His Mission

Chapter Chapter Thirty - Mistake no 2.

4pm. The Arm's Pub. Leave Jake at home or else I won't tell you anything.
I read the text repeatedly, my eyes straining from not blinking. The words begin to blur on the screen and I sigh, leaning back
against the wall. The time reads 3:58 and I'm stood outside The Arm's Pub, already regretting my decision.
"It's not too late to turn back." I mutter under my breath, closing my eyes for a brief moment. How else can I get the answers I so
badly crave? This is my life and my identity that Jones is playing with. I need the answers and he's the only person that is willing
to give them to me.
I agreed to meet him at a public place however it came with one condition. . . he chose the location. Gangs of hooded figures
litter the street corners, looking dangerous and intimidating. Town folk tend to avoid this area like the plague.
Loud drunken shouts can be heard coming from behind the glass doors, aggressive and booze filled. The win- dows that once
were clean and now a murky brown, streaked with inch thick dirt. Broken glass is scattered across the floor and I grimace,
stepping around it.
My hand wraps around my phone tightly and the other clutches the handle of the small knife inside my jacket pocket. It's for my
protection but the thought of possibly having to use it scares the living crap out of me.
I'm not a violent person but the situation I find myself in requires me to be brave and firm. I don't feel
brave or firm. Cold harsh winds whip around me and even though it's late afternoon, darkness fills the sky. The street lamps light
up, illuminating objects with a creepy shadow.
I shiver at the icy breeze that surrounds me and I wrap my black leather jacket around me tighter, hands trem- bling. I stand in
front of the door, building up the courage to push it open and take the first step inside.
You can do this Emily, you only have to speak to him for a few minutes, get the answers you need and leave.
I silently wish Jake was by my side but I also didn't want to risk his safety. Jones specifically asked for me to leave Jake at home
and I hate lying to him about where I'm going. I told him I'd be shopping with Trish and that could take up to a few hours. With
Trish it usually does. The idea of Trish buying everything that came into her sight sounds more appealing than meeting with
Jones. I inhale sharply before wrapping my hand around the dirty handle and stepping inside.
The first thing that hits me is the repugnant scent filling the air. The entire place reeks of stale beer, smoke and sweat. My
stomach that'a already in knots starts doing frickin' gymnastics inside my body.

The pub is busy with crowds of men, clutching glass beers in their hand. A football match is playing on the large screen in the
corner and a group of middle aged men are screaming profanities at it, drinks spilling over the side of the glass with their
annoyance. No-one notices me at first but as I take a few more steps inside, the noise level quietens and heads turn in my
direction. I drop my gaze to the floor, nerves building up quickly as I head for a booth at the back.
Disgusting comments and sniggers are thrown my way as I make a beeline for the table, legs shaking underneath my weight.
The crowds and their intense stare terrify me but I try to ignore their scrutinising gaze. I take a seat, breathing a sigh of relief.
I'm guessing not many teenage girl's walk into this pub. . .
My hair falls around my shoulders and I gladly hid behind it, now realising the mistake of sitting where I was. I can't see the door
meaning I can't keep an eye out for DC Jones.
"God, I'm an idiot," I mumble at myself, standing back up and walking around to the opposite side of the table. I'm just about
settling down when a dark figure slides in opposite me, sitting in the spot I was in mere seconds ago.
"How are you darling? How about you and I have a drink?" He slurs, leering at my chest and signalling at the bar.
Numerous eyes are watching us and I shake my head, my eyes scanning over him. He clutches at a bottle of cider and looked
as pissed as a parrot. His face is covered in week old facial hair and I grimace at the sight of his stain covered clothes that are
stale and sweaty. I force a small smile onto my face, responding to his question.
"No thank you, I'm okay for now."
He chuckles quietly at my response and his hand shoots out quickly, taking hold of my arm. His grip is cold, the contact between
us making my skin crawl. I glance down at it, gritting my teeth at the sight of his dirty hand on mine. "Let go of me."
My voice is strong and calm and even I'm impressed with the tone I use. His top lip curls up intimidatingly but his hold tightens
further. I let out a low hiss under my breath, my face emotionless as I attempt to yank his hand o me. He leans closer, his breath
laced with alcohol.
"When I oer you a drink, you should take it." He whisper, sick humour lining his voice.
"I would but I'd probably catch a disease. Let me go." I shoot back at him, narrowing my eyes. I lean back further into the seat,
trying to put as much distance between us as I can. From the corner of my eye, I catch sight of Jones and almost stop breathing.

His hood is pulled over his head and he wore a dark jacket followed by some jet black jeans. His stance screamed authority and
everyone else in the pub seemed to have quietened down and spoke in hushed whispers around him.
There's no mistaking his piercing eyes, they burn brightly like a blue flame. His jaw is clenched tightly as he takes a step forward.
I'd completely forgotten about the man opposite me, unable to tear my eyes o DC Jones. I watch him like a hawk. He stops as
he stands behind the man, looking down at him and tilting his head slightly. My throat dries up, sucking all the moisture out of my
mouth and a drink definitely sounds appealing right now.
The man that has hold of my wrist is completely unaware of the figure stood over him and continues to leer at me, his presence
making my skin crawl. Jones' hand shot out and he places it on the mans shoulder whose head im- mediately snaps to it, before
glancing at his face.
As he meets eyes with Jones, he immediately drops his hold on my wrist and I clutch it towards my body, thankful to have his
dirty paws o me. The man's face immediately pales and he stands to his feet, staggering over slight- ly. He looks like he's seen
a ghost.
"I am s-so sorry." He apologises, taking a few steps back away from Jones. He's shorter than him by a fair few inches and Jones
looms over him like an authoritative giant. The man appears terrified and cowers a little, back- ing up into the wall behind him. I
scoot as far away into the wall as I can, wishing I could find a way to make a run for it without having to pass Jones.
I watch silently, my hands trembling in my lap as DC Jones takes a few steps towards the petrified man and grabs him by the
scru of his neck. The man instantly shut his eyes as if expecting a blow to his face, something I recognised from my time living
with Trevor.
"Please! I didn't do anything, I wasn't touching her, I swear!" He pleads, his eyes growing wide with terror. DC Jones remains
silent, blue flames burning holes into the man's face. His lips curl up into a smirk as he enjoys the
reaction he's getting from his victim. He slowly brings his face towards the man's ear and whispers, loud enough for me to hear.
"If you touch her again, I'll tear o your limbs one by one. Do you understand?"
His words sent icy shivers pulsing throughout my whole body and my face drained of any colour remaining. If I thought I was
shaking before, it was nothing compared to the chills in my body now. The man whimpered in his arms and nodded profusely
before DC Jones released him, causing him to fall hard onto the floor. He immediately scurried to his feet and fled straight out of
the pub, leaving his unfinished drink behind on the table in front of me.

