His Lost Tribrid Novel

Chapter 5

Ezra POV
"Miles! Emma!"
I bellowed as Niko and I walked through the warehouse out the back of his adventure shop.
We had often shown up on delivery days since we were teenagers, helping to carry the heavy equipment and hunting supplies
through to the shop.
Normally, this place ran itself and Miles had employed humans to see that it was all ticking over smoothly, but on delivery day, he
needed the extra muscle.
"Ezra? I’m out front," his friendly voice boomed from the shop floor.
Miles was about the most stand-up bloke you would ever meet.
He rarely said a bad word about anyone and seemed to breeze through life living off positive vibes and a can-do attitude.
It was admirable and I looked up to him a lot.
All the men from the inner circle would often go on camping weekends and, over the last few years, Niko and I have been
tagging along.
Nothing quite beats waking up to the sound of nature and the sun rising over a mountain top.
Niko and I strolled through the warehouse and into the front of the shop that was set up for customers looking for anything from
torches to shooting rifles.
It was a haven for adrenaline junkies and adventure seekers of this world.
"Ezra! Niko!"
Two little munchkins came racing towards us, Immy jumping up at me while Izzy went straight to Niko.
They never tried to hide who their favorites were.I flung Immy over my shoulder, her hair trailing down my back, and spun
"Where’d she go? I swear I heard the twins? Niko?" and acting just as clueless as me.

"How strange...we must have lost them!"
The girls screamed and giggled as we continued to spin from side to side, pretending to look for them.
"Happy birthday Ezra! Thanks for coming guys.Today’s delivery is a heavy load so I could do with your help," Miles said, smiling
at his girls as we placed them back on their feet.
"No problem.Happy to help," Niko said whilst walking over to look at the inventory list.
"Ezra! Ezra! We made a new friend today! Her name is Lily and she is the most beautiful girl in the entire world,"Isabel gushed
and put her hands under her chin, fluttering her eyelashes.
I smirked and pinched her nose.
"I don’t believe you.No one can be more beautiful than you two!"
"That’s what she said!" Imogen shouted excitedly.
"But she is! And she was so cool.She had a wicked dress and she was a witch!"
I raised my eyebrow over to Miles who was smirking behind the counter, checking the cash register.
He caught my eye and shook his head.
"No, she was human.But they were right about one thing.She was very pretty although a little odd.I would have guessed around
your age as well," he replied, giving me a suggestive look.
"Who was very pretty?"
Emma interrupted with a teasing tone.She saddled up to him and his whole attention turned to her.
He only ever had eyes for her.
"Just a young woman who came into the shop today and befriended our little rascals.But you, my love, are out of this world!" he
wrapped his arms around her waist, grinning like a cheshire cat.
Emma rolled her eyes but beamed nonetheless to play.
“ I’ll see you tonight," she gave him a kiss on the lips that ended up turning into the longest, most inappropriate songfest.

Honestly, I was used to it by now.
All our parents were like it.
It was a mate thing.
"Urgh.So gross,"
Imogen stuck out her tongue and pretended to be sick.
"Look, do you want to see a picture?" Isabel asked me, pulling out her phone.
"A picture of what?"
"Of Lily!" she rolled her eyes as if it was the most obvious answer.
The girl had so much sass, just like her mother.
"Go on then," I said, only mildly interested as I peered over Niko’s shoulder to check how much we would be lugging around
By the looks of the long list, it would be a few hours until I make it back to meet with my dad.But I’m sure, between Miles, Niko
and myself, we could get it all done in an hour.
A phone being forced into my hand, pulled my attention away and I looked down at the picture.
I froze.My heart stopped beating just for a second before it started to race.
There on the screen, squashed between the smiling twins, was indeed the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
Her long black hair, parted in the middle, cascaded down to her hips in soft waves.
Her porcelain skin looked flawless.
And her lips.
They were the fullest, most delicious things I had ever seen.I immediately imagined what they might taste like and my d*ck

