His Mate, His Girlfriend by Sunshine Princess

Chapter 96


Talk With CC 

I couldn’t utter a word when I felt a sharp sting on my face. I was sure it would leave a mark. Her assistant gasped. 

I swallowed and spoke calmly to CC, ” I know what you think, but it is 

not true,” 

You disappoint me, Love. I thought you were better than this. You came back, took my grandson back to get engaged to that scourge, David Kofflin?!” 

She was fuming and didn’t hear a word I said to her. 

CC, calm down, please,” My voice was gentle. I had so much respect 

for her. 

How could you do this, Love,” she sighed deeply, touching her head in pain. I asked a servant to bring her some soothing tea. I took her to a salon. I sat across from her. She took a sip of her tea. 

Ellis regrets what he did. I saw him suffer for years while you were gone. He couldn’t do anything but work,” she said. I knew that Ellis went through a lot. He even became a drunk before he got clean. 

After that phase, he solely focused on expanding his company. 


It’s unfair that you did this to him. I think he has earned your 

forgiveness,” her voice was gentle. 


CC, I didn’t betray Ellis. I went out with David to break up with him 

but he surprised me by taking me to his house and proposing,” I 


I told CC everything that happened and promised to make things right 

with Ellis. 


I apologize for slapping you without knowing the full truth, Love. I 



was hurt when I thought you only wanted to hurt Ellis,” she said. I held her hand and gave her a small smile. 

“I understand. You love your grandchildren and hate to see them suffer,” I said. 

Thank you, dear. I hope you talk to Ellis. He was distraught in the morning,” she said. 

Where is he now?” I asked. 

He went to the pack. He needed to blow off,” she informed me. I 

nodded and escorted her to her car. She was about to enter the car 

when she stopped and looked back at me. 

Love, don’t trust Darlington. She is such a drama Queen and an actress. She goes to the country club telling everyone about her failing heart, but we all know it’s the attention she wants,” CC said. Was Darlington putting on a show for me? To nudge me into accepting her son? CC caressed my jaw gently. 

“You have such a kind heart, and I’m sure she used her sickness to push you to accept her penniless son,” she muttered, and my eyebrows creased. 

Penniless son?” I asked. 

Didn’t Ellis tell you what he found out about David?” she asked, stunned. I shook my head, and she shared a glance with her male assistant. CC was lost for words and smiled nervously. She was 

never one to be nervous. 

CC, tell me what’s going on with David,” I said sternly. From what I knew, the Kofflin were affluent. 

‘Well, dear. It’s not my place, but I don’t trust that family. They are in a pickle, especially that firstborn son of theirs. Let’s just say he has some bad habits,” that’s all she said, and refused to tell me more. She 

entered the car, and I watched as they drove away. I was left 

dumbfounded, her words resonating within me. 

If Ellis knew something about David, why didn’t he tell me anything? He mentioned once to me that he was having him investigated. Why didn’t Ellis tell me the truth about his findings? 

Because he loves you, and he thought it didn’t matter.’ 

I didn’t mind that David had no money, but why did he lie? And what did she mean by bad habits? Maybe CC was wrong. 

Has CC ever lied or been wrong about anything?’ Vee asked. 

I only sighed once I saw Luis come from the house. He touched my cheek and frowned. 

‘I’m sorry I wasn’t there to defend you from CC,” he said. I only smiled faintly at him. 

“You couldn’t even if you tried,” I chuckled. 

Oh, honey. I don’t fucking joke about you. I would defy anyone for you,” he said. I appreciated his friendship so much, and I was thankful to him all the days of my life. He had no idea how much he saved my life. 


She’s your future wife’s grandmother,” I sighed as we went to the car. I saw the beginning of a smile on his face. 

“Yeah,” I gasped when he agreed with me. I thought he’d keep it 

modest and fight me on my statement a little. 


You slept at her house, didn’t you,” I eyed him, and he smiled. A full 

blown smile that let his dimples show. I couldn’t help but smile, too. 


She’s heaven, Love. Sweet heaven and I want her,” 

I was happy he was embracing his new feelings for Zeyneb. They were perfect for each other. 


