mate

Chapter 4

"Yes, I have a fucking problem," Alistair roared loudly, running towards us before leaping in the air towards Marii, and quickly shifting back into his wolf, his fangs exposed.

Before I knew it, there were two wolves now circling one another angrily on the grass. Alistair had turned back into his large brown wolf with thick shaggy fur, while Marii had turned back into her own silver wolf with sleek shiny fur. All around them, the warriors, one by one, turned back into their wolves, just in case they had to separate their Luna and the Beta.

"What is the matter Alistair?" Marii growled loudly, her voice oddly calm while filling our heads as she used the mindlink. "Come on. Be a man. Do tell us!"

"My problem is you Marii," Alistair snarled, snapping his jaws furiously. "How dare you go against my orders and bring that thing here! You know what happened last time! I am second in command of this Pack, and this is how you treat me, by defying my orders!"

"I think you forget your place Alistair!" Marii roared angrily, while still keeping her head low and circling Alistair threateningly, snapping her jaws angrily while her eyes glowed a fiery orange. "You may be the Beta and my second in command, but I am the Luna! I still out rank you! My husband is the Alpha for this Pack and while he is gone, you answer to me! I take orders from no one! I was born to lead!"

"I do not!" boomed Alistair threateningly while snarling viciously. "That pup is a threat to our Pack, and you have allowed her to come into our home where she could be secretly plotting to kill us all! Get out of my way and let me finish her, like I should have done earlier!"

"Alistair, take it easy man," Jenson whined while shooting me an apologetic wolfy look. "Give her a chance!"

"Never!" roared Alistair, who was now licking his lips hungrily. "I will finish this once and for all, like any of you will be able to stop me!"

I shrank back against the ground as Alistair leapt up high in the air, fangs exposed, aiming for me. As quick as a flash, Marii jumped up and sunk her teeth into Alistair's body who filled the air with an ear deafening shriek. Alistair's wolf was significantly larger than Marii's, but he was slower, while Marii was quick and nimble, and she really could pack a punch. She made light effort of flinging Alistair's body away from me and sending him crashing into the wooden picnic benches, shattering them instantly. The warriors quickly moved out of the way and promptly lay low to the floor, pinning back their ears and submitting to their Luna while whining loudly. Alistair's wolf lay on the floor, writhing and shaking around in pain and whimpering loudly. Slowly, he stood up and shook off bits of wood and debris from his fur as he limped towards Marii, still snarling angrily.

"You leave this pup alone!" Marii threatened loudly. "She has a place in this Pack now and she works for me now! She gets our protection just like everyone else. Do I make myself clear!? You hurt her and I swear to god I'll make your life a living misery!"

"What makes her so special anyway?" growled Alistair angrily, clearly beginning to give in. "She could be a spy from the Eclipse Pack! She should die! We all know the Eclipse Pack wants to overthrow us!"

"Because Blake asked me to save her!" thundered Marii loudly. "My son will soon be your new Alpha and I suggest you start obeying his orders too! Show me your submission otherwise you will have to deal with both Blake and his father when they return! And I highly doubt Jonas will be impressed with your subordinance."

The wolves one by one, finally including Alistair, pressed their bodies low to the ground and murmured there approval towards their Luna. Marii immediately changed back into her human self once more as she glared furiously at Alistair's wolfy body trembling before her. Without saying a word, she beckoned me with one hand as I followed her in silence back up towards the house in awe. We quickly crossed a large stone patio, filled with comfy looking rattan garden furniture with brightly coloured cushions on them and glass tables. Large potted palms lined the edges, providing much needed shade from the burning sun above us. I paused briefly and turned back around to see Alistair now surrounded by the warriors who were making sure he was okay. Nervously, I turned back around and continued to walk through a large set of glass patio doors that led us in to a cool, clean kitchen. The white cupboards stood out against the cold black marble worktops and a large wooden table with many chairs sat at one end of the room, while I noticed a maid busying herself with food preparation in the kitchen.

"Welcome to the Packhouse, Libby," Marii finally said, smiling at me warmly. "Please, excuse Alistair. He can be a little, temperamental. He should leave you alone now, but any problems then please do come and tell me!"

"Oh, I don't want to step on anyone's tail," I began quickly shaking my head. "I'm not here to get anyone into trouble or cause any trouble."

"Don't be silly," Marii soothed before walking around towards another door, as I dutifully followed. "You are in our Pack now. We are all one here and we all look out for each other. When my husband goes away, Alistair can sometimes end up on a little power trip. Sometimes he needs re-teaching of his place. Come now. Let's get you looked at by the healers."

"Why does Alistair hate me so much?" I asked quietly. "What have I done that is so bad?"

