His Fated Mate: A Werewolf Romance

Chapter 36: Epilogue


As I woke up, I watched the snow falling outside through the open blinds, mesmerized by the massive flakes that continued to drift down. Day after day, the storm continued its rampage, refusing to show any signs of abating. With a gentle touch, Fiona’s warm hand caressed my back, prompting me to roll over and meet her gaze.

She gave me a sleepy smile, her eyes half-closed and her lips curled upwards. “Is it still snowing?”

“Yes. It’s coming down pretty hard, lass.” I kissed her nose. “Are you hungry, Luna O’Connell? The sound of those words mixed with the grin on her blushing face sent a surge of warmth through my chest.

“I’m famished, Alpha O’Connell, but not for food…” Fiona winked, wrapping her arms around my neck.

I savored the feeling of her body against mine as my hands found their way to her firm, rounded buttocks. Her lips, delicate and pink, met mine in a kiss that exuded ardent enthusiasm, leaving me longing for more. The touch was electric, sending a shiver down my spine. Her faint scent of a delicate blend of jasmine and earth filled the air, intoxicating my senses. At that moment, time seemed to stand still as the world faded away, and all that existed was the warmth of her body against mine. It was a feeling I had never experienced before, a surreal combination of a dream and reality merging into one. Every inch of my being felt complete and content, as if I had found the missing piece of my soul in her embrace.

Her chest brushed against mine and I grabbed her hips, flipping her over and settling myself above her. As I pushed Fiona into the sheets, she wrapped her legs around my hips, pressing her apex against me.

I let out a low, guttural groan as she peppered kisses on my neck, the sensation sending shivers down my spine. With a swift motion, I pulled her hands above her head, her wrists taut against the headboard. My mouth trailed from her face down her chest, finding one of her nipples, the taste of her skin lingering on my tongue. As she threw her head back, a melodic moan slipped from her lips, filling the room with a symphony of bliss. Her urgency intensified as she thrust against me, her body craving more.

In response, I delved my tongue into her mouth, the mingling taste of our desire igniting a fiery passion within me. The rhythm of our movements quickened, the sound of our bodies colliding saturating my soul with passion. Fiona’s teeth caught my lower lip, her vivid gaze locking onto mine, radiating a fierce, seductive demand. I knew what she craved, and I was more than eager to fulfill her needs.

After her prolonged orgasm, I surrendered to the overwhelming ecstasy. I relished in the waves of euphoria, taking over as our gasps for air intertwined. As I collapsed beside Fiona and held her tight, I couldn’t bring myself to let go, haunted by the fear of almost losing her.

“Are you still hungry?” I wagged my brows, toying with her hair, and wiped the sweat from her brow before nuzzling my nose against hers.

She made a purring sound and buried her face in my chest. “I’m sated, but need coffee.”

A deep, hearty chuckle bubbled up from within me. “Well, get dressed and let’s go downstairs, lass.” I hopped from the bed and smacked her curved backside, making her giggle.

As we stepped into the dining room, holding hands, I couldn’t help but notice the blush staining her cheeks, and a grin lingered on my face from our lovemaking.

“I made coffee?” my brother said, spotting us.

“You are a saint!” Fiona mumbled as she headed straight for the coffeepot. I watched as Rian strode toward Tiana and Kat, seated next to each other at the dining room table.

“I bet this awful blizzard is my mother’s doing,” Kat said, pursing her lips in a frown.

“Can she cause a storm like this?” Rian asked, glancing at Tiana, who knew Queen Celestria better than any of us.

The blizzard was wreaking havoc not only in Dublin but also across the UK. The massive storm had left the streets deserted and devoid of life, with a heavy sense of uncertainty hanging in the air.

Tiana nodded. “Queen Celestria possesses a wide range of abilities. The intensity of her power increases when she’s agitated, angry, or upset. Take Fiona, for example… her powers derive from fire.” Tiana stared at Fiona, drawing everyone’s attention.

The Princess of Shadows seemed to think about her following words, taking a sip of coffee first. “The fae draw their powers from the elements: light, fire, darkness, shadows, the sun, moon, and so on…”

“So do witches,” replied Rian with a grimace.

My brother had never cared much for witches, their presence stirring up memories of our bitter, long-standing feud. Other than fairies, witches were among the things Rian detested the most.