Where to?” he asked as he started the car. 

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I need to return a ring,” I said. I should have done it last night. I 

called David’s assistant and lied to him, telling him I had a surprise for him. He told me his location. David was at the country club. 

“Westwood Country Club,” 

Right in the playground of socialites,” Luis smirked. There was a glint of mischief in his eyes. 

Just what I was hoping for. I need to put David in his place,” I said as he started to drive. 

M Sunshine Princess Author 




+25 BONUS 

Country Club Scene 


I was mad as I made my way to the country club. David was in the lounge near the bar. Addressing a crowd of socialites. He was talking about the engagement and how it was. He told them I cried in happiness and how much I wanted this engagement. He even lied about the carats in the ring. Now that I looked at it properly, it couldn’t 

have been more than a ten-carat diamond. 


David, you’re now higher than us, my friend. Bagging Love Chasia has taken you to another level,” A man said, raising a glass to David. David nodded in agreement proudly like the others. I chose to listen quietly, not making my presence known immediately. 


Of course. I’m now the richest man in the club. What belongs to my fiancé is mine now,” he laughed. It was cringe. Did he want money from me? I thought back to CC’s words. I was hoping she was wrong. David was a Kofflin and one of the richest in the city as far as I knew. 

“You always pick them right. Love Chasia is an heiress to a billion- dollar empire,” another tall man added. He was one of David’s good friends, Charlie. He owned a shipping company. 

Of course. Not just anyone can join the Kofflin family. Their net worth needs to be high,” David beamed. I couldn’t believe I was 

hearing this from David’s lips. Is this how he talked to his friends? 

Was he pretending with me? I felt like I was looking at a stranger. 


But what about Ellis Carter? They went together to the gala, and they were quite cozy,” A petite lady said. She was from the Sue family, and were real estate moguls. 

“Oh, I saw them too. The press were going crazy about them,” another added. David laughed. 


+25 BONUS 

Ellis Carter is a loser and will do anything to keep Love. By the way, she told him she was in love with me. It was work-related, and besides, he ordered her to go with him,” he said. David was bashing Ellis as he talked to everyone. It was clear how threatened he was by Ellis that he would say horrible things about him, even without being provoked. I heard one ask about the twins. 

You must be threatened, David. We all know how much they were in 

love, and they have children together,” 

Oh yes, my lady has twins, and they love me more than Carter. His children don’t even know him, but that is a good thing because he would be a terrible father,” I almost scoffed at that blatant lie. Ellis 

was the best father to my children. 

Oh, my David. I wonder why you came back with her. Alpha Carter 

will always be a thorn,” another man sighed. 

‘Love and I plan to go back to New York soon. Our life there was so fulfilling and just wonderful.” 

I couldn’t listen any longer to what he was saying. I shared a glance at Luis, and he gave me an encouraging nod. I marched down to where he was. David looked shocked to see me but put on a 

rehearsed smile. There was a slight apprehension in his gaze. I didn’t waste any time before I slapped him across the face. Gaps erupted among the people, and they looked aghast. I glared at the man who 

was the center of attention. 

‘Why can’t you respect my wishes, David?!” I flared. He chuckled nervously and held my arm. 

“Babe, what are you doing? Can’t you see we are in public?” he 

whispered through gritted teeth in my ear. I pushed him from me. He was too close, and I didn’t want any of his scent that was mixed with liquor on me. 

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“Don’t babe me, David!” I snapped, ” I didn’t accept the engagement you tricked me into by using your ill mother, and you went to the press to lie about it!” 


I was frustrated with his cunning behavior. 

Love, we discussed this.” 

He was looking around. He didn’t want to be embarrassed after the stories he was saying to his friends. 

No, I told you how I felt, but you completely disregarded my feelings. 

I said it before, and I will say again, I won’t marry you,” I growled. Gaps erupted again, and I faced them. 

Oh, fucking shut up, don’t you have anything better to do than drink day?!” I erupted at them. I knew every one of these people here. They lived off their family’s money and titles. They all looked away, but none of them dared to move. 

