His Lost Queen by Annie Whipple

Chapter 27


I shut the door behind him and fell into a chair the moment Grayson left. I could hear my heart beating in my head, making my entire skull pulse. 

As always, my mark burned, begging to be near my mate again. I groaned. 

There was a gentle knock on the door, and the only reason I knew it wasn’t Grayson was that I didn’t feel the connection to him. 

“Luna?” Kyle’s voice came from the other side of the door. He pushed the door open and peeked his head inside. His eyes softened when he saw me crying. “Is it okay if I come in?“” 

I nodded. It would be nice to have some company. 

He came in, looking around my apartment. So this is where you’ve been staying over the last couple of months, huh? It’s, uh…pretty crappy.” He didn’t even try to maintain politeness. 

I couldn’t help but laugh. I appreciated that he didn’t pity me like everybody else. 

“Yeah,” I agreed, wiping my nose. “It’s pretty crappy. 

“Beats the 

“Beats the room you were staying in at the pack house, though. That’s a plus. At least you’ve got 

heat here.” 

I winced. I didn’t want to talk about my life back at the pack house or the circumstances I was living in. I especially didn’t want to acknowledge the way Kyle was looking at me with a pointed look. 

“Why didn’t you come to me, Luna?” he finally asked. “It kills me to know that you were suffering so much and felt like you had no one to turn to. I would have helped you. You know that, right?” 

“I’m sorry,” I whispered back. “I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t want Grayson to hate me any more. than he already did. He told me to stay away 

from you. 

“I was desperate not to do anything that would upset him.” 

“That’s just one more sign that the alpha was taken over. He would rather die than make you feel that way. Didn’t he prove that to you in Paris?” 

I didn’t know how to respond. I knew he was right. A few moments passed. Kyle leaned against the small kitchen counter, crossing his arms over his chest, watching me.. 

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Emergency calls only 

“Can he hear us?” I finally asked. 

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Kyle shook his head. “No. He told me he was going to go for a walk. He wanted to give you space. I just came to check on you.” 

I sighed. I could feel the distance between Grayson and me growing, and it was starting to make me feel sick. 

“He’s telling the truth, isn’t he?I whispered. “I can feel that he’s telling the truth.” 

Kyle gave me a sympathetic look. “Yeah, he’s telling the truth. I found out the day you left. He’s been a pain in the ass ever since. He hasn’t stopped looking for you for a single second. 

“He, couldn’t focus on anything else.” 

I dropped my head into my hands. “I miss him. I miss him a lot. Why the hell do I miss him? I shouldn’t still feel this connected to him, should I? He was so…horrible to me.” 

“He’s your mate,” Kyle responded in a soft tone that told me he understood. “He’s your soulmate, the one person who was made specifically for you. How could you not miss him? 

“It’s a miracle that you could stay away from each other for so long without going insane.” He paused. “But you know it’s okay to still be scared, right? After everything you’ve been through…” 

I looked at him. More tears welled in my eyes. “I can’t do it again, Kyle. I can’t be with him and get rejected again. It… It almost killed me last time.” 

Kyle’s chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. “He won’t let you go through that again. He’ll never reject you. He’ll protect you. 

“He’s stronger now. More prepared. More determined to keep you safe after everything he put your through.” 

“His pack hates me, though. I don’t know if I can go back there. I can’t be a luna when everyone rejected me. They wouldn’t even talk to me. Does Grayson even understand how disappointed his pack was with me?” 

Kyle grabbed the other folding chair and sat down next to me. “Listen to me, Luna. It’s important that you hear this. Azazel commanded them to treat you that way. The pack had no choice.” 

“R–Really?” I asked. 

“Yes, really. They wanted to meet you, to get to know you. They never got that chance. They were in 

that the alnha was in 

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Emergency calls only be 

“They had to watch as you suffered, even though they desperately wanted to help.” 

“They told you that?” I asked, my tone quiet and unbelieving. “You’re sure?” 