Jones shook o his hands and smiled chillingly at my pale face, knowing his words scared the living crap out of me. He took a
seat opposite me where the slob previously sat and moved the drink out of the way before looking straight at me, his eyes
confident and gleaming.
"Emily, you came." Jones smiles, signalling for the bartender to come over to our table. The women immediately scurried over,
smiling tightly at me before waiting for Jones to speak to her. I nod, still not able to speak due to how dry my throat is.
It seems like everybody in this pub is terrified of this man, including myself. I reach into my jacket and slowly take out my phone,
ready to text Jake if anything goes wrong. Thankfully Jones doesn't notice as he speaks to the bartender, ordering his drinks. I
fiddle with my phone in my hands underneath the table and I'm grateful for the small device that reassures my nerves. The feel
of the knife in my pocket reminds me I have some sort of safety and I blow out a breath, composing myself.
Jones brings his attention back to me once he's finished with the bartender and he places both hands on the ta- ble between us,
interlacing his fingers. His entire body language reminds me of a police ocer, confident and demanding. He cocks his head to
the side slightly and studied me silently before speaking again.
"You're scared of me, aren't you?"
I look up at him in disbelief. Isn't it obvious? His eyes flash with sadness before quickly masking them over with his signature
cold front. I drop my gaze, unable to look at him any longer than a few seconds.
"Can you blame me? The crazy texts. The stalking. What sane person does that?" I ask him, my voice surprisingly confident. I've
had enough, I need answers. The worst feeling is being left in the dark when it involves a man I love with all my heart. I need to
know what Jones knows about my family and my past.
"I want to ask you a few questions and you need to tell me the truth."
I want to lead this conversation, it's I who organised the meeting. DC Jones nods and signals for the bartender to leave without
so much as glancing at her.
She places a drink in front of him and an orange juice in front of me before hurrying o, her eyes trained on the floor. Jones picks
up his drink and takes a gulp before placing it back down and licking his lips. I do the same with mine, grateful for the cool juice
travelling down my throat. I feel instantly refreshed and place it back down onto the table.
"What do you want to know?" Jones asks me, his voice low and deep, laced with amusement. I clench my jaw at the sheer
cheek of this man.

"Who the hell are you to start o with?"
He is starting to anger me and I need some answers. My life seems to be one big messed up lie and the jigsaw was missing
pieces, too many pieces.
Jones chuckles deeply at my question before he leans back, interlacing his fingers once again. I notice a dragon's head tattoo
sneaking out from under his jacket on his wrist and he immediately pulled his sleeve down, keeping it hidden.
"You're not ready to know the answer to that question yet Emily. I will tell you soon though." I let out a sco, narrowing my eyes at
Is this man actually for real right now?
"I came here for answers! I don't want to play your games any longer." I spit back, wanting him to know I'm more than just a
scared vulnerable little girl that he can manipulate.
"Whoever you are, I won't let you treat me like this! I've spent most of my life being pushed around and I won't stand for it
anymore." I add, meaning every single word. Jones remains silent, listening intently before nodding. The corner of his lips turn
down into a straight line and his face becomes emotionless, hard as stone.
"You've finally grown a back bone."
I sit back, frowning as I study him. Why does he act like he's known me my entire life? "How long have you known me?" I ask
desperately, my mind a jumbled up, confused mess. "All your life."
His tone is blunt, dark eyes full of truth. My head reels from his answer and I lean backwards, finding it dicult to understand. I've
never seen him before, never laid eyes on this man up until a few months ago.
"You're lying!" I snap back, my words shaking as I didn't know whether he's telling true or not. Is he lying? He sounds so certain.
My head throbs and I rub at my temples with my fingers, feeling light headed and dizzy from the conversation. I desperately
search through my memories, trying to picture Jones' face again.
"You have to be lying," I whisper, shaking my head. My throat runs completely dry and I can feel my stomach twisting with knots.
The pounding in my head increases and I let out a small groan, my hands tightening around my phone.
I glance up to find DC Jones watching me, a small smile playing on his lips as my vision began to blur.

The noise in the pub intensifies and soon enough it feels like the music was blaring straight out from my head, each beat
stronger than the last. I groan again, my muscles instantly turning weak. My grasp on the phone loosens and it drops from my
hold, landing on the floor. My eyes flutter closed but Jones' grinning smile flashes through my mind.
"What did you do?" I choke out before blackness invited itself inside my head. My body slumps forward, slam- ming straight onto
the table in front of me. The glass shatters, piercing into my skin. Remnants of orange juice pours onto the floor and all that's left
in the bottom is a powdery white substance.
"Goodnight Emily."

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