His Lost Tribrid Novel

Chapter 2

Ruby POV
Staring into the mirror that hung on the wall of my bedroom, I narrowed my purple eyes and studied my face.
I didn’t look different.
My long, thick black hair fell down my back in waves, my creamy skin clear and smooth, and my large lips still pouted as I
My body is becoming fuller as I grow older and I have to say I quite like my larger boobs and broader hips.
They make me feel grown up.
But none of this had happened over night.
However, what I couldn’t put my finger on was how I felt...different.
There was this overwhelming sense of something to come.My body was on high alert.My skin tingled with the anticipation.Of
what, I am not so sure.
Perhaps I was just excited about my birthday after all.
Racing down the stairs, two at a time, I barreled into the quaint and cozy kitchen expecting to be met by Maggie’s smiling face at
the very least.
With my hand gripping the doorway as I spun into the room, my disappointment caused me to stop dead.
The room was empty and everything was much the same as it was left last night.
When I came back for dinner, Maggie seemed more subdued than usual.
We ate our dinner in silence and when she finished, she excused herself for bed without even a mention of my birthday
tomorrow.I wanted to go after her and check if she was okay but something stopped me.

She would talk to me when she was ready.
Yet, faced with the reality that she had not even bothered to get out of bed to celebrate with me like she had always done before,
I knew I could not let this go.
Marching towards her room, the irritation I was feeling grew.It was the company of others, I have accepted that this is my fate.
So, the least she can do is bake me a cake! When I reached her room, I opened the door without knocking and stormed inside.
My anger quickly dissipates when I see her small, fragile frame in her bed.Her sad eyes lock with mine and all I see is pain in
Running to her side and taking her cold hand in mine, I scanned her face with worry.She was gaunt and pale, more so than
yesterday.She was sick.
That much was clear.
"Happy Birthday child," her voice comes out like a broken husk, and she coughs frantically.
"What’s wrong? What is happening?" I asked, panic in my voice.
It wasn’t like we had access to a hospital or a doctor, though I could use my magic to heal her if she told me what the problem
"I am afraid my time is running out," she muttered with a small smile.
Her scarlet curls, spread around her pillow like a halo and my dark eyebrows pulled together in confusion.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean I am dying, Ruby.My time on this Earth is nearly up and! am sorry that I have failed you," she whispered, and her eyes
started to water.
I shook my head.
What is she talking about? She is an Elder witch! She can live for centuries!

"What is making you sick? Maggie, tell me and I can heal you!" I scanned her body for any obvious signs of injury or illness but I
saw none.She reached up one hand to my face to calm me and when my eyes locked with hers, I froze.There was more pain,
sorrow and regret in them then I had ever witnessed before knew this would be how it ended but I thought I had more time," she
smiles as she drops her hand back over her body, unable to hold it up a moment longer.
This made no sense.
"Child.I have not been totally honest with you.I lean back and sit on the balls of my feet as looming dread makes my stomach
drop.The feeling was back.The feeling that everything was about to change, only this didn’t seem to be the change I hoped it
would be.
Suddenly, the flowered wallpaper of the room around us started to vibrate and warp.
My head whipped around and eyes dilated as items started to fall from the chests of drawers and frames shook on the wall.Was
this an earthquake?
"Ruby! Pay attention child.My magic is fading.When I created this realm 11 years ago, it took a huge amount of my power and
energy.To keep us hidden and the realm untraceable, it has been feeding from me slowly.Draining my soul.The day would always
come when I had nothing left to give, but I hoped to have prepared you enough before it came."
She winced as she clutched her chest.
"Maggie! What is happening? I’m scared!"
I shouted and her eyes snapped open.
"That is one thing you must never be, Ruby.Scared.You play an important role in the prophecy.You have the power to destroy or
save the human realm.I have trained you the best I can but you will need to find your own path."
I screamed as the ceiling started to crack and crumble above us.
"I am sorry for what I had to do, Ruby.But it was the only way I could delay the prophecy from coming true.But it seems I have
failed.I could never have killed you, my child.My loyalty was always with Cora.She has always protected me.And who is Cora?
"Take this."
She handed me a black bag and I stared at her perplexed.

"I will use the last of my power to open the portal.You must leave before this place turns to dust."
"What? No! I am not leaving without you.None of this makes any sense! What am I supposed to do?" I cried as the tears started
to run down my face.
"You must be brave.You are extraordinary and I know you will do what is right.Now go.It is time,"
She pushed me away and I stood shaking my head.She lifted her hands as her eyes glazed over and a swirling blue liquid
pattern appeared behind me.
I glanced back at her in bed and she nodded.
"Find the Vampire King Arius.He can give you back your memories.Just know that I am sorry," was the last thing that left her lips
before she released a ball of energy into my chest, knocking me backwards.
I fell through the portal and landed on my butt with a thump.
The portal closed and I breathed rapidly.
Jumping to my feet, I tried to summon all my power to open it again.Perhaps if I could just jump through for a few more seconds,
I could get to her.I could save her.But I can’t.
The magic of the realm is gone.
As if it never existed in the first place.I screamed in frustration as I fell to my knees, tears streaming from my eyes.
Glancing down at my hands in the dark green grass, I ran my fingers through it.
It felt different to the grass back home.Spikier and harsher.
Suddenly, several powerful howls echoed in the woods in front.
Wherever I was, I was no longer alone.I needed to get out of here.I needed to run.
Using my vampire speed, I zoomed through this strange but had outrun them easily.I spun on my heels taking in the breath-
taking scenery.

It was better than I had ever imagined.
The rugged mountains rose up to the heavens and the bluest lake waters reflected the calmest summer's sky.I needed a
moment to catch my breath.
A moment to get my head around everything that had just happened.
A loud, raucous noise made me jump as a strange machine came hurtling around the corner up the mountain track.
A car.
I had read about them in books but never seen one in real life.I sprang back from the road as it whizzed past me, sending a flurry
of dust and mud up in the air.
It stopped suddenly a few meters away and as the earth settled, I saw a man step out of it.
A living, breathing man.
His deep red hair reminded me of Maggie’s as it shone in the sunlight.
"Hello? Are you lost?"
He shouted, squinting his eyes from a distance.He started to walk towards me and I panicked.
I turned and raced into the forest, using my vampire speed to climb a prickly, narrow tree.I held my breath as I heard the car door
shut again and the machine growl.
It sped off into the distance.I settled back against the trunk of the tree and stared out at the glorious mountains.
The view from way up here was even better.
I may as well stay here until I work out what the hell I am going to do next.
"Happy birthday to me," I whispered as the tears fell.
I wrapped my arms tightly around my chest.I am all I have left.

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