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Kyle nodded. “I’m positive. They feel horrible about the way they treated you. If you came back to the pack house, you would see for yourself how sorry they arc

“I’m sure they would love the opportunity to try and make it up to you.” 

I leaned back in my chair, barely comprehending what he was telling me. I didn’t even notice my hand go to Grayson’s mark on my neck. I suddenly desperately wished he were here. 

“Go to him,” Kyle said, uttering the words I was thinking. He smiled. He’s waiting for you.” 

I was up and out the door in seconds. 


My stomach was a mess of fluttering butterflies as I ran out the front door of my apartment building barefoot, searching for my mate. 

“Grayson?” I yelled. Tears were streaming down my checks, and, for the first time in months, it wasn’t because I was sad. 

My heart raced in my chest when I couldn’t find him. “Grayson!” I yelled a bit louder, not caring if anybody around me heard. 

A sudden burst of wind and a blur of movement in front of me made me jump back and scream. When I opened my eyes, I met Grayson’s dark–red ones with a gasp. 

“What’s wrong?” he demanded, scanning my form. “What is it? Are you hurt?” 

I didn’t think about it before launching myself into his arms

He stumbled back a few steps, obviously not expecting my abrupt attack. For a second, he just stood. there, his massive chest rising and falling with small growls against me. 

I was almost afraid I had jumped to conclusions too quickly, but then he wrapped his arms around. me and pulled me closer to him. 

And I burst into tears. With my arms around his neck and my face stuffed into his chest, I let all of my emotions free. And then I pulled his face to mine and kissed him soundly. 

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Emergency calls only a 

Grayson growled against my mouth, tugging me closer. 

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He pulled away after a few seconds. “Belle,” Grayson groaned, his forehead pressing against mine. “Don’t cry. Please don’t cry, love.” 

“I can’t help it,” I replied, nuzzling my face into his chest once again, taking in his spicy scent that I had missed so much. 

I smiled up at him, wiping my tears away the best I could. “I just really missed you.” I paused. 

“And I’m really glad you’re not an evil vampire anymore. That really-” I took in a deep shuddering breath. “That really sucked.” 

His jaw tightened. “Youbelieve me?” He seemed to hold his breath as he waited for me to answer. 

I nodded, cupping the side of his face, the tips of my fingers running through his hair. “I believe you. I believe you, Grayson.” 

His mouth split into a huge, breathtaking grin. “Thank God,” he whispered, searching my eyes. “Thank God.” 

I expected him to kiss me again, but he didn’t. Instead, he swept me off my feet, pulling me chest to chest, wrapping my legs and arms around his huge, muscular form. 

The only reason I didn’t fall was because of his hands supporting me beneath my butt. 

Kyle. Go home,” Grayson grunted. 

I whirled my head around. I hadn’t even realized Kyle had also exited my apartment and was watching us from the doorway. 

“I just got here!” Kyle complained. 

“Kyle doesn’t need to go. I want to catch up with him, too,” I argued. 

Grayson didn’t reply. He was already walking in the opposite direction, taking me with him. 

“Wait!I shouted, looking back at Grayson’s poor beta, who he was leaving behind. “What about Kyle? We can’t just leave him after he came all the way here!” 

Grayson’s reply was two words, growled and low and leaving no room to argue. “Don’t care.” 

I glared at him, ready to keep arguing. I just decided to forgive him, and this was how he wanted to 


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Emergency calls only be 

I gasped when Kyle suddenly appeared right behind us. I hadn’t even seen him move. 


Sensing his presence, Grayson turned and bared his teeth at him threateningly. He gripped me to his body so tightly that I was almost worried he would start bruising me soon. 

Whoa, there,” Kyle said, taking several steps back. He bared his neck. “I meant the Luna no harm, Alpha.” 

“Put me down, Grayson,” I demanded, wiggling in his arms, 

my mark. 

Grayson growled yet again and then buried his face into my neck. He started to suck on my 

I gasped. “Grayson!” I pushed at his shoulders even as my body lit up with pleasurable flames. “Stop it!” My face bloomed with heat at Kyle witnessing this. 

