His Hybrid Pixie

Chapter Nine-Traitors and Sugar Rush

Rafe looks at Edward. Then, in turn, at Cassandra….He asks her “What do you have to say for yourself?” She says “Raphael, I don’t know why you are acting this way. We have been in a relationship for two years. I deserve better than this!”

He roared “ We have Never been in a relationship! You sucked my cock…one time! Once! Two years ago! And it was so bad I had to finish myself off! You weren’t even good enough to do that!” And Andrea laughed so hard she fell off his lap. He picked her up and sat her back down, shaking his head.

Cassandra sneered “ You think it’s funny I got to have your mate before you? You really are pathetic” and Andrea said “Oh Christie! I laughed because obviously you suck at blow jobs and not in a good way, apparently. As far as having my mate…well..we both know you never did. But I have. I spent last night fucking My Mate seven ways from Sunday and was privileged enough to have him again this morning. Haven’t tried a blowjob yet though… Baby, can we work on that later?” And Rafe choked on his own spit.

The guys couldn’t hold it in anymore and Jax sputtered out we have a classy Luna! Rafe leaned over and whispered in her ear..yes, we can, my love! Out loud he smiled and said “ Sooo fucking proud!”

Rafe looks at Edward and says “ who were you talking to about my warehouse?” Edward answers with nonsense about an insurance agent and looking into getting all the buildings on that side of town covered.

Jax said “I call bullshit! That isn’t even close to your job description“ Edward then speaks “I don’t know his name. He called and asked for information on the new tenant. I only told him what I was aware of.. I swear, Alpha” Rafe asked “and you didn’t see fit to inform me?”

He spun his laptop around and pushed play..growling watch this!! Rafe watched their faces get paler and paler. He knew they were panicking and mindlinking. So he waited.

Once the video stopped, he said “do you want to keep lying? Who are the men.. why are you meeting them?” Edward sighs.. and begins to speak “I don’t know their names. They set up the meeting in Sweetwater. The man in the hood never spoke. The other man, is an older man..my age, maybe? They wanted information about the tenant in the warehouse. Wanted some kind of schedule for her. They told us she was a runaway. That she was involved with several men and had caused quite a scandal. She had inadvertently caused the deaths of several people and their pack wants her back. We didn’t know she was your mate, Alpha.”

Rafe is growling low in his throat. Baron wants to take this man’s head off. “So you and your daughter are traitors? Is that what I am to take away from this?” Edward jumps up and says “ no..no…no… we did not betray the pack! She’s not pack! You don’t know her, Raphael.. she has killed men” Rafe looks at Damon and links I want him in the cells! Now!!

Damon leaves with Edward uselessly struggling against him..begging Rafe. Cassandra’s eyes are huge in her face. She is scared! Good! Rafe leans over her and roars in her face “ TELL ME ABOUT THE MAN IN THE HOOD!” And Cassandra cowers beginning to cry.. she sputters out “ I…I d-don’t know. He never said his name. He didn’t talk”

Rafe said “Is he your mate?” Cassandra doesn’t answer. He yells “Is. He. Your. Mate?” She nods and starts crying louder. Andrea mumbles stupid bitch! Has her own mate and wants to get her hooks into mine..who does that? Stupid bitches! That’s who. And all eyes turn to her. She looks up and says “What?” Rafe pinches the bridge of his nose and says nothing, moonbeam.

He looks at Gavin and says “take her to the cells. Keep her separated from her father and make sure they are fed. We will question them separately until we know everything they know. And Gavin snatches her arm to drag her away.

Andrea looks up and says “well thank Goddess that’s over. Can we go to town? I want to buy some plants. And I need to stop by the warehouse for my shampoo and crap.. oh I need to go by that cute little boutique and get some more panties. I am three pairs down since I got here. You should stop ripping them off me like you do. They don’t grow on trees, you know. I wonder..could they though? A panty tree? That would be such a big help. Then you could rip them off and I could go pluck another pair. How cool would that be?”

“Can we have dinner at Marcia’s. I always want to say ‘Marcia.. Marcia ..Marcia when I see her.. you know, like the Brady Bunch? Can we have Skippy and Gavin join us?? Oh.. and Sparky? Of course, Madilyn has to come! I really hope we can be friends. I never had friends before and now I do. And it feels so nice. Can I get a cheeseburger and fries with a side of onion rings? Oh.. and a chocolate milkshake? I love chocolate. Do you like chocolate? I will share mine with you. It’s okay. Come on now. Let’s go ask the others. It will be fun. You’ll see.” She skips out the door, leaving Rafe and Jax gaping at the open door to see she’s already disappeared from sight.

Jax said “ What in the actual Fuck was that?” Rafe chuckled and said “That! Was the result of seven cupcakes, I believe. I’m going to have to watch her sugar intake, I think. Sugar and Pixies. Not good. Make a note” and they both laugh as they chase after her.

Jax asked “ Why can she remember your name and Gavin’s.. hell.. she even gets Madilyn and Marcia right.” Rafe laughs and says “I have no idea. Her brain processes differently than ours”

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