Since you’re here, I’ll say it. I’m not marrying David,” I announced. I needed someone to take it to the press. I was patient with David. I couldn’t believe I even felt bad for leaving him. I turned and started to walk away when he grabbed my elbow, 

Let’s talk in private,” he hissed, his eyes glowing. Luis took steps towards us, his dangerous gaze on David. I shook my head, telling Luis to not do anything. I glared at David, and said to him slowly, 


You and I are over. There is no me and you. What is mine belongs to my children and only my children,” I said, looking at him in disgust. His face fell, and he knew instantly I heard what he was talking about with his friends. Since I was here, I decided to ask straight up, 

Are you broke, David? Are you using me to make your financial situation better?” 

He swallowed and looked at me as though I had stabbed him. 


+25 BONUS 

“No, I’m a fucking Kofflin, Love. I don’t need anyone’s money,” He lied. I could tell by the way his heart skyrocketed that he lied. I rolled my eyes and turned to leave. Everyone was shocked. I was never one to lose my cool like this and cause a scene. I was always a lady, no matter the situation, but I couldn’t help but burst. David took everything too far with his lies. He wanted money from me. They lost his family company to Ellis, and I’m sure his other businesses weren’t doing well either, and he thought marrying me would elevate his 

economic status. 

David is such a loser, and I’m glad you told him off in front of all those people, or else, he’d be spreading lies,” Luis said. 

I did what I did publicly, so there shouldn’t be a repeat of what happened this morning. Now, no false news will be spread about us. 

His phone rang, and he groaned. I knew he needed privacy to talk. I nodded as he went to another hallway. I felt a rough hand in my hair, and I was pushed against the wall. 

M Sunshine Princess Author 


Happy Thursday! 


+25 BONUS 


Confronting David 


David glared at me, “How dare you embarrass me like that?” he all but growled. 

How dare you grab me like that,” I seethed. 

“Love, do you fucking know how much this would damage my reputation? How can you even suggest I was broke, and I am after you for your inheritance?” 

“Was I wrong?” I retorted sharply. His eyes fell for a moment before they found mine again. I was right. Ellis and CC were right about him. 

He couldn’t be trusted. 

“Yes. My company might have been in trouble, but I will get it back,” he grounded. The jaw along his face clenched. 


How? With whose money, mine?” tilted my face. He didn’t answer me, and proceeded to say, 

“I care deeply for you, and you know it, Love. What happened, why are you acting like this?” 

“You tricked me into an engagement, leaked it to the press for 

publicity, and you wanted me to be pleasant? Well, I’m sorry if I’m not, “I hissed, pushing him away from me. With incredible speed, he 

pressed me back against the wall and caged me again. 


Love, if you don’t marry me and my mother dies, it will be your fault,” 

he said in my face. The man was ridiculous. He was desperate to keep me. I almost chuckled. I pushed him from me. 

“I don’t care, David. From what I saw, Darlin seems to exaggerate a tad for attention. Let’s see how she fares when she learns that we are 

+25 BONUS 

not getting married. If she dies, oh well, I guess I’ll send my condolences,” I shrugged, ” I won’t be forced into a marriage I do not 

want to make your mother comfortable. I owe her nothing,” 

I was now sure that Darlington was performing the day I visited them. David was mad. His lycan was close, but mine was too, ready for a 


“Love, I’m warning you to watch your words right now,” he growled. I challenged him with my eyes. I was the daughter of the most feared alpha in the West. No one could talk to me or warn me as they pleased. I was no easy target to these puny alphas. David seemed to be forgetting who I truly am. I released my alpha aura. It swirled around us. It was dangerous. Warning him. 

He backed away from me slowly, seeing that I wouldn’t submit to him. I gave him a sarcastic smile, 


Pathetic,” I murmured. Those words were a trigger for him. His Lycan completely took over and charged at me, but I was quick with my fists. I punched him between his legs and kicked him in the side. He doubled over, and I grabbed his neck. I pressed him against the wall in a chokehold. David glared at me, but I was unfazed by his 



Don’t ever come at me like that. I will kill you whether it was your lycan that took over or not,” I warned him. 

I let him go. His eyes were still fixated on me. He held a grudge 

against me. 


