His Lethal Love

Chapter 22


Camille POV.

Over a month had passed since my mother died, but I still felt as if she was with me. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't erase her memories. She taught me how to deal with life's challenges. She believed that life would be boring without difficulties. Maybe that's why her life was filled with hardships and problems.

From the day I insulted Samuel among the students, Scott stopped talking to me. Despite my desire to tell him the truth and reveal the true face of his innocent brother, I could not do so. This is because he would never trust me. There was nothing I could do to defeat Samuel. I would have to gather information before confronting Scott.

"Are you okay?" Rika asked as I covered my mouth with a hand when a wave of nausea swept over me.

"I don't know, I've been feeling tired for weeks," I replied and looked at Mrs. Micah, who was teaching us algebra.

"I guess you need some rest," Rika said, her eyes flickering with concern.

"I cannot since I want to score high and prove my father my capabilities. He'll send me to Canada for further study, as he wants me to manage his business in a couple of years." "America has plenty of colleges. Why the heck is your father sending you overseas?"

"He doesn't want me there where my mother died. He thinks this will negatively affect my studies."

"Well, he needs you, but still..." Rika put her hand on my shoulder and smiled. "Unfortunately, I will have to attend a local college since I cannot enroll in the same university as you." "You'll be coming with me too," I said, and her eyes widened in surprise. "I will ask my father to pay for your college expenses."

"Are you sure, Cami? Do you think you'll do this? For heaven's sake, I am not a beggar."

"No, you are not." I smiled. "You just need help. Once you get a decent job, I'll take back all my money."

"Dude, you don't have a clue what you are talking about. No way, I'm leaving. I'll stay at home with my family, work a part-time job and take care of all my expenses."

"What are you two talking about?" Mrs. Micah shouted as she narrowed her eyes at us.

Rika exchanged a glance with me before she spoke out loud, "I wonder if we can have sex in a swimming pool."

And the entire class erupted into violent laughter as Mrs. Micah was fueled with anger.


"Ugh!" I barged into the bathroom and threw up violently again. I felt sick for a week and didn't know what was wrong with me. I thought about seeing a doctor, but I disliked hospitals and medicine. "Is everything alright here, Cami?" Natalie asked as she stepped into the bathroom. "You look pretty worn out."

"I think I've got food poisoning." I gasped.

"You need to see a doctor immediately."

I shook my head while I gargled with water and washed my face. "I don't want to go to the hospital."

"If you don't go, you might have a serious problem, Cami."

"I'm fucking fine!" I spat before storming out of the bathroom and slumping onto the couch.

"Okay, whatever you say." Natalie rolled her eyes and walked away in annoyance.

Leaning against the couch, I rubbed my temples as I sensed a faint ache in my head. I felt like I had jogged since morning despite not doing anything other than reading business books. I was feeling extremely tired. I was nauseated and dizzy, and my whole body was aching.

When I headed to the kitchen to get a glass of water after spending hours reading, I stumbled due to blurred vision. I almost hit my head on the counter, but fingers wrapped around my forearm and saved me from an ugly wound. "Thank you," I murmured and turned my head to see my savior. As soon as I saw Scott's face, my heart skipped a beat. "Scott, why are you here at such a late hour?"

Ignoring my question, he dragged me to the nearest couch and sat me down before bringing a glass of cold water. He took a place a good few inches away from me, staring at me with a blank expression. For a moment I thought he was worried about me but all I could see was his void eyes.

"Are you still angry with me?" I asked after a long silence between us.

He let out an exasperated sigh. "I'm confused, Cam." I felt relieved when he called me by my pet name. That meant he was not angry. "You always confuse me. Whenever I tried to understand you, you messed things up. Everything was running smoothly between us then you..." he punched the table, causing it to lurch forward. "Damn it! I like those days."

My heart thumped. I said nothing as I waited for him to say more.

"You should not have hurt my brother. As much as I like you..." he pursed his lips to stop himself from speaking further. After a few moments. "Look Camille, I love my brother so much that I'll lay my life on the line if he asks me once. I can't see him depressed. He has been drinking alcohol like fucking water for a month, and it scared the shit out of me. He almost killed himself if I hadn't been there..." I frowned as he continued. "His car crashed into a tree yesterday, but I made it on time." he sighed in despair. "All this is happening because of you. He's madly in love with you."

"So you're here for your brother?" I said bluntly.

"Yes." He sighed. "I thought you loved him, too."

My anger flared up as I looked away in irritation. "You may leave," I said roughly before getting up and heading upstairs.

Suddenly, nausea crept from my abdomen to my head, and the world turned black.

I peeled open my eyes and stared at the ceiling above me. My nose crinkled when the smell of disinfectant and medicines hit my nose.

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"What the hell is going on?" I exclaimed when I noticed my surroundings.

I was in the hospital.

"How the hell I..." I groaned and climbed off the bed.

"You're not going anywhere." A command buzzed from the other side of the room as I snapped my head to my left, finding Scott sitting on the couch and reading documents. "What am I doing here?" I asked.

"I brought you here." He said calmly, without taking his eyes off the papers.

"But why?"

"Because you fainted."

"I could be treated at home." I snarled.

Finally, he looked up at me and sadness flickered in his eyes. "You're pregnant."

And suddenly everything around me froze as his voice processed in my head. One second passed, then two, then three, and then realization hit me like a sharp slap on my face.

"What!" I panicked. "It can't be..." I covered my mouth as tears gathered in my eyes.

He gripped papers in his hand as he walked towards me. There was a strange glow in his eyes as if he was very disappointed with me. Scott stood next to my bed, staring at me. His breath was ragged as his muscles tensed. "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" I growled before jumping off the bed, rushing out of the room.


"Leave me!" I shouted when he gripped my arm. "Let me go!" I cried out while hitting him hard. "I don't want to get pregnant. This baby is not something I want. I don't want to be a mother. I'm not ready. It'll spoil my life." Scott said nothing as he wrapped his arms around me while keeping me at my place and trying to calm my panic. "Close your eyes," he whispered while soothing my back. "And take deep breaths."

"It won't help me."

"Yes, it will..." he said. "I'm counting your breath, now breath." I closed my eyes and inhaled a long breath before exhaling it sharply. First, my breathing was a bit shaky, but afterward, I felt a little calmer. "How are you feeling?" This breathing exercise did not work, but Scott's hug did.

"Better..." I mumbled and pulled myself back before meeting his gaze. He looked so angelic. A small smile spread across his lips as he wiped my tears tenderly.

"Cam..." He grabbed my face, looking into my eyes deeply. "I know whose child this is."

"I don't want..."

"Sh..." he didn't give me a chance to finish myself as he placed his finger on my lips. "Trust me, you'll regret doing this. Killing an innocent is evil."

"I'm evil."

"No, you're not."

"I hurt you."

"To please your mother..." my eyes widened. "You hurt me to please your mother, right?"

"I bullied you."

He sighed. "Well, it suits you."

"I don't want this baby..." I shook my head in agitation. "I want to get rid of it."

"Are you sure?" He asked.


"Take your time, Cam."

"What if Samuel doesn't want this baby?"

"What if I want this baby?" It surprised me when he said that. When I said nothing, he smiled. "This baby will be your sunshine if you keep him. According to your mother's age, she would be around sixteen or seventeen when she got pregnant with you. However, she kept it because she knew you would never judge her. You would love her for her, cherish her for her. She could mold you, nurture and love you. God had provided you to her when she needed you the most."

I placed my hand on my flat tummy as excitement rushed through me. "I'm well aware of what circumstances you have through, Cam."

"I want to keep this baby."

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