His Hollow Heart (Fallen Kingdom Book 1)

His Hollow Heart: Chapter 8


“Come on!” I hold my phone up, trying to get a signal. I’ve gone to every corner of my room and still nothing. I even went as far as dangling over the balcony and almost falling to my death. There’s Wi-Fi in range, but it’s protected and Peter played dumb when I asked him for the password. I could bite the bullet and ask Cal, but I doubt that will do any good. Besides, I’m in the middle of my own pity party and plan to avoid him for the next six months—as if that’s possible.

It’s apparent I’m not here to work. Cal calls himself my boss because those are the terms used in the contract, but the only thing he wants to micromanage is my emotions. If I had to guess, he wants me to feel like complete shit for leaving him. He’s spent years dwelling on it and blames me for everything bad that has happened to him. Does he not realize that bad things happen to everyone? Even me?

The more I think about it, the more I believe Cal has been living in the darkness of his past for the last twelve years. Of course I feel bad for leaving like I did, but I was a kid. He’s behaving as if I was an adult who made an adult decision. It’s not fair.

Screw it. I’m getting that damn Wi-Fi password. With heavy steps, I cross the room and jerk the door open. I’m taken aback when I see Cal standing there. “Umm. Hi,” I say, walking backward as he walks in, “can I help you?”

He doesn’t respond, just looks around the room like it’s his first time ever stepping foot in here. “I have to take a trip to Naushon this evening. I’ll only be gone a couple hours. You’ll have dinner in your room.” He stops beside my bed and scoops up a pair of my clean panties. He holds them up as they dangle from his index finger, observes them, and drops them back down like they’re contaminated.

I take long steps to his side and tuck my panties under the blanket of the unmade bed, pressing my hands against the comforter. “Why are you leaving?”

His head lifts and he looks me in the eye momentarily. “I have business to tend to.” Glancing away, he takes in the rest of the room. “I’ll send Paulina, the housekeeper, in to tidy up your room, but I expect you to be a little neater. We’re not kids anymore, Bella.”

A low grumble climbs up my throat. “That’s a little hypocritical coming from someone who’s still holding on to the past of their childhood.” Tightening my upper lip, I step out the open doors onto the balcony. The grainy stone beneath me scrapes against my bare feet. My fingers wrap firmly around the stone banister as I look at the dark clouds rolling in. It’s such a dreary day as it is, and now I’ve got my former best friend harping on my cleanliness, or lack thereof. He knows I’ve always been a bit of a slob.

Cal comes up behind me and my breath hitches when his hands plant on either side of mine. His chin is practically resting on my shoulder. “Maybe it’s not the past I’m bitter about, maybe it’s the present. Or both, perhaps.”

His vocabulary has changed drastically. Like someone that just stepped out of a historical English novel. Cal never used words like ‘perhaps.’ He talked in slang such as ‘gonna’ or ‘wanna’ and now it’s ‘going to’ or ‘want to.’ Everything about him has changed. He’s gone from cold to ice. Angry with the world, to downright loathing it.

My eyes stay focused on the sky as if I’m speaking directly to the clouds. “You’re the one who brought me here. If you don’t like it, let me leave.”

“Is that what you want?” His breath tickles the back of my neck as he speaks.

I’m not even sure how to answer that, so I go with the truth. “I’m not going to pretend this reunion has been a happy one. I always hoped I’d see you again, Cal, but I never could have imagined you’d treat me this way.” I want to tell him how bad it hurts. Like a knife in the chest that twists and turns every time he talks down to me.

“You didn’t answer my question. Do you want to leave the island?” Placid fingers sweep my hair to the side. Eyes shut, head tilting, as Cal’s lips ghost the crease of my neck. Each breath sends chills riding down my body. My mind goes back to that foggy state it was in when I laid eyes on him less than twenty-four hours ago. Only this time, it’s because I won’t allow myself to think.

I’m not sure if I want to leave. Cal shouldn’t be making my body demand attention from years of neglect. The pulsating between my legs, the prick at my nipples. He certainly shouldn’t be the reason for my dampened panties and the cause of me having to clench my thighs. He just showed up out of nowhere. A missing piece in my life that is trying to find a place to fit while tossing other pieces to the side.

Pushing the sleeve of my shirt down, Cal exposes my shoulder. My eyes open quickly when his lips graze the skin. “Answer me,” he demands, in a no-nonsense tone.

“Yes. I want to leave,” I say on a clipped exhale.

Cal’s mouth leaves my shoulder and he pulls my shirt back up. “That’s a shame. But, unfortunately, you signed a contract, and I don’t barter with employees bound by their signed contracts.”

I snap around, facing his bemused smile. “I want a copy of that contract.”

Cal places his hands behind him. His shoulders drawn back. “Not a problem. I’ll have Byron bring a copy tonight.”

With slumped shoulders, I ask one of the many questions gnawing at me. “Am I really here to work, Cal?”

“Yes. I will take your opinions on the design of the rooms on floors two through five. I may use your ideas; I may ignore them.”

“And the pay that was agreed on in the contract?”

“You’ll be compensated, per the agreement.”

Biting the corner of my lip, I find myself lost in so many thoughts. “For six months?”

“For as long as it takes.” Cal grins at me as if he has a plan already set in stone. My insides shiver when I think of what that plan might entail—me, as his plaything.

“Do you really plan on opening this up as a resort, or do you just plan on making this my own personal prison?”

“Someday, there will be guests.” Grazing my cheek with the back of his hand, he licks his lips. “Make sure you eat your dinner tonight. The last thing I need to come home to is a hangry houseguest.”

“Employee,” I correct him. “I am not a houseguest.”

“Tomayto, tomahto.” His hand drops and he walks back inside my room.