Ready to go?” I heard Luis’ voice. I smiled and nodded at him. My 

best friend had a proud and arrogant smile on his face. He was 

watching us the whole time. I looked around us, and that was when I 

noticed people were watching us discreetly. 

You made a splash!” Luis shouted in happiness. 


And I feel good about it!” I yelled back, ” thank you for letting me 

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handle him,” I felt like a heavy weight was lifted off my body. 

‘My hands were itching to kick David’s ass but I knew it’s what you needed to feel good right now,” 

“I’m going to be the talk of the club now,” I giggled. 

We made our way towards the exit and, as the goddess must have planned it. I saw Darlington and two other women walking in. One of them was holding a magazine that had my face on it. I’m sure they were talking about our engagement Darlington noticed me and gave me a huge smile that I returned. She didn’t look sick at all. She was holding a glass of wine in hand. 

My dear Love, It’s nice to see you here,” 

Lovely to see you too, Darlin. You look well,” I said. She frowned and faintly smiled. 

Oh, yes. It’s the meds I’m on that are doing wonders today, and my friends thought it would do me well to come here, you know,” she laughed and looked at her friend. They both gave her a tight-lipped smile and a slight roll of their eyes as though they knew it was a 


show. Goddess! I felt like an idiot for believing her act. Even her 

mother-in-law, Didi, said it, but I ignored it. 

Ladies, you know my future daughter-in-law!” She said to her friends. They gave me a genuine smile and greeted me. 

I got the engagement ring I forgot to throw at David. I handed it to her and politely said, 

“I forgot to give David back the engagement ring. I won’t marry your son, Darlin, ” I was nonchalant. Darlin looked horrified. She was opening and closing her mouth like a fish. The good news was that she didn’t faint. So, I was right. Her friends had a satisfied expression 

on their faces. 


Have a good day, ladies,” 

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I walked past them. I could feel stares at me, but I ignored everyone around me. 

I was smiling as I walked to the parking lot with Luis. He threw his arm on my shoulder and kissed my temple. 

I’m so proud of you for standing your ground,” he said. 

“Thank you,” I answered. 

Even though what I did felt good, I couldn’t help but feel emotional when I entered the car. David was only using me. 

I don’t know why I feel emotional. I feel so stupid,” I told Luis. 

Love, it’s alright to feel that way. You cared about David, and you found out he was more interested in your money,” Luis was gentle with his tone. I felt stupid for crying, but I felt better after I did. 

Where to?” 

“I want to see Ellis. CC said he was in his pack,” 

Luis pressed his iPad. I closed my eyes as he drove to the Grey Lycan 


M Sunshine Princess Author 

Thank you for reading. Do leave a comment and vote with your Gems! 



+25 BONUS 

A Vampire? 


Once again, there was a murder in the pack. It went undetected. This time, a young woman died near the border of my pack. I called Zeyneb to tell her what happened. She got to work immediately. I called Jace. I knew he had been dealing with his issue, but it was time to get to the office. 

“Zeyneb is accessing all the cameras in the area,” Michael said, frantic. These attacks were senseless. It was like the person doing this wanted to scare the people. 

Maleck, does anyone have eyes on him?” I asked my head warrior. 

Last we heard of him, he was in the Night Fall pack but wasn’t allowed entrance,” 

Could it be Alpha Maybin and Maleck had a falling out? My sister’s ex- husband once promised to aid my cousin if he challenged me. 

I rubbed my hand in my face. I needed to know what was going on. I went to the general hospital where the body of the woman was taken Doctor Patel directs us to his office. 

“Doctor, what happened? Did you find anything that could help us identify the attacker? Any markings?” I asked. Doctor Patel sighed. 


Yes. The woman’s neck was cut open by fangs,” he said. I was in thought again. It wasn’t odd if a wolf attacked them. Maybe it was a rogue. 

But how can a rogue get so far without getting detected? Rogues had a distinctive scent that was hard to miss. 


“Could it be a rogue wolf?” Michael asked. 