In a peculiar turn of events, the ethereal presence of fairies and the mystical aura of witches emerged as our unexpected saviors. We stood in awe as Fiona, a hybrid, displayed her incredible power with an unmatched dominance that left us astounded.

“Ancient legends credit fairies as the original owners of all magic, and the ones who granted mythical gifts to other races.” Tiana’s voice held a note of pride as she grinned at us.

“That’s what the fae think,” I whispered, sitting down next to Rian. He nodded and rolled his eyes.

Tiana pretended not to hear me. “Like the witches, we draw our powers from nature. From there, they derive into multiple gifts that depend entirely on the person. However, with royalty, like the three of us…” Tiana gestured to herself, Kat, and Fiona. “Our power is pure. I am shadows. Fiona is fire, and Kat is light.”

Fiona and Kat sat in silence, their eyes locked onto Tiana as her words filled the air. Her soft voice captivated them, drawing them closer with each word. The revelation of their hidden powers ignited a spark of wonder, leaving us eager to know more. Yet Tiana’s soothing presence eased our racing thoughts, granting a moment of tranquility amidst the storm of curiosity.

“Magical powers can take years to develop and learn. The primary focus is to grasp that, like the spirit of a wolf, your abilities are brimming with life. They possess a semblance of awareness, if you will.”

I nodded, sipping my coffee. All members of the pack understood that personal and wolf identities were often distinct from one another. Werewolves were instinctual creatures who acted based on emotions. The clashes between people and their wolf counterparts were often due to their different ways of understanding the world.

Upon the arrival of a fresh pack member, those oblivious to the legends and tales, the sheer shock overwhelmed them. It was infuriating to have a strong consciousness take over their own. The sights, sounds, smells, and feelings intensified this experience, making it even more overwhelming.

I wondered if perhaps Fiona and Kat felt like this regarding their powers. Similar to us, they would encounter the challenge of unraveling the dormant awareness that lived within them.

I recalled when Fiona faced off with Celestria, her skin flared into flames; her orange eyes and the sparks that drifted from her fingers. And when she placed her lighted hands on my brother’s chest, bringing color back into his face.

Fiona glanced at her cup and cleared her throat. “I’m worried about my mother…” I recognized the fear in her eyes, sensing it throughout my being. “She fought against Queen Celestria, showing her unwavering devotion to our well-being.” Tears welled in her eyes. “Will the queen kill her for helping us?”

Tiana replied, “She might try… But you’re forgetting your mother is a powerful fairy… the real queen. All three of us come from a bloodline with a long-standing reputation for immense power within the Fae Realm.”

“So she’s safe from Celestria?” Fiona’s eager expression squeezed my heart.

“I don’t know.” Tiana shook her head. “You’ve seen what she is capable of when challenged.” Her expression, tinged with fear, reminded us of the confrontation between Celestria and Kat. “Celestria is not one to forgive insolence. While I doubt she’ll go as far as killing Amerlina, she’ll definitely ensure she faces the repercussions for aiding our escape.”

A week ago, mutilated corpses filled this place, and injured individuals occupied every nook and cranny while others tried to provide aid. Many of them perished. The wounds and transformations were so severe for some that death would have been a merciful release. The battle erupted as a direct consequence of Celestria’s seething fury toward our defiance and refusal to hand over Kat.

The survivors wasted no time in leaving once news of the incident reached the ears of the leaders of the different races. Tiana lowered the defenses of her home, feeling the weight of responsibility, and guided the wounded and rescued through the icy, snowy roads.

The Creatures of Primordial revealed themselves little by little, shedding tears of joy or sorrow. Regardless, they were grateful to know the hunters did not imprison their loved ones anymore.

After what felt like an eternity, the world fell into a hushed stillness. Tiana defended her home, even though the plants died and snow covered her enchanting cottage that used to have flowers and fruit trees. Tiana’s perpetual springtime haven was now bleak and compromised.

She looked exhausted when she arrived back here. Dark circles showed under her eyes and her lips appeared dry. The rest of us didn’t look any better, but with the growing worry about the present situation, we had no choice but to take drastic measures.

With war declared, the tension in the air was palpable, our hearts pounding with anticipation, and our weapons at the ready.

The End

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