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"Hey, listen!" Marii responded while cupping my face gently. "You've done nothing wrong. And I'm sure Alistair doesn't hate you. He is just a grumpy old man who doesn't like change or new wolves. He gets very protective over the Pack. Now, don't worry your pretty little head about him. Let's go."

I followed Marii out through the door and into a large lobby and straightaway, I noticed the massive marble staircase to the left of us with wrought copper banisters and a thick red carpet running down through the middle of the stairs. As I continued through the lobby, I looked up to see a massive silver chandelier that was dangling down from the ceiling. I noticed that the chandelier was adorned in crystals and diamonds, carefully engraved into the silver. There were enormous vases filled with elegant floral displays lining the walls, and the floors were polished to an inch of their lives as I could see my reflection as I walked over them. Somewhere, classical music was softly playing in the background. It was calming and set a relaxing mood, not that it was relaxing me, anyway. I felt on edge and anxious being in a strange place, surrounded by strange people who clearly didn't want me here. Silently, we ascended two flights of stairs before branching off down a small landing and coming to a stop before two large brown wooden doors that looked very heavy.

"This is the hospital wing," Marii explained, before pushing the heavy doors open to reveal a large white room, with several small rooms branching off of it. "Come on. Let's get you checked out."

We walked towards a desk where a smartly dressed woman in a white nurse's outfit was sat typing at a computer. She looked up as we approached and jumped in surprise at the sight of her Luna. Quickly, she stood up and bowed her head in respect.

"I need a healer to examine Libby, please Estelle," Marii ordered loudly. "I want to make sure she hasn't got any injuries and if she has, to get them treated. I want her cleaned up too!"

"Of course, Ma'am," Estelle nodded, while glancing briefly at me before pointing to a side room. "Room two is free. Take a seat in there and I'll get a healer be right with you."

Smiling nervously, I walked towards room two, with Marii following me and opened the door. It was a little hospital room filled with a hospital bed and table, a large squishy reclining chair in the corner and a sink and mirror. Making my way over to the bed, I gently sat down on the crisp white sheets while Marii sat in the chair and began observing me closely. Before she could say anything, the door to my room opened and tall older man with a grey beard and thin metal glasses walked in. He had a cheery look on his face as he smiled at me pleasantly before nodding his head towards Marii.

"Good afternoon ladies," the man said happily. "What can I do for you both? I'm healer Nicholson by the way. Pleased to meet you."

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"Mr Nicholson, thank you for coming to see us," Marii smiled sweetly. "I picked this young wolf pup up in the forests. She was being chased out of her pack by her stepmother and her boyfriend. I believe she has been abused both physically and sexually. I'd like her to be checked over in case there is any injuries that may need treating."

"Of course, Luna," the healer replied, before smiling at me carefully. "Here is a gown. Go and get changed then get on the bed and I'll take a look at you."

Nodding, I took the gown and carefully pulled the curtain around the bed for privacy. Wincing gingerly, I slowly and carefully peeled off my now filthy leggings and pulled my tatty grey t shirt above my head, leaving me in a pair of black panties and bra. As I gazed over my body, I eyed up the bruises and the scratches from the beating I had endured from Julianne. It was only know that I finally felt how battered and bruised my body was and how exhausted, mentally, emotionally and physically I now was. Carefully, I pulled the gown around me and clambered onto the bed waiting for the healer. A couple minutes later, the curtain was pulled back and the healer stood beside me with his clipboard. Gently, he lifted my arms up and examined them one by one before doing the same to my legs. He checked my back and stomach with his cold fingers and looked into my eyes and ears with a bright light. He placed a cold stethoscope on my chest and listened intently to my heart before gently pushing me back down onto the bed. I closed my eyes in shame and embarrassment as the healer quickly examined me below before covering me with a blanket. Sighing, he shook his head at Marii who looked at him worriedly.

"Well?" Marii asked impatiently. "What's the verdict on her?"

"Well, she has been through the mill a bit," he said sadly. "She has a good strong heartbeat, and all her vitals seem fine. Luckily, there's nothing broken or majorly damaged. Just cuts and bruises which will heal in time. She is slightly underweight, so I suggest she has a few good home cooked meals inside of her. I can confirm however, that the poor maid has been sexually assaulted and raped. I will prescribe her an emergency contraception to combat any unwanted pregnancy. I recommend plenty of rest and maybe a nice long hot soak in the bath. The poor thing looks exhausted!"

"Thank you, Mr Nicholson," Marii replied. "Thank you for taking time out of your day to check her over for me. Blake said there was something special about this one, hence why I rescued her."

"Hmm, yes,” replied the healer thoughtfully as he stroked his chin while looking at me intently. "I can definitely feel something about you Libby. I feel that good things are going to come to you. I wish I could tell you what those things are, but I can't. Just ride the storm through and you will soon find out. But you will be safe here. Now, go and get some rest!"

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