His Mistreated Mate

Chapter 1

Beep beep. Beep beep.

Groaning loudly, I rolled over and slapped my alarm off before rolling back over onto my back and squinted up towards the ceiling. Rubbing my eyes sleepily, I lay there and listened carefully for any signs of life around me. That was one of the best things about being a werewolf - our heightened sense of hearing. We could hear anyone's conversation up to five metres away, even through walls, doors, and floors.

From somewhere in the house, like every morning, I could hear raised voices yet again and as I strained my ears once more, I realised it was my Dad and Julianne having yet another heated discussion.

We had lived with Julianne and her daughter, Louisa, for just over a year now, but recently, the last two or three months or so, Dad and Julianne had been arguing. A lot. Julianne wasn't happy with the increased amount of time my Dad now spent at the packhouse, since being promoted to Gamma after the packs previous gamma had died in battle. Julianne was a healer wolf and she had heard that my Dad had become close to the Female Lead Warrior, Iona, which angered Julianne immensely. Dad always persistently denied any wrong doing with Iona and insisted any relationship they had was purely business and in the greater interest for the pack, but Julianne was having none of it. She was adamant that my Dad was having an affair, even though there wasn't a scrap of proof to back her claims.

Sighing, I swung my legs out of bed and began to make my way to the bathroom to get ready for school. Opening my bedroom door, I jumped in surprise to see Louisa, still dressed in her fluffy pyjamas, leaning over the banister, and gleefully listening to the commotion downstairs.

"What are you doing Louisa?" I snarled angrily. "Can't you just keep your nose out of other people's business for once?"

"Morning blondie,” she sang happily, ignoring my question. "Another glorious day, isn't it? And another day my Mum hates your Dad. With luck, she will throw you both out and I'll finally have my Mum all to myself again!" Louisa grinned before walking off to her bedroom and slamming the door behind her, making the house shake gently.

"I'd rather be anywhere right now than in this stupid house with you or your bloody Mother any day!" I muttered angrily before storming into the bathroom and out of sight.

I quickly walked over to the sink and began brushing my teeth and hair furiously while glaring angrily at my reflection. How dare she talk about me and my Dad like that! Snarling angrily, pushing the thoughts of my even angrier wolf towards the back of my mind, I rushed back to my room, still hearing snippets of angry conversation below me. I quickly grabbed some blue jeans and a black vest top off of my bedroom floor and quickly pulled them onto my body. Glancing in the mirror, I nodded approvingly and hurriedly grabbed my school bag before exiting the room. Just as I was about to leave the bedroom, I caught sight of myself in the mirror once more. Even a year on, I still had the same long white, blonde hair, and pale skin. My hair was no longer lank and limp, but voluminous and had a slight healthy shine to it. My nickname at the school was Ghost girl and all the kids would ask if anyone had seen a ghost when I walked by. I kind of hoped that now my Dad was third in command of our pack, the rest of the school kids would back off and leave me alone, but if anything, it only made me more noticeable. Pulling the bedroom door shut behind me, I marched downstairs to see what fresh hell was happening now.

"I thought you loved me, Paul!" screeched Julianne loudly, her eyes brimming with tears. "What has she got that I haven't?"

"I do love you, you silly cow! I wouldn't have married you otherwise!" my Dad protested loudly. "But I'm not going over this again Julianne! I'm not having an affair! There's nothing going on between me and Iona!" "I have been told that you have been seen getting close to her!" Julianne screeched loudly, slamming her hand loudly onto the table, making us all jump. "Have you kissed her? Have you slept with her!?"

"No! I have not kissed her!" My Dad yelled furiously, running his hand through his hair in exasperation. "I'm the Gamma for our pack, Jule. I train all of the warriors. Iona is one of the Lead warriors. I have to speak to her on a daily basis to train the other warriors!"

"Then why don't you show me any attention or affection anymore!" Julianne wept. "I can't remember the last time you ever made love to me. Is it because you still love Christine? She is dead Paul! She isn't coming back!"

"I know she is dead! You don't have to keep reminding me!" my Dad snapped back angrily, holding his hand up towards me to shush my angry growls. "Don't bring my dead Mate into this! I'm done with this! I'm going to work. I shall be back later and hopefully you will be in a better mood, and we will talk then!"

Dad walked towards me and hugged me tightly, gently kissing me on the head before whispering 'I love you' into my ear and then walking out of the back door, slamming it loudly behind him. I turned around and stared back at Julianne angrily, who was now drying her eyes with a tissue and staring calmly down at the floor. For someone who had just been on the verge of tears and shaking with rage moments earlier, she seemed pretty composed now. I watched as she walked towards the kitchen table and grabbed her phone before tapping out a brief message. Looking up at me, she smiled sweetly and pointed to her watch.

"Don't you think it's time you went to school Libby?" she simpered. "Don't want you being late now do we? Now run along and don't worry about your Dad. We will sort it out. We always do."

"What about Louisa?" I protested loudly, pointing towards the kitchen door. "She is upstairs still, and she's not even dressed yet! And what's going on with you two anyway? You're always arguing with Dad lately. And what's my Mother got to do with it?"

"Excuse me young lady! Who do you think you are? Don't you dare question me!" Julianne replied loudly, raising an eyebrow. "Louisa will be at school when she is ready. And it's about time you kept your nose out of mine and your Father's business if you know what is good for you! I know your Father still loves your Mother and if I'm totally honest, it sickens me. She is dead and gone and you two had better get used to that fact. Now get out of my house before I throw you out!"