+25 BONUS 

‘I’m guessing a vampire,” Doctor Patel said. A vampire from a clan attacking wolves? Vampires and werewolves didn’t get along. They were enemies, but as the world progressed, things changed, and the animosity between the two species changed into something civil. But we have werewolves that still hate vampires, and vice versa. 

Vampires kept to themselves and lived in much colder areas of the world. 

However, I knew they had a vampire castle here, but it was hidden from us, and the vampires couldn’t leave their territory because of a spell. 

There was a rebellion that happened over 20 years ago. The vampires started making threats against the witch covens, but the mage king, Kian, and his queen, Priestess Ansley, dealt with the issue. They resolved their differences amicably after killing the instigators of war between the two societies. 

“Do you think the vampires are starting to cause trouble for us? They remained hidden from the world for decades only to come and kill two of our people?” asks Michael. I sensed apprehension from him. 

“No,” I answered. The vampires like their peace because there are not a lot of numbers. It could be that it’s one person doing this. 

What I think is one vampire is responsible for this. We must meet with the vampire King soon,” I said and stood up. I looked back at the doctor and said, 

Doctor Patel, no one should hear of this. We can’t be alarming people about vampires when we haven’t confirmed anything,” The doctor nodded in understanding. I left the hospital and went to my pack. 

As we drove there, my mind went to Love. I was too swift to dismiss 


+25 BONUS 

“Thinking about Love and her engagement to David?” came Michael’s voice. I nodded.. 

“I was too quick to anger. I need to work to be a better person and be more discerning,” I told him. I should have given Love a chance to explain. She was not a vindictive woman and would never hurt me in such a way. David could have been making it up. Michael smiled at 



‘I’m glad to see you take accountability for your rash actions,” he said softly. 


Have you talked to your father about your mate?” I asked him. He only sighed. He hadn’t talked to his father yet. I shook my head. 

Our loved ones deserve to be loved loudly and unapologetically. You need to talk to your father and introduce your gay mate to the pack,” I told him. I closed my eyes and immediately realized my mistake. 

“I meant your mate,” I corrected. 

“Thank you, and I will have dinner with my family on Friday. I’ll introduce Todd there,” he said. 

We left the car and went to the civic headquarters. That was where we held meetings. Earlier, I called a meeting with all my generals and heads of patrols. Before I entered the meeting, 

I called my father for counsel,” Ellis, how are you, my boy?” he asked. He sounded cheerful. I could hear my mother, Salome, saying something in the background. Did these two get back together after years? Good for them. I thought. 

“Dad, I have a problem,” 

My father offered me good advice because he was the alpha of our 

+25 BONUS 


pack for many years before he handed the reigns over to me. 

Go on,” 

Two members of the pack have been found dead in a month. I think a vampire is doing this,” I informed him. He was silent for a moment. 

“Vampire. I haven’t heard from them in years. Gosh, we forget they exist… I will arrange a meeting with the vampire king. It could be he doesn’t even know what is happening,” I said. That was my suspicion, too. It was one person doing this. 


How will you do that,” 

I know his right-hand man, Samuel, he answered. 

I spent the next hours in the meeting. 

I left the civic base building late. I reached to get my phone from the packet but realized I had broken it. I was missing my children, and wondered how they were doing. 

Michael, may I use your phone? I need to check on the twins,” 

Gina and Melody are taking good care of them,” he said, handing me his phone. I still needed to check with them anyway. Not that I didn’t trust Gina and Melody. I was dialing my home phone when I saw Lov in the corner of my eye. She was leaning against a sports car. Lui was in the driver’s seat. My girl observed me with puffy eyes. Was sh crying about something? My heart hurt thinking she was crying. 

My lycan leaped closer. Lias wanted to get out and run to her, but held steadfast. 

Love looked like a beautiful dream, even with her puffy eyes and a red 


With all this running around, I had no chance to talk to her. 

She was hesitant to approach me. I opened my arms, and she smiled 

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faintly at me. Running in my arms like she used to do. I lifted her off the ground, and she wrapped her legs around my torso. I hadn’t realized how much I needed and missed her. She buried her face in the crook of my neck, and I held her in a tight embrace. I missed her so fucking much. I smelled her intoxicating scent and kissed her neck. She pulled her face away from my neck and faced me, cupping my face. 