“Cal, wait,” I holler as I snatch my phone off the bed. He stops in the doorway, presses his hand to the frame, and looks at me with impatient eyes. I scroll to my Wi-Fi settings and hold it up as I walk toward him. “I have no service, but there’s a signal in range. Could I have the password?”

His hand grips the door handle firmly. “No,” he deadpans before slamming the door shut.

“Please,” I shout, grabbing the handle and ripping the door back open.

I step into the hall where he’s already halfway down. Jogging after him, I catch up and walk in step with him. “Please, Cal. I have a family. People who will worry about me if I don’t stay in touch.”

“Must be nice,” he quips, continuing on his way.

Grabbing him by the bicep, I try to stop him, but he just keeps going, causing me to stumble over my own two feet. I hit the hard floor on my knees and begin sobbing where I sit. “Why are you doing this?” I scream so loudly that my words bounce off the cement walls. A lantern flickers beside me, then slowly fizzles out. “My fiancé knows where I’m at. He’s planning to come here to visit at some point.” My face drops into my hands and the tears keep falling.

It’s partially true. I did tell Trent he could come for a visit. I was under the assumption I’d be staying in the hotel where I’d be working.

I’m completely caught off guard when Cal grabs me by the wrist and jerks me up. My wobbly legs give out as I fall into his arms. Fingers grip my chin relentlessly as he gets right in my face. “Then I’ll fuck you and make him listen while you scream my name.”

“Why are you doing this to me?” I whimper through heavy breaths.

“Because I lost you once and I will not lose you again.”

“You can’t seriously think you can just keep me here.”

“You’d be surprised at what I can do.” His eyes dance across my lips as my heart beats rapidly in my chest.

Even as he spews his threatening and hateful words at me, my traitorous body reacts. I blame fear for my life. Desperation to flee this place and never return. At this moment, I think I’d do just about anything to escape—even if it means giving all of myself to him.

When his eyes slide back up, I shake the thoughts away. Bile rising in my throat for even thinking that way. One more second in his close proximity and I just might vomit all over his shiny black shoes.

My chin is released, but we’re still standing only inches apart. “When did you say yes?” Cal asks, his angry tone shifting to a more curious note.

“Say yes?”

“You referred to him as your fiancé. When did you accept his proposal?”

“Right before I left,” I lie. I didn’t say yes, but Cal doesn’t know that. Maybe if he knows I’m spoken for, he’ll drop this ridiculous idea of keeping me here as his prisoner.

Rigid cords tense along Cal’s neck as he gnashes his teeth. “Why?” His voice rises to a near shout. “Why the fuck would you do that?” Shivers cascade down my body as he grabs me by both shoulders. “You’re a damn fool, Bella.”

Scowling back at him, I refuse to cower. “I’ve done perfectly fine living my life the way I see fit for the past twelve years.” I attempt to walk around him, but his hold only strengthens. “I think I can make my own choices.”

“Of all the guys,” he tsks. “And you had to choose the one I hate the most in this world.”

My eyes widen in surprise. He knows. I don’t say anything else because whatever I do say will only make things worse. No part of me wants to hurt Cal, even if he is out for my blood as his revenge.

Cal turns around and looks down the hall, giving me his back. “I guess I should have seen it coming. You were always into shiny, pretty things. It’s no surprise you’d marry into the uptight Beckham family.”

“We were just kids then. Trent has changed. He’s very smart and kind. He—”

“Shut up!” Cal spins back around, slapping a hand over my mouth, forbidding me to speak. “He’s scum. A piece of shit on the bottom of my shoe.”

Cal’s fingers dig into the side of my cheek as he walks me back up against the wall. My head rests between two lit lanterns, the only source of light in this dim hall. Sliding his hand down my waist, chasing the shudders, he keeps going until he’s reaching low with his hand on my inner thigh. I tremble as his hand drifts up, cupping my crotch through the thin fabric of my leggings. Angry eyes stare back at me. Dark, empty eyes that bore into mine and chase away any logic.

Our noses brush as his fingers grate at my entrance through my pants. “Does Trent make your legs shake the way I do?”

“You’re disgusting,” I growl, turning my head to avoid looking at his fixed glare.

With one hand pressed firmly to the wall on the side of my head and the other groping me, Cal draws in a deep breath of the air between us. “Tell me, Bella, do you enjoy being fucked by the guy who tore us apart?”

My eyes bolt to him. “What are you talking about?”

“Oh, he never told you? What about that brother of yours? Did he ever once mention their seditious act all those years ago?”

“You’re lying,” I spit out. “You just want me to hate everyone but you. Well, guess what, Cal?” I enunciate his name with a smirk on my lips. “I love them and I hate you.” The words just drip from my mouth, out of both anger and fear. The truth is, I’m not sure I could ever hate Cal. There’s a reason he is the way he is. We’ve both had to work extra hard to find our place in this world and something tells me, Cal had to do overtime.

Cal moves his hand, and when I think this game of cat and mouse is done, he slides it down the waistband of my leggings. The muscles in my stomach clench and I take in a shaky breath. His dark eyes glisten with mischief. “Love. Hate. Is there really a difference?” His fingers slide up and down my sex, rubbing at my entrance, for just a second, before he removes his hand from my pants. “You say you hate me, but I think you’re loving this just as much as I am.” His fingers shove into my mouth, causing me to gasp. I squirm, trying to get away, but I’m forced to taste myself on him.

Finally, Cal backs up, freeing me from his clutches, so I use this opportunity to get as far away from him as possible.

Walking hurriedly down the hall, I go back to my room and slam the door shut. There are no locks, and I’m certain that was no accident.

Eyeballing my phone, I think hard. I have to find a way off this island.

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