Glaring at my stepmum angrily and in disgust, I grabbed my school bag off of the table and stormed out of the kitchen and through the back door, slamming it loudly behind me, just like my Dad had done moments earlier. Feeling furious at the way Julianne had just spoken to me, I stormed down the road and towards the school, which wasn't far. Streams of chattering voices soon filled the air and as I looked up, both sides of the road were filled with groups of chattering school kids. Keeping my head down, I tried to stay lowkey, but it wasn't long before the kids noticed me and began crowding around me, like flies around manure.

"Hey look, I've just seen a ghost!" one boy blurted out gleefully, running past me and pushing me roughly into a wall. "Ahh, I'm so scared! Someone help me!"

"Why are you so pale Libby? Have you seen a ghost?" another girl piped up loudly, before pulling on my hair sharply and yanking my head towards her. "What's wrong with you?"

"She is weird, that's what is wrong with her!" another boy hollered out loudly. "Wouldn't think her Father was the Gamma for our pack. Look how weak and pathetic she is! No wonder her Mum killed herself, having a daughter like that! I'd be so ashamed!"

Before I knew it, I felt hands roughly shove me from behind and I fell to the pavement in a heap, listening to the laughs and bellows of the school kids above me. Holding back the tears, I stood up and brushed myself down. I could feel a bubbling anger surging through me and from out of the blue, a loud growl echoed from my mouth. My senses awakened and I could feel my canines sprouting from my gums. Bright colours and auras burst infront of my eyes like mini fireworks and everyone's voice became louder and clearer while my nose filled hungrily with the surrounding scents around me.* Let me have them Libby! Let me take them on! They want a fight, they've got one! my wolf snarled furiously.


"Don't you dare talk about my Mother like that!" I roared angrily, baring my now exposed fangs to the amusement of my tormentors. "Leave me alone. I've done nothing to you! For months and months, I've let you pick on me and now I've had enough!"

"Ahh, look you trying to fight back," a skinny brunette girl sneered. "It's actually quite cute really. But you are weak and pathetic. Look at you! You don't belong here! You don't fit in! Pity it wasn't you that committed suicide! No one wants you here!"

Before I knew it, my wolf, Mya, had taken over and was now stood, in the middle of the street, in her true form, snarling at the bemused students. With one sudden leap, Mya pounced at the girl and knocked her flying to the ground. Just as Mya was about to strike at the girl with a clawed paw, I managed to regain control and bring myself back into human form. Shocked, and shaken, I looked down at the now petrified girl and extended a hand towards her.

If you're loving the book, nel5s.org is where the adventure continues. Join us for the complete experience all for free. The next chapter is eagerly waiting for you! "Olivia, I am so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. I've never wolfed out like that before," I stammered. "Are you okay?"

"Somebody get her and teach her a lesson!" someone shouted loudly before Olivia could respond. "How dare she growl at us and try to attack us!"

Grabbing my bag, I tried to run away but the group of kids moved in closer towards me, blocking my escape route. Gulping nervously, I glanced around at the faces hoping to see at least one friendly face. But to my dismay, all the faces glared back at me angrily. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain which didn't take long. Several hands clawed at my skin and painfully yanked at my hair. Slaps echoed off my body, leaving painful stinging spots on my skin. As quickly as the beating had started, it soon stopped, and I could hear the kids quickly running towards the school as the bell chimed loudly in the distance. The headteacher hated anyone being late for school and was quite fond of handing out punishments to offenders, however, I was always given a wide berth, even by the teachers. Picking myself up once more, I dusted myself off and weakly followed behind, dreading the rest of the school day.

I knew I was different because of the way I looked. All of the girls at the school either had luscious brown locks or golden blonde hair with sun-kissed tanned skin and bodies to die for. I did indeed look like a ghost with my white skin and white, blonde hair but I was glad to be different. All of the girls were desperate to find their Mates and always came into school with faces full of make-up and revealing outfits to try and entice the boys. Me, however, wasn't fussed about finding my Mate. I just wanted to survive and get school over and done with so that I could travel and explore new places.

Arriving at the school, I sighed loudly and trudged towards the building, desperate to get the day over and done with so that I could escape to the confinements of my bedroom. Walking down the now empty corridor, I made my way to my form room and pushed the door open. I must have looked a mess as some of the kids smirked as I walked into the room and sat down carefully at the only empty seat right at the front of the class. My tutor, Mr Anderson looked at me sympathetically before averting his gaze and carrying on with the register. Tucking a strand of loose hair behind my ear, I pulled some books out of my bag and began to get ready for another day of hell.


The school bell chimed loudly and as quick as a flash, I grabbed my bag and my books and hurried out of the classroom as fast as my legs could carry me. I ran down the empty corridor and out into the sunlight before I bumped into any of the other students. I didn't need to be attacked anymore today. My body was already tired and sore from the attack this morning and I couldn't wait to get home and be left alone. Finally turning into my estate, I glanced down the street and saw Julianne standing outside of her house, looking oddly calm and serene as she watched me walking towards her. I quickened my pace until I found myself standing infront of her. She stared down intently at me while her mouth curled into a wry smile.

"I'm sorry but I have some bad news to tell you," Julianne whispered slowly. "But your Father is dead!"

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