She was wearing a strange-looking dress that made her waist seem tiny but revealed such tempting cleavage that my mouth
was actually watering.
F*ck she was stunning.
A strange image flashed into my mind of a young Ruby, running through the forest with me as a child.
Her black hair blowing in the wind times and stared down at the picture again.
My mind was playing tricks on me.
This could so easily have been an older, much more beautiful Ruby except for her eyes.
This woman had the lightest blue eyes, like the colour of a shallow tide.
Ruby’s eyes had always been a magical magenta.
I don’t know how long I had zoned out for, staring at the picture in my hand, but Miles’ commanding tone snapped me out of my
"Ezra! Come on man, give her back the phone before I have a full blown meltdown on my hands." I looked down at Isabel who
was close to tears, trying to jump up and grab the phone from my hands.
I didn’t want to give it back.I never wanted to stop looking at this woman.
Reluctantly, I bent down and handed the phone back to Isabel.
"Sorry Izz, I zoned out for a minute then.Thank you for showing me.You were right, she is gorgeous," I said quietly and her little
face lifted into a small smile.
"Can you send me that picture please?" I whispered, not wanting Niko or Miles to overhear.
Luckily, they had already headed out the back to start on the delivery.
"Okay.But she’s our friend.Not yours," she huffed as she sent the picture to my number.
I smiled and ruffled her hair before joining the men outside.

Once we were finally through with the delivery, Niko and I hopped into his car and headed back to the pack.
It was a steep, bumpy ride up the mountain and, with Niko’s reckless driving, a bloody dangerous one too.
I pulled out my phone and opened the picture Isabel had sent me.
Even during the time I was heaving boxes through the warehouse, the am not even sure what this feeling is or why I feel so
strongly about this woman when I’ve never even met her, but I knew that no other woman would ever compare.
I was drawn to her in a way that I couldn’t describe.
"Penny for your thoughts, brother?"
Niko asked, giving me a sideways glance from the driver's seat as I leaned against the car window, staring at my phone like a
love sick puppy.
Niko isn’t my blood brother but he may as well be.He has always been there for me since I was born and my parents treat him as
one of their own.His father died in some tragic battle between the vampires and werewolves years ago, saving his life and my
mother's.His mother, Fiona, is still alive but barely.
She could hardly care for herself and Niko often checked in on her numerous times throughout the day to see if she had eaten or
to try and make her leave the house.
I felt bad for him, dealing with it on his own, but he didn’t want to burden anyone else.
It had also made him hard.
Not just physically, because he was a huge wall of muscle, but emotionally and mentally.
He never seemed to let things get to him.
I knew it was just a coping mechanism and on the few occasions he had broken down in front of me, I was relieved.
Relieved that he did feel things even if he didn’t always know how to show it.
Our bond was strong.I knew I would give my life for him in a heartbeat and vice versa.
So yes, he was my brother.

"Do you ever wonder if you will find your mate? That one true soul that makes you feel complete?" I asked and saw his jaw
I knew he hated talking about this stuff but he did ask what was on my mind.
"No, you know how I feel about that.I hope I never find her.I would rather take a chosen mate," he said through gritted teeth.
I wasn’t surprised by his answer.
He never wanted to find his mate lose them.
We all have.
You seem to go one of two ways.
Become a shell of your former self, unable to function and feeling your life has no purpose like his mother.
Or you become angry, set on revenge and destruction like Arius.
Either way, it was a sad life that I wouldn’t wish upon my worst enemies.
"But don’t you think you would regret never experiencing that feeling? That true happiness and love?" He shook his head.
"No.Just look at Uncle Darius and Chloe.They are chosen mates and they couldn’t be happier."
I peered out the window and watched the acres of pine trees and rolling mountains zoom past.
That was true but I swear they were an exception.I turned back to him.I wanted to challenge him on this even though I wasn’t
sure why.
"Exactly.They love each other as well.Don’t you think they would be devastated if they lost each other? I think love is love,
whether it is fated or not."
He didn’t speak for a moment, as he contemplated my words.
"What is all this anyway? You turn twenty-one and you go all soft on me?" I scoffed and leaned back in my chair, looking at the
photo again.
If I was lucky enough to have this woman as a mate, it would be a blessing of a lifetime.But I couldn’t get my hopes up.

