His Lovely Obsession (English)

Chapter 25


He is really very angry. He wasn't able to follow Stacey with her former boss because of Heather. She literally threw herself at him in the living room. Though he told her that he isn't interested in her, she did he best to seduce him. He realized that her personality is very different from Stacey's. Heather has no scruples about running after men she likes. He even thinks that she has become more aggressive. Luckily their helper came in the living room to announce that she has an overseas call from her father. That was when he was able to split.

He had been calling Stacey the whole afternoon but she didn't pick up. A lot of unpleasant images came inside his head especially since she was with her former boss. He ordered his personal driver to wait for her arrival. He stayed three houses away from hers. He personally wanted to do that but he had to meet one of their big clients late in the afternoon. He also instructed the driver him to call as soon as she comes home. He was ready to blow a gasket he got his call a little after 7 PM.

"Dammit!! Where the hell they have been?!" He cursed under his breath. His face is a little red from anger.

He doesn't know how to stay cool as Derick if he is feeling this way. He was about to phone her when her number flashed on the screen.

"D-Derick?" came her sweet voice.

"What the fuck happened to you?!" he asked furiously.

Stacey pouted. "S-Sorry..I didn't check my phone......" she tried to explain but he cursed which made her knit her brows.

"Hey! You don't need to curse just because I wasn't able to get your call." she said sounding a little irritated. She can't understand why he is furious. She feels that he is over-reacting. Take it easy Alcantara! Nick scolded himself.

The last thing he wants is to piss her off. He rubbed his face with his hand in vexation.

So with a lower tone he asked, "Did you see how many missed calls you got from me?"

Stacey let out a sigh. "Derick I said I am sorry. Besides I didn't ask you to call me. We were just together last night so why were you calling me?"

Nick wanted to throw his phone but he controlled himself. He made a mental note to reward himself for keeping his cool. Stacey is slowly changing him and he doesn't like it. He is infamous for jumping down on someone's throat when he can't get his way.

Who would ever think that the high and mighty Nick Alcantara is able to hold his temper?

And what is surprising is it's all because of a woman. Lately, he has been doing a lot of things that he is not accustomed to. This is really difficult for him but all these will change when she becomes officially his "Where have you been and who were you with?" he asked in his throaty voice but he maintained a lower tone.

Stacey wondered if she should tell him the truth so she didn't immediately answer him.

"Honey?" his voice has a hint of irritation again.

"I went out with my former boss." she finally said.

"Where did you go? What time did you come home?" He asked her.

He wants to test if she will be honest with him. He has his right hand clenched as he waits for her to respond.

"What is this Derick? An interrogation?"

"Just fucking answer me!" He rasped.

Stacey gasped then shook her head in disbelief. Derick is acting like a jealous boyfriend.

"Must I remind you that I am not your girlfriend? Just because you fuck me occasionally you already have the right to act that way!" she said angrily.

With full force, Nick threw his phone on the wall. "Fucking hell!!"


Stacey frowned. She heard a loud crash before the line was cut. She tried calling him again but she just heard a continuous beep. She let out a sigh. She doesn't want to have any disagreement with him. It's just that she is not used to being asked such questions especially because they are not even a real couple.

Derick is nice and sweet but maybe he just got really angry because he had been calling her almost the whole day. She saw his 12 missed calls. She decided to just text him when she still couldn't contact him. His phone seems to be off.

To: Dee (She decided to use this to register his name on her phone)

We just went to a theme park then we visited an art museum. We had an early dinner so I came home maybe half past 6. Except my mother, no one asked me about my whereabouts so I am sorry if I didn't like you asking me many questions.

She sent the message. She sat down again then tried to think about their situation.

She knows that sooner or later Derick will ask her again to be his girlfriend but does she really like him?

She closed her eyes and tried to imagine how she feels when they are together. After a few minutes she realized something.

She definitely has some feelings for him that's way she feels guilty when she becomes a little feisty with him. Frankly, she doesn't hold a grudge against him though he raped her. It was an honest mistake on his part and probably she also has a fault. She has given him and God knows who else the impression that she is a flirt and an easy girl. Her performances on stage are suggestive. Even Derick said that they are too sexy.

She should probably stop singing at the bar. She will talk to Eve and Blake. She will tell them that tonight will be her last performance.