Ellis, it’s not what you think. I swear I didn’t betray you,” she said quickly. She was agitated, rumbling about stuff I couldn’t comprehend about David tricking her. I kissed her nose, and she stopped talking. I wanted to kiss her lips, but I knew she wouldn’t like that since she warned me not to kiss her until things were over with David. 


Breathe, babe,” I instructed. 

She inhaled and nodded. 


I want to be with you, Ellis. Only you,” she suddenly said. I exploded 

with emotion when I heard those words. 

M Sunshine Princess Author 



+25 BONUS 

Bummer, Mom! 


Ellis smiled at me and kissed my neck. I felt a shiver run through my body. He finally put me down after I insisted and entwined our fingers. He couldn’t help but kiss my hand. 



Now, tell me what happened,” 

David tricked me,” I sighed. 

That scourge,” he murmured. I giggled, remembering that was what CC called David. I told Ellis everything that happened. To say he was mad would be an understatement. He was fuming. 

“Why didn’t you tell me about David’s intention towards me?” I asked seriously. He squinted his eyes, wanting me to elaborate, 

“That he was using me for my money,” I said. His face fell, and I saw regret in his eyes. 



CC can’t keep her mouth shut,” he muttered. 

Don’t blame CC for telling me, Ellis. I confronted David about it. He wouldn’t admit it, but it was true,” 

He sighed and pulled me in his arms. 

“I know how to care for him. I didn’t want to hurt you,” he said, “I wasn’t going to let him succeed in his plans anyway.” 


You still should have told me,” 

I squeezed his hand, silently thanking him for looking out for me. 

Is there anything else I should know about David?” I asked. He and Michael exchanged a glance. I crossed my arms against my chest 

and glowered at him, 


Tell me,” he knew something more. 

+25 BONUS 

‘He’s a gambler. He is knee-deep in debt, and his father and grandmother refuse to help him,” he informed me. I was shocked. 

David Kofflin is a gambler. But he was so proper. How many things didn’t I know about that man? 

I hit his shoulder, angry at him for not telling me sooner. Ellis feigned pain and pouted, rubbing his shoulder. 

“You should have told me, Ellis,” 

“I was going to. I was just waiting for the right time, but so much happened in a short time and today has been… Busy,” he said. He was right. Ellis and I didn’t get a proper chance to converse after everything. 

Love, you’re trending,” Michael said. I narrowed my gaze, trying to see what he was showing me on his phone. He threw his phone at Ellis. There were pictures of me at the country club earlier, fuming mad as I shouted at David. 


I’m not marrying David,” I heard myself in the short video clip. 

Love Chasia and David Kofflin scene. That was written on top in all caps. The other one said a physical confrontation between the newly engaged love birds. Does David Kofflin hit women? So tacky. 

There were so many labels. I couldn’t scroll anymore. 


Did that bastard hurt you?!” Ellis growled. I rolled my eyes, 

Would I let him? I put him in his place,” 

He was relieved and smirked faintly at me. 

Of course you did,” he was proud of me. However, a scowl appeared 

on his handsome face, 

+25 BONUS 

“I don’t like how they make it seem like it was a lover’s spat,” Indeed, some reporters made it seem like I said what I said in anger. 



I’ll write an official statement about it on my social networks. It will clear it up,” I said, assuring Ellis. 

Michael, talk to our people. I don’t want my lady associated with that man in any way,” Ellis ordered. Michael saluted like he was a soldier. I blushed when he said the words, my lady. Ellis noticed me blushing and placed a lingering kiss on my forehead. A delightful shiver went down my spine. 

“I miss my babies. Can we go and see them?” I asked, and he nodded. He led me towards his car. 

Michael got in the car with Luis. Ellis was driving us from his pack into the city as I told him in detail what happened. 