Miles said she was human after all, so the likelihood of her being my mate was rather slim.
Perhaps I will never find her.
Perhaps I would find her but we would have nothing in common and it would purely be a physical attraction.
Either way, just seeing her face on the screen was the best birthday present of all.
"No man, don’t be stupid.The last thing I need right now is my mate showing up.We have too much going on.Talking of which, did
you hear about the attacks happening on the vampire clans?" I asked.
“Look good on Arius’ part, does it?" he gave me a knowing look and I chewed at my lip.
It doesn’t look good at all.
Climbing out of the car, I nodded to Niko, who went to check in on Fiona and made my way into the pack house.
"There you are! Your dad’s waiting for you in his office,"
Darius' loud voice boomed through the lobby as he exited the kitchen and headed my way.I smiled at my goofy uncle and he
greeted me with a sharp jab in the gut.
It was enough to make me wince but not enough to knock me backwards.I was the same size as him now, much to his
"Happy day of birth Pops!"
I rolled my eyes and gave him a shove.
Ah yes! The nickname.
He gave it to me when I was just a boy because he told me that I would only become the strongest and fiercest warrior if I ate
lots of spinach like Popeye.
Obviously, I believed him and forced the kitchen chefs to only feed me spinach for an entire week before I fainted from lack of
protein and carbs and my mother scolded him.

He just thought it was hilarious, the d*ckhead.
"Has he been waiting long?" I asked, catching the eye of one of the omega girls from last night.
She winked at me and twirled a strand of her hair around her finger.
I gave her a tight smile but focused my attention on Darius.
"Yeah, but he can wait a bit longer.I want to have a birthday beer with my nephew,"
He threw his bulky arm around my shoulders and dragged me towards the bar.
I knew I couldn’t refuse.
He would think up some hideous prank to get back at me for running to my dad’s beck and call.
Uncle Darius was the only man I had ever seen stand up to my father.
And what was even After my pint, I made my way up to my dad’s office and took a seat in front of his desk.
He was typing away on his laptop and nodded at me when he noticed me entering.
I waited patiently for him to finish whatever he was doing and when he shut the laptop, he released a long, exhausted breath.
Our eyes connected and he grinned.
"Happy birthday son, come here!"
He stood up and walked towards me, pulling me into a firm embrace.
"Twenty-one! How did that happen?" he chuckled before walking back around to his chair.
I didn’t bother answering, as I Knew it was a rhetorical question, and just returned to my seat.
I wasn’t sure what my new responsibilities would be in the pack, but I knew what I wanted them to be.
From the moment I gained my wolf, Aero, I knew I would become a warrior.
His power, strength and natural leadership over the other wolves was obvious from my first shift at sixteen.

It wasn’t a surprise that I quickly became the fiercest warrior in the pack with the alabaster gene and two pure alpha blood
running through my veins.
No one could match my speed or power except my parents.
They trained with me separately, so they could actually challenge me and soon I was able to dominate them as well.
So, by the age of nineteen, I took over training the pack from my father.
Joseph was still his head warrior of combat and Fredrik still his Beta, but I loved that I had a position other than Alpha’s son.
But now I want more.I knew I was ready.
"Ezra, I have been trying to avoid giving you too much responsibility in this pack to allow you to enjoy your youth.I never got that
chance and it was important to me that you did.But now, I must ask more of you." He said carefully and I nodded in
"Things are becoming...their own pack or clan...we are not entirely sure.Your mother is having to spend a lot of time with the
council due to this and I want to support her as well as keep the pack safe from any attacks.We have been lucky so far, but I
know that it is only a matter of time." I listened intently as he spoke, still wondering how I can help or play a part in all of this.
"So what I am asking of you is to step up.If I need to leave the pack or attend the council meetings with your mother, you will step
in as acting Alpha." My eyes widened in surprise.
As his Beta, Fredrik has always stepped into that role when needed.
Sensing my hesitation, he continued, "Fredrik agrees.He is happy to support you in his position as Beta whilst I am away."
"I would be honored.Really.I won’t let you down," I said confidently.
I had been training for this my entire life.I loved my pack as much as my father did and I would never let any harm come to them.
"I know you won't," he smiled.
"But that is not all.I would also like you to take over as head warrior of our army.Joseph has done an outstanding job and is
happy to pass over the baton to you.He does not think it is right to give orders to a fiercer warrior than himself."My face broke
into the biggest grin.That was what I had hoped for.To lead the wolves in combat.That was what I was naturally good at.

"Thank you.That is...the second-best birthday present I have received today."
His thick eyebrows furrowed.
"What's the first?"
I was about to open my mouth and tell him about the girl from Miles' shop but a knock at the door interrupted us.
"Come in," my father shouted, and Fredrik poked his head round the door.
"Sorry to interrupt Alpha but I wanted to let you know that we have a visitor."
"Who?" My dad asked as we both stood up.
Clearly, our meeting is over.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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