Out of nowhere, the thought of Nick Alcantara came inside her head. She has to agree with him that she owes him a lot. Men will surely have a very bad impression of her if the June edition of Not Eye Candy came out. She cringed when she imagined that some of them would even want to rape her then kill her afterwards.

Her bad thoughts ended when her phone started ringing.


"Girlfriend! We have a problem!"her friend's voice sounds worried.

"What?" she asked.

"For some reasons, our drummer said she can't come tonight so Blake called pan's band to cover for us. We can't play without Le nne."

Stacey smiled. Seems like destiny is doing its thing.

"No worries." she told her friend.

"Even if we are not going to perform, come here later. Let's go out with Blake after the bar's closing." Eve suggested.

She remembered Mr. Grumpy's order: No going out at night. But it's still the weekend and she will start working on Monday so she felt that it was just fine.

"Sure!" she finally said to Eve.


Maybe because so many things happened this past few days and the worst is her fight with Derick hours ago, she drank a lot. They are still at the bar of Eve and Blake but she already had too much alcohol.

I am just having fun. Starting this Monday, I can't do this anymore as ordered by Mr. Grumpy. She told herself with a smile.

But at the back of her mind, she may be doing this because she is annoyed with Derick. She had been texting him but she got no reply from him.

"Girlfriend! Take it easy. You have been drinking like a fish!" Eve commented.

Stacey just stuck out her tongue at her.

"Miss Hotness!" Blake called then she felt his warm and pleasant breath on her cheek.

Eve hid a smile as she looks at the two of them before standing up from her chair. "I will make a cup of strong coffee for her so she will be a bit sober. We are still bar-hopping later. Blake pulled a chair to sit next to her. He has his right arm on the back of her seat. He leaned a little forward towards her.

"Is something bothering you Miss Hotness?" he asked while looking at her pretty face.

She smiled at him. Her eyes are a bit lidded.

He touched her hand on the table. "Maybe I should have asked, is someone bothering you? Is it a man?"

She moistened her lips and was about to pour more alcohol in her glass but Blake stopped her.


"That's enough. Eve is right. You had too much to drink already. Wait here. I will just ask Paul to take care of the bar so we can leave now." he said. He got the bottle of booze on the table before standing up. "Blake! Give that back!" Stacey complained.

He just turned his head from left to right twice and ruffled her hair before he left. She pouted her lips and sulkily got her cell phone on the table. Derick hasn't sent her any messages yet.

I miss him! She sadly thought so she decided to text him again.

To: Dee

I already said sorry so what more do you want? I called you several times but I don't know why my calls can't get through. Maybe you turned off your phone! FYI! I am starting to get annoyed! If you will not call back or message me in 2 minutes, I won't talk to you again! EVER!

Angrily, she put her phone back on the table. She knows she is acting childishly but she can't help it. She want to talk to Derick. She waited for his text but nothing came. Even when Eve already got back, still no message from him.

"Better finish this coffee girlfriend! I will just get my things so we could go." Eve told her.

She just nodded although she is still annoyed. She decided to text Derick for the last time. If he is intentionally ignoring her, she better piss him too.

With a smirk, she sent the message. She was thinking of turning off her phone but she changed her mind. She can't wait for Derick's reply. She discovered that he is a bit possessive so she is sure that he will react after her final text.


He put down the phone. He used his landline to talk with the person who bribed the drummer of Eve's band. He smiled with satisfaction when he learned that his plan worked. Money really talks...

He is ready to go to bed when he remembered to put the sim he uses to communicate with Stacey in his other phone. He will buy a new one to replace the phone he broke out of anger. He is not that angry though because his cold shower helped him calm down a bit. What Stacey said earlier really pissed him.

"Must I remind you that I am not your girlfriend? Just because you fuck me occasionally you already have the right to act that way!"

He never wants her to use the F word to describe what they do together. He will call her so they could really talk. But before he was able to do that, he heard his message alert tone. Stacey has three text messages.

He smiled when he read her first message. He chuckled after reading the second one. He can vividly imagine how her lovely face frowned when she was typing them.

Then his eyes became like slits and he cursed when he read the third one.

This is my last text! If that's how you want things to be then fine with me! I did my part already! I said sorry many times! I won't wait for your reply anymore. Anyway I will be busy tonight! I am going out with my friend and a man who used to woo me. We are going bar-hopping! By the way, if I misspelled some words blame it all on the tequila. I had to much already. =)000000☐☐☐☐☐☐

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