He promised to make sure the rumors about our engagement come to an end. He looked straight as he drove. He was thinking deeply. I wonder what about because I couldn’t decipher his emotions as I did before. I saw him take a deep breath, 


I’m sorry for how I reacted when heard about the engagement. I should be more sapient, but I was quick to anger,” he said gently. I smiled at him. I was happy that we were together and talking like this. He took accountability for his earlier actions and promised to do better in the future. Ellis had changed a lot in those years we were apart. He had matured and was manlier. 

I couldn’t help but stare at him. My heart was erratic. 

Our eyes locked, and he smiled at me. I lay my head on his shoulder, and he caressed my jaw. 

“Why were you in the pack?” I asked. He was hesitant to answer, and I raised my eyebrows. What could have happened? 

“Just… work, baby,” he said. I could feel that he was keeping something from me. I was about to ask when he said, 


Cayden lost a tooth,” he was distracting me. 

+25 BONUS 

Did the tooth fairy visit and leave him five dollars?” I asked. My children get excited when they lose their tooth. They do this thing where they stay up to capture the tooth fairy but end up falling asleep. Ellis stiffened, and I raised my head from his shoulder to look 

at him. 


How much did you put under his pillow?” 

‘Um. I didn’t know it was supposed to be five dollars,” 

“It is… At most ten. Now, how much did you put for him?” 

He gritted his teeth as if fearing my reaction. 

‘Ellis?” I called in a warning tone. 

A hundred dollars?” he confessed. I gaped. We are going to be the most hated parents in their class. 

I didn’t know,” 

“I don’t care. Find a way to take back the money and give him ten 



He won’t agree. He was so excited in the morning, and I don’t want to be the uncool Dad, you do it.” 


Because I’m a bummer mom?!” 


Aren’t you? Cay and Lara talk, you know,” he gave me a look. I knew those eyes. They were judging me. I couldn’t believe it! My children totally think I was a bummer. I already saw where this was going. Ellis would be the fun Dad who would give in to their wimps, and I’d be the uncool mom who blocks it. So unfair! 

+25 BONUS 

Let’s not take the money from him,” he shrugged. I explained to him 

the purpose of taking the money back, and he nodded. We agreed. 


Fine. I’ll tell him the tooth fairy made a mistake and is coming to 

take the money back,” Ellis wasn’t impressed by me right then. 


Ellis drove us to his penthouse building. It was new, 

Is this where you stay? What happened to the other one?” I asked. He held my hand as we went to the elevator. 

“That one was too depressing for me without you. We had so many memories there,” 

We arrived upstairs, and immediately, our kids ran to us. Seumo and Melody were already there. 


Mom, the tooth fairy left me this,” Cayden said, waving the hundred- dollar bill. He was excited indeed. 

‘I’m not taking it from him. Look how happy he is… I’m not a monster, Love,’ he mind-linked. 

‘Coward!’ I shouted. 


‘ Bummer, mom!’ he chuckled. He carried our little daughter to a couch. I faced my son, 

I want to talk to you about something, baby,” 

What is it, mommy?” he looked worried. 

It’s about the money you received from the tooth fairy. Honey, she made a mistake, and we have to return it,” I said gently. He shook his head stubbornly, 

“No! It is mine. I’m not returning it, Mommy… So uncool!” he shouted and ran upstairs. Yes, I was the uncool mom, the bummer, mom. One of us had to be that parent, and I was. I glared at Ellis, but he smiled 

sheepishly at me. Telling me silently that he would talk to him. 

The door opened, and Jace and Lilac walked in, 


Ciao! Family,” I gasped and ran into her arms like a child. She chuckled and hugged me. 

I’m so glad you’re back. I missed you,” I cried. 

+25 BONUS 

I missed you too. We have so much to catch up on,” she squealed. Yep, my Lila was back. I kissed Jace too and exchanged 


We were later joined by Michael, and his new mate Todd, who was so lovely. He was bubbly, and chatty, and radiated confidence and flair. Todd was the opposite of his mate. 

Then, Zeyneb and Luis walked in. They were giggling about 

something. The house was full of warmth. Something delicious was cooking in the kitchen. Ellis was giving me the sexy eyes again. I felt a shiver go down my spine, and Vee howled in happiness. 

M Sunshine Princess Author 

You’re doing a great job, Moms. Stay Blessed! 


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