His Mate, His Girlfriend by Sunshine Princess

Chapter 54

But it happened again, Jace,” The moment it happened again, it stopped being a drunk mistake.

“Yes. The worst part is that I was aware of my actions. I knew exactly who was in that bed with me. It wasn’t my Fiance. It wasn’t the

woman I loved. It was another woman. I knew Lilac would be

devastated when she found out, but I still did it,” he said, looki

me now. Could it be he blamed Lilac for the loss of their child

this was some way to retaliate against her?


Do you blame Lilac for the loss of your child?” asked. He was sil for a long time before he answered.

“I did, but not anymore. I was just blinded by pain at that moment,” h answered truthfully.

“I ended everything with that woman, and Lilac and I were doing well until she appeared,” he grumbled, rubbing his face with his hand, ” Seeing Lilac’s emotional walls tumble down like that was the hardest

and most heartbreaking thing I’ve seen. I wish I could turn back the hands of time and fix my wrongs,”

I didn’t know the right words to say to him. Seeing the woman you love in such immense pain and knowing you’re the cause of it hits differently. It destroys you from the inside.


I stopped driving once we were in the city.

So where does that woman stay?”

J- Avenue Street, 57,” he answered.

I drove to the apartment building, and I was there in five minutes. ” So, what’s the plan?” I asked him. It was evident he had no goal.


What do you mean?” he asked.

Are you allowing her abortion or not,” I asked.

“I don’t know. I need to see her. I don’t know if it’s my child, or not,” he sighed, getting out of the car.

The concierge didn’t even stop us as we went up the elevator.

We reached the door and rang the doorbell. A woman in her late

twenties answered. She had long brown hair that matched her and looked irritable. She was breathing heavily.

She was human. I glared at my best friend. How could he be so reckless to f uck a human? We co-existed with them peacefully, we didn’t get intimate with him because it got complicated, especial when they got pregnant. Not all humans can carry a supernatural baby, a beta pup especially. It might kill them.

‘I know, know, don’t give me that look now. You’re here as my friend, not alpha,’ he murmured through the link. I decided to let it go for now.

Are you alright?” Jace asked with a frown.




You’re here. Thank you for coming,” She gave my beta and me a

ghost smile. Her eyes widened when she locked eyes with me, and a huge smile plastered on her lips.

“You’re Ellis Carter. I just saw you on TV. I honestly thought you were extremely handsome, but in person, you’re a hundred times better!” she spoke fast in excitement.

Please, come in,” she made way for us inside. The house was

messy. Clothes and shoes were sca ttered all over the small salon.

I’m sorry I didn’t clean up. I was sick the whole morning,” she said.

‘It’s my pup,’ Jace said through the link. I took another sniff, and indeed, it was his child. I could feel the strong beta aura. 2

Eratu quickly picked the clothes and shoes from the floor, throwing them in another room.


“I can’t, I can’t let you kill my child,” he said after hearing what the woman had to say. He stood from his seat, pacing the small living area. He didn’t want to accept it, but even if the woman carried the child to full term, they would lose both lives. This woman was hy

“I can’t be a mother, Jace. I simply can’t. I wasn’t born to be one I’m okay with it,” she said quietly. Tears were running down her

I’ll take you to court,” he said in desperation. He wasn’t thinking clearly.

Jace, think about this more clearly,” I told him.


He fiercely looks at me. He must have forgotten that part.


Eratu stood up and held his hand gently.

I’m sorry. I know how much you wanted a child, and now, I’m fighting



Jace only looked at her with a stoic face before leaving the

apartment. I follow after my beta. He was a mess. He leaned against the car, tugging his hair.

Ellis, you understand, right? You have children of your own now,” he said, agitated. I nodded.

But this situation is different. She is human, carrying a beta pup. There is a high chance they will both lose their lives,” I told him the truth. From what I could gather, that human Eratu had no

supernatural blood in her whatsoever which made it difficult.

But what if they both make it?” he asked. The possibility was


We went back to his apartment. It felt cold now that Lilac wasn’t there. We went to the inbuilt bar, drinking.


Enough about my situation. Let’s talk about you,” he said, slamming his glass on the table, and I poured bourbon.’What about me?”

“It’s time to man up and get rid of Charlotte,” he gulped his liqu

‘You’re placing her needs above your own. If you want to be wi Love, you need to put in the work. I saw how happy you were wit them, and it suits you. Being with them will make you not only a better man but a fine alpha too,” he said seriously and I nodded. I couldn’t say I wanted to be with Love, and keep Charlotte. Enoug enough, she had to go. I was about to agree when him when he sp again,


Don’t go saying about David Koffin. He’s a deceitful man. I’ll opel an investigation on him, and I’ll bring evidence to show Love. I won’ let you guys be apart because of insignificant people like those

leeches attached to you when the goddess brought you back together, ” he was solemn. I didn’t know if it was the alpha talking or if he was serious but Jace was right. Love and I were still in love. It wasn’t right that we stayed apart because of Charlotte and David. I needed to do anything to win her back.

M Sunshine Princess Author

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