It’s all right, Luna,” Kyle said, trying going to be like this for a while. Possessive and only worried about making sure you’re okay. 

Comfort me. “Now that you’ve given into the bond, he’s 

“He’ll only get mad if I stay.” 

“So you’re leaving?” I asked, trying to ignore the man who was sucking on my neck like some sort. of leech. 

Kyle shrugged. “Someone has to take care of the pack.” 

Grayson started to walk away before Kyle had even finished his sentence. I glanced away for a single second to see where Grayson was taking me, and when I looked back, Kyle was gone. 

I searched for him, but he was nowhere to be seen. 

I sighed and leaned my head on Grayson’s shoulder, giving up. A small smile appeared on my lips. when he started to purr. 

“Where are we going?” I asked. 

“Hotel,” Grayson growled. 

“But my apartment is right back there. Why don’t we just go there?” 

I’m never fucking allowing you to go back to that bullshit apartment ever again.” 

I leaned back in his arms so I could look at him. “You’re never allowing me?” I repeated. 

He nodded. not even bothering to respond. Then his hand gently gripped the back of my head and 

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“Why?” I asked, my lips moving against his skin as I spoke, causing sparks to shoot all the way to my toes. 

“Just keep your eyes closed and trust me.” 

And then he started running. I could feel the wind whipping around us, and for a second, I thought he might have put us on some sort of vehicle based on how fast we were moving. 

I made the mistake of pecking over his shoulder. That was when I realized what was really happening. 

Grayson must have been using his newfound vampire powers to run faster than I was even able to comprehend

I shricked and tightened my hold around his neck. 

Grayson’s huge hand automatically clamped onto the back of my head and pressed my face down into his neck, blocking my view of the world flashing past us as he continued to run

I could feel the vibrations of his purrs starting against my chest, although I couldn’t hear them due to the wind in my ears. He shushed me soothingly, one of his hands petting up and down my spine, trying to calm mc. 

Mere seconds later, we were standing in front of a door. A hotel door. My breathing was ragged, still shocked by what had just happened. 

“Did I scare you? I didn’t mean to, I promise,” Grayson said, gently brushing my messy wind–blown hair from my face. 

I looked up at him. “Maybe a little,” I admitted softly, still breathing heavily. “New vampire powers?” 

He nodded. “I’m sorry. I couldn’t wait any longer to make sure you were taken care of.” He pulled out a key card from his pocket, then let us in. 

“When did you get a hotel room?” I asked him as he carried me inside. 

“Three days ago. When I found you.” 

It was a nice room, reminding me of the one we had stayed in while in Paris, only not nearly as large

It didn’t have a kitchen or multiple floors, but it did have a living room with a large dining table and 

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two rooms connected to it. 

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Grayson brought me over to the table and set me down. He kept his body between my spread legs so he was pressed up firmly against me. My cheeks heated at the intimate position. 

“Come here,Grayson said, tucking his hand under my chin and leading my lips to his. I sighed in pleasure. 

He kissed me thoroughly and passionately, successfully taking my breath away and making my entire body tingle. 

“God, I’ve missed you 

minutes later. 

I’ve missed you so fucking much,” he spoke when he finally pulled away 

I’m never letting you out of my sight ever again. It would take the Moon Goddess herself to ever take me away from you. Even then, I would fight like hell.” 

I smiled up at him, feeling at peace for the first time in an for the first time in an 

tremely long time. “I’m okay with that.” 

I hadn’t even realized I was crying until Grayson frowned and wiped one of my stray tears with his thumb. 

“Why are you crying?” He leaned his forehead down against mine. “I can’t stand seeing you cry. I can’t stand that it’s me who keeps making you cry.” 

I shook my head. “I’m just happy. They’re happy tears.” 

His nostrils flared slightly. “I still don’t like it. I’m going to fix everything. I promise. You’ll never have to cry ever again.” 

And he kissed me again. 

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